East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 15, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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The Kmt Orrgnnlnn li Fxitiorn Of
fon'R greatest newspaper nd fil
ing f rc gives to h advert iswr ovr
twice (he gusrnntoro paid circulation
In Pendleton and t'mat.lla county of
any other nawapaprr.
4Th net pre run of yeetordsy'i Dully
Thl pr l n.mt.or or unit audited
by the .Audit Bureau of Circulation!
VOL. 33
NO. 9802
mfJ& ' .. . ' r.i
Commercial Club of Frcewatcr
Entertains Delegation From
Pendleton and Walla Walla.
Meeting Ushered in What is Ex
pected to be Unprecedented
Era of Public Spiritedness.
repl ( note
on Mandate over yap
Tho membership of the Frcewatcr
Commercial Club was more than dou
bled, an era of good feeling was ush
ered In, harmony between that town
and Milton prewired and a future
doner cooperation between that ec
tlon and Pendleton win given head'
way at a bamiuct last evening at Kree
wuter when the commercial organlxa
tlon of that city played host to their
own membership, representative!!
from the Walla Walla association and
a delegation from I'endleton.
The meeting was the signal for the
loosening of much enthusiasm, good
feeling and In the ushering tn of what
In expected to prove nn unprecedented
1 era of public splrltednesa on the part
of the metropolis at the northern end
of Umatilla county,
The speakers at the meeting that
followed the banquet Included Muyor
George A. Hartmnn of I'endleton;
Secretary L. I I.ynn nf the Walla
Walla Commercial Club; I lev. George
L. Clark, pastor of the Presbyterian
church of Pendleton; O. If. Wshop.
city attorney of Kreewater: E. H.
. llowc, .president uf UiOJTreewater
Club; la J. Davie of Freowater; Attor
ney Frederick. Htelwer and Secretary
Claud I, 13arr, both of I'endleton.
Increase, Momlx-i-i-ldp.
The meeting was held, Toastmaster
J. F, Slover declared, for tho purpose
of increasing tho mrmbership of tho
orKanlxutlon and Retting all the point
ers and aid possible from neighboring
clttva to assist In solving the prob
lems of the Kreewnter club.
An opportunity was presented Free
water guest of the club to Join the or
ganization and twenty-four men were
added to the list, which brings the
membership up to H. Further efforts
to awell this list were foreshadowed In
the enthusiasm that was displayed by
the men,
;lve Organisation Ideals.
Bwretnry Lynn of, the Walla Wiilla
organlnitlon, dwelt broadly mi the
Ideals of commercial bodies and used
tho quotation from a noted expert tor
the keynote of h.'s speech: -.o mat
ter how successful you ore. nor how
high your character, you ure not a
good cltlicn unless you arc doing
something for your community."
A review of tho different singes of
tho upbuilding of society together with
the causes that worked to bring about
the gradual evolution of the forces of
mankind were considered briefly.
Man soon discovered in the early days
of civilisation that he could not live
alone, but that lie must cooperate
with his fellows, the speaker declared.
The four vital principles that must be
present in th esucressful commercial
organization, according to Mr. I.ynn,
nro vision, spirit, service mid Belfsue
rlflcc. l"r,e Cnnstriu live Work,
'Mayor George A. Hurlninn, speak
ing ns a representative of both the
I'endleton Commercial Association and
the city, In response to the address i f
Welcome given by City Attorney a. II.
l.llshop of Freewater. urged that the
rejuvenated organization keep to a
constructive policy.
"One of tho difficulties that every
organization has to overcome Is the
A real ball game Is promised
Saturday afternoon when Whlt
mun college and tho Moose Jaw
club's teams will cross bats at
Round-Up park. The game will
be culled at 3 o'clock sharp.
The Whitman aggregation Is
putting out a brand of ball that
holds most of the college teams
In this seefon of the country.
Manager Nick Williams' Cana
dians are going at a snappy rate
now after a week's workout
which has taken a lot of kinks
out of flabby muscles. Competi
tion for places Is getting rather
keen, and all kinds of dash Is
anticipated for tomorrow's con
test. Nlck' pitching staff Is getting
pretty well filled now. Lesher
blew In yesterday and reported
for a trial and Hoy pliss will ar
rive this afternoon. About thirty
men ure now working for berths.
Japan Foreign Office Fears
Enrjland and France Will
Not Support Her Position.
TOKIO, April 15. (U. I)The
Japanese foreign office favors a Joint
repiy uy Japan, France, and England
to tho Anierlcun note on tho Yap man.
date, but fears England and France
will not support tho Japanese position,
according to the newspaper Hochl.
The paper said the foreign office taken
the view that a complete communlca
tlon B.vsttm Is an Important fruit of
war and therefore will not consider
any plan for an International adminis
tration of the Yap Island cable station.
Payment is Moral Obligation Al
so Unjustified; All Depends
on Who Docs the Speaking.
I',' pji $r '"1tt s
If- t-'Lm.'
George Harvey Will be Ambas
sador to London, Myron Her
rick is Appointed to Paris.
j Divorced Wife Has Asked
I Court to Set Aside .Decree
j After Divorce is Granted.
(Special to ll.e 1'iist Onronlan.)
WAIjI. V V.IJ,A. Wash.. Aorll I5
I (firgc II. Carmii-liacl and Ming I"'sic
O llarra livrc marr'ed lit-rc last night.
Dog Would Scratch at Back' ,..,. ,,. ., ,
. , I ''"(Ir e (.. M. I'hclps aul today that
DOOr and When Opened She ' although arml. li, l H married, the
Would Maka Want Knnwn I "n"" "l " "'" f dl
WOUia XaaKB WaniS JS.nOWn. yT V KrMII.d t-urml. ha-l from Mabel
j CannMiart Inst fall will ! hoard.
CLKAH I.AKr, Minn., April 13. , Tho dale lias not yt Ikvii set M-t It
(A. I'.) When tic owner of a dog ano will itt.liriiil- Ik- artcr the prewnt Jury
nine oupples tunud them out withou'. . tcim . Should tlic decrre l mf n'iliv
food and refused to feed them an) ! Cncml-hao!' marriage to MalM'l Cor-
longer, the mother dog did Just what u mblinel won.'d stand and Ms marring
numan mother would have done In
similar circumstances. She went from
door to door begging food for her lit
tle ones.
The dog would scratch nt the back
t'oor of Clear I.uke Houses and when
(o M.'hs Ollarra would be lilt-gal.
treorge H. Carmichael, whose di
vorced wife, Maliel Carniichnei asked
that the court set aside the decree
Cfler the divorce huH
opened slle would look Into the face nt yesterday secured a marriage license
the person who came and then at her ! In Walla Walla to wed Elsie O'Hara.
half-starved puppies, telling as elo
quently as she knew how that they
were In need.
Her appeal was always heeded and
food whs provided for the wanderers.
Hut in every Instance tho mother dog.
hungry as she must have bet n, refused
to touch any of the food until her lit
tle ones had had all they wanted.
The case was reported at length to
Kam F. Fullerton, executive agent of
the Minnesota ociety for'the Preven
tion or Cruelty, who Investigated the
story and found It true In every parti
cular. Mr. Fullerton compelled the
dog's owner to take her and her pup
pies back and provide enough food for
of We-ston
The matter offsetting ns'de the de
cree has not yet been decided by the
circuit court here and the motion will
Ik heard despite the fact that six
months tins elapsed since Carmichael
secured tne divorce and he is now, ac
Today In congress.
t-'enate Continues the dlxcussion of
the Columbian treaty. The foreign re
lations committee approves the nomi
nations i f George Harvey and Myron
Ilerrick as Ambassadors to London
and I'ariK.
House Debates the Young ' emer
gency tariff hill, the passage of which
Is expected late today.
lay W'Hi to Itonmnnla
WASHINGTON, April 15. (C. I'.)
Peter Jay, of Rhode Island, has been
M-lected for minister to Itoumania, Is
is learned here today.
Ik'CUKxUm is llciilcd
WASHINGTON. April 15. (A. r.l
Payment to Columbia of iLTi.nun.Oon
.Is provided in the Colombian treaty
was advocated in the senate today as
a measure of justice and a moral obli
gation and attcked as without justifi
cation. Senator Pomerence of Ohio, open
ing the fight for ratification from the
democratic side, declared Justice de-1
mnnded that Colombia be compensated j
Cor the loss nt l'iaiMi thtugS evvnt;
in which the participation hy the I'nit
ed Sialics, he asserted, could not be
defended. Patifltation was urged hy
Senator Knox, republican, Penn.syi
lania, because the I'nlted States "mor
ally bound to compenFate Colombia
not for what she lost, but for what we
been granted, ' sa'ned." Taking Issue with Senator
i omerene ne asserted that the courts
of tho I'nlted states, "squared to our
rights and duties and to the govern
ine rules and principles of Internation
al law."
Ooclarlng ratification would put
"the brand of shame" on Theodore
Iloosevelt, Senator Porah , republican,
Idaho, declared "the moving force.'
Announcement Followed Lloyd
Georgc's Statement Miners
Renewed Original Demands.
Official Announcement Strike
Would be Called Off Came
Short Time After ' Meeting.
LONDON, April 15. (Ed U Keen,
L. P. Staff Correspondent.) The
; triple alliance strike set for tonight
j has been called off.lt Is officially an
nounced. The announcement followed
I Uoyd -George's statement In the com
mons that the striking miners had re
newed the original demands. Thie wag
taken to mean at first that the effort
to effect a settlement had failed. An
i official announcement came a short
' time afterwards.
! Itcfuscd to Keoen Negotiation
; LONDON, April 15. (A. !.)
"Now, what's wrong with that dress?" Mrs. Herman Hnhmann of Cincin
nati, shown here with her daughter, Hvlen, aged 11, would like to know. Helen
.as one of several l ttle girls sent home from sch ol hv their teacher because
their knees were bare! This is the dress Helen wore. Do you think It's lm- .Lloyd George announced In the house
tuoaest? ' j "t commons this afternoon that the
; miners had refused to reopen nego
- ' : tiations for the settlement of their
i strike on the basis suggested,
j LONDON. April 15. (U. P.) It
: w;is stated that the cancellation of the
general strike order was due to the
! fact that the leaders of the triple al
! liance believed the miners wrong lit
! refusing to reopen , negotiations for a
!stnke i-ettlement.
mniiy. ii in pimmine mm ine case' - nu n). ut mc .
it-111 .ln1n .... l . I t'nitfll KtiltM iriHliriinnmt Knt thn m.n.
.will- ir i cl L nip llll.n; (l I HP irrs!lt r-"- .., uv J'w
jl;rv form. ' I'le of ranania.
Mrk. Hrmlfhnol. in nsktntf that the I ii.t,t i . v i
divorce because "she was
' Mini'i's' Strike Will 'Continue.
I IXINDON, April 15. (A. R) The
t.ays a letter received here today by the calling of a conference of representa
Ceiumercial A-ssociabon are mat the .' roincra from alt the coal field
new ruriff hill will ii, i. .ii.tv!at a date to be fixed tomorrow, was
OREGON ON U. R. PROJECT 011 Jue Pr"'" bags, thus tending to ; decided upon by the executive com-
rai:e the price the farmers of the j mlttec of the miners' federation this
west will have to pay for bags. ! evening after tho railwaymen and
cording-to the laws of Oregon, free to j "ehlnd the Panama revolt "was not
Permit tf'fl hrr hiJMhnnrl tn unpura thn .
intimidated! -" 'i ms re,.uoi.can
at the tlm. r-,.r.i,.h..l k...i.,.j .v.. ! c..i.e.-.Kues lor me nnCKCU ine iity Willi
in Pemllnlon f. 1,. t " " '
....ii ... v ouiini.ia treaty, r-enaior
wife in the early
February of th!s year, .Mrs. Carmicliael !
who it was claimed had returned to!
effect a property settlement with her
former husband was found wandering
about' in a riased condition in a field I
in tho vicinity of the Dry creek school. I
Mis O'Hara whom Carmichael i
would many was housekeeper at the
Carmichael home near Weston rinVini!
'the illness of Sirs. Carmichael a year
changed overnight their
years in the opposi-
Blast Was so ijitrong That,
Occupants of Nearby Homes
Were Thown From Beds.!
(Continued nw page 5.)
. Reported by Major Ix-e Moorhouse,
weather observer.
Maximum, r8.
Minimum, 8'.t.
liaromoterv 29.70.
ItANDOLPH, Mass, April IT.. (C.
P.) -With a series of explosions of
heavy powder charges the MacCracklo
fire worl s plant of the fnlted States
Fire Works company was practically
destroyed. Occupants of near'oy homes
were thrown from their beds hy the
heavy blast. The loss is estimated at
$Sr.,l)0ft, The bombardment was so
severe that windows within a mile ra
dius were blown In.
Hiram .lohnson declared it was
strange that men who for two decades
had fought the treaty should now en
thusiastically support It.
"What's tile reason?" Johnson ask
ed. "If Kooserdt were alive he would
never approve tho irmty. The twenty
five millions proposed to be paid to
Colombia is a trifling sum, they tell
us. It may be trifling, but if we have
got it to squander, let's so,tinnder it
on tlie farmers who are facing poverty
and the soldiers who upheld the flag.
j or in securing employment of thou
I sands who are now out of work. If v
j give it to Columbia, we will throw it
' away, commit infamy and dishonor ns
' the first act of the new republican ad
SALEM, Or., April 15. (A.
P.) Governor Louis F. Hart of
Washington, has accepted an in
vitation from Governor Olcott
for a conference to be held re
lative to Umatilla rapids power
development. Washington will
be represented by Marin Chase,
hydraulic engineer of that state.
The conferenco date has not yet
been set.
The conference is to be under a
law passed by the 1921 legisla
ture providing for invest'gatiou
and collection of data concerning
hydro-electric resources of navi
gable streams In Oregon, the
data to be presented to the fed
eral power commission.
I Word received here is from Frank
jlra White, manager of the. foreign
. trade department or the Portland
4 Chamber of Commerce who :;ays that
the view taken by the Portland
chamber is that there should be no
change in the present duty on bag.
It is set forth by Mr. White that 71)
million Calcutta bags are used annu
ally by the fanners of the Pacific
coast, of this amount 35 million are
imported direct from Calcutta and the
remainder are manufactured in this j
country out of imported burlap. There
is no duty on burlap ut present but a!
,,.10 per cent duty is imposed on fin
4 ished bags. It is the Portland view'
-that to increase the duty on tgs will ,
merely force farmers to pay n.ore for!
ihaga at a time when they are hard hit
!by the decline in the price of wheat,
j Secretary Iiarr has referred Mr.
:i'hitc's letter to the committee on
L. C.
transport workers cancelled their sym
pathetic; strike. Frank Hodges, the
miners' secretary, said this action,
meant the miners' strike would continue.
A in
TOPEKA. Kas.. April 15. (A. P.)
I Concealed in wads of chewing gum. ten-agriculture whicR is headed by
' diamonds, valued at more than $S.i"". .Scharpf.
jwere removed from their hiding place : , .
I behind a lock on nn inside door of his
h. me by Virgil Helm, former Kock
I Island night baggage man, who is un
der arrest, charged with complicity In
the recent J.'.l.UUU jewelry robbery
United States Railroad Labor
Board Upholds Principle of
the Working Agreement.
Tonight uuu
Saturday fair,
heavy to kill
ing frest i tt
JA0KSONVII.LK, Kla., Apr'l IS.
(A. P.l Sonic folks may obieet to
short skirts but the Jacksonville Tracv j
Hon Company is in favor of them. If I
the corporation's accident statistics
prove anything. J. S. Harrison, of th
legal department, announces that fig
ures for 19H. w hen skirts were Ions, I
snowed imi accidents hole that year
Ml which women were involved while
boarding or alighting from street car
Mnllstics show that such accident;
oe rei.sf'd in nrniher as the woniei,
followed Dame Fashion's decree and ' Intruder
in . ue meir skiiis siiorrer, ior in liijii
hen they were at the "heights of
fashion" the total was only "3. Mr.
Hnrrtscn declares the greater number
of acridentH in which women figurec
resulted from lorifr skirls. In most in
stances the Peel of tlm shoe catching In
tb hem. F w accidents of this char
acter (.centred in 19i0, however. h
I CHICAC.n, April l.",. l P.)
! "The nations railway workers won a
greet victory." This was the comment
of Pert M. Jewell, president of tho
j railroad department of the American
1 federation of labor, speaking of the
j decision of the I'nited States railroad
. labor board in ordering tho present
'working agreements abrogated July r,
! end a new set of rules adopted.
'The decision up holds the principle
' of the working agreements," he said.
There was a
England and
I ''-rtro. -ii 15 or. r
randlt and a policeman were shot, and
three robbers were captured when .added.
five men attempted to hold up the'
i Cicero htate Hunk at Cicero, a Chicago I'liFSIDFAT MX'OMKS
mtbiiih. j WASHINGTON, April 1
Entered Store Via
Coal Chute is Belief Held;!
Safe Rifled During Night
j ST. LOUS. April 15. (A. P.)
Cleveland came from behind yesterday
and defeated St. Ixnils, 12 to 9, evening
(A. P.)
Miss Winifred Holt of the Committer
for Lighthouses for the Wind, engagec
in a relief campaign for the blind In
America. France and Italy, was re
ceived today by President and Mrs
JlnrUli-iir. Shn u-'.u .,.-.,... I.... t
IK. V.x.,.l'- . I... ...... ... .... -
..... .,.u,cilri,,i Jennie Williams and
o.,o npeaser ..no nurns, p,,t tne Vka, blind orphan girls, who preseme,
1. u inn nn, Ii, I, a I .. n-t. ..'... 1
v..-..,,..,.,,.-, , ,c ,,. i o.iimmot to tile exec.lt VB nnA Mr-
Three hundred eighty-four dollars
in currency and $;!'.. 61 in checks was
stolen from The Crescent Dry Goods
Co. last night.
The safe, which had been locked
yesterday evening by K- K. Morse,
; manager of the store. Was open this
I morning and all thef contents with
! tlie except'on of a small amount of
' money in a drawer, were gone. It is
practically certain that the thief or
j thieves entered the store thruugh the
(coal chute. Tlie lackdoor was open
April . 1 :.. t A. P.l
boom in miU'rages ir !
Wales last year when!
nearly 40M,0i!0 couples were wed. This
easily constitutes a record s;is the
Regit irar-Gcneral.
For the three years-pi e-cdiiv; th
v ar the annual averaae was only 2S', '
con and only twice has the :i'.onn
mark been passed In l:lo and i:M'.i
vlu n owing to the recruiting cry of :
"single men first" the nvuriasi's in.
the second half of the year wont up;
with a bound and eclipsed all previous;
ciGAHirrrr. stahts vwv.
llOSTON, April li. (A. 1M A '
den ret le stub thrown by a visitoi '
started the fire that damus-d the It's-i
toric old state house last mvht. State j
Fire pispectors fo'ind todav. The b:a
started on the first floor and smolder
ed for four or five horns.
Fight Will Come to Head in
House as Soon as Tariff and
Taxation Program is Cleared
WASHINGTON, April 15. (C. P.
A battle to brim; back beer and
licht wines, will he foutht to the fin
ish in this congress, is declared by both
wets and the drys. The fight vlli
come to a head in the house, as soon as
the traffic and taxation program is
Tiim f. mkx ai:f. hnni i.
CUICAGO. April )5. (A. P.i S..m
Cai-duviiu, the master mind of a rob
ber, i;;iiig. and Joseph I'ostanzo end
Salvatnre Ferrari, convicted of mur
dering a feilow countryman, were
l-.ali-.etl today.
of both clubs was Ineffective. Cullon nlfts nf sewl.or na -..'vi .i,.. ...'.
wu forced out in the sixth when he 'made
.. . ..... ..,.!.'
viui iiiji.rrii ai ursi oase in a collision Mr. Harding agreed
with Speaker. patio,, of the committee
b this morning and the marauder evi-
Veronica Mazl-;riently opened the door from the in
side aail ni.i.le his exit after the rob
bers. No fr.'Mnrints were left.
The local officers aro nt work to re
cover the money but there are no
to become a clews as to the Identity of the persons
who entered the store.
CINCINNATI. O.. April 15. t A. IM
Pittsburg bunched hits on Mnru'iar-.l
In tlie sixth ini.l einlitli and defrate
Cincinnati yesterday. 7 to Frrorr
by Pc.hiie lere responsil.le for Pitts
burg's runs In the f'rst and fourth, the
rcrt of their tallies be ng earned hy
blttinc. The reds could not do iimcli
with Cooper.
WAP. TKOlMill'y DISTilli;! TI'D
WASHINGTON, Ai'iM 15.---.. P.l
Vi, Ui guns sod o'h.'r war trophic
.ptrt-.d bv tin- Ani'i'K"iii urmv during
t'lo v..rlii w ir wo'il.l be .list ril.iite.l
tMo r-h s-i.a'ois and repr. sentaties
in iho siaiis in proportion to the uiim
bi r of troops furnished, under a bill
i.'itrodMei.l in the h. use today.
Louis-Chicago postponed,
li'STl'N. A'ril ;j. (A. P. i Pos
ton pumim-lcd p.ueilicr and Miieheil of
l'rookivn yesterday while M.-Quiliau
'i. itched well nfu-r the first and w-on.
Ill to 4. Kostcn made Id hits for 1'S
1 1'.iws. N choison. playing hiti first
jgiime for the Praves. made two singles
a double and triple in four times at
Great interest was displayed in the
Indian pageant "Seeking the White
Man's Bonk of Heaven'' which wa
given by Mr. and Mrs. Parsons Motunio
and young people of Parkdale under
the direction of Uov. J. M. Cornellson
nt the Presbytery of Pendleton which
bus just been concluded at Parkdale.
Pastors of the churches at liend and
Ucdmond h:ie expressed a dosire to
have the pageant put on in their
churches to nronse interest in mission
ary work. It Is probable that tho ar
iingements will soon be made. The
Home Mission hoard in N'W York has
also inii'ilied as to the probable tost
of having a party of Indians coming
cast with the missionary in the rear
future to stage the same pageant in a
number of the large churches.
Key. W. H. lloddv, pastor ..f th
ci ' m m u n it y church si Hood liner was
elected moderator for the next year.
Kev. it. F. II uper attended the Pris
1'Mery from IVmllcto., along with th '
party that prienti'd the pagi.iiit.
SALINA. K.is., April IV H'.
P Wheat H,.d here today for
9i cents, tlu lowest price stnew
191. Many f.rmer are mill
holding wheat.
1 , i
. '
2LZZ'i ".'if i.. .... - I' :: i'i . n n f j j i. 1 1. . . mi ..i.x.l iB .iii in imi in .M-'." iii i .i .ii. - ' run i '' r i mi iiiimiiniiii)u'.,i'ii mi's " i r iil '.' n n .. ''" " -------- , ,