0 -"MklMx : S KEEP ABREAST OF DOINGS IN THE WORLD OF SPORT DAILY IN ARTICLES BY STAFF WRITERS AND TWO NEWS SERVICES ON THIS PACE TWELVE PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO .12 , TWELVE PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 12 I DAILY EAST OEEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 23, 1921. I I i 4M SEMKWEEKLY V VS 2 mf.-. . ...:tt-.--:"t- 1m-m ri.i, fcif - - - IfcfT'iL, .. r5kn Jit Mitoi HiwmiMiii l i mi t n r mi mnm jam- wimh.ui 2 SggK; HELIX COMES HERE FOR gamea thin Hoaaon, and the airgreKatlon will arrive In Pendleton tuned up for the conflict. The probable lineup for the viHltom Ih: H. Lleuallen, c: I'icrce, (iartlez, Hanxcn, p; Kendall, k; Ron. eilMcm, rfj Cutler, M; and Tate, If. Tracy Haker will umpire the came. Visitor Have Played Several Contests so Far This Year And Are in Good Fettle. The brand new Wheat Holt league will get Into the recordH for the flrnt time tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 at Hound-Up park when Helix cornea to Pendleton to meaiiure mettle with the llucka. The Pendleton ftgfireiratlon Ih not In very nood fettle for the fray due to a j lack or practice during the week. More I Milfta are expected to be fade In the lineup to accommodate the Infield change on account of the return oi Hanley to the game. He ha been on the bench for a fortnight following an Injury to his back auatalned In the flint game agalnut the Mooae Jaws. Hanlev will probably plnv third, and Olson will be ihlfted to the outfield, 'lordon probably will be neon at. the keyetnne bag again tomorrow. Bid Williams J expected to do the pitch ing for the Ruck with Duff, Kuck and Warmuth In reeerve. Wellx hn played wveral practice NEW YORK, April 23. (A. P.) The home run batting race between Habe Ruth of the Now York Ameri cana and CSeorge Kelly of the New York NntionulN remained at a dead heat yesterday whon each plnyer pounded out hia fourth circuit clout of the aeaaon. Elmer Hmllh of Cleveland and Emll Meuael of the rhlludelphla National are only a atep behind with three home rutin to their credit while Bob Meuael, Emll' brother, of the New York Am ericana has two. Several other play era aleo have made two, Kuth Ih far ahead of Inst year' schedule a he did not make hl fourth home run In 1920 until May 10. Kelly home run total for 1920 was II. Ruth made 64. a it i:i 'st I! Ail, ;amdi.i:rh SAN ERANCIHCO, . prll 23. (A. P. ) Two more arrcatn for betting on n hKpr.,,11 pnnie were made at the ball park yesterday. Police said the t'o . .c.i were making a $50 wager on the Oukland-IiH AnKelen game. it If There's Finer GROCERIES, VEGETABLES AND MEATS ON THE. MARKETS ANYWHERE WE WILL GET THEM FOR YOU At all times we give you the freshest and best we meet the daily changing market prices by careful buying. ,Thia difference we give you. It will, pay you to investigate our free sales day offer. Pendleton Trading Co. Phone 455 At the Sign or a Scrrlc "If It's on the Market We Have It" 1 1 PIPE'S PEAK SEPT. 1 CQUHtAUO KPRINOfl, Colo., April! 23. (IT. P.) The automobile rw e on I'lke'a F'eak for prizes astsjreBatlnx ; 14 1110 .ulll I.a tinM Hunt i.tnhvr f. thiw! year, It him been ofTle'ally announceil. Included in the prize Ih the 12.000 Penrone cup, donated by Kpenrer 1'cn- rofe. Colorado Millionaire. The cup Ih of silver and gold and Ih 4 3 inches hlnh. C'MHh prizes in uddltlnn total 12,100. The racca thin year will be over the same cotirne OH those of IttKt, from Crystal Creek luldge to the summit of the peak, about 12 miles. The events will be held under the rule of the American Automobile Association. Entries must be made not later than i August 8. 1 At the same time of the Pikes' Peak J races the Colorado Pports Carnival will j I. HtHBreri here. Rome of the events are airplane races to Denver, after the ships have circled Pikes peak, and it polo tournament. Crack teams from Chicago, Kansas City, Wichita Falls. Tex., and other cities will compete In the latter. SPORT GAS (l(Y THE STAI E) Up! 1 aW A taf7 MM morning and try going to Sunday School at least once more. If you don't l'ke It you won't have to try It again. We have a class that will suit you, and the teachers all come prepared to tell you something worth while. CHRISTIAN BIBLE SCHOOL North Main Street Helix and Pendleton. Notice how regularly they are pick ing up thoHe baseball gamblers over on the coast. lipgosh, we're goln' to keep our four bits in our Jeans. With fishing prospects poor for Sun day, there should be a good crowd out to the game in the aftcnoon. Or. Watson has called our attention to the condition of the palms of some of our friends' hands. Calloused places clear across the hand Indicating se vere labor. No, the friends haven't been raking the lawn, or spading the garden, or beating the rugs. The cause of those hard places on the epidermis Is the grand old game of golf Which Is a clear indication thnt self-sacrifice is still a virtue in this country of curs Winner takes 60; loser gets 40 Rucks, get a plenty We're for you! MAKIOS WOHM) ItECOUI) DAYTON, Fla., April 23. (A. P.) 1. P. Ooodspeed. driving a stock cai at Duytona Beach yesterday establish ed a new norio s one-mi'.e automobile record for cars of the stock chassis tvpo. Ooodspeed negotiated the dis tance In 34.26 seconds, or at a rate of 105.1 miles on hour. Tho record was formerly held by Ralph Mulford. I I ! THIS TIME LAST YEAR Foster. Red Pox, batted in three of the runs that beat Washington 4 to 2. Uppett, diversity of Georgia, pitched no-hit, no-run game against Cniversity of Pittsburgh. Ping llodie, Yanks and Vltt, Red Pox. reinstated. Reading, Internationals, scor ed reven runs In fourth Inning against Toronto but lost 8 to . Ituffalo scored four runs In ninth and beat Baltimore 5 to 4. Is He Worth It? Some FACTS About FORD THE I NIYERSAIi CAR Here are authentic rigures from the Ford fuctory at Detroit. They show you Just how ninny Ford cars and trucks have been built each month since January 1, 1921 and how many have been sold to retail customers, In the I'nited States. JANl'ARY FEHRI'AHY MARCH . Traduced S9.8S3 35,305 61,886 Delivered to Retail Customers 57.208 63.6113 87.221 Total Production 127,074 Total Retail Rales 208,032 showing that actual sales for the first three months of 1921 ex ceeded production by 80,968 Eord cars and trucks! April requisitions already specify 107,719 additional cars and trucks and the estimated April output of the factory and assem bly plants combined calls for only 90,000! These facts clearly show that the demand for Ford products is growing much fuster than manufacturing facilities to produce and were It not for the dealers' limited stocks, which are now being rapidly depleted, many more customers would have been compelled to wait for their cars. It will be only a matter of weeks, therefore, until a big surplus of orders will prevent any thing like prompt deliveries. If you would be sure of having your Ford car or truck when you want It, you should placo your order now. Don't delay, phone us or drop us a card. Simpson Auto Co. Phone 408 Water and Johnson Sts. ' The aerrites t Bd Itoush, blgliest . . . . I. . V.mmaI ' lain Fisyer m uir (with $1!W. "'h to the Cincinnati Kil. Knnas unrrjr tllerrmann. The higher (ignre Is wuiil I .Uousb is holding out lor - FISHING TIME Are you catching your share? By using the right thing you are bound to get them. Try my ENGLISH SNELL HOOK BARNETT'S ENGLISH FLY BLUE LAEEL LEADER Sol Baum Spotting Goods Store Look for the Fith Hotel Pendleton B!dg. Extr Good Values LADIES' WHITE FOOTWEAR Ladies' regular $7.50 white reignskin pumps, high or low heel Ladies' regular $7.50 white reignskin pumps, high or low heel $3.;0 to Ladies' regular $C50 white reignskin oxfords, low heel . Ladies' regular $1.50 white canvas oxfords, low heel Ladies' regular $G.50 white cross strap pumps, low heel Ladies' regular $4.95 white two strap pumps, low heel LADIES' WHITE SHOES Ladies' regular $10.00 white kid shoes.. Ladies' regular $8.50 white reignskin shoes.. Ladies' regular $6.50 white reignskin shoes. .. Ladies' white shoes, values to $8.50, now $3.83 $3.63 $2.93 $2.43 $2.95 $2.63 $6.50 $3.93 $2.93 $1.93 THE HUB 40 Cash Stores 743 Main St Perf ectSholdri and Anna liltlTISll women wix UXVDOX, April "3. (A. P.) Miss Alexa Stirling, champion of the Ameri can women golfers, today suffered dc Itat at the hands of two British cham pions Miss Janet Jackson, holder of the women's Irish title, and Miss Cecil Leltch, champion of England." Although the American player turn, ed in a card of 161 for the 36 holes, Miss Jackson came home with 158 and Miss Lcltch with 160. The tournament, the first open event In which Miss Stirling has competed. vas for the "golf illustrated" trophy, j .JO i nr Nothing equal tHe beautiful, soft, pearty white pperantt Gouraud't Oriental Cream renders to the shoulders and arms. Covers skin blemiihrt. Will not nib oil- f-ar superior to powders. Send 15c. for Tnalbu FEJUKT. HOPKINS New York ATTENTION ! ; 1 Tir .. :u nnnnimeo thnr wp have made several changes in our orchestra for the regular Saturday dance given by the American Legion. Vnr- rl alien musif" our Ol'C hestra is unexcelled. Every- 1 " . .. i-.-i t -i un body welcome, uooa time guaranieuu. xoui OltKGOX TEAM l.OSI S SEATTLE, April 23 (A. P.) Tho University of Washington baseball I team wim its first Pacific coast confer ence game hero yesterday by defeat "ng the University of Oregon, to 1, on Denny ield. Gray of Oregon had the Fun Dodgers tamed until the third vhen Washington wored a run on two hits. In the fifth Washington scored five runs. Ieonard held Oregon to two hits, one a triple by Rellar in the irst Inning. Oregon 1 24, Washington i 11 2. Hatteries Gray. M. Latham md I.esid; Ieonard and Maloney. 7 to 0 lead In the first three innings. The Uainlers garnered fourteen hits off Fittery and Jones while the f-'acs touched Gardnef rr a like number. Sacramento started scoring in tiie fourth but was unable to stop I':? Rainier sluggers and base-runners. CONROY'S CASH-GROCERY ONLY 14 HITS SEATTLE. April 23. (A. P.) ittle won a batting duel from Sacra nento Friday. 12 to 7, after taking a SYMPTOMS WOMENJREAD Mrs. Wilson's Letter Should B-s Read by All Women Clearfield. Pa.-" After my last child vas born last September I was unable ppto 00 ail oi my ou 4 ba&a bit Catarrh Can Be Cured Catarrh is a local disease greatly influ enced by constitutional conditions. It therefore requires constitutional treat ment. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is taken internally and acts through the Piood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE destroys the foundation of the disease, gives the patient strength by improving the general health and assisu nature in doing its work. All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio. I MAGNETOS I t GENERATORS t ELECTRIC STARTERS 2 Or any part of the electric system on your,car overhauled and repaired. Satisfaction guar anteed. HARRY H. GRAHAM. Wtllard Service Station, Fendelton, Or, rhono 684. LET'S GOI work. I had severe nains in mv left side everv month and had lever ana sick miiy spells and such pains during my periods, which lasted two weeks. 1 heard of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound doing others o much good and thought I would eive it a trial. 1 have been very glad that I did, for now 1 feel much stronger and do ill of mv work. I tell my friends when they ask me what helped me, and they think it must be a grand, medicine. And it is. You can use this letter for a tes timonial if you wish. ' ' Mrs. H ARRY A. Wilson. R. F. D. 6, Clearfield, Pa. The experience and testimony of such women vi Mrs. Wilson prove beyond a loubt Uat Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege taole Compound will correct such trou bles by removing the cause and restor ng the system to a healthy normal eon- Jition. When such symptoms develop xs backaches, bearing-down pains, dis alacements, nervousness and "the )lues"a woman cannot act too promptly n trying Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable impound if she values her future com v'ort and happiness. COFFEE SALE 1 WEEK April 25 to April 30. - HILLS RED AND M. J. B. COFFEE 42c per lb. in 2 1-2 lb., 3 lb. and 5 lb. or 6 lbs. for 82.50. Buy your favorite brand of Coffee this week and make a saving of 1 lb. with 5 lbs. Be sure when you buy to receive the large size. Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee ! Chronic and Nervous LHoeaaes are Diseases of Women. X-ltay Electrs ! Tharapentlcn. rampla Bid. Kw.ip Phriti. 1 fhone HO-W " ' Dion B07 Hours a a. m. to 6 p. m DR. OIIMART m Mthlcrn IVntlstry In All nrant lics. ! i. I tt MtOMMM I nanlbfrvii WSk I 1 M 1 I cfA BIB-LBII I 1 rk$f FIRST CAME OF THE WHEAT BELT 1 1 7 m Sunday, hi n . ll I Admission 50c 'al!u!iiillllilii"u'illii' 111