East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 28, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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News Notes of Pendleton j
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May (County achool Orato-
rlcal and Declamatory Content,
at high achool auditorium,
May 7 County achool track
and field meet at Round-Up
May ll, 12, 1J State Parent
Teacher Association convention.
May 11, June 1 and 2 State
convention ot Oregon Federation
ot Women'! clubi.
June 14, IS, 16 Stat con-
ventlon of the a. A. It.
September 22, 23, 24 Annual
PendiatM Round-Up.
HldM to lie OiM'iird
lllcU for 13.2 mile of grading and
broken atone surfacing on the I'liia-tilln-Cold
Pprlngs highway, Cold
Rprlng Holdmun section, will be open
ed ut a meeting of the State Highway
Commission to be held In Portland
May 26 and 27. The commission will
open lilda for the Improvement and
construction of roads In tho state at
an ot limited c8t of 1600,000' and
'bridged Involving aggregate expendi
tures of $270,000.
Club Will Aid
The Itotary Club will support the
Cummorclal Association and other or
ganisations In the effort to open up 12
or 14 miles of the Meacham roud be
tween Deadinan's Hill and Knmela to
traffic, occordlng to a decision mude
at yesterday's wceKly ,. luncheon.
Ueorge Hnrtmun, mayor of the city,
and Hob (Simpson, spoke at the lunch
eon und' urged that the stretch of road,
now ulmoHt Impassable "becauso of
mud, be opened. ' The luncheon wa
held, an UHiial, at the Klks' club.
Hokklcs Aro Coming.
1'emlloton will bo the Mecca of I!a
ker ferae of tho Knights of Khuras
nan Wednesday. May 4, when a big
ceremonial will be put on by the Lo
Urundo team.
Ilrlrigc Needs Ht'pairH
That something must be done with
in a abort time to add to the stability
of the old Matlock bridge wna the
i pinion put forward by members of
the city council last night. About a
yoar ago a bid was received from the
Warren Construction- . Company In
which the company offered to rein
force the present floor with a layer of
concrete for 11,000. Suggestions for
using bltullthlc matCrlul for repulrs
was considered lust night, but no ac
tion was taken. The weakness of the
bridge dates from the time It was us
ed by the construction company In
hauling material over It In big trucks,
council members said.
4, -101101101101101101101101101
can be produced in any locality.
YOU WILL FIND "101" MEATS to be of the
ery highest quality and they are bought from a
Pendelton, Oregon, wholetale meat concern who
In turn buy their stock from stock ranches and
farms adjacent to Pendleton.
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc.
301 East Court Street
rHON'ES "101"
Private Exchange Connects lioth Departments.
-loi ioi loi ioi ioi loi loi ioi loi y
81 arts New IIiinIiichm
W. O. Fisher, for 10 years in the
transfer business in Pendleton, ha
announced that he will open a new
and second-hand furniture business
within the next few days. His store
will occupy a, part of the Grltman
building on West Webb street. Mr.
Fisher left today for Portland where
he will purchase a part of his stock of
goods. The store will be ready for
business next week.
Use the Phones
Grocery, Two Phones
1 ,523
Other Depts.
78 and 79
Use thie Phones
Grocery, Two Phones
Other Depts.
78 and 79
To Improve Xutalorliiiu
The city nutatorlum will receive a
coat of paint, two new spring boards
Will ba Installed and a high dive added
to the present equipment as a result
of action taken by the city council last
night when a report was submitted by
Councilman Ljiwrewe who heads the
nutatorlum committee. The work will
bo started soon In order to get the
place In tip-top condition for the open
ing of the season. Funds sufficient to
defray the expenses of the work are
on hand, It Is thought. The council
also took action favoring the repaint
ing of present traffic lines on the
Officials To Visit,
W. O. Hhallenbergcr, Jtlght Kml-
nent grand commander of (he Grand
Commandery, Eminent Sir Milton L.
Meyers,' grand captain, general in
spector, Frank S. llaillle, past grand
commander and Kmlnent Kir George
Cochran, Sr., standard bearer, all of
ficials of the" Knights Templar, will be
In Pendleton this evening to pay their
official visit to Pendleton Command
ery. Pendleton has three candidates.
Max Hopper, James Howler and J. W.
Karlc, for the Templat degree. The
visitors will be honor guests at a ban
quet to be given tonight at 11 o'clock
in the Masonic hall.
S Here are many things that appeal in the wonderful values at the prices asked. There are special displays in the store
anj with these suggestions they will prompt you lor your spring sewing.
Charged With iar Tlicft
A complaint charging larceny has
been filed In the court of Justice Joe
M. Parkcs In which Jack Clark, for
merly of Milton, Is the defendant. It
is charged that Clark recently disap
peared from Milton and the same
time a Maxwell car was missed, the
supposition Is that he drove overland
to his old home in Canada. The com
plaining witness is W. T. Dlckcrson.
Clark had agreed to buy the car from
Dlckcrson, it is said, the purchase
price being set at I2U0 when some re
pair work was completed. The license
plate of a Nash car was placed on the
Maxwell. Xo trace of the man has
bean secured.
No, this is not a prize fight.
Just a reminder that you yet have TIME to take ad
vantage of the wonderful opportunity offered by the
Where you can buy at reduced prices anything from the
well selected stock of
Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Clocks,
Silverware, Etc.
The best is none too good. Gifts that last. Say it with
jewelry. Come in and talk it over with
Street Festival Would Come
A representative of a street festival
company now showing In Portland
was before the city council last night,
accompanied by A. W. Ijundell, direc
tor of the local band, seeking permis
sion from the municipal body to put
on a carnival hero during the first
eek In June. It would be given un
der the auspices of the band, accord
ing to arrangements made by the
musicians and the.' representative of
the company, subject to permission
from the council. The matter was re
ferred to the police committee for a
report at the next meeting. Sentiment
of the council In remarks made last
night indicated that the Idea does not
appeal to them.
. 20c
. 10c
. 10c
With each Universal Range purchased during Fac
tory Demonstration, this week, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday, Porcelain Top Table shown below.
J Jj Genuine Porcelain J j- Jp
2 St? v Top Kitchen Table 11 E
' tZl j-40!M5 inches- J fc
p Ppiwr th Patented M'i m E
JP Jjgi i tied. Gray Edqc-Sani 4
It?! wi
MS UMversal Stoves & Furnaces
Mrs. Van Dcuscii to Attend.
Sirs. Edith O. Vun Pcuscn. home
demonstration agent, will bo In Cor
vallis during farmers' week, June 13
18, to hear Miss Florence E. Ward, a
representative of the federal govern
ment, who will s(ve a series of ad
dresses. She Is In charge of more
than 250 county home demonstration
agents and more than 60 home eco
nomics specials In the 83 northern and
western states. That the working day
of a farm woman Is 11.3 hours the
year around, Is brought out In a sur
vey made by Miss Ward In tho states
under her supervision. In summer,
she has found that tho farm woman
works .1.2. 1.2. hours, a.. day,. and 87 out
of every 100 women- have no regular
vacation during the entire year.
Score- Is T to 8
By n. score of 8 to 7. tho team cap
tained by Uaphrael Haymond won
from the team captained by Laverne
Pearson in the Hoy Scout gamo yes
terduv afternoon at Hound-Up park.
The teams were made up of boys
from Scout Troop 1, and star players
from this troop will play a picked
team from Troop 2 Friday 25 boy
Scouts will hike to Tutullla mission,
a distance of six miles, and will spend
the night there, returning after break
fast in the morning. Through the
courtesy of the Pendleton Auto Co.
ichd the Oregon Motor Garage, the
blankets and other equipment will be
taken to the mission in a machine,
and will be brought-huck in the morn
ing so that tho boys can hike unett-cumlered.
Spool Cotton, 150 yds. ...... 5c
Silk Thread 10c
Colored Cotton 5c
D. Cotton 5c
D. Cotton 8c
Hooks and Eyes 5c
Hooks and Eyes 10c
Snaps .
Rick Rack . .
Bias Tape ...
Rick Rack . . .
Pins . .......
Needles .
Hook and Eye Tape 25c
Snap Tape 25c
Leaded Tape 20c
Tape Line 10c
Dye Soap 10c
Belting 10c
Perfectior.ette Hair Net ... 12c
Quaker Maid Hair Nets 12c
Martha Washington H. Nets 10c
Big Lot Laces 5c Yd.
A splendid assortment of high
grade laces for many purposes
during spring sewing week, the
yard . ... 5c
TVeed Suiting
54 inches wide for skirts, the
yard . $2.50
40 iii. Crepe de Chine
Comes in wide range of colors.
Apron Ginghams 18c
Black, blue and brown check.
Best quality.
Broad Cloth
For sport coats, suits and the
like, offered in a wide range of
colors $2.50 to $4.00
12 Yds. Good Muslin $1.00
This is 36 in. wide, of good
quality bleached muslin.
Taf fetex 65c
A silk something like A. B, C
silk, for underwear, etc.
White Organdie
For graduation -dresses, the
yard : 85c to $1.50
PURCHASES made bal
ance this month go on May
account payable June 1st.
French Serge $2.50 and
$3.00 Yd.
52 and 54 in. wide of fine
French serge for dresses that
can be pleated as the styles now
are. Back to old time values and
Lace Curtains $1.00 Pair
Worth more, but we only asic
pair $1.00
Cretonnes 50c Yd.
Big line patterns and color
ings. Dress up the house now
with new curtains.
Long Cloth 25c to 50c
Nainsook 25c to 63c
Lyk Linen 40c, 65c
Colored Voiles 50c to 95c
Colored Flaxon 23c
White Poplin 50c, 65c
Wash Skirting 50c to $1.50
Colored Sateen 50c
Cotton Flannel 15c Yd.
15c YD.
Outing Flannel 20c Yd.
White and colors.
Indian Head
36 and 54 inches wide, the
yard 25c and 50c
Percales 25c
Good heavy weight, neat pat
terns, light and dark.
Dress Ginghams 25c
Plain colors, plaids and stripes.
Very best quality.
It Cost $10
Charles Bennett Jr., nn Indian, was
fined $10 this morning when he got
Into the tolls on account of an over
capacity load of "moonshine" and oth
er similar concoctions.
i No cigarette has
the same delicious
flavor as Lucky
Strike. Because
Lucky Strike Is the
toasted cigarette.
Ask liulldiiifr Permit
Gritman Bros, have applied to the
city recorder for a oullding permit
covering alterations and changes on
their brick building on West Webb
street. The estimated cost of the work
is given at $250.
QUALITY PRINTING at Reasonable Prices
East Oregonian Printing Department.
Special Services Tonlitht
There will bo special services at the
Salvation Army hall 208 East Alta
street, tonight. A quartet and a trio
will give numbers and there will be
solos also. Captain Jennie Conrad will
speak on "The Tower of God."
She's Virginia Mario 1 '
A seven and ohe-nalf pound daugh
ter was born this morning to Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Chatin at their home, 315
W. Alta. The little liuly has received
the name of Virginia Marie. ltoth
mother and daughter aro getting along
nicely. -
Rvtcnd liiinchcon Invitation
fTho Hermlston Commercial Club
has sent nn invitation to Pendleton to
the officers of the Commercial Asso
ciation to le present at the weekly
luncheon to be held May's. The invi
tation will be accepted. President J.
H. Sturgls said toi'.uy.
Incinerator Site
That the city might effect a saving ,
by using the old pump station building j
to house an Incinerator was a Sugges-
tion put forth by F. H. Hayes, city sur
veyor, last night when a discussion was
being held about the proposed im-1
provement. The use of the building ,
would be a departure from the tenta- 1
five plans, but a saving of about S.000 I
could be effected, and large cities are
installing incinerators near a central
location In order to decrease hauling '
expenses. The council decided to ap- i
ply a coat of hright red paint to the '
old Studeba'ker fire truck. j
First Church of Chi ist, Scientist
of Pendleton, Oregon
A Free Lectore
on Christian Science
Dr. John M. Tutt, C. S. B.
of Kansas City, Mo.
Member of The Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First
Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts
Friday, April 29, 8 p. m.
The Public is Cordially Invited to Attend