f 4t . CAILt EAST OREOONlA.-fEirDLETON, OBEGOtfV FHIDaV EVEINCr, APBIL 22, TEN PAGES J ! j..yf,.T-T ,f Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, For Rent, Etc., Classified for Easy Reference. v CLAgSKD ADVERTISING J a., i RATfcm V I Point Counting ill or ! lnary word, to th lln. Inaertlon, per Una S.lf -. vi. .uumuiini UOU.CCUUV. Insertion, par Una M On. month, .very luua, each In.ertlon, per lln. . Bl month, contract, .very Jaaue, each inaertion, per lln. M Tw.lv. month. contract, .very l.aue, aeh In.srtlon, per.iln. ...... , ' Ad. not rrn sonaecutlvelr, eaoh insertion, per lln.... No ad taken for lea. than I lln., Minimum cbarge. .01 .01 .14 .01 .is FOR RENT Furnished W. Alta Ht. roniu 101 FOR KALE HnUHohold furniture 100 Llllelh St, FOR RENT Fiirnlahed J room house 402 Tuatlii St. . WANTEIV Janitor work nnd odd Job. In morning:. Inquire 414 W. Court. WANTED lllrl or woman for general houxewnrk mid care for children 715 Mill 81. FOR RENT one of iho lorge ayts. In Security nta. on .roumf floor. Phone 892.J. FOR RENT Well furnished front sleeping room, on north side. Phone 248-M. WANTED To rent unfurnished housekeeping room and place for car. Address "18" thts office. WORK Will do Ulnh washing, bed making. Ironing, washing, children sewing, care of children, or any kind of work Phone 286-W. I HAVE an elcgnnt piano, pood sew ing machine- t-w nuts and Oliver typewriter thattIII sHI at a bargain. C. S". Rradlcy, core St. George. Hotel. LOST AND FOUND LOST Read bag In Arc.de theatre, Rod Cm design had .mall change leave at this office. 63.00 reward. LOST Tan leather suitcase between Echo and Stanfield. Finder leave at Keeney's pool room at Sianficld Reward. DALLAS. Tex., April 25. (U. P.) A club-wielding prowler attacking person, us they lay asleep, who has eluded tho possis und police for two weeks, has claimed two mare victims. The mysterious assailant crawled through the window of the home of Shlvely Russell, fractured Mrs. Rus sell', skull and bent and mutilated her husband, fracturing his Jaw with a heavy timber. The man escaped. UnHL PKOCKEDIN'GS START TACOMA. April 22. (TJ. P.) Llbet, proceeding against the West Hart- land were begun through tho district court by tho Aubrcy-Bocker Sulcs company, which lost a quantity of dye soap In the enrgo of the Governor, which was sunk in a Collision with the West Hartland. A wilftill viola tion of the navigation ' laws In: the charge against the West Hurtl&nd by the llbcllunt. AfPdm Beach I' A new phots f Urs. Peggy Hop kins Joyce, wheee third auJIlonaire -fauabaad recently seed for anaaliaent 01 atamage, one epwai par mj winter m iaaia,i ewipniia f ,,V , rr : ( 1 -, j 1 j ' iff ' NOTICES . Sloan Bonnet Shop Moved to Nye-Ward shoe .tor. be tween Geo. Baer's and Tallman Drug Co. Notice llarln-rg Boat buy In Umatila county. First elan two chair barber shop for .ale at a bargain. Address "17" caro thin office. PLEASE RETURN' purse taken from Newton Dental Parlor, or at least tho watch, to Box 122 Pendleton, and avoid trouble. Notlro Farmers Let ma sell you a car of post, direct from the woods all posts are well sea. aoned. I mako my own pout, therefor. oy buying from me you will save money. For particulars writs Vlctoi Enfield, Rochester, Wn. Oregon Ciifc Hcrmlxton Good service and courteous treat ment at all times to the patrons. Open lug hours, 6:00 a. m. to i a. m., 12 noon to 2:00 p. m., 6:00 p. in. to 8:00 p. m. until further notice. .. ; v r, . G. W. PATTERSON. Prop. XOTICK Notice of Payment of (Ity of Pcndlo- ton Tinin-ovMnrot imiMis Notlc. Is hereby given that City of Pendleton Improvement Bonds Nns. 21 and 22, Series E; No. 18, Scries N: Mo. 7, Series X; will be paid upon pre sentation thereof fo the undersigned' at the American National Bank, Pendle ton, Umatilla County, Oregon, after May 1. 1921. Interest on th. above described bonds ceases May 1, 1921. Dated April IS, 1921. ' ' ' LEU MOORHOUSE, Treasurer of the City of Pendleton, by H.. W, Dickson, Deputy. USED CAR EXCHANGE FOR SALE Dort Roadster Inquire " Motor Inn Garage. . FOR SALE Ford touring car, A-l condition, at a bargain 745 Main. FOR SALE 5 pass. Buick good con dition, good tires cheap. Phone 973 FOR SALE Late model Dodge tour Ing. New Victoria top, six tires on rims. Thi. ear all in first class condi tion. 6800.00. call 1612 W. Webb. POR SALS) We nave a few good used Fords priced from 6116. to 6376 Fhese are all worth the money call nd see them Simpson Aotv Co 7ater and Johnson Sta FOR SALE FOR SALE A 5 room house, 4 lots Phone 61 0-W. FOR SALE Furniture Call after 5: i:, l'hone 308-M, 415 Lllloth. FOR SALE Ellington piano, first class condition Phone 1165-J. FOR SALE Two Wright & Dltson tennis racket. Phone J44-J. FOR SALE 4 ft wood, fi.00 a cord Ralph Tachella, Phone 2F5. - FOR SALE 5-roora bungalow cheap If taken at once 616 High St. FOR SALE 32x4 new Cowan tire. 617.60631 Johnson, Phone 1032. FOR SALE Both alfalfa and wheat hay. Inquire Gritman Brothers. FOR SALE New enamel QiUck Meal weod and coal range Phone 796-J, FOR SALE All kinds of Insurance. J. H. Estes, 414 Main St., phone 604. FOR SALE-rl920 Buick touring car 1800 Phone 68 or address Box 631, Tendlcton, Ore. FOR SALE Reo touring car, A-l con dition cheap If taken at once In quire 619 Blaine St. FOR BALE! Self-propelled; . combine harvester, 1918 model, good shape terms 8turgls aV Slorie. FOR SALE Deerlng harvester with motor. Only cut 300 acres. Phone I6F2S or BBS Louie Hansen. FOR SALE 6 room house sleeping porch and garage strictly modern at 709 Marie Inquire 713 Marts St. FOR SALE One ton Republlo truck, 2-ton Republic truck In good shape will sell very reasonable Call Penland Bros., Phone 339. ,, ; FOR SALE Modern 3 room house, psrtly furnished, newly painted, good location, lot 75x100. For term, write owner. Box 4, Meacham, Ore. FOR SALE 4 0 acres near Meacham 20 acres In timber, 14 acres culti vation good outfit, house and furni ture. Address K. R. Moore, Meacham, Oregon. IF YOU WANT 160 or 1600 ecrce of first class wheat land, and on the easiest term, of payment you ever heard tell of, see R. F. Klrkpatrick or N. Berkeley. FOR SALE OR TRADE One 14 H. P Stover gas engine, mounted on wag on bed with wide Iron wheela Guar anteed In first clasa condition. Will trade for Ford. Simpson Auto Co. FOR SALE Exclusive right and H cense to sell Bonner Tubes In Bnker, Grsnt, Wnjlowa nnd Union counties. State of Oregon. Will sell for cash or take good car. Inquire "15"' this office, t 1-XHt S VLK First mortgages bearing 8 and 10 percent Interest. Abstracts, Inaurnnco policies and a good attorneys opinion as to title, with esqh loan. 8-00, 3400. 6600, 11000, 81100 and other amounts. GHOROFJ W. ELDER 819 Main St. res,, mono STS-W rrionp tn .FOR SALE Hatcnlng eggs from 1 thoroughbred .Ingle comb Hhod. .! Inland Reds sOO W. Webb, Phon. I FOR MALI-; Four good, work) horse and three young mule, or will trude for good car. Address Chris Stilrn, Albee, Ore., or phone Uklah, 12FX3. FOR SALti S room house east Webb, also W. Alta. . ' & .room bungalow, north side. -S room new bungalow, north side. 7 room residence, north side, fine house. ' 2 good little houses, very easy terms. 40 acres ulfufa,.land for city prop erty. 15 ncrus near Pendleton, fins loca tion. GEORGE W. ELDER HIS MtUm St. Res. Phone 972-W Office Phone 893 AITS. AXD BOOMS ALTA APT8. FOB RENT FurnUh.d Apt. Phone 110-W. - FOR RENT 2 Phone S54. room, apartment ROOM AND BOARD for men only 403 B. WebD. , FOR. RENT Front room, 2.00 per week 321 Garden. FOR RENT Furnished apartment Inquire 712 Mill St. FOR RENT Two room apartment. (02 Water St. Goo. Clark. : ROOM.AV1TH BOARD In private fam ily close In Phone 745-J, ROOMS WITH BOARD If desired 210 & Main Phone 6S7-R. FOR RENT 2 housekeeping rooms no-children 711 Lilleth St, FOR RENT Modern 6 room house. Phone 407 or 178-J after 5 P. H. .. FOR RENT Two light housekeeping rooms Inquire Doughnut Lunch. FOR RENT I room apt. with sleep ing porch Phone I89-W, 607 Aura. FOR RENT Two room downstairs apartment 307 Aura 8U, Phone 189-W. FOR RENT Front bed room In pri vate home very reasonable 714 Jane St. FOR RENT Sleeping room for gen- tleman close In 307 W. Court St.,' rhone 268-J. FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleep ing room with bath privilege close in Phone 6S4-W or call 100 E. Bluff. FOR RENT Furnished bed room in private family furnaeed heated for one or two gentlemen. Inqutre 90" this office. FOR RENT 600 acres of well fenced pasture land on McKay creek, good grass and plenty of water. Inquire Gritman Brothers. FOR RENT, May 1st. 2 room fur nished apartment, preferably to one person only Apply 803 E. Court. PASTURE for horses, mules and cat tle 63.50 per month mountain range, good grass, water and salt will get them and deliver them. Ad dress E. B. Klddec, Gibbon, Ore. 1X)U KENT 6 room residence. 8 room residence. 8 room apartment. GEORGE W ELDER , 81a Main St. Phone 903 FOR RENT Furnished room, both adjoining, hot water heat, close-in gentlemen only, Phone 174.. ' FOR RENT doings OF THE dutfs HELEN MAKES HER OWN BANKING RULES BYALLMAM HELEN, SOME MAN WANT5 TO TALK TO VOU ON THE PHONE! KM 1 . 1." that was a man at the &ank- he said i had overdrawh MY ACCOUNT "MElvE DOUAR5! i HI - Haitiy Business Directory rv.i. rMr.fnr. 1. n.-luiiv th. following lines. All ar. reliable, re.pon.lbl. bu.ln.ss concerns who 7,- WANTED m WANTED GOOD CLEAN RAGsT AT Ths East Oregonlaa ofbea. , WANTED TO RENT Alfalfa, ranch , Address "10" tills office. WANTEO TO RI'JNT Modern 4 ,room house,--Plione 890-J. or t WA.M t.lJ single, ciean cu, mi r-rif m, an(j 4 p, m. Job on ranch. Address Ruk 62, City. , 4, ( q. H. McPHERBIN, Prop. l"A VTlTi llAnflrfll rtlnf'Tl Wnrt hV man and wife 1403 W. Railroad WANTED Gardens to plow trash to haul away. Phone 6. and WANT TO RENT Pasture land for BO head of cattle Stanfield, Ore., Box 82. 1 WANTED TO RENT 4-room modern house, Inquire R. A. Marcum, 63i Main St... - a WANTED Work by man handy with house, garden and lawn Phone 314-R. Mr. A. Neuman. WANTED TO BUY Ogles Standard Atlas of Umatilla county. George W. Elder, 818 Main St. WANTED Job housekeeping and cooking on ranch mother and daughter, 18 years old l'hone 740-J Mrs. McKellar. LADY COOK desires position as cook and housekeeper for gentleman or small crew of men. Address "14" this office. WANTED Responsible man or wom an to represent us In various parts of this state.. Full time required. Steady congenial work and substantial returns assured for intelligent effort. Full particular, on application. Oregon Nursery Company. Orenco, Ore. WANTED 1000 horses for summer ' pasture. Have 4 4 sections of bunch grass all fenced with plenty of water, f will meet all horses at Urfiatilla, Ore. and deliver back to Umatilla. Rate Is 82.50 per head per month. Reference: Everett King, Frank Brown, A. E. Mc Culley, W. H. Swltzler, Ben McCul lough. Notify me of delivery a few days in advance by telegraph via K.n newick. A E. WIUmerL MISCELLANEOUS CURTAINS laundered Phone 204-R. THOSE WISHING rubbish away Phone 6 or 622. - hau led ACCORDION and hand plaiting Mrs. Lee, 306 Post St. Phone 688. MRS. ADA FIELD Spirella corsetlere Phone 324-W. Address 611 Jane. ALL KINDS of patients cared for by experienced puree 806 W. Webb Phone 884. IF ITS PLUMBING or heating Phone 623 All work guaranteed JasvMc Nair, 206 West Webb St. HOUSE AND WALL PAPER clean ing, tree trimming and window washing odd Jobfc Phone 381-A RAG RUGS and carpets woven. Also first class crocheting and embroid ery. AH orders promptly flu Wheelers, at 1300 W. Railroad. We WASH and clean the f inert ruga satisfactorily. Reference, given. We make fluff nigs from old carpets. Walla Walla Rug and Carpet Cleaa Ing Co. phone 1677. AUTO ELECTRIC WORKS' ttVHJ REPAIR anything electrical o an automobile. W. B. Chane do. AUTO TRANSFER C, E, WILLIAMSON Stand at Griggs' Cigar Store Phone 107o. E. W. 622, SWIST Auto transfer. Phone stand at Riley & Kemp. SOME MAM WANTS ME f YES. I Will'. THANKS FOR CALLING ME GOOP &fc WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? "'F-KDIM II " I VOL) 5HOOLD BE MORE CAREFUL ABOUT THAT f "WATCH Y00R SELF! hand ror th. out-of-town reader who TIME CARD Weston- Pendleton Auto Stags Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:30 at. m. and 12:46 . nt taves Athena for Pendleton at 6:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 6:20 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight Co. fitorat far Wutoa at 1. 0. t. 4, I TTME CARD Pilot Rnck-Pcndlcton Auto Stage Leaves Pendleton Hotef and French Restaurant 9:00 a. m.; Leaves Pilot Rock Hotel S a. m. Leaves Pendleton Hotel and French Restaurant 11:00 a. m.; Leaves Pilot Rock Hotel 11 a. m. Leaves Pendleton Hotel and French Restaurant 2:30 p. m.; Leaves Pilot Rock Hotel 1 p. m. Leaves Pendleton Hotel and French Restaurant 6:00 p. m.: 4! Leaves Pilot Rock Hotel 6:60 p. m. . . 1 We carry parcels and small express. FANCHO 8TUBBLEFIELD Pendleton-Umatilla , . Leave Pendleton 8:00 Echo 9:15 Stanfield 9:30 Hermiston 9:55 Ar. Umatilla 10:15 Leave Auto Stage 12:00 1:15 1:35 1:65 2:15 4:00 5:15 6:35 6:65 6:15 ITmatllla HermiBton Stanfield Echo Ar. Pend. 8:00 12:00 4:00 8:20 12:20 4:20 8:45 12:45 4:45 9:00 1:00 5:00 10:15 2:15 6:15 Two Trips Sunday LeaTe Pendleton 8:00 a. m. and 4:00 p. m. Leave Umatilla 8:00 a. m. and 4:00 p. m. Office Motor Inn Garage 722 Cottonwood St. Phone b8 PELL & DAWSOX Parcel, delivered to all way points. . . Walla Walla Pendleton Auto Freight Service) Round Trips Daily 1 Leaves Pendleton 2 P. M. . Pendleton Phone 225-W. HANAVANS TRANSFER Phone 320, Kes. S7-Rr Country trips rrompt and reliable service. FOR QUICK SERVICE, Call Bod cornfield. Phone 52. Crescent Chrar Store. Residence. Phone 106 9-R. AUTO REPAIRING FORDS overhauled 509 Market St. work guaranteed F. R. Hadley. H. L. HEDRICK Automobile and truck repairing car laundry In con nection. 717 Gardes Street. AUTO TIRES PENDLETON CYCLE CO. AJax, Re vere and Bavage tires. 128 E, Coart Street. L. a BENTLET & CO. Goodyear and Diamond Tires Tire eervice, oils and accessories Alta and Gardes Sis. WALLACE) BROS. FIsk tires, cords or fabric. We do our-own adjust ing SOS-12 Johnson Su GERTSON & MARTY Gates Super Tread tires 639) Cottonwood. Vul canizing and repairing. SIMPSOX-STURG1S CO. Republic and Firestone tires, cords or fabric 223 K. Court St., lliono 651. PENDLETON RUBBER St SUPPLY CO. Barney Oldtield, Goodrich SU vertown Cord and Pennsylvania Vacu um Cup 805 E. Court. WlO 15 TUIO GAN DOG CALLING UP WIF 50 EARLY IN THE MORNING? that's nothing to GET excited about! i'li write them a check for twelve dollars ampyou cam take , IT IN TO 1HEI1 j$f of Pendleton me want ths nam and address of responsible business wM Represent stand ready to give you prompt serrlo. AUTO TOPS 'GAD WAS AUTO TOPS. Plata Glass. Backs, Side Curtains J 1 Court BC AUCTIONEER COL." W. F. TOHNICA AncUonser, Call at. Sturgls Storle'e Implesaeat Co., for sale dates. AUTO PAINTING . 1. in.i-.ir. 1-. m i.ln 7 MEN WITH TEARS of .X perl SO C Motor Inn Garage, 722 OettoawotXI. Ward A. UoaglaocL Prop. ATTORNEYS GEORQB W. COUTTS, Attorney Law, Room 17, Schmidt Mod;, R. L KEATOR. Attorney at Law, Kcom 84, Sml A-Crawford Unildltoff. carter A SMYTHfi. Attorney at Law. Offices In rear of American National Bank Building. FEB A FEB. Attorney, at Law, flees In Despaln Building-. Oir 3. A. LOWELL .Attorney and Counsel lor at Law. Office to Despaln Bldg. S. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law, federal Building. PETERSON. BISHOP CLARK, At torneys at Law. Hooma t sod 4 Smith-Crawford Bldg. , JAMES B. PERRT, Attorney at Law. Office over Taylor Hardware) Com pany. RALET, RALET STEIWEB, Attor neys at Law. Office In American National Bank Building. FRED H. SCHMIDT, Attorney at Law. Room S4, Smith -Crawford Bid. BATTERIES PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID BATTERIES guaranteed for 18 months. W. E Chase Co., tin ,S. -ourt. Telephone 269, Pendleton. PREST-O-LITE BATTERIES Best by competitive test. Service on all makes of batteries, guaranteed. Freet-O-Iite Serrioe Station, 4U K. Onrt Phone l4. CATERPILLAR WORK CATERPILLARS, harvesters, (as en gines, automobiles and general blacksmlthlng. Round-Up Garage, Parks NebergnU, ail West Webb. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PARKER A BAN FIELD, Designing, Engineering, Constructing, i years sxperience In concrete and brick con struction. fi4 E. Third 8t North Port land, Oregon. CLEANERS AND DYERS PANTORICM Plpne 473 CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS & CLEANERS Pmaclnw anil renairlng. 104 W. Webb St. Phone 321, Pendleton, Ore. DRAYMEN WHO MOraS TOU is lust as import ant as where you move. We also pack or store goods. We do country hauling Call 339, Penland Bros. Transfer. 1 1 4 W. Alta. EYE SPECIALIST. DENTIST Dr. H. M. Hanavu J Dentistry Room 7, Temple Building. Phone 771 FARM LOANS SNOW DAYTON, 117 E. Court "t. Real Estate, Fire Insurance. Farm Lna,na S.e us about a loan. Asparagus, home grown ......... 20c Radishes 5c Rhubarb, 3 lbs 25c Florida Grape Fruit, 10c and 2 for 25c. Strawberries, basket . 35c The Dean Meat Dept OC Phorie ou and Vicinity JUNK, JUNK, JUNK BRINO your Junk to tha Pendtetow Hid. Junk Co. S. us brfore-yoa selL It. . Oamrrrm, prop, - HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCH LVO at the Singer Maeai Matl ordera promptly attende r HEMSTITCHING Mall erd. ra Ralph BaassU alT Buah. 991. LAUNDRY EVERT Article Laundered JPerfesUya There's an agent m you WH Troy Laandry, g Garden SU DOMESTIC LAUNDRY 406 E. Ctonrl 81. Phone 6e We maintain plete mendiai department. MADE TO MEASURE OSTEOPATH DR. Q. B. HOLT Osteevninw. J"-- eian and Surgeon. Jndd BMf. phones, office 6M; BcwMOncsj PLUMBING SHOP 705 LEWIS STK.iiil-.k- -lna 722-J. Alex Burt. , JOHN T. GRISWOLD numoina bh steam fUting. Repair work a spe cialty. Shop 107 W. water m., ruu. 873. Residence phone, 242-j. 1 POULTRY SUPPLIES CHIC FOOD, Scratch fooa, loejes hone, shell, grit, corn, oats, rolled barter. Umatilla Flour Grala Co. Painting and Paper Hyng PAINTS, Wall Paper, Picture Fraaa Uts. L. J- McAiotv th FraoUcal Paint Man. Lews Bros, Paint PAPER HANGING, Painting and Wall Tinting T. J. McAllister, 107 -W. Water, Itce. Fbone 106S 720 Cosble street. All work guaranteed. RADIATOR REPAIRING ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS 701 East Alta street, all makee of radiators repaired. Wort guaranteed. C Blasberg, Prop. RESTAURANT. THE QUELLE A good plaoa to eat. SECOND HAND DEALERS V. STROBLE, dealer In new and sec ond hand goods. Cash pat for second hand goods. Cheapest plaea to buy household goods, 210 E. Court Phone 271-W. SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC DR. J. M. CH1LDERS, 208 E. Bluff SU Phone 282-J. THE most up-to-date effectual lead ing science practised. fc. F. utesosi P. & T.; N. D. Room II rwme- xuoe. FnotograDtinr To Introduce our kodak work e IU finish Free one roll and on print each. Ward Studio. TAILORS S47 Main St. phone CLASSES GWXJNO to Fit Youa EE5 LENSfSDtJPtrtATEO ON SHORT NfJTCC AMERICAN IMATA.BANK BUILDING, PENDLETON. Phone 609 DONT FORGET FOLGER S COFFEE SALE. 1 Pound free with 5. Yi pound free with 2Yz 5 pounds $2.50 2' 2 pounds $1.35 This makes your high grade coffee cost you 41c pound. . Tatom Co. A IIVIIV Oarl K. Fraaseea, Elka 6UOa 1 1