East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 16, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Image 15

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Seasonable Hints for the Small Purse
SUITS hi itppwl oat from tht
sbiidow of Ui wrap to Ui fort
ground of popularity. Brer?
cabla from tlia Parti opening tnn
tlont the ault, which It a algn that th
two-pteea tallleur, aren aatda from tha
aporta ault, which tha Amarican wom
an neTar rtllnquiKhna, will aculn bar
1U fling.
Tha nwt aolta both from abroad
and maria hara at hnm ara showing
aoma r.urlmia daralopmenta from tha
mora or loa atralght, aohar linrn w
have bean wearing. Thar arc taking
on la tha Brat plaea a decided flare,
long. The aklru are a negligible
quantity, leverelf plain, moderately
ahort and hardly erer flaring. Occa
sion aly tbey aaaert themaeh-ee by
flrmly disagreeing with the jacket In
color and material. The contrasting
ault jacket and skirt la perhaps the
bit (est surprise the season
The rrrwtiler Patts.
In the dressier type of suit the skirt
It very apt to be black satin with th
Jacket of orange cheviot, or of Jfcde
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Ultr pie hot effectha Insertion la Moca and diamond design cmbloed
wita atrip at aemstltclied linea tor bedspread wltk Ue to correapoad.
and they ara of two ertremea either
rery, rery hort as to Jacket or rery
green. One of the now halr-Hne
stHped sergfs for the skirt with a
plain serge for the Jacket Is another
chic combination.
But to come back to those sbort
jackets! Some of them flare enough
to 40 be called "coolie" coat, with flar
ing sleeves and a narrow shoulder,
while ar.!n they hang In straight hot
Knee. Always the shoulder stays nar
row. And with these same jackets one
sees traces of the dtrectolre In the
hlgh-walsted skirt of princess sug
gestion or In a gay waistcoat,
or draped aash pulled high so
that thn blouae la only a matter of a
few inches of muslin above the higher
The long Jacket alto achlere flare,
except in those of more tailored per
suasion. In the long coat many
shaped aeama. gcdet inserts, or sep
arate circular pepluma provide the
flare, and again the waistcoat 1 popu
lar. Moat of the coats do not button
up to the chin, but prefer to roll tn a
long shawl collar, or ahow a collar
that could be buttoned close but rolls
away from the throat though keeping
the high dtrectolre cut In tha back.
Wnai They Are Made Of.
And what are these new suits made
of? Nary serge and trlcotlne principal
ly with a decided leaning toward
mastle serge and gabardine and some
corert cloths. Gray is making Itself
felt In novelty twill tor tha dressier
type of suit, as well as in the sports
suits. A new suit that combines both
sports and dress possibilities of gray
tweed with flecks of orange and blue
In Its weave. It shows a collar of
yellow crash linen, and breaks Its se
vere lines to admit strappings of self
matcrlal adding a lining of gray and
yellnw striped silk. Another tweed
suit shows bindings of taffeta, and like
the first, otfera an excellent choice for
the woman who must make one suit do
the work of two.
This binding with braid is a distinct
suit feature of the season, and is to be
eamijuc s&acm, st-
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met with tar more than embroidery..
Odd little braids looking much Ilka
upholstery material mark out the
unique lines of many dressy suits,
while in others contrasting soutache
stripes panels. Wool embroidery on
a suit showing the straight box coat
Imitates the French serges by outlin
ing the set-In pockets with green and
yellow stitching.
While one doea aee elaborate ault.
tich as one of black satin embroid
ered with white angora wool and hav
ing the top part of the Jacket of pleat
ed chiffon, the tendency of most of the
suits, no matter what the cut is to
wards simplicity. It is left to the
waistcoat, probably of gold-embossed
leather, or of colored pique to give the
bizarre touch, or to the lingerie collar
with which more than a few suits are
provided. These take on Medici lines
and may be organdie or lace, or frame
the face with a closely-pleated frill of
If a piece of meat 1 tainted, put in
a little vinegar when cooking.
The laoe veil Is popular and
there are countless arrange
ments of it The "loop 1 hav
ing anile a vocne. It I tome
time cIled the mask and I
bong from nnder a drooping
quite brond brim on both sides
and fastens snugly nnder tbe
chin, also there is a tiny fringe
nf lace which falls from the
brim and jnst veils the eye.
All sorts of things are pop,
lar to trim the Spring hs
fcethem, drooping decidedly
downward. Inclined stiffly to
the side or standing quite up
right l flowers, those of straw
are In delicate colors and are
made of straw braids combined
with gold and silver, and they
are nsed to tip the long ribbons
which appear on so many of
the Spring hats or are some
times set on wide sattn ribbons
which erosa shapes of black
Then there re frnft, glycer
Intsed ostrich and any number
of ribbon arrangements to add
PHEN one ctop to think that
there are 75 calories in a cup
ful of eornmeal mash. It can
easily be sean that served with thin
cream or top of tha bottle, It forms a
food rich la food value at very small
In the following tested recipes ara
suggestions for preparing this health
ful and nutritious meal In many tasty
Polenta With Corned Beef.
Into three and a half cupfula of the
trained liquor in which corned beef
has been cooked, stir one finely minced
onion, one chopped green pepper (from
which the seeds have been removed)
and on cupful of eornmeal. Cook,
stirring constantly, for 10 minutes
over direct beat, then turn into the
upper part of tha double boiler and
cook for two hours. Mix in on large
cupful of finely chopped corn beet and
pour Into a greased pan. Let stand un
til firm, cut in slice and saut tat hot
tat If the meat liquor la very salty,
dilute with water or milk.
Cornmeal Bolls.
Mix together on cupful each of
eornmeal and flour, half a teaspoonful
of salt, four table-spoonfuls of baking
powder and on tablespoonful of
sugar. Enb In with the finger tip
three tablespoonful of shortening and
moisten with one lightly beaten egg,
mixed with half a cupful of milk. Roll
out Into a sheet,- half an Inch thick
and cut In rounds. Brush over with
melted butter and fold double. Bake
In a hot oven for 15 minutes.
Cornmeal Griddle Cakes.
Mix together three-quarters of a
cupful of cornmeal, one and a quarter
cupful of flour, four teaspoonful of
baking powder, half a teaspoonful of
salt and a teaspoonful of sugar. Beat
on egg lightly, add one and a half
eupfula of milk, two tablesnoonfuls of
melted shortening and one tablespoon
ful of molasses. Combine the two
mixtures and bake slowly on a hot
greased griddle.
Indian Apple Padding.
To en quart of boiling hot milk add
one cupful of eornmeal and cook to a
tbick mush. Then add one teaspoon
ful of ground cinnamon, three-quarters
of a cupful of brown sugar, two
tablespoonfuls of melted butter, two
well-beaten eggs, half a teaspoonful
of salt and on pint of chopped. Juicy
apple. Mix well and bake In a mod
erate oven for about two hours. A ltfc
U more milk may be added If tha
pudding becomes too thick while cook
ing. Sou Xllk Spider Cora Cake.
Mix together on large cupful of
cornmeal, half a cupful of wheat floor,
three teaspoonful of baking powder,
one tablespoonful of sugar and three
quarters of a teaspoonful of salt Stir
half a teaspoonful of baking soda Into
one and a half cupful of sour milk
and add to the dry Ingredients with
one beaten egg and Lhree-quarters of
a cupful of sweet milk. Pour Into a
heavy Iron spider, well-greased, and
pour over the top, without stirring,
three-quarters of a eupful of addition
al milk. Bake SO minutes tn a moder
ate oven. This cake, when properly
made, contains a layer of custard ta
the center. It la delicious served wtth
currant or tart grape jelly for lunch
eon or supper.
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Keep Finger 511 Free From Dirt
0 keep your fingernails clean and
Tf white when having to polish
stoves, automobiles, etc., scrape
the nails over white soap until finger
nails are filled with same and they
will be kept free from any particle of
To Mend Table Oil Cloth.
Pour melled paraffin under the torn
place and smooth the cloth down with
a knife blade.
To Clean Fnr.
Take a stiff bristled hair brush and
waeh. When thoroughly dry cover
with absorbent cotton. Brush the fur
gently, but firmly, always going the
way the furs lie. If the cotton becomes
soiled put another piece on. When
finished shake the fur Well to make it
stand up.
To Water Plants.
If a quart bottle Is used when water
ing plants Indoors or on the porch it
is almost impossible to spill any water
on the floor or stand.