-"" V TAGS EIGHT TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREGOJTIAiT, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 14, 1021. MOTION PICURE NEWS r.u n jom's Hiinii IN -Till-: HIG rrxar Following his (rrcnt success In "Just P.iln," In which In received universal praise throughout the country, Puck Jones once inovo Klips o.u. nf tits eh.it Bctcr n ' 'rt linv tu mm'; a role of .1 rtiore serious nnt'iro, in hi l.ticst Wil Itnm K.ix production, entitled "The Hig Ptincb." which will open at tho Pas time TheMre for 11 tvo d.i -s n;n beswi nine today. "The Vie PnnV t r. n - ;i:vl,:,.rv OF WOK A Dangerous Period Through Which Every Woman Must Pass Practical Suggestions Given by the Women Whose Letters Follow At ' j . ' v ,: i - .- l l.ll.x 'Cj ," I lli ' " . , i - 1, . i - ' , .t to carry wonicn ra;o;y tirenrh the Change of Life. She says: . "It is with r-!ear.:79 tht I write to you thanking you for vhat your wonderful medicine has d Ji.e for me. I was passing through the Change of Life and had a Displacement and weakness so that I could not stand on my feet and other annoying symptoms. A friend told me about Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and the first bottle helped me, so I got more. It cured me and I am now doing my housework. Your medicine is certainly woman's friend and tou may use this testimonial as you choose, "Mrs. MARY Lister, m Frank Street, Adrian, Mich. It is saU that middle age is the most trying period in a woman's life, and wing tr modern methodsof living not one woman in a thousand passes through this perfectly natural change without exp eriencing very annoying symptoms. ThosesmotheringspeiJ3.the lrea(iful hot flashes that send the blood rushing to the head until it seems as though it would burst, and the faint feeling that follows, as if the heart were going to stop, those sinking or dizzy spellsare all symptoms of a nervous condition, and indicate the need for a special medicine. Lydia E. Piniibam'sV egetable Compound is a root and herb medicine espe cially adapted to set upon the feminine system. It acts in such a manner as to build up the f akened nervous system and enables a woman to pass this trying period v. ith the least possible annoying symptoms. Vomen everywhere should remember that most of the commoner ailments of worn ?n ere not the sunrical ones they are not caused by serious displace ments orgrowths, althourh the symptoms may be the same, and that is why o many apparently serious ailments readily yield to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, as it acta as a natural restorative and often prevents serious troubles. Lydia E. I'inkham's Private Text-Book upon "Ailments Pecu liar to Women wilt lie sent to you free upon request. AVrite . to The Lydf E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Massachusetts. This book contains valuable information. 7 ALTA Children, 10c Adults, 35c W 10. THE COMEDY OF MANY LAUGHS riiy 3 w 0 V 4 i vV .... 1 y Jules il. rut thiivin, am? Is described as an intensely appealing talo of the Western hills. The story revolves mouod nun matt who is arrested Irr .sheep rustling in which h. hud, no I art, Is convicted nod sent In prison for ii term nf five years. following his relviuto frum prison, his efforts to "make good" furnish many thrilling In cidents. .' In the leading role, it is sn'd. H-iel; j Jones displays preatcr emotional ahll i lie than he has ever shown heretofore j on the act-ten. ,lai k Fe.rd, ho directed "Just Pals," (directed also "The P,g Punch." A1 AI1-: TOHAY Tin: sti:i:lth or motiiv.k i.ovi; MSCM IZKU IS "TUK SAUK II EX" i ' r- TV-op in lite licitit of every woman IIODLE LIFE Afton, Tenn. "I want other suffering women to know what Lvdia E. Pink hsm's VeRetable Compound has done for me. During the Change of Life I was in bed for. eight months and had two good doctors treating me but they did me no good. A friend advised me to take I.yiiia C I'iiikham's Vege t ul ie Com pound, which I did, add in a short time I felt better, lhad nil kinds of bad sK-i;, but they all left me. whrn 1 feel weak and nervous I take the Vegetable .vj -V Compound ami it alwaysdoes f v ! me good. I wish all women I w-ould try it during the Change of Life for 1 know it will do them good. If you think it will induce some one to try the Vegetable Com pound you may publish this letter' Mrs. A. Keller, Afton, Tenn. Mrs. Mary Lister of Adrian,. Miclt.. adds her testimony to the value of l.ydin E. Pinkhnm'g Vegetable Coimiound Thona 507 Hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. DR. OHMART Modern Dentistry In All Branches. MAGNETOS GENERATORS ELECTRIC STARTERS Or any part of the electric system on your car overhauled and repaired. Satisfaction guar anteed. HARRY H. GRAHAM, Willard Service Station, Pendelton, Ore. Phono 684. LETS GOI Sanitary 871 To grow by serving yorj is our ambition. Ljration is a (secondary consideration in the gro cery biirtinCHS. We carr' a full line of groceries and make prompt deliveries to ail parts of the city. The Moat The Bent in Value . in Quality 1-1: - ' K U '' Iff i v ft: sMinin.4 I i "l in it r Sc?n? from UP U ALT A there slnnilicrs the feroeity of a ti-gre'.-s. IvtU liet dearest possessloits her home. Iter honor, or her child be endansered, and It Kprtngs into belns with a pass.o.iate violence. Masnif lcert In her nnmr. Us flame Is a Ixaeon of the purity of her soul, the rteadfnstne ss of her love, the truth of her maternal instinct. It Is the heritage of every true mother. ' The Sae lien" 'was Ktieh a worn an. So great was her power to love and endure that she .suffered every persecution of spirit, mind and hody to shield her son, and then a fester dnuphter, from the faintest touch of cvii. An nwe-insniriniy story of mother love told in "The Paso Hen." the Kdgar Lewis-rathe feature showing at the Arcade Theatre for three days commenoinir today. Arizona hi the leiphties Is the locale, cnadys r.rork IwWI was chosen hy Mr. Lewis for the title role heeausv of her eminent .suit ability and her splendid dramatic tal ent. Other parts are enacted l-y Lillian Rich, Wallace MaoDon lid, James Ma son. Helen Case, Arth-ir Morrison, Alfred Allen and three-year-old UK-hard Hcadriek. MANATTEMPTSSUiCIDE THOUGHT TO BE ROBBER YAKIMA, April 14. (A. I'.) Jack Krutwig. residing here, is . in a hop- p.tal here in a critical condition withl a bullet wound in the mouth, but isj expected to recover. Krutwlpr claims to have attempted suicide. His wifej corroborates his story, and says he i threatened to kill her, but investipa- tion is being made to determine whether he may have been wounded in an attempted holdup, reported by M. L. Matthews, who claims to l ave shot a man who attacked him, ami who ran away hold nff both hands to his face. Krutwfs had $Sl6 in bills when taken to the hospital. D0CT0RSL0STS7000 Los ANGELES, April ( L'. 1'.) "See little cubes, we roll 'em 2e table and 1 win," testified "Count" Albert Sichofsky,- self-styled Polish nobleman, on vrial charged with em bezzlement of $To00 from Doctors O. M. Justice and it. Levin. The physi cians, however, declared that worth less oil stocks, not the festive dice, was the means by which Sichofsky whee dled them out of their money. WILL JOIV IV SPANISH ItKVOLT EL PASO, April 14. IV. P.) Gen eral Pablo Gonzale3, former C'arran zista, now at Laredo, Tvill Join Felix Diaz, now in exile Iti New Orleans, in the revolt against President Obregun, of Mexico, according to the local Span. ish newspaper, La Patriu. Men?IAh-h! : I 1h ' I Ay '( ' 1 I .5 I 4 '-, & J HI i I ' ( .1 '-Ii -: tlyla. l! Parisian dancer and masltal comedy star. Is shown as she sailed for Kurope after an en KSRcmnnl In "Afgar" In New York. Her departing words were; "Your ; women, they are yes, ' vcr-ry charming, bul so what ees eot I 'should . say? so eelf-sufllcient iwhslf -1 The Amd-an men? (Ah-b-h!''- Tbejrsr.lecfcren.! WocderfulbC-7' " ' r. 1 T 111 - V L K4ARy'5 ATTIC TllY l'OKT ARTHl'R. Tex., April J4- (1". P.) Hope for the rescue, of 19 men of the crew of the steamer Co lonel Bowie, reported sunk yf sturdily I has been practically abandoned. A radio messnse to port authorities laid it was impossible to send resell ! ships because then; were, no deck officers saved to ifi s the location of M e slop when it sunk. 'In; i-Mp cle-ued Port 'Arthur for 'Limpid on April sUt'l. ! Three men o' - he crew wero ji. COQUILLE PLANS TO CELEBRATE OPENING OF PAVED HIGHWAY MARSHFIELR, April 14. Recl dents of I'oiiullle have planned for a biff celebration on April 3ft to observe the completion of the paved litKhway from Marshfleld to the county seat. There will be a race ajcalnst time over the new road as one of the early mor nimr features, followinir which the road will be open to auto. ""Governor Olcott has been Invited to make an airship trip to ConttUle and -deliver the chief address of the day. .People are expected from all over the country. ARCADE tnuaien, mc . ......... rr-i -....r. , "; " - " ,.'- iri t - ft i . i, " I - rSS- I l ! Vr "-. " ' ' - f ' " ' ' -fell ' ' ! L- ' . if . , t f W- . J . ' i ' V . - ' 'A ' - " , , " , , " v 1 t ' t I ' ' " - -""' I " (' S' vl , f , to ." i-.;? .'v.f, M - w . . , . - -i. .Hiy. , ,s,Atii.t - uAx; . V va. ''-tJM.'.-i-" : -'-r-.!-. H ..'7' v.v.-1 ' :. ACBAKDPAES EL'WS GETS EI! T;!:not:s pnla n:id uclio Linlraont Lctit handv, brloRs warming', f,r:it"ifylnfl relief Try !I.UMATIC tvinecs case up t soon. So d.i stiii joints, lame luck, ncard :i.i, ovv.rtixed intts-c'-.s. nnd tliose raii'.a from weather ex )viuro, too they U-m't fight long t'Siin.it the TO,:itcr-iiTil.iyun that Ij.xui's Linimcr.t produces. Alwas-s keep this old family Wend ,'i.i' iv for i ists:it use u little ptne t'jici vHhimt rubbing, leaving no skin it.uns, inuhs, or closed pores'. ; Its wry odor licuUhy nnd ftimuht'm- i:!sts the'Stod it iU do." . ' All drustgists; Three sires 35c, 70c, C! .40. Lutuciit siie is most economical. Limment Pam'sl pneimj FOREST SUPERVISORS HOLD THREE. DAY CONVENTION AT BAKER PAKKIt, April 14. A convention of t. ..... unit hinnmn will be ! held in linker City halt auditorium, op- ienlnK today and rontiiiulnR for (three days. There was a meeting of .supervisors Wednesday and the I rangers will meet today. Mai in. i it- Pmntllla. Wallowa and Willi - I man forests will be represented at the meeting. There will bo more than ru visitors from the various forests in at tendance. The first three days of next week -in , ( ,kr.n iii, In Instructing the fotr- est officers In the fire law enforcing. Statistics show that more than f per cent of the fires In tho forests are caused by man. CINCINNATI. April 14. (V. P.) PAS Children, 5c AVI LO AM FCDL presmts ; J BUCK 'JONES. ijhe Big' Punch SI powerful drama cfbtie . ' and Western circuit riders. btf Sales a Jurtkmn :'i'x!? , ' COMEQY "THE CEAUTY SHOP" - ; : ; ? Two men and two women were killed and five were Injured when a switch engine struck an automobile contain-' i in u? ten nelsons. The smash occurred I tu Covington, Ky., ucross the tlver f from here.. ,Spring f1edicino Hood's S Purifies tho Blood Thvirs., TIME ; Today - Adults, 20c jJHICHESTtl? S PIL19 THftDIAMUNRXUHli It TZJTV Sl borrni mHk Mts Ribbon "B ui I iThSU II It ki Ik IV 1 1 i m j . M Dr. Lynn K. Blakcslc Chronic and Nervous Dtaeaae MPt Dlswies of Women. X-Ray Elacirii Thraputlc Tsmpla Bldf . Boom It Pbon41l j Phoiie 210-W P. O. ftot Sf Fri., Sat: Adult, 35c 'I COMEDY " WET AND WARMER. BRAY COMIC PATHE NEW3