East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 22, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    , ' '
"Never hm mrh a picture been
booked at the Arcade Theatre," was
the vTillrt of Manas-' City .Matlock
of Ihnt pnpulnr hniinr r.ftcr he had
HM'n Mauri, c Tminipu-0 plrtur. nation
uf "The l.nnl nf the Mohicans," liy J.
I'Vnlmore Cooper, whim . now show
In. 'There ' everything t T everybody"
he continue ''and nut a number f
the family can m ss II, because it
rdcM.rn Hie )) filks 1 y brincing happy
irtiiemlierHmf s f oth -r days; fur the
middle i.trcd the fm hern enil nioili
er of tn.1.i the ain-Hl Is strom; be
cause or the personal entertainment
clement with the value of the picture
op-ly an an amusement. These par
ent have anlothrr Interest, that of
educating their children, for ropper's
famous book is used in school work,
and ty eeiW5 the film, the youngsters
are doubly impressed, and their inter
est in i.;er,iturc is stimulated.
"1 hen for the hoys and girls! What
Wid h not 'played Indian' and en
joyed it ' Ni t a one. indeed. There
fore every lad and lassie of Pendleton
will have the very time of their lives
t tha Arcade wh;-n this bi historical
picture Is shown.
"Kvery Ai-nriain in whose ve'.ns
flows the Mood of our forefathers,
Want to we this thrilling picture. I
.011. i po on for an ho ir and tell of the
ronderful nenlc bean lien Ihe moun
tains the splendid actins. Muse set
tlnjn, and photography.
'... ; ' j - .f 1
-y a a . i
Maurice Tourricur prntf
liw Last Of J&C ilolticnns
- '
At the Taytime Theatre today thea
treftoera of thin oily will have an op
portunity to we the latest Universal-
l "Get-It"
For Corns
Stops Pain Ini-taMtlr Remove Cornff
Completely- .
Everybody, everywhere needs to
know what jniilione of foika have al
ready learned about "Ueta-It," the
:4 tTK-'' 1
Jewel production, "Under Crimson
.Hides." featurinjr the Colonssus of the
-sirern, i:imo Lincoln.
"1'ndi-r tYimson Skies," ia an origin
al story by J. G. Haw ks and is reminis
cent of the virile tales of the sea by
Jack London and Robert Louis Steven
son. It tells the story' of Hank Marstow
master of the Southern Cross, who Is
railinc to a South American port with
a caro of pianos. Clayton, owner of
th? carso, and his wife and baby
duurht r are the only passenprers
aboard, takins a shipment of rifles
and ammunition to be used in a rebel
lien, and the firearms are stored in the
empty piano cases. The second mate
and part of the crew are In his employ.
Purins a storm at sea Captain Bar
stenv discovers that he Is carrying con
traband, and when he threatens to put
Clayton in irons the crew mutinies. He
is forced to shoot the ringleader, and
Clayton's wife, who arrives on the
wene too late to witness the mutiny
l-elieves Farstow's action sheer bru
tality. Vhen the Southern Cross docks at
th? Lntin port, Clayton and the crew
accese the captain of attempted man
slaughter on the high seas, and he Is
tried hy a marine court martial. Keep
ins silent on account of his love for
Clayton's wife and baby, he is sentenc
ed to prison, from which he escapes
and becomes master of a band of
beachcombers after vanquishing the
leader of the lawless mob.
How the revolution starts and
threatens to emrulf the conspirators,
how. Bar-stow and his gang of beach
combers come to the aid of the be
sieged Americans at the consulate and
how be regains his liberty and reputa
tion are told in a series of intensely
interesting scenes.
Rex Ingram directed the production,
which engages the services of many
clever players and which is rich in ar
tistic photography.
uxl torn Conn With " Gtu-lt."
trusrsnteed painl'-ss corn ar.d callus
remover. Any corn, no matter bow
dee rooted, departs quickly when
"(iels-H" arrives. Wonderfully simple,
yet simple wonderful, because all sore
ness stops with the first application.
Jet rid of your corn and wear shoes
that fit. liig shos simply make corns
frrt w bigger. Your money back if
fjets-lt" fails. Insist on the genuine.
Costs but a trifle everywhere. MTd
hv E. Lawrence & Co.. Chicavo.
Sold in Pendleton by Tailman & Co..
Kconomy Crug Co.
Elnine Kammerstein, the popular,
beautiful and talented Kelzniok star,
will again be the principal attraction
at the Alta theatre, this time in her
lat?t and strongest photoplay, '"rh.e
Iet'iqhter Pays," an adaptation of the
st .i v by Mrs. Baile Reynolds.
Robert Ellis, who is responsible for
Ki.irene O'llrien'sT last two big screen
hites, directed Miss Hammerstein in
"The Daughter Pays" and he also
plays an important role in the produc
tion. The plot in brief deals with the re
vense of a monomaniac upon the
woman tho had slighted him in
tarli.T years, hut which he has never
forgiven or forgotten. The man, Os
hcrt Gaunt, was jilted by his fiance be
cause of a rival who possessed greater
wealth. At the t-me the story opens
Children, 10c
Adults, 35c
if 4
4 52
- .6 IK t- sZ
if V
V.J 1
- . .At',
V 4
... i
presents . ,
Jrjmcricmi drama clernsl-by James Fi'?umorc(pcper
Directed by'
Hie storyof a prince 'without1 I
V a kingdom J
' v I
Lives to See the Preecription
He Wrote in 1892 the Worlds
Most Popular Laxative Remedy
Founder of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, the largest
selling liquid laxative in the world, long past
Biblical old age, but hale and hearty Still
sees patients daily Wonderful achieve-
ment of a "country doctor." , r
WHEN I started to practice medicine, back in 1875,
there were no pills or tablets or salt waters for
the relief of constipation, and no artificial
remedies made from coal tar. t
The prescription for constipation that I used early in
my practice, and which I put in drug stores in 1892 un
der the name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, is a liquid
remedy, and I have never had reason to change it. I
intended it for women, children and elderly people, and
these need just such a mild, safe, gentle bowel stim
ulant as Syrup Pepsin.
I am gratified to say that'under successful management my
prescription lias proven its worth and is now the largest selling
liquid laxative in the world. Tha fact that over eight million
liottles were sold by druggists last year proves that it has won
the confidence of mothers whose chief interest is the health
of their children. ." ,
,n f .'HI' I-
Bora Shelbyvllle, Mo., March 27, ISM
Bccin the manufacture or his famous
prescription in 1893
It is particularly pleasing to itie to know that
the biggest half of those eight million bottles were
boaght by mothers for themselves and the chil
dren, though Syrup Pepsin is just as valuable for
grownups. . The price of a bottle holding 50 aver
age treatments is sixty cents; such a bottle will
last a family several months.
I have never made a secret of what 5s in Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. It is a compound of
Egyptian Senna and other simple laxative herbs
with pepsin and pleasant-tasting aromaScs.
These, ingredients are endorsed ia the U. S.
Pharmacopoeia. I consider Syrup Pepsin today
in the serious 82nd year of my age, as I did in
1S32, the best remedy a family can have in th
house for the safe relief of constipation and its
accompanying ills, such as headaches, bilious
ness, flatulence, indigestion, loss of appetite
and sleep, bad breath, dyspepsia, colds and
Millions of families are now never without Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, and I believe if you
will once start using it you will also always have
a bottle handy for emergencies.
p J y IT SeT' 50,,r 'name an aT"s an& ' tn" Kn I0 a fee trifl' 'K,tt'e f my ""P P5"-
FY w- n Address me Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 513 Washington Street, MonticcIIo, Miraij. Ewnixxrji now
AIL ' ' nJ then needs a loxatiic, and it is well to know the best. Write me today.
Dependable Tailoring;
There is a lot of difference between just any
kind of clothes and a tailor-made suit. ' ,
They pay dividends in self-respect and self con-
fidence and standing in the community. , , 1
They do not depreciate in value like clothes that
are sold on the basis of cheapness and poor designs.
Do. you know that we are making the best f
clothes in Pendleton. Try it and find out.
The Model Cleaners
304 W. Webb Phone 321
tha wheel of Fortune had turned, and
Gaunt Is now wealthy, and nf old
sweetheart is a widi v with three
Krown-up children and a very tneiifrre
income, daunt conceives the idea that
hs will marry the daughter and then
proced U make her existence as mis
erable as his fantastic imagination can
conceive. Part of tho plan proceeds as
per schedule; ho marries the daughter!
but from then on the situation takes
tin unforseen turn. Tne outcome of it
all will be shown in w hat is said to be
one of the most brilliant bits of screen
fiction seen for some time.
An exceptional cast, with Norman
Trevor, Theresa Maxwell Cnnover,
Kobert Ellis and others of equal fame
suport Miss Hhmmerstin in the pre
sentation of "The Daughter Fays."
CHICAGO, April 22. (tT. P.) Five
bandits held up two officials of the
Amben? State Bank and escaped with
$25,000 which was beina; taken to the
L'nian Trust Company for dt'l'osit.
CHARLESTON", W, Va., April 22.
(A. P. ).n "anti-vampinB" bill, de
signed to protect the sanctity of the
home, has been introduced in the Wt
Virginia legislature by Senator Har
ic.er, of Clarksburg.
The measure provides that if any
hushnnc or wife suspects another per
son of heini? unduly familiar wi'h his
or her mate, tliey may appear befoi-;
a justice of the peace, swear to the
facts in the case, and then send a writ
ten v.-urnins to the person lavishing
tne attention upon the said mate In
event the recipient of the wuritlnK
falls to take heed and cease tho
'varnping methods, the Justice shall
cause his or her arresst summon hem
into ccurt. and. if adjlidged guilty of
the chatgo, a fine of i to J1U0 shall
be t-sf-'essed.
WARSAW, April 22. fA. P.) Po
land claims the oldest spinster in Cen
tral Europe. She is Miss Anna liobek,
living in Chocholow, who -recently cel
ebrated her 123d birthday. Miss Do
bek is still ouitc active, physically and
Pet Hggy
, S i
V 'V
" -if
3i ! -.-fjr fy
V-: -V? j
, r ''). .;
mentally, and does some house -work
each day.
She also has a sense of humor, ami
to Jicr acquaintances, attributes her
longlcvlty to the fact that she has nev
er been bothered by having a man
about the house. Miss liobek doesn't
like cats, cither.
Children, 10c
Adults, 40c
If she doesn't care for
cream centers
For particular folks who don't like creams,
there's the special Vogan Superla package.
Just chocolate covered caramels, nougats,
toffee and other delicious "crunchy" and
"chewy" kinds. Look for the brown Superla
package. jt bettcr dealers everywhere.
11 j -
Vogan Candy Company
Portland - Seattia - Spokao Ticomi
Two Ginger Snaps
Scenic, Instrumental, Electrical Extravaganza
Lewis J- Selznich Presents
in Mrs. Bailie Reynolds
Poverty Against Riches
Fox Sunshine Comedy
- - t
I ',
m$m; -vrm
KM i
Children, 5c
Adults, 20c
Picture tfof
A WucJa at ihe Heart Sh&tfJ
4 Thin pintr V to market and al
most " every place that Helen Lee
Worthing New York beauty, ton.
She call him "Gippy" and lead him
with leash. V are uppUtutiiij
"Poms" as home pet.
A Cin.'K ATKLT fitted ftlasses
are the only kind you
should wear. The lenses In
your slasKcs should be designed
to exactly-correct Ihe visual de
fects fmm which you are suf
fering. If you need glasses for
both far and neHr we combine
the two correction In one pair
of invisible bifocul lenses that
look exactly rtUo jingle vision
A Hcd Blocdad Diama of Strond Hen's "
P&ssiozs aid cue i Pmi Love
A woman on board a (hip packed with arm
for cuthem revolution!,!, a mntinoua ercw
only one strong, tilent man to hold thm at
bay. Thiu itarU tho bisieat rotnanca au
over taw ana
A itory that carrlei you out of your hum.
drum life to the volcanic paulc of tha
tropica and tbe mighty amiggla of man
and a woman for life and happioaaa.
i Seo it turo. Now ruling.
' ' "If! I At frir T7 n
.I, mi . . . . .-. - 1
i . . - .
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