PAGE FIVE TWELVE PACES . DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREflON, SATURDAY EVENIWO, AP11I V1' J vViiy It's Great to Be Famous People Here and There Pins Curl Engdnhl, i.t Helix, In In (he ally today. , Onirics UehrciiB of Helix in a Pn dlcton visitor tortus-. Gwendolen und J I own id Nell Mlltun were here ycHti-iday. NEWS OF THE COUNTY nrnoro Ann nrnornc ofi . urribco ftitu urnu:no I facrrrs.. 11.1. . , "a Chaunoey fllHhui) loft luirt nlnht for Portland where he 'will spend the Dim Murrluge UmiMi. . ; week-end. , . ' . . . . , ' I A nun 1'inr.e liccnHA nun boon honied II. W. Collin, and John Mnntuomery ! 1 ' ,hb ou,"' clerk to Felix Hernmnn loft nt nlirht .in a I,I.,pm Irln ,,, IIhhh of The Oulles and Junlta DuiiuIm Tortland. of Pendleton, Sir. anil Mm. W. K. Tuner and ton. '. O. lliirrl.Kiii Hual, rexIdentN of The I Milieu, were In fun dleton yoHli'riluy on hUHlne-m. and Mr. and Mm. CharlrH O. Wln t)f linker were here Friday. The Klrt Punk of rilot Ilock lias 1 brought suit HKHliiMt C O Harrison to It. O. Meredith and K. H. Hiihh, both lo led on note for Z.l and fiiVO re- , '.lively, the complaint Doing rucu t. .It by I. M. Hihannoii as attorney I for the plaintiff. .. V. I Tlionipson, formerly of this . rlty now of I'ortlund, ley hint nltht I for that city after a day s bualnesaj Trial Xeain Completion. . visit here. . , rho trlala of John Adair and Karl t'ublwell charged with larceny from p -ellinv Is near completion this aft e.r.') II. The trial has occupied the nt tci lion of the circuit court during- the ludt three days and attorneys were p.-. ami their arifumentH this after nof. . The defendants are accused of i.jiilili: a house near Heini.Hlon. A. V .Flenilnir, who has been In I Pendleton wvtial days In the interest j of the nlubt horse show of the Taclflr North west Livestock Exposition, left I this mornlni; for Arlington. John Tii It. a prominent laundry man of Astoria, is one of the visitors who are tti rendu Inn today In at tendance at the meujInK of the exe-1 Vlfc Allesr IHwrt'on. eutlve committee of the Oreiton I-aun- AlUttltiK that her husband. Herbert dry OwnoriT Association, lie recently i c, ,,,v (,.si rted her while llicy were was elected president of the Itotary IKinR nt Faker, Oregon. Mrs. Helen clutt of Astoria, for the past two I C'-iin has filed suit for divorce In the yeara he lias been one of the directors rt. cult ' court, the complaint' having of the Astoria Chamber of Commerce, ! h. ,-. filed yesterday Air. und Mrs. and he was closely in tourh with the Crane were married at lwlnton, Ida., work of t'laud Harr during the tlme!y, !:' C, 1M. The plaintiff asks for ho was secretary or the organization ' the sum of full a month for the care at Astoria. 'of their minor children. PHONE FOUR-O-NINE FOR BETTER QUALITY H Z 2 H Specials for Saturday Swifts Premium Hams, per lb. . 40c H Large Round Ykg. Quaker Oats . .'. . . :'. . . . 30c g Palm Olive Soap, 3 bars 25c o AddIcs. srood cookinar or eatinir. box S1.25 H Walnuts pound 30c, 4 lbs. for $1.00 E r: t,i,.. ..,. unnj i n. cinn r U, VlV.t, U1UC IICUU, li, IU9t 1U1 IjlliVU 2 g Order your-Vegetables early Saturday morn- g u ,ing and be assured of choice selections for.Sun- w K day. , 2 g Sweet Potatoes, 2 pounds 25c td New Potatoes, Peas, Spinach, Green Onions, eg Radishes, Lettuce, etc., etc 2 6 - 3 5 The Economy Grocery 2 113 w. webb'st. I Phone 409 PHONE FOUR-O-NINE FOR BETTER SERVICE (K.iMt Kpeclal.) -At a reertit meetliiK of the dlrcclius of school district No. 1, ull of the preseut corps of teachers was te-ein-ploed to teach in the Weston schools next year. V. C Fltzpatrlck, the pres ent principal, will not likely accept the aniiulntiiient. as he Is known to have offers, at a. considerable advance 111 Ku'ary. from other schools. The touchers as elected are as follows: lllfch school F. f. FlUputrlrk, principal; .Miss Frank IIairi lJnvIs, Miss Iiirllne lirown and MIms Esther It. liiioliandH. K if; a Mi grade Mrs. Gertrude Fila palrlck. Hixth and seventh grades Miss Ma bel Isaacson. Fifth (rrade Miss Kether Mark. Third and fourth grades Miss Lil lian Hheldon. First and second grades MIbs Lou ise Itlntoul. ' Mrs. Kleanor M. Warren has re turned to her home on north Frank lin street to reside after being- absent nearly six months, visitlnfr with her children fn Portland, I'endb-ton and Kltnpia, Wash. 1 ' : " Improvement wrrk on- the state hi?haay between WVslon and Athrna was commenced on Friday morninK. Tlio work consists In extending the shoulders and cleanliiK out the ditch es aloiii; the road slle. About a doz en men were put at this work. It Is understood that only men w'th fam ilies were (riven employment', and that an equal number of men were hired out of the towns of Weston and Athena. ' Wallace Nelson,. who spent his boy hood days around the Weston O. W. depot, graduating Into a hlg-h grade railroad agent and later filling the position of traffic manager for IJbhy, McNe il and Ubby at Yakima, has "? - '- - - !. , : a : - ?- ' tl-, f wiLr tVliy Is it great to be famous? Jackie Cooxan, "Tlie Kid" In Cluplin'a asieily of that imot, says it itr.'t the money, though he makes f'Jtsju r week. "T t-t to meet errrbdy fieople talk about," be explaitis. I ieture a!)w lui ji'ttinj coiminted with Kab( kuUk WITH SLIGHT ACCIDENT ' (lCaat Oregonfitn Special.) ins and a talk from the vice presi dent, .Mrs. Fletcher, Jirs. John Ogle and Mrs. T. A. Licuallen, a dainty lunch was served. L. L. Ijeuallen and lleverend Luth er were out hunting Thursday and for a clay's outing at Meacham. .Mrs. M. A. linker was pleasantly surprised on Friday afternoon on the occasion of her birthday when her frleixis called at her home. Itefresh- , meats were served and the afternoon ADAMS. Ore:, April 23--Th Pa been visiting at the parental home for'ped J!0,eK. bushels of 1S?0 Wheat the' a spent in games and social talk.; the last two weeks. Mr. Nelson will i P"" weea aim nave w.vmi 'more to ".o. ,.. iv.a.u leave In a feWdavs for Sacramento, 1 ship as fast a cars are set In. I McOollum. Mrs. Will Iloyer, Mrs Roy California, t- accept a position with I J. . " Hates' men are bo.-y hnuling Desvolgn. -Mrs. Charley Bunch. Mrs. (h l. iff nn.-klnff firm ct,ln nnt nf the balance of his 120 Wheat eron tw. L-.-sto. .Mrs. C. . IXirr, Mrs. G. O Rich- their buying staff. 1 SOCIETY LOCAL WOMAN" TO VISIT , Lumber of I'tndleton club women will motor to Athena or Wednesday tr. fillend a silver tea to be given In the ,l.. i-nninu it ibo Christian church bv the Civic Club. The local I '"' EOn returned home on the 9 a, i 'vomen will In thtR way expresi their nppieriatloti of the efforts of Athena women tu co-oierste In receiving tuicst In pendli'ton May 31. June 1. 2 and 3, at the state convention of Fed i::L! ardson, .Mis Harry Bunch, Mrs L. I Otis Licuallen stepped on a shnrp j Lark and Mrs. Alex McKenxie. Iplow share and cut a gash In his foot J Mrs- ' ('lar'' entertained the vice pile wa taken to the doctor In Athena I president of the Itebekah lodge while and is some-better but will have a bad Adams. foot for some time. I -Mr- and -Mrs- Johl le- Ml's- I, Mr. and Mr. Farrow and son of ; F1,'u hcv a"d Henry Bunch motored to IjWalln Walla were the guests of heriAlhcna- v. here Mrs. Fletcher will I parents, .Mr. and Mrs. X. O. Carlstrom. ' l leet lhe Athrna Itei.ekahs this eveu ifor the week-end. Mr. Farrow and!'" ttn1 h"l,t B meeting. I.W O. Carlstrom motored home as Mr. ! Lincoln Klackburn of Milton, was a Carlstrom Is irnR to rto some repair- bi'smess visitor in Attains iuday. Ing for Mr. Farrow on his home resi-1 Sir- Chesnut who bought the M. . .lence In Walla Walla.' Mrs. Farrow ! 'k"1 home, is doing some repawns (on the place and reshinglmg trie train today. inj ie. , The Adams Indies' Club met at the' Hcvereud Cornall of Pendleton, Jo home of Mrs Charles Hhats on Thurs- llivercd an illustrated lecture on foi- day afternoon. After the usual busi ness meeting n dainty lunch was serv- raied Clubs. The Athena club has In- T ' " 'e o. i vited delegates to visit Alhena fori"- "iehardson, Mrs. Charles Dupuls, lunchfnn during one day of the con- M- Les'o. Mrs. frank krebs, .Mrs. volition !H:monton, Mrs. Harry 1-arahee, Mrs. ,. , Klla nowling, Wrs. Will Hover, Mrs. OlUli5' KHIKXDLY MEKTINX5. itevella Lteuallen. Mrs. John Spencer. ' Members of the upper' division cfMrs. J. T. Licuallen. Miss Mortimore, the (.Iris- Friendly Society met yester- !'' Uebois, Mrs. Calkins, Mrs. Yea - Llav nfteniimn nt the rectory of thcir, .urs. i:. . jiarr, Airs una ljeu.u 'hur.h of the Redeemer. The girls il. Mrs John Ogle, -Mrs. Carl hr.s- are rnaklng a oullt which will bo sold "a", Mrs. L. L IJeuallen and Mrs. for chnrltv. The onranizatlcn. which j Alex McK.nzie. All sient a pleasant J .-j, i. I New York Philharmonic Orchestra - . SEVENTY-SIX MEN Gltlest'nrut largest organization of its kind. Ranks first of our orchestras. - 4 rr i ' fi i nni ior orana 1 neatre Keyl( WAI.LA WALLA, WN. April 29, 1921 Mail orders with checks and self addressed stamped en velope to Malen Burnett, 220 Marcus, Walla Walla, Wn. l'ltKKS 83.00, V2.30, 92.00, $1,00, Plus 10 Per Cent War Tax ; This will be the last time a big eastern Orchestra will be in the West for many yearsl niililiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiillilliliiiiiiniiiiiifiililiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiliui is new In Pendleton, is planning sev eral project which will be carried out during the spnnjr momns. wins from 10 to 15 years of age, no matter what their church affiliations, are elig ible to Join the society. The lower division meets this afternoon in Par ish Hall. Wt.'.L RETURN TODAY. Mires ilarjorle Williams Is expected afternoon., Mrs. Evard McCollum was the guest of her mother. Mrs. M. A. Paker, on Thursday. (leorge Pradley motored to Adanu thls week. Roll Morrison; Frank Dames, Joe Brunt, motored to'Adams tndav from the Morrison ranch near Adams. Mrs. Frank Krebs, Mrs. Bert Kirby and Mrs. Slmonton motored out to the to return this evening from Portland j home of Mrs. pearl Hales and were served Willi a dainty lunch. Mrs. Pearl Hales Jdrs. John Spen cer, Mrs. Frank Krebs, Mrs. Bert Kir by, were the guests of Mrs. F. M. Whltely Thursday Mrs. Charley Bunch, Mrs. Will Bunch and LTe Katon motored to Pendleton this week. The vice president of the Rcbekah assembly of Oregon met with the Ad- wherc shu has been visiting her mother. TO OCaTT APARTMENT. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Farley expect to move soon to apartments In the Asso cial'on building. RKTCR.V FROM LA GRANDE Air. and Mrs. 'Richard Alayberry re sign missions and Bible scenes in h Haptist church on Wednesday even, ing after the prayer meeting. I. O. Hale and son John motored to Adunis Wednesday. All's. Harold Burnett motored to Ad an.s today. I alph Wallan motored to Pi ndie-to-, today. Miss Ina Wallan was the tmct of her grandmother, Mrs. Jane Wailan, at the home ranch Tuesday. J i.i Chesnut was In Pendleton Wed nesday to do some shopping and visit his new grandson. 41 r. and Mrs. Itevella IJeuallen n o to.fd to Adams today. H. Orablel of Killamlers In Pendle ton, wa.H calling on the business peo ple of Adams today. JURY PRESENTS FATHER WITH 5100 PURSE FOR AVENGING HIS DAUGHTER turned this morning after a short visit ams lonVe on Thursday evening at 8 in Iji Grande. P ni After the regular business meet- DIOXVER, April 23. (!'. P.) (leorge Thomason. avenser of his 15-year-old daughter Jessie, today was tho rccipitent of a J10U p irse, the. jrift of the jurors who returnee a vcrcirt of not guilty in Thomasnn's trial for killing his brother-in-law, All Keece, who boasted of his as- sault on Thomason's daughter. g B B CASTLE GATE EGG COAL FhONE FIVE FOR FUEL S THE RIGHT SIZE FOR THIS WEATHER 5 CLEAN AND UNIFORM 1 B. L. BURROUGHS He Has It! uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiir NORMAL CLASS FOR PIANO TEACHERS offered at Whitman Conservatory, Walla Walla, Wn. MAY 9 TO JUNE IS, INCLUSIVE Exceptional Training for Teacher Dunning System ' Afcsply at once to Secretary CLEAN UP. The most necessary adjunct to fl noi We have all sorts of pins, ranging from the '"bow.o platinum bar pin. set with blue white diamonds, to a siniiilo little cuff pin. When in doubt as to what to give her, select pins. Par pins In platinum and gold, cuff pins vanity pln, linseria pins a selected showing of each. r j inc. tJeujeler Pendleton Ore. The Largest Diamond. Dealer m Eastern Oregon. 4 i R 1.2 r is ! S .1. C Penney Co., A Nation-Wide Institution t- i Pi High Grade Toilet Articles Williams Shaving Soap, bar 5c Djer Kiss Talcum Powder . 23c Djer Kiss. Face Powder, large 98c Djer Kiss Face Powder, medium C9c Djer Kiss Toilet Water $L38 Colgates Dental Cream, small 8c Colgates Dental Cream, large 19c Colgates Talcm Powder, all odors 19c Mennens Talcum Powder 19c Air Float Violet Talcum lOc Mentholatum, large 89c Mentholatum, small 19c Woodbury's Facial Soap 21c Packers Tar Soap 21c Cuticura Soap 21c "Featheredge" Rubber Sponges, size 3. . . 25c "Featheredge" Bath Brushes 69c Prophylactic "Penetrator" Hair Brushes 98c Keepclean Hair Brushes 49c Keepclean Clothes Brushes 49c Tooth Brashes 10c, 19c Prophylactic Tooth Brashes, each 33c Pebecco Tooth Paste 39c Pepsodent Tooth Paste, tube 39c Hinds Honey and Almond Cream ...... . 43c Palmolive Vanishing Cream, tube 19c; jar 39c Palmolive Cold Cream. .... tube 19c; jar 39c Palmolive Talcum Powder 19c Palmolive Face Powder 39c Palmolive Liquid Shampoo ( large bottle. 49c Vaseline, bottle 10c Pompeian Talcum Powder, can 19c Pompeian Beauty Powder 39c Tompeian Massage Cream 39c Pompeian Night Cream 39c Pompeian Day Cream 39c Pompeian Toilet Water $1-19 Palmolive Shaving Cream, tube 23c Colgates Shaving Cream, tube 29c Colgates Rapid Shaving Powder 29c 'Colgates Shaving Stick 29c Gillette Safety Razor with twelve blades, leatherette or nickled case $2.98 Gillette razor blades, package of 6 39c " r jL312 department stores n 3.! 3 r ?! : 5 J. C. Tenney Co., A Nation-Wide Institution PayCash Receive More Pay Less Despain&Lee Cash Grocery 209 E. Court Phone 880 Cash Speaks Louder . Than Credit Many credit stores will tell you that they could sell cheaper if they didn't have to "carry you." This is true in fact it's the one big success of our bus iness when you pav cash here you are doing away with the biggest part of the difference between buying- and selling. Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less Despain&Lee Cash Grocery 209 E. Court Phone SSO