DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, "' 1 - - - ' .-u n.i-ik. u.i. ii .i.-ijj i mm iu,-ir SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 16, 1021. TWELVE PAGES OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE DAILY MARKET NEVS, LOCAL AIND GENERAL PACE TWELVE Including Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports KliH'k Murk) lUflitli litiinlMii. NKW T I;K. April 1 fi. (A. V.) The I'lw k market wax urttiv Rtnl MruiiK 'tiMuy, umlilrnly rovrrwiiK it iMimtlon o1' lirrvlou ilaya. m a le ault of ruimilittivt' l cUiimu Ms of Mulily eiirournKinic Hanii-tiT. I'liltf among Ihi'im was the ilictflon of tlu I nilnl Htittna railway ljilor bourri, Hlirrffutlntf tho contru"I3 rntor ! Into liy the fedrral railroad Hiimin Hrnliciii. This liav.'i the trail ipx'.-tv tion coiapanl-'H trvv to deal induid.i Ally with their employe and not thr rllny lalmr orKiinir-ilions. iroement In mlon exerted Heuvv avllinir fur profits failed to Impair priors, the list brine at Its best 111 Die last hour. l'iidirR rails made net Kains of one to almost three points while oils, steels, equipments and re lated specialties rvifWtered advances of two to five and one half points. Sales amounted to T10.000 shares. omestlc money rntos were upiln unehansed, but remittances to Ku ropc hardened, the, only exception be Ins: the Italian fate, which forfeited part of lis recent rise. Ilonds were dull and benefitted witrje-rdy slightly by tho day'a news. 1.1b-Im-ierly issues, tractions and pome of the the Ili llisli labor rim- j loreijjn group made moderate trains, i favorable influence. Total Bales, par value. Were J9.87B,- sis in Great llritaln would be quickly at an end. Corn and oats averaged lilKher In sympathy with wheat. Uurtil offer ings were meaner. Kuropeans took 200 000 bushels of corn. 1'rovlslons at first were dull and In lined to sat? but later responded to in Improved export demand and to firmness in the ho market. P.) w hile the reductions of rediscount j lH'u- rales by the Huston branch of the fed. ral reserve board heightened expec- j Whrat t.nns lutions of easier money rales in the near future. omestic industrial ad-! vice were mixed but aimst motive in' the main. Tendencies toward trade I Ktabihtallnn were furnished by add!-1 tionul price cuts In steel and iron pro- ducts announced by one of the Vnited i Htatcs Hteel subsidiary and several of! the Independent produccrs. In other branches of Industry and j commerce, such as textiles, leathers: Foretcn S t nation Improves). CHICAGO, April 16. (A. P.) Wheat prices developed considerable strength yesterday, anxiety having lessened in regard to the Pritish in dustrial situation. The finish, al though nervous, was at the same na yesterday' to 1 l-2c higher, with May II. S2 1-2 to J 1.22 3-4, and July $1.06 to f 1.06 1-2. Corn gained 3-8o to 3-t and oats 1,-Sc to 3-Sc. Provisions and general merchandise, overnight i closed unchanged to 15c up. advices were distinctly hopeful, point-1 Almost at the outset bulls had an lug to increased output and revival of advantage in the wheat market as lublic consumption. result of new hope that the labor cri- Uiiylut ltrtiirrftM Uy I nfavorable Weather. NEW YORK, April 16. (A. Uradstreet a says: "Intermingling of poor and good news which has been a feature of the week's advices, makes for a continued very irregular and streaky trade re port. I'nfavorable weather, low tem peratures retarding spring buying and hurling early fruits und Vegetables, close to the lowest prices In the better I part of a decade on the farm and de pressing news regarding possible for eign and domestic labor troubles, are among the causes for the easing In se curities and exchange markets, the fining of buying, both at wholesale and retail, to Immediate necessity and the continued lagKing shown in col lections. Weekly bank clearings 36 -1 7, '.8 9,000." THE OLD HOMETOWN. I HOME - CJZS 4 Elmex whiwl( w&s if-H-tt I lsi- 5) Cvi - ' SOLDtRNfc A SMALL MOLE let lfl, -J ,-THE GASOLINE TAN ON HENRY APPLl&fcTEi Zy-i r.f- PLEASURE CAR-AN EXPLOSION TOOK PLAQE "rC':i EARLt TODAY. SAFflY DEPOSIT INSURANCE Safety DcHit Insurance i the rlic-npcn Insurance you can buy. It Insure your illsnraiK-e ami renders alwlntc pniicxTk.n for your laluablcs aa iLst lot by fire, Lurlars ai;d yccssi. Vou can linvc a private Htrons box of your own, for your personal treasures and ktsoiui1 uers. Safety lH iKwit Itoxes may lie secured in tliis bank In various e an at iwltx-s according to sixc. E 1 . S aimmmmmiata. The Americantetional Bank Pendleton. Oregon. 'Strongest Sank in Gas tern Oregon" Special Prices on Bed Room Furniture We have Chiffoniers in ivory, French plate mir rors, fine workmanship, good material $35.00 Dressers in ivory, large French plate bevel glass $30.00 Dressing Tables, tripple mirrors $23.00 Fine large Chif fonette in ivory $23.00 Chiffonier, medium size $20.00 Cruikshank & Hampton "Quality Count" 124-28 E. Webb Phone 548 Your Old IVnillure Taken In Kieliance as Tart Tayiuent on New Usht licccipts and Steady lriccs. PEATTLK. April 16. (A. P.) Hogs Receipts none. Steady. Prime 11 i 11.65; smooth heavies 10ill; rough heavies 8 4 8.65; pigs 10 11.50. Cattle Receipts 26. AVeak. Prime steers 7.75i8.25: medium to ehr,io. 6.004i6.75; common to good Ja.BOi!))' 6.50; best cows and heifers 6 50W7- medium to choice 4.50 l 5.50; com mon to good 3.00 4.50; bulls 4.00 5.50; light calves 10.5061 12.00: heavv calves 6.00 ig 7.00. PuUI.-l.os Xcw Wool Quotations. BOSTON. April 16. (A. P.The i Commercial Bulletin publishes wool quotations as follows: Missouri Half blood, 272Sc; 3-8 blood, 25fi26c; 1-4 blood, 24 25. Kentucky and similar Three eighths blood unwashed. 30c; quarter blood, unwashed, 28 20c. Scoured basis: Texa.s Fine 12 months, 65 73c; fine 8 months, S5i 90c. K. c. Market Steady to Strong KANSAS CITY, April 16. (A. P.) Cattle Receipts 650: heef Kteors nmi TO GOT THIS SOVeiSNMCNT JOT3. evrsre (Ncr thcn, Howcvofe, You havs oom WBSCCOTCCY MOTrilMCiiJ TJur IT'S NOT TOO I ATf- TO MPWD Ml LET THIS SWlSOt. CHAIR CHILD TRAINING AT HOME Till is No. 27 of the fourth series of articles issued by the National Kinder garten Association, 8 West 40th Street, .New York City. They ure appearing wt-iy In these columns. Don' I ay, "Stop that!" without laying, "You may do this." Bj Dorothy ( anf.cl'l l-Micr, Author of I'mlersUiod Betsy. The Itrimmiiig t'np. face softening to a smile. "It's lover ly," she pronounced solemnly. Grannie and Mother began to talk The grandmother who had brought up seven children to vigorous, happy and well-poised maturity dropped in to see her young daughter-in-law She was greeted by the sound of sobs and huwls from behind the closed door. The young mother explained, her face st hunt. "Hlste has been naughty. Slie is being punished." The grandmother sank Into a chair, praying for wisdom. "I never pun- DUicners stock mostly steady to strong, i ished one of mine In anv such way in -stockers hither, steers steady. j all my life," she advanced mildly, "and .-neep z.u'jd. ianihs mostly steady; ! some heavies around 25c higher. j KOI.DIKItS AVIMi UK TlUKl TACOS1A, April 16. (U. p.) Everett Impyn and Lawardus O. Bo gart, Camp Lewis soldiers will be ar raigned today before United States Commissioner Hammond on a charge of criminally assaulting a nurse, Elean or Scheyer. of the post hospital. Both men has confessed, the military offi cials say. The only penalty the fed eral law provides for a crime of this kind is hanging. The accused men were token before Miss Scheyer, who is In a hospital, but Is expected to re cover from the brutal treatment. She instantly identified them. The military records of the prisoners show that both men are Germans and took out citizenship papers a few weeks ago. KXPFXT WAVi: PIIKK ClTTIXt; WASHINGTON, April 16. IV. P.) I Ihe drastic - price reductions an nounced by the l"n ted Slates steel cor poration may precipitate a second countrywide wave of price cutting, it is believed here. "Cheaper steel will ' tend to bring down prices to the con sumer of scores of commodities in every day use," declared Ethelbert Stuart, a government price expert. Uniform Dress BLUE RED or. BLACK TIE, . -V BLOUSE 1 V I LISLE BLUE l I l IOOWSS they never disobeyed me, either." "Why, Mother Hurtonl" cried the young mother incredulously. "That's just iiiipo-sslblc. What did you do when they didn't mind, when they acted as Elsie did just now? he a so naughty, You see that lovely set of Stevenson? I told her three sep arate times not to touch it, but she persisted in handling the backs of the books with her sticky little fingers, what else could anybody do but pun isn her?" "Well," said the grandmother, "Let's consider this case: I always tried to put myself in the child's place and tried to imagine why it was they wanted to do what seemed .naughty, what there was in it that attracted them. Let's look at that Stevenson set. Yes, isn't it a beaty, all red leath er and gold lettering? Why. I be- ! lieve it's the bright coloring that fas cinated Elssie. There's nothing wlck, td in liking pretty, bright things. Why, if that had happened to me, I believe I'd have tried giving her some thing bright and shiny that she could play with." I "No, you don't understand Elsie, said the young mother, "that wouldn't work with her. It's stubborness. You ought to have seen how angry she looked." "Well, perhaps you pot her 'mnd' up," suggested the grandmother, gent ly. The young mother gave a skeptical, impatient gesture, "You can try it, and see for yourself." The grandmother went quickly Into the kitchen while tho mother was un locking the closet door, und by the time the sobbing, excited child had rome out, she Was back with an egg beater and a bowl of soapy water. Elsie looked blackly at her mother an'd marched straight toward'ihe for bidden books. "You see," breathed her mother triumphantly. "Elsie," called the grandmother hrighty, "just see here what I've got. Mother says we may play with it, you and I. See, when you whirl the egg beater around, how It makes the water all froth up. It's as good us beating egKH." The e;;g-beater's shiny blades shone clearly as they whisked about through the glistening, foaming suds. Elsie was too little to contain more than one idea at a time especially when one of the ideas was such a beautiful one. She ran to the bowl and began to try to turn the beater. At first Grannie had to hold the bojvl steady, but in a moment the deft little fingers caught the trick, and whisk! how the suds foamed up! She beamed as she beat, absorbed, radiant, the little eyes blurred with tears brightening, tho little, sullen, angry about the weather, and a new recipe for cookies! The crisis was past. When Grannie Btood up to go, half an hour later, she remarked casually to Elsie, "Oh, say, dear, Mother Just loves those pretty red and gold books down there. And we are afraid that If you touch them, you'll get them dirty. You'll try to remember" about that, won't you? You wouldn't like Mother to spoil your things." Elsie's small mind hud gone a long dlstnn.ie since that episode of the books. To her it seemed as though a long time- had passed. And she cer tainly cared nothing about them, now. She nodded, peacefully, her eyes on tho shining water. "Oh, I don't care anything about tho books," she said, "when I've got Oils." PUTnr Together AGAIN Yes we can take it all apart In fact we know each car by heart. Don't be like the little boy who took the watch apart to see what made the wheels go 'round. Don't tinker around your car and so disturb the mechanism that you don't give a tinker's tamo'shanter what be comes of it. Drive it around here. If it is too sick to navigate, just phone us and we'll throw out the life line. RUDY TANNLER Senior. Car Day and Xlglit Shop phone, 870 Itcsidcnoe 405-W 518 Willow Why Experiment YOUR NEIGHBOR WILL TELL YOU THAT "PEACOCK" HAS NO EQUAL. OTHERS HAVE SEEN THE FALLACY OF BUYING COAL WITH OUT A NAME. . . , - SAY KU THE COAL WITH NO REGRETS mm- Quality Phone 178 Smythe-Lonergan Co. Quantity Service BUICK FmUrmtfSatiftdim) (51 sr- L LtfSattijaitai 3 TjfE want you to judpje the new rr 1921 Buick on this basis capacity to give definite returns on investment. Let us demonstrate one of the new Buicks and test for yourself Buick's quality of dependability; inspect the accessibility of mechanism; enjoy its roomy comfort. The graceful new lines make doubly en joyable the pleasure of possession. Since January , regular equipment on all models includes Cord Tires A PrfMMtlm t. COMPOUND COPAIBA w4 CUBCBS AT YOUR DRUGGIST A.k fer ST-N MENjjr. tuhrtlhHlOT A plain blue slirt. A whit middr blouiw. A blur, ml or black tir. Linle ftorkingii. Ixw-keled nhom. That in the uniform whool dr Ihat R. O. Jon, x-bool auperinlend rnt in Cleveland, iiaya ahould be Adopted by all jirl pupil to help atop Ihe wave of immorality that in now liieiuirinf American aehooia. Oirl' rliibn in the liiz.li erlmola will cmiu I'aian fur u..j.i,,n f I hi drew. uHICHESTfR S PILL? .THK IHAMUNU BRAND. jX o,'JI, t'i Br.. rm wi-- A.kii.i ri -;--- , eUIAI-ll UK VI) PILI.l'ii'lJ J - t L aaw l Jt Phone 468 Oregon Motor Garage, Inc. 119, 121 V. Court WHEN BETlEPw AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT, BUICK WILL BUILD THEM