"t. . VI' - ctA TEN PAGES PACE TWO DAILY EAST ORCGONIAN, PENDLETON, OGON TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 10, 1021. r A rl te K ll w, M I U Hi M M At lo Ik n w n o M' M til lu th g s e 5 m ft Fa N r ? We will give you the best for the price, no matter what the price 1 I ' Mere are several New Styles in Suits and Goats 1 WHICH WILL INTEREST THE SMART DRESSER. aii( 1 misses styles shoul- eoinmon- You women who like to wear which are head and ders above, the place we would ask yon to take a trip in to view these new comers. Yon will find them, to emhody all that yon desire your garments to emhody, and citing prices you had no idea garments of such high quality could possibly be purchased for. SUITS are priced from $25.00 to 895.00. COATS are priced from 89.85 to $75.00. :a:few'.mqre SPECIALS' :FOR WEDNESDAY AND! THURSDAY. 31x90 In. Hemmed Sheets 81.49 Dreamland seamless sheets of stand- Continuing for a few' days more our sale of Kayser and Carter's Spring and Summer Underwear, , for women. The Greatest Women's Underwear Sale in Years. The highest price 2.49, the lowest price 18c jrarment. BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY! tur Solitary Orge.ry .... t ' " FREE With every 3 pound can of Golden West Coffee we will give absolutely free 1-2 lb. of Nu-Raya Tea. Fresh, clean, pure milk right from the Jersey Dairy. KLEEN MAID BREAD The best nuf sed. ard quality, full bleached and extra large size. They are easily worth $2.00 and are one of the best values we have to offer. ' Special for two days only, each. . . $1.49 81x90 In. Hemmed Sheets $1.39 Standard quality sheets of good weight. "Empire" sheets are full bleached,, are torn and ironed. The regular price of these sheets would easily be $1.85 each. Don't miss this bargain. Special for two days only, each. $1.39 . Pongee Silk, Special 69c Natural colored pongee silk that will be in big demand from now on for sum mer garments. The width is 33 inches. Special for Wednesday and Thursday only, a yard G9c 45c Lingerie Crepe, Special 34c Lingerie Crepe, 30 inches wide, dainty, soft finished material, suitable for summer underwear and other pur poses. Shown in plain shades and handsome fancy figured patterns. A bargain worth while. Special for Two days only, a yard 34c Zephyr Dress Ginghams, Yard 19c Standard Dress Ginghams, 27 inches in width, excellent quality, Toile Du Nord and Red Seal. New plaids, ;hecks and plain colors, will launder nicely. You can always do better at The Peoples Warehouse. A Splendid Value at, a yard ...... 19c m BEING LOCATED easel Held In Seattle While Search is Made; 19 Cases of 'Fire Water' Found on Board SEATTLE. April 1 U. ( I'. 1'.) I'll I' ll ml after n running fU'ln with the oast guard cutler Areata, during hleh her upper works wine spllnter il wlili bullets tK-rtri nlii was finally cached imil fired by the two men board, tln gas launch Xculal Is held 1 Seattle while fed, nil officers are making it starch fur nor crow. Nine, en fii8tii of 'Whiskey, vermuth nnd oglllic Im held by customs. The lniinihe Im mild to'be owned liy .'. J. .Vni'Kun. Tho two men escaped ftcr they hud beached and fired her t M n rowslone point. According to Captain I.insdnlo or the Areata, his iiHpU Ihiik were moused when he saw the. launch runiiln:: at night without ilgiiis. He ordered her to heave to and when she refused he opened fire with high-powered rifles mid pistols. PEtBlLlONS GREATEST DARTAENT STORE New goods are arriving daily. pay you to visit this store just possible. as often 'Ufa 1(105 WflrOhOUS IIMWHERE ft PAVS TO TRADE EMTOSB Prices have reached a new low level and now is the time to buy. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii Model Cleaners Our work does the advertising, not the . news- papers. ALL PRICES REDUCED We boost for home industry, not an out-of-town agency. j Our work is done at home in our own plant and is not sent out of town. ' f ; Ladies Waists .. 75c Ladies' Suite, cleaned and pressed $2.00 f ; Men's Suits, cleaned and pressed $2.00 j Men's Suits, pressed 75c The Model Cleaners I Why You i Should Read This Column Ads. Your Share Most Women $1.25 a Minute 5,000,000 Homes AN EDITORIAL ON ADVERTISING 304 W. Webb Phone 321 Tniiiimiiimiiimiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Most people still think of ad vertlKing as having to do only with price or bargain announce ments. Somehow there has never been established in the IPMeiiiiiM Si - ill 1 ' : ' Accumulation of Wealth But few have accumulated great wealth without first savin. By Industry and thrift you can fcrikd ually accumulate a sufficient amount to prove of tmely assistance when your srent opportunity ap pears. Vou then can grasp it and reap your reward, fitart a Term Savings Account today this Bank will pay you 4 per cent interest compounded senil-annu-ully on your money. If it's only 11.00. Our fort-fall, rr a-t-uiiiiilt-d :rit to olul lili our Inde-H-iideiiiT, hut 'ou nil insure1 jiour by ri jig our . j lre u i lu'k hikI diiiun in a IjlK-rl) lull llaiik at lttn'. Inland Empire Bank Pendleton, Oregon consciousnes-s of the country the fact that with the; majority of women, price is und always has been the third consideration in every transaction style being first and quality second. . Now with men, this Is somewhat re versed, quality beinff given first consideration, style second, while price la third. So that advertising really has very little to do with bargain, sales. Last year $1,240,000,000 were spent for advertising the great est economic force in the world today. (To visualize this vast expen diture, one needs only to remem ber that scarcely more than One Billion Minutes have expired since Christ was born and that this is $1.25 for every minute.) Only because its benefits were mutual could this vast expenditure for advertising reach such tre mendous proportions. If adver tising were a one-sided bargain, then it stand to reason that thi la'v of compel, satlon would havo stepped In and retarded its growth long before it reached a billion dollars. Since advertising is of mutual advantage, then It Is a duty we owe to ourselves and to our homes to understand Its full eco nomic value and especially at the present tlmo when everyone is anxious to make every spend ing dollar do its full duty. This newspaper particularly believes that economic conditi ons can be most quickly stabili zed and revitalized through ad vertising, Therefore, it believes that a clear understanding of the functions of advertising is of tho utmost Importance to each one of our readers. A frank and full discussion, at this time, of all the elements entering into every phase of buy ing and selling cannot help but prove beneficial, not only to the Individual reader of newspapers, but to our country at large. This feeling accounts for these daily columns of editorials on advertising and buying. Hun dreds of other newspapers are printing them along with us. country Joining forces at least one editorial to point out to you each day the advantages to be gained by following advertlilng closely and constantly. These editorials, which touch the very foundation of buslne.' conditions of the country, appear in newspapers which reach more than five million homes dally, where necessities and luxuries are bought for practically twenty five million people. El Tho newspapers these editorials on and the people that get no pay it Is all that print advertising write them a free will offering to the prosperity of the nation, and the efficient, econo mical management of the home. Whatever good comes to those who take part in this work will come as a reflex from service rendered In stabilizing and re vitalizing business conditions. Won't you, therefore, do your share'.' Kead these little essays: point them out to your neigh bors; and quote them to the pes simists who think that the buy ing sun no longer shines. mUTBSKtjfl, April lSj ( It. It. Shef field, X": V. Stuff Correspondent.) Tno years ago Europe suffered severe sugar shortage. Today every Europ ean sugar market is overstocked, ac cording to figures published here. Every European boot sugar produc ing country, even Austria, has produc ed larger crops in 1920-21 than in 1919-20. with the exception of Kussla and the Ukraine, where a decided cur tailment is reported. All the best writers of the leading advertising agencies of the country are being called up on to supply these editorials the highest iaU2 writers In the MlMtAKV SKCPIIKS MTV IitK)K. To meet the demand of Umatilla county teachejs, the county library has secured 23 books for the Teach ers" Iteudlng Circle course and has In. serted In each book the printed questions on the respective topics. The librarians Btate that the de mand for the books Is Increasing and they advise that teachers who order by mall give three choices. Reserve note will be made if a special book is wanted and tho volume will he sent in the order that requests are reclved. Following Is the list of books: An dress, Health Education In Rural Schools; Brlggs, The Junior High School; Broadhurst, Home and Com munity Hygiene; Brooks, Education for' Democracy; Chancellor, Health of the Teacher; Cooley-Wlnchell, Teach ing Home Economics; Cnlvin, Intro duction to High School Teaching; Da vis Work of tho Teacher: Englemah, Moral Education in School nnd Home; Freeland, Modern Elementary School Practice; InKlist Principles of Second ary Education; Meriam, Child Life and the Curriculum; Monroe. Tho Hu man Factor In Kiliicatlon; olan I Teaching of Agriculture; Nutt, The t Supervision of Instruction; I'.irker, . General Methods of Teaching In Ele mentary Schools; Tatrl, A Schoolmast er in a fircat City; Peters. Human Conduct; Showslter, Handbook for Rural School Officers; Snedden, Vo cational Education; Ktrayer and En gelhardt, The Classroom Teacher at Work In American Schools and Wil kinson, Rural School ilunugcmenL Statistics Issued by tho great Ger- i man sugar magnate llerr V. O. Llcht, of Magdeburg, reveals the following situation: Tons Tons 1920.21 1919-20 Oermany 1,090,000 739,548 Czecho-Slovakia . . . 700,000 489,366 Austria 10,000 5,132 Hungary.. ?5,000 8,019 Poland 200,000 140,000 France 325,000 172.495 Belgium 260,000 146,918 Holland 310,000 238.692 Russia and Ukraine 50,000 86,691 Other countries .. . 725,000 697,318 4 CARLOADS OF CAHLE (East Oresoni.in Special.) , iECIIO, March 19. Tho west end oratorical ami d.-clamutory contest was held at Echo In the city hall Fri day evening. The contestants wer Judged upon voice. Interpretation of I bought, poise, pronoiinclstlor), enun ciation, articulation and rhetorical ef fect. Lucille George of Echo won first place In division I) and Grace Jackson of llermlston. was given sec ond place. In division C, Pauline Voolker of Hermlslon was awarded the first place and Marian Oeorge of Echo second place. In the high school oratorical contest, tho first place of honor was given to llollis Gordon of llermlston, and In the high school dec lamatory contest Anna Shuttleraeyer received the most points. The win ners of this contest will take part In the county contest to be held In Pen dleton. .May 6. The Judges fur the contest were Tho Misses Naomi Runner and Blancho Scharmann of Boardman and Prof. 13. H. Anderson of Irrigon. The affair of the evening was presided over by Professor Voel ker of the llermlston schools. Echo's stockyards were the scene of ! much business S.iturd:iy evening when ( lleist.-ind Moor loaded 4 cars of the n'cest cattle that have been shipped from this point for some time. Fred Andrews and Fiank Ward also ship ped six cars of cattle that ' vied fur first place with Mr. Moore. Joe Cu- jn,"h also whipped one car of sheep land one cf rattle In the samp train. ;They will be shipped to the ' Seattle land Portland markets, I Mr and Mrs. C. M. Jnr'fsnn" nnd ! mn, Wilbur, were In Echo visiting; i friends Frldcy. 1 Father lliuler and Father Tlertrop , attended th" ileclnmntory contest held I In Echo Friday veiling. Mr. and Mrs. C. Tt. Oreene and chil dren visited at the home of W. J. Wat tenliurger Pundnv. Mrs. F. T. Kyler left fot Tier home in Clenrrield, Pennsylvania, Friday evening after visiting for about two months here at the home of her broth er, T. W. Plowman. Before going di rectly to the East, Mrs. Kyler Intends lo visit for a whllo with relatives In California. Albert Peterson, mnnncer of thn Uklah Mercantile Co., was an Echo visitor Sunday. Hermlslon defeated Echo In a very exciting ball gsme Sunday at Hermls ton with a score of ( to 0. Echo high school team defeated llermlston high school team In n very Inlerestlng game last Friday after- . noon. Hermlston's team scored eight points In the first Innlntr, hut after that Echo held them down, only al lowing them to score one more point in the rest of the gnme. The gnrnn closed with a score of 9 to 10 In Echo' favor. V. W. Andrews nnd Heistnnd Moor left .Saturday evening for Seattle whera they are shipping cattle to the mar kets. They expect to remain in that city for a few days before returning. Mrs. H. W. firew spent Saturday shopping In Pendleton. ' Mrs. Elgnr Adulr and three small children are here from Princeton, Idaho, visiting nt tho home of Mrs. Adair's brother, C. It. Hawkins. Mail Sherman was a visitor In Ten dleton Sunday. Total 3,685.000 2,724.179 However, despite tho fact that pre war flermany supplied the bulk of Europe's beet sugar Germany's pro duction In 1920-21 is insufficient to meet domestic requirements. It is predicted no exports will be possible. This Is because sugar-beet raisers favor selling their product to manu facturers other than sugar refiners. In order to sidestep the governmental control and fixation of maximum prices. Wherever business Is carried on untrammeled with other facorles nnd prices obtained exceeding the gov ernments maximum. Abolition of government control, on tho other hand, will undoubtedly see Germany resuming her place as a sugar nation body is rnioxTmi'j) XETV YORK. April 19. (U. P.) The hody found In tho East river was Identified ns ihat of Mrs. Jessie Hardy Mulibs MocMayo, a well known suffra I'lst. She disappeared Inst night after Ihrentenlnir suicide. AMKKIi'.W COAI, IX IIA1J.K P.ERU.V, Aprif 19. (A. T.) A re port from Halle states that American coal Is being offered for Industrial plants In that section at a price 20 marks per ton below the present Ger man figure. German Industry Is said to bo suffering from 'a coal shortage wing to the enormous monthly de liveries to the Entente. The dispatch adds that Germany Is gradually de veloping Into a promising market for American coal In view of the preval ent aversion to purchase the English lrodutU pi Itsaromaand fine flavor aliuaysj pleases discrimmatmg tastes " 1 ,- -