' TWELVE PAGES JDAItY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 23, 1881, THE HORRIFIED SENATE ,., If1.,rr fQre&onian) I T IS reported that when Senator Harrison tore the hide off Gcorce Hnrvev the irreconcilable senators "sat aghast." 3? That is strange because the United slates senate should be AN IXDKI'EXDENT NEWS used to words of criticism bv this time. Last year it was open APKR. SUBSCRIPTION BATES (IN AP-VANCE) season for the critics and what they did not do in the way of as sailing the then president of the United States Is not worth not ing. Thee was no let up even when Woodrow Wilson was al most at the roint of death. If it was riirht and proper for sen f uljllntiM DHy snd Si ml Wei-kly. t I 'eiiilli'tun. Ilr.'nn, by 1h JAT OIU.liONlAN PI 'BMSHIXiJ CO. LnterM fit the puM onii-e at Pendle ton, Ori-vou, Mm m-culiii vlitHH mm! mut ter. ON HALF. l.N' OTHF.lt mn:s Imperial Hiil "I News Ktnml, Portland. i IN' KILE AT CMcsgo Bureau, ! (""irity Building. V aniimiili'ii. H. '.. 1 ul.au I Four teenth Sit ill. V W. Members! Ibr ocle4 I'm. Tin- Anfoilnliil iTi-m In xolii.nvely ntitliil to tin- use lor republication of II news rti,pti hi-n cri'iiitfil to it or Hut niher lee cn-dited in this paper nd also Ilia local n w publmhed here In. I Mean Nothing Dully, I'llllV, Hal Iv. IMily, Iln 1 one year, by mall ... J no . a. (iii l.so .50 six months, by mail ... ators to attack a president who had led the nation courageously and ably in a great war and wrecked his health in an effort for three months, by mail .nit' month hy nmil one year hy csrrir.r tlx months by currier three month by currier one month, by carrier ;.iii a noble peace that would endure why should not a senator ex press his honest convictions about the new ambassador to Eng land. Tat Harrison said nothing about Col. Harvey that is not true and known to be true. He could have said much more and Hill been far short of the mark set last year by those who cast their schafts of venom at our stricken war president. Having themselves used every known variety of poison gas for political ends why should the irreconcilables sit agTiast when one of their puppets like Harvey gets a dose of his own medicine? Hi! i IV, IVitly. ItHily, 3.:r. l.5 Unless coupled with merchandise of assured integrity; so coupled they spell value. In meeting tower price levels with high grade, reliable merchandise, we feel that we deserve your confidence and patronage. Wc deliver parcels promptly, V. O.D. or approvals must be paid for upon delivery. In case of return or exchange your money will be refunded as cheerfully as we accepted it. Phone 127. im- Weekly, one year hy mail !.o 1.00 .so Si nii-Weekly, six months by mail Semi-Weekly three months by mail Tihphone TiAILV at A. uuesti SiTkimJIiii.i iru n i Hl'MB LKXESS 'bt U there In skill that should lift you from men? What (a Ihere in fame that should build lip a wall l'ctwoen you und your neighbor, that j-vr again You should welcome hira In when he ' ventures to call? Vhat I there in greatness that you t-hotild deny Word tf good cheer to the friend who goes by? Ftay down upon earth through the moniha and the years, i Wr all you possess shall remain when you go ; j "or bll ou have cime to shall sava you from tear. Xor all of your greatness shall keep you from woe. And statesman, or painter, or sifted of pen. Must live out their years on this earth among men. What is there in fortune or fame that (Mould change The nature Ood gave at the day of man's birth Why should success make a gTeat man grow strange To the neighbors who gladly rejoice at his worth? Be humble, be gracious, be kind to the end, i The humblest of men" Is worth while as a friend. WE HAVE AN OCEAN ALSO I N AN address before the American farm bureau Herbert Hoover expressed a fear that our present freight rates may soon move cur graneries to foreign shores. He pointed out that it costs SO cents a bushel to ship grain from Missouri to New Yt.rk, while grain may be shipped from Argentine by wa ter for 10 tents a bushel. The Inland Empire wheatman, how i vcr. should not be penalized by our high transcontinental freight rales. The normal method of. exporting our surplus wheat is by water from our northwest ports and the ocean is as free to American commerce as to that of Argentine. Whether or rot our present ocean rates are what they should be is a sub ject the farm bureau might investigate with profit. (Copyright, 1921, by Edgar A. Guest.) THEY SHOULD USE WHITE COAL FRED LOCKLEY WRITES SOME INTERESTING FACTS REGARDING PENDLETON IN PIONEER PERIOD Few of City Officials of That Day Are Now in Pendleton; Treasurer, Got $10 Month- (Early history of the Umind-Vp City is here detailed by Mr. Lockley, who lists the city's officials of 30 years ago, reviews the fire dcpnrteiit of the pioneer peried, and pays a tribute to that staunch and sterling institution, the East Oregonian, published in Pen- i dleton since 1875.) THE charge made by union officials that one big reason the railroads are in financial straits is that they have been pay ing too much for coal and too much for steel is worth look ing into. It is set forth that during 1920 the roads paid $700, 000,000 for coal and over a billion dollars for steel. A point worth considering is whether or not the same men who control the railroads do not also own coal mines and big blocks of steel t omoration stock and are therefore inclined to milk the rail roads for the benefit of the other corporations. Color is given j K day or two w t rodp on a this suspicion by the fact the steel trust which has not reduced Slunityside car with an olit-tiine resi- r.rices much if anr has been netting the orders while independ- dent of Eastern Oregon, who in the cnt steel concerns that have greatly reduced prices have almost ny 'no. had serv d two terms as city . . . .... . ru..: Tk ,-o;iar1 manarroral treasurer of Pendleton. Hut fen of aau to snut uo ji tor tain ui uusuicm. jhc mi"""" are prone to lay all their troubles on high wages paid railroad workers. An honest-to-gosh inquiry would probably reveal the fact that there is another side to the story and this feature of the situation likewise deserves attention. Wedlpss to sav there is a remedy for the exorbitant coal! charges western roads are paying. Let us use the white coal of the Columbia and other good power streams. In 1840, was a member of the city council. , Hiram Flickinger, a native of Penn sylvania, and a pioneer resident of Corvallis, was also a member of the city council. Other members of the city council were: ' Theodore F. Howard, contractor and builder and a former resident of Iowa, who came west in 1864, settling in the Walla Walla valley. He moved to Pen dleton in 1875. Thomas i Taylor, 'who was born in 1852 in Massachusetts and went to Waltsburg, Wash., in 1879, coming to Pendleton in 1887. Mr. Taylor for many years was prominent In tho po litical and business life of Pendleton, later moving to Portland, where he died. Lewis Reith was an Alsatian, hav ine been born in Frahce in 1S46. He the city officials of that day are now j came tQ rm.itHa county from Mon in Pendleton. l(lna ln i865 an(j one 0f fmatllla I county's prosperous stockhien. In 1891. 30 years ago, Jonn P. ea-; n. Alexander, 1orn In Cermany In He came from the j 1850, coming to Pendleton in 1878, was More Jersey Jackets Arrived today. Good values at $7.93 to $11.93. Buy Your White Organdy for that graduation dress here, where we offer a 45 inch transparent or gandy that retains its original finish and transparency after washing and ironing. A very sheer fine weave, 45 inches wide. The yard. ..... 98c Summer Voiles that are very pretty indeed, extra fine weaves in dark and light colors at, yard . .". 49c to $1.15 Finest Quality Uiidermuslins , Praithnl women will find this A splendid op. IMirtiiititr to obtain llielr spring ami summit sup. ply of diiliily, m-V livable iiiidi'ihiiisllns Unit will Wnsli.llko u lintiilkcirluVf. and iimie (Hit as nice) as ever. Puritan varmint Ait' tli'Vi'lumtl In tho luti-st styles, r ilrpiiiilalili', (tihxI nuiti-rliils, pivt-. Illy trlinmoil with lan-H, emliroldi'i), scalloplnR, etc.. Tlii'jr will 1h rvcriilnl ftoiiU values. Combinations and Gowns from 98c to $2.19. Ginghams, if Yoil Please (JlimliHins hate Imi'H itrutlimUil from the kit cImii and a if IiimiiIIiik the drawing; room with, out mii'tilia; a substantial objection. And why not '.' (iliiKliniim were never mi Ix'autiful, so Ki' ireoitsly eoloro.1, m daintily ilefcllriietl, tm alto Ketlinr fiiMHnatiiiK anil fresll ionkliiK as tlioso of Strlmt, 10:: I. Checks. stl'iies. i nKsbar, and arils, tie all-over (lcsiicii will adapt Uiemselves admir ably to niakliifc up Into Ixvoiiilnit dresses, aprons and children's (laiiiicnts. From 15c to 75c yd. Better Merchandise at Lowest Prices We Buy for Cash and Sell for Cash HOW COURTESY PAYS TRAVELING salesmen w ho during the war maintained a pol icy of service and courtesy find now that they were making an investment in good will which is bringing them returns in dollars and cents. There was a time when orders were so numerous and supplies so scant that the salesman's duty scarce ly extended beyond excuses for nort-delivery. But times have changed, and the dollar which is beginning to buy more than it did is also a dollar to be competed for. Oregon Journal. The allies have told Germany what sort of an indemnity is wanted and the French view is that the next step is for the Ber lin government to begin payments. In suggesting a further con ference on this subject are we not "meddling in European af fairs"? Is not the suggestion for a new conference an intima tion that the indemnity figures should be reduced? If we do not think the indemnity too high w hat is the need of a further conference? sure was mayor. Willamette, valley, havina: been born on a farm In Marion county on June .1, 1S54. He was a lawyer and located in Pendleton in the spring of 1880. He was elected mayor of the city in 1883 and in the : lection held on December 7, 1891, was asain elected. Clark Wood, now editor of the Wes ton Leader, was city treasurer and re ceived 10 a month for his services. Clark Wood worked for many years on the East Oreeonlan and for some time was a member of the staff of The Ore gon Journal. He came to Umatilla county in the early "7Us, when he was two years old. Oeorse R. Lash was city recerder, I-ash brought tho first train into Pen dleton. He was an old railroad man, a native of St. Johns. Newfoundland. Thomas B. Morgan was city mar shal. He was a native son of Polk county, having been born there in 1S52 He came to Umatilla county in 1871 and durimr the Indian troubles in 1878 was a stage driver on the Pendlcton Walla Walla run. William D. Hansford, an old time Nevada miner, born in West Virginia the remaining councilman. JAPAN THINKS AMERICA'S 4 ATTITUDE REGARDING JAP MANDATE IS OUTRAGEOUS m The "Most beautiful Car in SZmerica, Hie One True Test The one sure way to determine actual motor car value is by a thorough, exhaustive demonstration. In the show room, you can tell at a glance whether a car satisfies your artistic demands. The next step, than, is to et out on the road and discover what lies under the hood. Power, Epeed and Endurance are qualities of action that only a ride can establish. We suggest just this course in judging any Paige 6-66 model. We go one step farther, however, and invite you to compare it with any other car at any price on the American market. Take the comparative demonstrations first. Then inspect the price tags. The Paltre-liaytona model, remember, is the ntk car speed champion of the world. And the motor that you will find unilur a - hood belong to PulKe and Paige alone. ' Don't forget that. i $-11 r .ti s-..Fw.w rrl Cmr tttHf. . I. Ditrtlt - InrksHl 11 tmr-rmnft Bfrt Ttf tttlf. . . ftl ! tiM f -ttnfr "V ...........". ''"" Sim-ruuiv MM I. Diunt PAIGE-DETROIT MOTOR CAR CO., DETROIT. Mi chit O. E. IIOLDMAN AUTO CO. Phone 4b ? t ' One of the Institutions of Pendleton of which ihn eitbJena were very nroud was the volunteer fire department, j which was organized in 1879. J. F. Dunn was the first chief. W. B. Mays foreman, Lot Livermore president, I). 4 W. Bailv seeretary and S. Rothchlld trp?oiirpe. I 4 Shortly after the organization Mr. I Rothchild came down to Portland and 1 bought for the Pendleton fire depart ment a discarded hand engine. This had been purchased in the early days by the Portland fire Department from .Sacramento, which in turn had bought it from San Francisco. This historic old engine was the. first fire engine used in San Francisco, Sacramento and Portland and became Pendleton's first fire engine. It was shipped hy boat to Umatilla Landing and from there it, was taken to Pendleton with out charge by Whispering'' unomp son. In 1891 the Pendleton fire depart ment had three companies Protec.lon comiianv. Rescue Company and the Alerts. T. F. Howard was chief of the department. Felix It. Mitchell, Veter an employe of the Gist Oregonian and B member of The Oregon Journal'i staff since its beginning, was first as sistant. J. L Sharon was secretary and Frank Duprat treasurer. The officers of Protection company at that time were Lol ft. Frazler, fore man; J.Cjj. Sharon, first assistant; Frank Neai;le, second assiotr-.rtt ; B. Ha gan, president; I. E. Earle, socr-tary, and A. Wurzwcflef, treasurer. P.escue hook and ladder company No. 1 was officered as follows: Joseph Ell. foreman: Walter Wells, first as sistant: August Bauer, second assist ant: W. Hi Jones, president; Horace J. Stillman, secretary, and Frank Duprat treasurer. Alert hose company had the follow' lng officers: Yed W. Bteusloff, fore man. Mark Johns, first assistant; A. H. Desnain. second assistant; K. J. Mur uhy. president: C. O. White, secretary, and W. a. Bowman, treasurer. One of the institutions of which Pendleton has always been prond and which has done tntich to put Pendleton on the map and give it is reputation ot being the largest city of Its size in the West, Is the East Oregonian. The East Oregonian was first Issued on October 5, 1875. Even at that early date Pen dleton bunincss men were live wires and patronized the newly established paper 'generously. Among the merch ants who advertised in the first issue of the East Oregonian were Lot Liver more, J. H. Raley. William Switzler, ti. W. Webb, 8. Rothchild, O. M. Jay lor. J. D. LJndsey, Hilvester & Bentley, and manv others. The paper was started bv M. P. Hull. Later J. H. Tur ner and B. B. Bishop had charge of It. In 1880 It was purchased by L. H. Cox. In February, 1882, C. S. Jackson and O. A. ?uyer secured control of It. J. P. Wager bought an Interest in it shortly thereafter. Among the leading citizens In Pen dleton in 1891 were W. V. Matlock, James H. Haley, B. A. Lnwell. E. B. i Oambee, J. I Klllian. Morton D. Clir ! ford. Charles V. Hyde. James A. Fee. ! t.ii..n ihn T.tiiirs. Walter M. Pierce, J. C. Arnold, J. T. Hinkle, John M. Bentley. Iot IJvcrmore, i,ee sioor house, Oeorgn Mailman, yhomas O. Halley, Sam P. Stnrgls, O. B. Wade, (leorge Hamilton. Jesse Falling, lns La Fontaine. James Crawford, J. B. Keeney, Ji scph Busier. Ir. C. J. Smith, Or. f. V,'. Vincent. Colonel R. I. Boyd, W. p. Flntchrr. Chris Knnley. Charley Cunningham, Professor H. I- Talking ton, li.v. Vt 1J. i'olwino and many ('hers, , . .. . ii i sii ii 28 YEARS AGO TOKIO, April 23. -U. P.) The press comment on the Yap dispute is becoming very bitter. The leading Japanese publica tions characterize America's atti tude of the matter as "arbitrary, arrogant. Impertinent and outrageous." (From the oily East Oregonian, April :3. 1893.) Wheat hay Is now $10 per ton. The city marshal has put up some danger signals at the culvert on lower Alta street which has been under mined by hlghwater and Is unsafe for teams. ...... . C.eotsre Olcott, is here from Birch Creek. D. Herrlrk Is here frdm Walla Walla Is a today. Levi Ankeny. of Walla Walla Pendleton visitor. Monroe Ferguson, one of Adams prosperous furriers, will become & Pendleton citizen. He has purchased the Hemphill property on I,ewis street. ilAW l'K 1HKS OF lIK.UtT DISEASE CHICAHO, April 23. A. P.) Charles H. Hnwes of Washington, I. C member of the Cnlted Htates dye tariff commission, died Inst night at the homo of a friend, where he had been visiting. Death is believed to have been due to heart disease. He, was r.a venrs old. j AU CT ION 4 imaZf Will sell at my place 4 1-2 miles Southeast of Pendleton at the N. A. Humphrey place, the following described livestock: 1 Black Mare 10 yrs. old, weight 1250 lbs. 1 Black Mare 10 yrs. old, weight 1350 lbs. 1 Black Mare 10 yrs. old, weight 1300 lbs. 2 Black Mares 9 yrs. old, weight 1300 lbs. 1 Black Gelding 11 yrs. old, weight 1300 lbs. , 1 Black Gelding 10 yrs; old, weight 1250 lbs. 1 Bav GeldinglO yrs. old, weight 1225 lbs. 1 Brown Mule 10 yrs. old, weight 1200 lbs. 1 Brown Mule 10 yrs. old, w eight 1150 lbs. 1 Gray Gelding 8 yrs. old, weight 1200 lbs. 1 Gray Gelding 8 yrs. old, weight 1400 lbs. 2 Gray Geldings 12 yrs. old, weight 1250 lbs. 1 Grey Gelding 10 yrs. old, weight 1150. 1 Grey Mare 9 yrs. old, weight 1250 lbs. , 1 Black Mare 8 yrs. old, weight 1250 lbs. May 2, 1921 10 o'icy. in. given TERMS OF SALE 2jer cent off for cash. Time will be ii on bankable notes with good security, payable October 1. FREE LUNCH AT NOOK N. A. HUMPHREY, Owner Col. Yohnka, Auctioneer E. L.SmilhClerk '