L-J . "j Fp ijgflj fi2s - : ' . . -'-: f .'"'.-. '-', s. k ' f y I ; ' . .'V 1 j', J '.-,, -.0i. ..' .-V', j: '-Jt' : : ..v :5 P V - t. i -' v. t m ' , -r-f . 1 ) ....,f r. - t V"" ;.'-;,!.v'.. .:. -.,. ...' ..,-'' ' , - , - " "l M L - ' . , : - i t - , Ta. v till I . .1. i r. . ,..-1-.. .., .. m . " I II I IT'S '. I !' .'. Jjtf .: i- .S. ' " I ' I I H ii n It U earrltt oat la rW-fciow utim u4 A i ).I,V JB&OW COBPTSa lCZC fltm &OX. &OPm S177JV Fashion Draws Lines Curved and Straight I a T t omn would weir l tb nw frokg, nbe must hv m".n.r flg Urwi, or at Ihh( nhn mint ba one of thou fortunate onw, vi'rjr much In the nlnotitjt, ho rh 'lHpt their np urM to an mode. t'Diially thU U the Um, trcefnl type. But th nw of any atyle la alwaja good newa, aa It I atrip of allror gray ahrma, though tha latter la untrlinmed except for Urga rahlioge roaes of self-material on tha Kklrt and a fine antique laca bib collar to aid the old-fashioned look of tba frock, The very earna pattern could be employed for a allvar gray taffeta with apron panel, fichu collar and flf me&tia plenty of variety from which to cuffs of eyelet-embroidered aheer or- 0 noose. It la Interesting to anta among the new ditties that tha fabric Immedi ately aiiggnsta tha silhouette the rireaa ahalt follow. With vary fa changea of cut, for Inalanca, tba taffeta frock, which la a popular as It ever baa gandle edged with fine filet lao. tha skirt In this frock Is puffed over the hipa. Orgnndles and dotted Swtsaea follow the taffeta lead. The same thing concerning material dictating lines might be said of tha crepe de china and oanton crep frocks. The frock to left shnwt the possibilities of Uce anl sail a. browa cobweb lace. In the center Is a frock skowinf long waist effect TUa la designed In whit erep a chine, embrold ered in bla'k and white silk floss. The lower plctnre shows a blue taffeta dreta embroidered In white sflk and In whlta crrstAl baads. It Is made ultb low rounded neckline and tha short aleeves are formed of wide fall circular floances. The restaurant frock to the right Lt designed In metal brocaded taffeta In pale blue with ilver design. Tbe drop skirt Is of silver lace, the bodlr la designed la basque effect finished at tim waistline with spray of tlowers. ' been, folio s the hour-glnsa lines, Chemise lines with wide aash Mousing nipped waist with tight bodies, and full the frock at a low waistline, a deep billowing skirt. It remains for tha trim mind, I' combination with organdie, the ala things and ptiffinRs of Its skirt and Sleeves, Its color and IU pattern .to give variety. Tha fundamental linea are the same. Thus, while wholly dif ferent at first sight, a navy taffeta cut In the front to waistline turning bat k In revert or tied together 'at a rounded neck and filled with self-material of a contrasting vestes la' tha story of tha ailk crept. Again, there are enough variations to deceive one that the silk crepe has many styles. Are You One of the Cooks Who Can't Cook? with paneled oversklrt topping another There are floating panels, parts of overskirt of tan organdie, generously oversklrt that loop under the hem, aet- yelat-embroldered In brilliant colors. In fullneaa at tha hips, embroidery to U cut with the same tight bodice that auggeat a two-place dress, but funda- dark brown taffeta with hairline mentally tha straight, easy-lined all- ''''''lllliL .IJIlIt:' X CSOCBETEO DE&1GI je a ESPITE domestic science schools, books and magazines, there are many women who are very igno rant on the subject of feeding a fam ily. They don't know what or how to buy; they don't know how to cook properly and tastily what they buy. Feeding the family right haa been atressed time after time, but still housewives go their ow n sweet way. What a family ahould have la her set forth according to Parmer's Bul letin No. SOS: A man who does fairly bard museu- houette holda good here. Much la done with color and trimming to) change the ellk crepe frock. Bead embroidery, patterned borders done by hemstitching, the stitching rut Into plcot-edged petala and backed with contrasting color, brilliant facings, tailored bows and cockades of self tone ribbon applied with the pre cision of a printed fabric, close all over striping done with alternate rowa of Wool and metal thread, ss on a very stunning brown Balkan crepe, confet ti disk cut from matching or self-material and sewn on close- with bead centers, plcoted band of self-material applied on the bias or spiral, applied accordion-pleated flounree at the aldea these are but a few of the cbarma which the simple-lined crepe frork, also the voile and batiste and chiffon, rasclnatas thla saaaoa. Philadelphia fcacord. , lar work would be likely to get the food which his body needs if supplied daily with such a combination of foods as the following: One and one-quarter pounds of bread, having about the same food value as one pound of such cereal preparations as wheat or rye flour, oatmeal, corameal, rice, etc. Two ounces, or one-quarter cup of butter, oil, meat drippings, or other fat. Tw ounces, or ona-Huarter oup, of tugar; or one-third cup of honey, or syrup, or ah equivalent amount of oth er gweet. of such work as lifting. thirds of a pound of cereal; that but- A family consisting of a man and a tw, oil, lard and other fattey foods av erage 90 per cent fat; that fresh fruits and fresh and root vegetables average about one-half per cent protein and 10 per cent carbohydrates, with neglible quantities of fat; and that meats, fish, ggs, cheese, etc, at purchased, may be considered to average about 14 per woman who do moderately hard mus cular work and three children say, between three and 12 years of age would get the food they require if aup plled daily with: Four and one-half pounds of bread, having the tame food value at three pounds of wheat or rye flour, oatmeal, corameal-or hominy, or rica; or about 2 pounds of cereals and ( or t medium-sized potatoes. Three-quartera cup of fat (butter 6r butter with oil, beef drippings, or other fat) a weekly allowance of cent each of protein and fat. The esti mate also assumes that all the fat ob tained with the meats, etc., is utilized, being either eaten with the meat or saved for use in cookery. Under thes conditions the fuel talhfe of the diet would ba about 10,0" calories per family per day, or the equivalent amount of 3,000 calorie per man per day, the protein value would be about 330 grams per family, or 100 grams per man per day. A Seam Finish. When stitching a seam It la very helpful to turn back when the end of the seam is reached and stitch over tha previously made stitches for about on inch. This I find a very great help, as It relieves the strain on the end of the team and prevents rtpping. to Hark Stockings. Before wearing new stockings put a mark of some kind With colored em broidery cotton at the top of each and with another color mark the next pair. A very small mark at tha tops of stockings will hot make much differ ence and then they cart easily b matched after washing. Paraffin Paper (or Ice. When protecting ice from the air to keep from melting, do hot use newapafr per, as this rapidly softens to pulp. Wrap the ice IB the wax paicr which you take from loaves of bread or 3real boxes.' This will resist the moisture and the Ice will keep longer. Make I'se el the Heater. Try roasting potatoes in the heater. When opening the heater door you will find enough space to roast potatoes for a meal. Use a piece of tin for a shield to keep them from burning If the Or is too strong. Can use aam method to bake beana It put in a caa-serol. One and one-quarter pounds of food pounds. from the following: Fresh fruits and green or root vegetables, Twelve ounces of food from a class which may be called "meats and meat substitutes;" that is. moderately fat meats, poultry, fish. eggl. cheese, dried legumes (bearia, pea, lentils, cowpeaa, and peanuts). Milk also belongs among there foods, but because of the large amount of water It contains half A tittle mora than one cup of sugar. or a weekly allowance of four pounds; or an equivalent amount of some other sweet. Four pounds in all of fresh fruits and fresh or root vegetables. One of the two following, the choice depending on the age of the children: Three quarts of milk and one pound of other foods taken from the meat a glass, or four ounces, of It would be and meat-substitute group. required to equal an ounce of any one of the others. For Onldoor Worker. A man who works hard out of doors all day probably would need more food than thla, and one who sits all day at hla desk would need lesa. Tha amounts given are auttable for a man who, like a talesman In a store, walka about mora or lata and doa mora or last Two quarts of milk and Hi pounds of other foods taken from the meat and meat' substitute group. Just a Calculation. This rather rough calculation Is based on the assumption that cereals contain, on the average, about 12 per cent protein, on per cent fat and 75 per cent carbohydrates, and that on pound of bread eootaina about two- 1 BrcrSGB.itJ!j.tri mihffltoro II . Ill II - - I