TWELVE PAGES DAILY EAST 0REGC1TIA5T, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATUTvDAV EVENING, &.TT.IL 16, 1C21. . ' ... - II ' ""'t, People Here and There Captain A. K. Ilun.'hduff, state game warden, la nut captain by courtesy. Ho won his commission ilurlnc tliu recent war und Ih m(111 known by tliu 1 11 If. Ho In here today and with hint 1m George Tonkin, II. H. Knmo warden.' Mr. Ton kin' huadipinrters are now In a kcr, Oregon, instead of In llolse, Ida. 11. O. Aery In u 'business vlHltor In Pendleton since yesterday. Ho- In the newly appointed county at,'cnt of I'nl on county. E. T. Averlll, of tho firm of OutU & Averlll, left hint nlKht for Mc Minnvlllo wliei'o ho will attend a con vention ot the Oregon Firs Relief As sociation. Tieforo returning to Pen dleton ho will visit In Curvulllii and 1'ortlund. Mrs. 8. I, Belknup of Porllund hare for a brief Visit. Mrs. Hlonn. Thomson or Kolio cume to Pendleton Friday afternoon. PHONE FOUR-O-NINE FOR BETTER QUALITY Thone rales may come down, but in the mean time you should make it earn its cost to you. The Wise Ones Gall 409 The House That Peddles Good Groceries at low Prices. WE DELIVER AND DELIVER QUICK a o 2 W o -c I 9 s Ft 8 u If the goods aren't right just say so. We'll fix it. 5 g 1 he Economy Grocery 113 W. WEBB ST. Phone 409 PHONE FOUR-O-NINE FOR BETTER SERVICE Mm. Nettle MorrlH, who In the teachur of tho school at Wstrlct No 15, has been retained for ttnother yeur. Her salary ban been increased to 11320 a year, and a furnished leaeheruge Ih maintained. I School DlHtrlct No, 48 of near Tllot Hoc, LuUKiit by Mi'H, Alary Kiimrlez, No. (IS, Jflemlnft" Oleinun, teacher, and No. 26, taUKht by K. May Uarton, have been recognized as standard, element ary schools. . Attorney a. II. ISIshop of Frecwa ter, is in I'endelton today on buninons. He reports that the prune orchards In that section are now In bloom and the apple orchards ure bediming to show blossoms. I Neil tflupp, who teaches school at District No. 12, was In Pendleton this i afternoon. Among other tilings, he I was huvlnif his auto repaired. John Henderson, a student at the Pendleton hii!h school, is In Walla Wuliu where he will spend tho weekend. NEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON Content Winners aiiiel. At tho preliminary contest lo deter mine tho school representatives fur the county declamatory contest held In the west end of the county last night, Lucille George of Kcho won first place In Division 1, Pauline Voel l-'lrsl Melhortlsl I jiI-Mf nil Church K.'iHt Wc)h nod Johnson struels. John 111 Kecor, minister. MornliiK N'Ttlccs S'lndny si'hnol, 10 a. in., W. T. IClK ly, superintendent. MoiiiIiik sermon, 11 a. m subject: "How Much Owest Thou My Soul." I;clillij Service Kp worth LcuKue, 6:30 p. m. Topic, "Hecreatlon for Younir People." ! Leader, Seville Marty. Evening ser- ker of Hermlston was the winner Inlmon, 7:30 p. m. H"bjcct, "A Crucial Division and Anna Hhultleineyer Hour In Christian History." of Vrnatllla was the winner In liivl- .Mid-week service Wednesday even slon 11. In tho contest held in the east ilntt. Th's week at 6:3'), a potluck sup end of the county Naomi llulley was per and a social time. Subject for the the winner In Division C. The winners In these contests will compete for county honors In the contest to be held here May 7. 10 E devotional period, Everybody Invited. "Jesus Christ." Miss Peurl Wilson, who teaches school ut the Thorn Hollow school spent today In Pendleton. Mrs. Helen Mason, clerk of School j District No. 56 of Helix, is in Pendlc ton today. Principal Howard Drew and Mrs. ! Drew of Echo are In Pendleton today. Chester Offner, business man Walla Walla, Is In the city today. of V. S. Fwanson arrived In Pendleton l'riday for a brief business visit. Mrs. R. H. Oliver, teacher at District No. 13, was here this afternoon. Imcuo nc Tur pniiMTV OFFICES iD OFFICERS ! j fmcnTs j 1 ' i V vwya ' PARIS, April 16. (Webb Miller, V. Staff Correspondent.) Complete plans for military and economic coer cion of Germany by May 1, was sub mitted to the allies by Premier ISrland. The plans, drawn up in a conference last nieht between Kriand, President Millerand, Marshals Foch and retain and minister of the liberated regions, Locheur, included the occupation of the Kuhr district and possibly the In dustrial part of Westphalia. Under' Koch's recommendations, a decided re call of military classes of 1318 and !19, for three months. The marshal expressed the belief that 100,000 men were "sufficient to keep the Germans In check." t HAIUJK CHAPMX CICI.KBItATKK DOS ANtlEU:.-, April 16. (IT. P.) By way of eelebrutinic his 32 birth day, Charlie Chaplin decked himself In a neatly pressed suit, shoes that fit and shunned the camera. IM TTEK r.EMAINS STEADY POMTl.AND, April 1. (A. P.) livestock Is slow, eggs are unsettled and butter Is steady. Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less Despair & Lee Cash Grocery 209 E. Court Phone 880 . z . . . . The Safest Way The Surest Way to beat the high cost of living is to pay cash. When you can save from 10 to 25 per cent on your every groceiy need by trading here, you are hitting high prices right be tween the eyes. Pay Cash ' Receive More " Pay Less Despair & Lee Cash Grocery 209 E. Court Phone 880 Deputy Sheriff In Mcachara Official business was responsible for tho presence In Meacham of Deputy Sheriff Lavender today. Get Marriage License A license to wed has been Issued at the office of the county clerk to James W. Strong of La Grande and Kath crlne Porter of Pendleton. lieiunis 1-Tom lortIund Miss Grace Gilliam, county treasur er, who has been In Portland where she was a witness In the Hough case returned to Pendleton Friday. Fish Licenses popular That many boys are planning to ob serve Sunday by takinif a fishing trip Ib disclosed hy tho number of boys' licenses that have been Issued to lads between the afres of 14 and IS. . Their ciders are also taking out many per mits. Vp until 2 o'clock this after noon, eighteen special boys' licenses had been Issued today at the office of the county clerk. The Salvation Army. 20S East Alta street. House phone. 1021. Hunday meetings as follows: Sunday morning, Holiness meetings, 11:00 o'clock; Sunday school, 1:30 p. rn.; young people's niectiiiKS, 6:30 p. m.; Salvation round-up meeting a o'clock. Weekday meetings. Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday nights at o'clock. The public ure cordially invited to attend these services. Good singin? and speaking is assured and a good time is in store for all who come. Captain Conrad, v:fii has been kept home on account of sickness. Is now ablo to get out again and will be once more on the firing line Saturday night and Sunday. Come, come, come, come! Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and confess your sins and thou shalt be saved. Officers in charge. Captain J. Conrad, Lieutenant M. Moys. n rr r -v Thi At U Ma4 wwiilinf nrf m m wiSsl m i b. mah mm Tim a th mmw nrf Jna vt nudf it war int aft Oranp Bloawm dwgn (Nr mtnvwf 1m. iwc nahmM? TJqhuS" "PatriciaA. OyaxgoBlossom - Sole Pendleton Representatives , for Genuine Orange . Rings SAWTELLE'S Inc. Announcements ror this dejwru ment must bb submitted to the Fast Oregonian not later than Friday evening in order to be as sured of publication on Saturday. Geriwin Ijillieren There will be German Lutheran ser mon at the First Christian church at 2 p. m. Sunday. There will be Sunday school at 1 p. m. Itcv. Dlasbery will preach. I-attor Day Saints Tho Church of Jesus 1rist of Latter Day Saints, (Mormons. We wish to offer you a special In vitation to our meeting Sunday even ing at 7:30, where Pres. J. O. Smith and Elder Spauldlng will be the speak ers. We also hold Sunday school at 10:30 a. m. at the Moose Hull. Clianged License Plates For altering a 1920 automobile li cense plate and converting It into a 1921 Issue C. E. Flock, Milton resident, was fined $10 Friday afternoon by Jus tice Langley at Freewater. Discovery of the change was made by Traffic viiieer m. ljyaay wno cneeKed on the licenses. The work was so cleverly Cone that casual observation would fail to disclose any Irregularity. The plate Is displayed today at Allen-Knights. v-S?' s J?: fti 1 ill 1. 4 It The 'Most "Beautiful Car in. CZmericau '31 (i M .9 Master of the Highway The world's stock car record for speed now belongs to Paige and Paige alone. When our "Daytona ,6-66" model thundered down the beach at 102.8 miles per hour, it proved itself nbt only a marvelcusly fast car, but a superlatively good car. Only giant strength and endurance could sur vive such a heroic test. So these are qualities that you will find in any Paige 6-66. We invite you to take one thorough demonstra tion behind the exclusive 6-66 motor and make a record of the tests. Then ride in any other car at any price and compare the results. PAIQS-DKTROIT MOTOR CAR CO., DETROIT, Michigan JVlt(rflrl.JUXLt'.ilaa' I f !. - - 2 m 1 1 0, E. IIOLDMAN AUTO CO. Thone . .. m aiaii in I")"' ' ' n in ' ' " in ana I u i i I la i i m ail S niiiiii inir ii ii mi iirn iiti iiiwariiniimiiiiii i iimwiifniiiiaT iiniwrnnt Jlaplist Cliurcii Hev. W. H. Cox. Pastor. Phone 1167. Residence 515 Bush .St. Sunday morning. Sunday school, F. M. Riley. Supt., 9.50. Come and bring your children. Preaching service, 11:00, subject, "Kesulta of Overcom ing." Sunday S'ight. B. Y. p. U., Junior. Mrs. Ealhenzore President, 6:30. B. Y. P. U., senior, Miss Is'ola Childreth. President. Leader, Mr. Arthur Morris 6:30. Preaching service, 7:30, subject, "Salvation from Sin." There will be special music and singing. You are cordially invited to bo with us. A warm welcome awaits you. If you have not been going to church get the habit and come. We want you. VttA Xa fl WV .'re Tfftrav rn A Nntinn.W'irtp Institution 5 Lollard J if " lovely 1 N7 ! I New MAI-)' l- tJW M Summer UKM M ; Wonderfully tempt- f A MM h W i inc colorings in the I .M4 MM . new silks, and the i M llJ ' very low prices char- kV acteristic of Penney V PMil stores is bound to -VSs. ! i make this a season of .7. ; SilkS. . -'TJf I J t'liitian S,leiiiw First Chureli of Christ, Scientists, holds servicesat 813 U Main street, (first stairway north of tho Inland Kmnlrft Bsnk.1 Runriav services nre' at 11a. m. and 8 p. m. The subject of the lesson-sermon for Sunday, April 17th.. is "Doctrine of Atonement." Sunday school begins nt fl : 4 5 a. m. A Wednesday evening meeting which includes testimonials of healing is held at S o'clock. The Heading Koum, which is maintained at the same ad dress, is open daily from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m., where the Bible and authorized Christian' Science literature may be read, borrowed, or purchased. The public is cordially invited to at tend the church services and to visit the Reading Room. First Christian Cliurclt Something doing at the First Chris tian Church, Sunday. A big surprise for everybody nt 9:45 sharp. Don't miss it. Every teacher in the Bible School Is to be fired. Come and wit ness the procedure. I'nifled services, with Bible School merging into the preaching service without intermission. Sermon at 1 1 on the subject, "A Live Church." The C. K. Will meet nt 6:30, it which time the mln'ster will give a brief address, after which tho topic, "How We Can Improve Our Recrea tions." will be considered by tho young people. Sermon nt 7:30 on the subject: "Sins Which Entangle the Soul." A cordial welcome to all ser vices. W. A. Grossman, minister. Say "Threaded Rubber Insulation" The Wlllard Threaded Rub ber Battery is immune to all old-time wood-separator ills. The plaSci are insulated not merely separated. No money out of your pocket for separator replacement, be cause Willard Threaded Rubber Insulation neither warps, cracks, carbonizes nor punctures. It outlasts the battery plates. Ask about the Willard Threaded Rubber Battery the only battery with Threaded Rubber Insulation. PENDLETON STORAGE BATTERY CO. Garden anil West Court Streets ' SIB AGENTS Hichway Service Station l:. Court and Aha Sts. Steele's Service Station Corner lialey and Matlock Westlnwn Auto t'o. Echo. Oreson eil & Barker Kermlston StnnfieUl Anto Co. Stanfield, Ore. Auto fchow March 10-11-12 LLTS GO! o ! w c c First l"rcsbyterinii t lmrch Corner of College and Alta streets. Rev. G. L. Clark, pastor. Residence, 306 K. Alta St., phone 621. 10:00 a. m., Sabbath school. A. C. Funk, Supt. ll:no a. m., Sermon. God." 6:45 p. in., K. Devotional hour, Mis Gertrude MeCnnnoll, President. 7:30 p. m., Sermon, "The Question ol Investment." We extend a cordial welconie to all. Batteries and Church or the Redeemer Rev. Alfred lck'wood. Rector. S:00 a. m.. Holy Communion. 0:45 a. in.. Sunday school. 11 :0il a. m., Mornins prayer sermon. j 7:30 p. in.. Evening prayer and ser-j ninn. The sermon topics will be "The, Function of the Church in the Divine' Kfom.niy" ami inthe evening "GnVsi Caly'," The public is cordially invited, MAGNETOS f 1 GENERATORS 2 ELECTRIC STARTERS X Or any part of the electric system on your car overhauled and repaired. Satisfaction guar anteed. HARRY H. GRAHAM, X Wlllard Service Station, t Pendelton, Or. Z Phone 6S4. LETS GO! Usona Silk, 36 inches wide a fine fabric of silk and cotton, fine for lingerie, linings, etc., all the wanted shades, yard 39c, 59c Imported Pongee Silks, all pure silk, 33 in. wide 39c, 49c, $1.39, $1.49 Extra heavy quality All Silk Imported Pon gee, 33 inches wide, fine for sport skirts, etc., needing a heavy quality, yard $1.38 Silk Poplin, 36 inches wide, a dependable quality in desirable shades, yard 89c 40 inch all Silk Crepe de Chine of a quality you require in all shades, including honey dew, tomato, porcelain, rattan, negro, orchid, hen na, yard . $1.69. 36 inch all Pure Silk Pongee, for undergar ments, blouses, men's shirts, etc., flesh color only, yard ?1.-W 32 inch all Silk Pongee, white and cream, yard $1-39 32 inch Silk Broadcloth, a wonderfully good wearing silk, white only $1.98 32 inch White Silk Jersey for skirts, sport coatings, yard $2.49 32 inch Silk Skirtings in striking patterns for coming coatless days, yard $1.49 36 inch All Silk Taffeta, in the new and pop ular shades including Marion blue, sapphire, African brown, nickol, negro, yard $1.98 36 inch Corticelli Silk Taffeta and Satin in the new Marion blue, yard $2.49 36 inch Black Silk Taffeta yd.. . $1.69, $1.98 J. C. Penney Black Silk Taffeta, our name in the selvaee insures the quality 36 inch, yard $2.49 J. C. Penney All Silk Satin, 36 inches wide, yard $2.49 36 in. Silk Messaline, black only, yard $1.98 36 inch Lining Satin, cotton back, black only, yard . $1.19 40 inch Charmeuse in the popular spring shades, vard $2.49 40 inch All Silk Georgette Crepes, yd. $1.49 renneyxu MY 313 DEPARTMENT STORES Pi 3 3 J. C. Penney Co., A Nation-Wide Institution Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Trices East Oregoniar. Printing Department