fif-- Hp.wpj -...rii.,-"--. PAGE TWO TWELVE PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OEEGON, SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 23, 1021. jrtra Special Values For After Supper Shoppers ' BEAUTIFUL SIUv TAFFETA $2.24. All the new Spring shades, 06 inches wide, extra fine qual ity and a splendid value at our regular price at ?2.6o. Special for Friday and Saturday onlv, a yard $2.24 3G IXCII SILK POPLIN 98c AH the new shades to select from, extra fine and lustrous; splendid wearing material for skirts, etc. Our regular low price $1.25. Special for Friday and Saturday only, a yard 98c SATIN MESSALINES $1.9S 36 inches wide, big values and our customers ask us why -our regular price at $2.25 is so much lower. Special Friday and Saturday onlv, a yard $1.98 SULTANA SILK HOSE 59c Women's pure silk and fibre hose of superior quality; rein forced heels, soles and toes; black and cordovan. Special Friday and Saturday only, a pair 59c BLACK CAT CHILDREN'S HOSE 49c This lot consists of discontinued numbers; colors black, white and brown; sizes 7 1-2, 8, 9, 9 1-2, 10, 10 1-2 only. This quality sells regularly at 60c and 65c. Special Friday and Saturday only, a pair 49c Our Sale of Womens Underwear COMES TO A CLOSE THIS EVENING. After supper shop pers have a last chance to profit by the wonderful savings of fered. This is one of the greatest sales of women's underwear we've held in years. Spring and summer underwear of "Kay ser" quality at a tremendous saving for you. The economical woman will hasten to take advantage of the splendid bargains offered in this underwear sale. . ' LOT 1 SALE PRICE 82.49 Our Pvegular Pricing $3.00, $35, $3.50, $3.95 and $4.50. LOT 2 SALE PRICE 81.69 Our Regular Pricing $1.75, $2.25, $2.50 and $2,75. LOT 3 SALE PRICE 93c Garments that are Priced Regularly to $1.25. LOT 4 SALE PRICE 69c Our Regular Low Prices are 75c, 85c and $1.10. LOT 5 SALE PRICE $1.24 . These Garments Represent Regular Values to $1.95. LOT 6 SALE PRICE 29c - , These are Splendid Values at Our Reg. Price at 35c and 40c LOT 7 SALE PRICE 13c - Splendid Values, our Reg. Low Price to 25c Garment. Beautiful Kayser and Van Raalte Silk Underwear Great Sale at ONE-THIRD Regular Price. PEiDLLUNS GEEAXEST DEPARTMENT STORE in a I s. 1 mi i maun ll linn -"ei TiT 1 eopies waronous jWHFRE IT PAYS TO TRADE Sweeping mm Kers oils on Roc 30 to 40 OFF . See our window display. Nearly every home can use one or more rocking chairs. At the prices we are making on these numbers you can afford to buy. It will be impossible for us to replace these rockers at these prices. Two only extra fine . quality, genuine Leather Rockers, reg. price $50.00; sale price $35.00 One only extra heavy, loose cushion, gen uine leather Rocker, reg. price $67.00; sale price $46.90 One only, genuine leather, loose cushion Rocker, reg. price $60. Sale price $45.00 One only genuine leather Rocker, reg. price $45.00, sale price $31.50 Two only Oak Rockers, wax finish, gen uine leather auto seats, reg. price, $45, ale price $30.00 One only Oak Rocker, wax finish, genu f ine leather auto seat, reed panel sides, reg- price, $45.00; sale price ....$30.00 Two only Oak Rockers, wax finish, reed panel, genuine leather auto seat, reg. price $35.00; sale price $21.00 One enly Oak Rocker, wax finish, genu ine leather auto seat and leather back ; reg. price $40.00, sale price $28.00 One Only Oak' Rocker, wax finish, gen uine leather auto seat, reg. price $37.00. Sale price $25.00 One only Oak Rocker, wax finish, genu - ine leather Auto Seat and Leather back, reg. price $42.50, sale price $25.50 One only Oak Rocker, wax finish, genu ine leather auto seat, reg. price, $40; sale price $24.00 Every rocker strictly high grade and the values we guarantee cannot be duplicated. If you anticipate buying a rocker this year you should do it now as the stock is limited. aker Furniture Co. 831 MAIN ST. PHONE 73 NEWS OF FARM AND RANGE HEAVY FLEECES ARE Everything; About Game Good This Year Except Prices'' Received or in Prospect. Kverythlng about the sheep busi ness this year Is good except the ' prices that are being received or are li prospect for the wool and mutton from which the sheepmen receive the money thut enables them to conduct I their business. This is according to I'un Smythe, member of the firm of Smythe Brothers' whose holdings of j both sheep and range are consider able. i Shearing Is In full swing through !out this section of the country. The shearers will be done with about 4500 of the I'mutilln Sheep Company's bands by Sunday evening. The work Is being done at Coomb's Canyon. I Activities are In full blast at the 'shearing plant of Smythe Hro., six miles south of Arlington where the 'wool Is being lifted from the backs of j 30,001) head of the woolies. "Our wool c!!p this year Is the best we have ever grown, ' .Mr. Kmytne I said today. "It Is cleaner freer from i grcese, and there Is a lone, fine staple i The excellent quality Is due to the very favorable season we have had on ' the range during last fall and winter, land also during this spring. "The sheep we have been shearing at Arlington are averaging 15 pounds The lamb crop is also encouraging both as t the number of Iambs and on ! condition. Our average percentage for I nil our sheep will run between 110 and 115 per cent, and In some outfits, the Increase ran to 125 per cent." The sheep will be taken to the sum mer ranges about May 15, and during the latter part of June and the first part of July the black-faced lambs will be shipped to Chicago. llloom Very Ilimjr. The bloom on the fruit trees in the Hermiston section is unusually heavy this year, says Fred Hennion, county agent. There are but few cherries and peaches because of the injury caused ! y the severe weather a year ago. The I apple bloom is very heavy and the 'crop will probably be cone? ponding ! ly heavy on many of the trees because of the lack of vitality, from tho cold weather a year ago. May Change Location. The new site for the Hermiston ex periment station is favored by J. T. Jardine, state director of experiment I stations, who Visited Hermiston re 'cently. The new location is on the McKay creek project and would In crease the size of the stat.'on fiiun 40 to 1C0 acres. Mr. Jardine pointe out. during his visit, that tho activities of the station should in future be confin ed not so much toward seeking new varieties of alfalfa and other plant growths but to demonstrations of the best cultivation of crops in the Irri gated section of the Columbia River Basin. Is liaising t'liickcns Mrs. William Rhodes, of Columbia, who recently moved with her husband to the I5!esing place Is going into the chicken business on quite a large scale md Is undertaking the work in a scienntlftc way. she hits a cement floor brooder house which is heated and lighted In such a manner that the baby chicks have perfect care and comfort. When one batch of chickens are large enough they are moved to another more commodious building to make room for more younger ones in the brooder. She has the full blooded strain of White Petulnna leghorns and is preparing to raise in the neighbor hood of five hundred and by the meth rfh uses and the thorough care she uihes of the checks, it seems that she will be entirely successftir. Formal Dress mm v I 1 1 . The otyle sliown In this drons for formal occasions gives the long cracetri lines obtained with heavily-bead d fabric. This mod;l ln black satin with jet beads or 'white georgette with white beads ,'ln all-over scroll pattern is T.t (ticulurly effective- .--'.',r-.x.,.'?.?::-'.-r''v:-,.'-- UR C H b S Announcement ror tills depart mont bt, submitted to the Ua. Orvgonian not later than Friday evening In order to be as sured of publication ou Saturday, Clmri li of The. Redeemer Rev. Alfred I,ockwood, rector. S:00 a. m., Holy communion. 9:45 a. m., Sunday school. 11:00 u; m. Morning prayer and ser. mon. 7:30 p. m., livening prayer and ser mon.. The rector preaches at tho morning service on "What Is Man." The public .s cordially invited. Tho First MetluwIiM KlmtiI t'lilircli Corner East Webb and Johnson streets. John II. Secor, minister. Morning services Sunday school 10:00 a. m., W. T. Rlgby, upt. Morn ing sermon, 11:00 a. m. Subject. "Satl.sfiiotion." Kvcnlnyf services Kpworth League, 7:00 p. m. T"Pic, "Self Control! and How to rt It." leader, Glenn Rob erts. Even Ine sermon, s;00 p. m. Sub ject, "The Impassable Culf." Mid Week nerviest, Wednesday at 8:00 p. m. Subject. "Man The Imago of God.'' Methodist Brotherhood. Thursday 8:00 p. m. Good program, social time, refreshments. Ail men Invited. l'irst ITosbyterlim (liurch Corner College and Alta, Rev. (J. I Clark, pastor. . Residence DOG Kast Alta, phone 621. 10:110 a. m., Suhhath school, A. C. Funk, Stipt. 11:00 a. m.. Sermon by the pastor. Subject, "The Test." 6:4.i p. m.. C. K. devotional, lead er Miss Edith Umg. 7:.'lft p. m., Sermon by the pastor. "The Question of Being a Represen tative of Christianity." We extend a welcome to ail. First Christian Church "Wake up and go get 'em" Is the motto of the Bible .School for this Sun day. At 9:45 shary a good surprise will feature the opening services. The Bible School will merge Without Intor missior Into the preaching service for the 11 o'clock hour. Subject of morn ing sermon. "What tho Church Needs Most." At 6:30 p. m. the minister will give a brief, special address dealing with the basis of persona) exangelism, after which the endeavorers will con sider the topic, "To Have and to Hold a Good Name." At 7:30 tho sermon will be on the subject "Why the World Needs tho Church." I-et's make this a "So-to-church Princess Studies Painting It I fc-k v! toll I i NY ' r $ r i , ' 1 I t ' . I , A , v'H h V . '' . -. '-v.;-.-.. -- " : . ". ' - ."- -V ' , " 'I A I ' - ; i; , " i- ' A ? ' - y '-A i Everybody Needs a Copy of This Book r It's Free We have a little eight page book called "The Story of an Opportunity at Home," . containing1 valuable information for any one who is saving money or who is thinking of investing. May we send you a copy it's free. Stop in any of our offices; phone, or ask any of our employes; they'll gladly get a copy for you. Pacific Power and Light Co. A Business which of Necessity Is l're-oniinent Sunday. Von will enjoy every servlc ut the First Christian Churelii corner Main and Jackson, minister. W. A. tliessnun, j LADIES j When Irregular or suppressed use i Triumph Fills, Siifo and dependable ' In ail proper cases. Not sold at Drug Salvation Army i""' . " ex'",rln",nt "h Salvation Army hall at SOS K. Alta f"r "KHIef ' and particulars. If. free, street. Rhone 1052. (Address: .National Medical Institute, Sunday n,'rM: 'ulvr' oisappotmmeni. write Milwaukee, is. Sunday services as follows: morning holiness meeting lit 1 1 o'clock. Sundny school at 1:30 p. in. Salvation meeting at 8 o'clock. Week day services. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday night nt 8 o'clock. These meetings are for you. The words of Christ stand good In this i;en era'.lon. Matthew II, i. "Come unto ine all ye that labor and are heavy lad en and I will give you rent. Take My v.tL'n m.iin ,),a (i .1 H I., ,t mo till' heart and yo shall find rest unto your soul." These services are bound to do you good. A warm welcome awaits you. Captain Jennie, Conrad, I,ieut. Myra Moysund Cadet H. Mnrford, offi cers la charge. 3HICHESTTR S PIU Vi 1 I- A BBAKi j' ft.... .. - . . . V Jl NTT, ih tik ii tut. ... . i .'1 Christian Selcmv First Church of Christ, Scientists, holds sen-ices at 813'..j Mi.ln Strwt I First stairway north of the Inland Knipire lanki. Sunday serv-lcrs are at 11 a. in. and H . in. The subject of the lessn-sert)tf)n for -unday, April Ith, Is "Probation After Death." Sun day school begins at 9:45 a. m. js A Wednesday evening meeting which includes testimonials of healing is held at 8 o'clock. The Reading E Boom, which is maintained at the':; same address, is open dally from 9 a. f in. to ! p. in., w here the Bible and au- j S Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed, or purchased. '5 The public is cordially Invited to at- E tend the church services, and to visit is the Heading Boom. COMPOUND COPAIBA and CUBES AT YOUB PPUCCIST A.V1W BY KAM OMIT KOW SubilrtvtiM. Itcsidenco llnplikl 4'liiirch Ttev. W. H. cox. past nr. rl") Host ptrfet. phone llli Sunday morning Sunday school, V. ,E JI. r!ilv. Supt , 9:ri0. I'reaehing ser- lE vice 11:00. subject, "My Father." ! Sunday night H. V. I'. V.. Senior, iS Miss Chlldreth, Fresident, 6:30. II. V.lE P. I., Junior. Mrs. Ilallezore, I'rrs!- rlent, 6:30. Preaching service, "::0. ' Subject, "The People Around the i CrosB. Wednesday night prayer ser vice, 7:30. You are cordially Invited to he pres ent at each of these services, they are tor you Come and bring your family, Cood preaching, good singing, good mi's'c. .ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiinj. 1 rLL 1 1 Wash Your I Car I For $150 N, JAMES DICKEY With 1 P. McLean Auto Co. I 616 Garden St. uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiuiiiiniiiiiimiiTi Get a Farm from the Canadian Pacific Railway 1 grmi ownora priwt wUiua bisbi W. IHIVV M WW. "" WlK la XorUI AlMtka wlU In kiwla k ttft flwIniH sM stlnirtix. net. Your Last Big Unnnrfiinitv tt'JSttSS'Sa! VXilf No Sale Without" C,"? !T" w.frfrti oipor- Cz Inveitigation ft-lilvw lndeprtilnp Md grow Bvni f TIm CanMUn PftclAe win Mt rich In Wtri Canada. ItotTpra CtMjias lai.rwilUa 'ana onlll yoa hav In. Co Mil rtm rana land! In tha rich TiiiuPuku. aiWod it. Yomrmat baaaUaSad opn pralclaa and fcrtiia Dark wh li.mi.h iTiUm rftnd qoaatton anawarad rand of tha UordffiinaUr and l-tr ,H.r.M.r. Lthr.,i.a aalora Uklni op roar homa. Aineru and Saskatchewan or in inf'.rm.iira ...rr Dnn'tday y,wr tnaeatl- Uanle.balranaarsaotalit ahaa, .r Uaaadiaa if." iratioa. inn aa Ha Twenty Ys.foP.y- Jrjl-ij V"'' Thd Canadian Pullla offcrf m 1M st Onurta fftrt. Dp3Cl&l KateS f OT r "' ran iohm --,-- 'Si-aS-V C I And Full Information tum V.. .... c l-B downlCwwSnt. Than oi hay. KLEi!11- r. no Daymanti on th nrincinal un til tha and of tha ftiarth year, the attteea annnal paymcnu. Inurait ia f) per cent. In eentrai Saakatchewan geaeer Wheeler rrew th. world'! prue wheat. World DriM oata wara srowa at Uoydminatar. No Tuei on Improvements Taera ia a email tat an the land, but there are no Ulea on your live atock, buildine. Improvement., Implement! of periHinal cflccta. Uoorl Diarketa. modern u.hnnl. roads, etartbea, amuaejaanta, maka (aria 5,. J2"w"' T 'f hwekera maka Inspection ,,,. 8en1 m. ( txau-d pamphlett annreeln, ,J ,or,lOTa and aettiir. forth Umirea abnnl lann v. lore. acreaa. ylHda rltmal,:, npnnetuhJUaa. au. lloaotaalarl WnulOlM l. It. C. noSWOUTH IWst. ltcpi-eHOnlntlvt "03 Spratuo Avo.. Sixikano, AViishiuginn tk ri lace as ILtrfcs Jose, onlr dusbtsr of the Kinv and -,uu. . n., . . SPECIAL Friday, Saturday and Sunday FRENCH NOUGAT, 45c You know the delicious fountain orders we serve. We h ave employed Buddy Stevens to make our confections- A trial will convince. Under New Management " THE CRYSTAL Formerly The Palm 623 Main St We cater to white trade only. v. " Vim HMtttd tt tndy (nOiitiiic. ' " '