-t r 'f -.--it-'(i fer.F.P ATVRF.AST OF nnTNrns TN TTTF WOHTT) OF SPORT DATT.Y TN ARTICLES BY STAFF WRITERS AND TWO NEWS SERVICES ON THIS PAGE DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 14, 1921 v . . , . . , . . J if ---tter HI , ' Tr--"11 33S TEN PAGES Pit ,-, hBfmmttm SE" ;. PAGES 7 T0 10 J L.ijLoJ' 11!-1L-. r ' ; AND PLAY IN FIELD Purtell of Vancouver and C. Mullen, of Tacoma in Old Pacific Hold Down Place3. TACO&IA, NVoHh., April 1. (A. P.) Two mnnugern of 1'uclflc Interna tional Mrtttftiall lx-.iKVie teanm, Hilly Purtell. Vancouver, and Charle.8 Mul len, Tucoma, will handle tht-lr nlnex from the flold tliln Var. Managers of the two other - Icngna team, Cliff Blankonthlp,' ' Vlctorlu and Tenloy Raymond,' Yakima, will direct their men from thu bench. ' I'urtell recently wan purchnwrt bs Vancouver from the Akron club of the International IjeaKiie. I .art year ho wim second beKt hitter In the In ternational organization with a pcr cenuge of ,314 for 143 gamcH, ami report from the league citlea mild he wim tho beat third bmiemnn on the circuit. I'urtell for n time played with the Chicago White Sox. TIiIm year I'urtell will play th'rd bane for Vancouver and next to him will be hlH brother, Marty I'lirtoll, play'pg hortHtop on the mime club. I'urtell Hucceeded Hob Jtrown iim manaxcr of the Vancouver team. Drown after years of active manage ment of bum-ball teams In the ItrltlHh Columbia metropollH, haa left the bench and will handle the bualnmw af fair of the club. Ho remains at) pua Idont. . , Tf 1'H.UTK i: KI'lUNf. KOOTHAI.I, OAKLAND. Cal.. April 14. (A. I'.) Nearly 10 men t.irned out recently at Ht. Mary'H College here when "Finch"' Mudlgnn. new football coach. IfKucd a call fur miring practice. Madl Min, formerly a Notre Uame mar, wn coach at Columbia College, I'ortland, laid year. Kt. Alaty'a haa u Christmas game, achedulcd with Notre Dame this year. s4 QUALITY SERVICE SANITATION Lover Prices dragon Prunes 10c lb, 25 lb. box $2.25 " Fowler's Apricots, 5 cans . . .... 1.00 Peaches, 4 cans ...... $1.00 Fine Cooking Apples, box . . . '. . $1.25 Head Rice, 11 pounds $1.00 - - ; .Pendleton Trading Co. far'.- " ," ! Phone 455 At the Sign or Son Ice I "If It's on the Market We Have It" Crowds Plate Squad Will be Divided and One Will Play Pendleton Bucks; Milton and Athena in Line. Three gumea on Sunday Is the pro gram 'hut will be followed by Man ager Nick Williams of the Moone Jaw baseball team as a part of the rlvr ouh training the Cunad ans are getting In remlicton In (jreparallon for their seuHoit uf play.'ng. The iuad of playera will be split Into two groups. One group will piny the I'pndleton Buck here nt Hound I'p purk, while unother team will put On a double header, the first game with Milton, and later in the after noon they will mix with Athena. Nick Is pretty well pleased with the way his gang la working thla year. Tho weather haa been fine for train ing, and'the grounds are in excellent shape, and both of these elements help. Hy the first of next week the vet eran leader will have a pretty good Idea of what lila final lineup is going to be like, and the probabilities arc that fi'ii.ie of the miuad will be cut loose. 1 light now everybody la getting his share of worl. VEST WILL SELECT IIS KAN FRANCISCO, April 14. (A. I'.) L'mplres and other officials of tenuis tournaments held west of the Itocky Mountains will be named by Itobert Kinsey. Fan Francisco, accord ing to a letter received here recently from IL C. Hlack, New York, chair man of the national committee of the Tennis empires' Association. The Tennis Umpire- Association not long ago became a part of the t'nited States Ijrwn Tennis Association and will name and direct the work of the officials of all meets sanctioned by the association. Members of the national committee represent different sections of the United States. Formerly tho I'mplres association acted as a separ rate body. Kinsey Is the western member of the national committee. .With his brother Howard. Kinsey ranks No. 4 on the national doubles list and holds the California and Pacific Coast doubles titles. S'S ! tv ' x -' v K J W "" 'V - m y 4 " f X - r. -.-,): G Go After Rheumatism Riirht First of all, rheumatism must bci treated Internally. The blood should I be purified and the stomach and kid neys made to do their work properly, j I Massage the sore und swollen parts ' jat batt twice daily with an oil that will not Irrltate'or inflame the skin, j Keep the bowels open to help the .treatment. . ' You can get everything nececsary I !ln the complete Antl-l'ric outfit. Ifj I your urin is discolored or has a bad j fortor, the effect of Anti-Uric Tonic will I jgive you an early confidence In thei treatment'. The Jar of Anti-Uric oil iw.ll help proper massage of the pain-! .fill tiirfafes. A supply of the famous ! riillnian I'ills will furnish the correct ; jlakutive. These threo preparations contain! 'only vc?(ta'lo ingredients. All n.c, ;in one generous, comi act nackage. i JTtic prl'e complete is tl.Bo and there Is a money back guarantee with evi ry , package. Get the Anti-Uric outfit to- ; day from l'ICNDI.ICTON DRUG CO. (Adv.) MOTS PANTS WE HAVE TIIE PANTS YOU WANT AT PRICES YOU WANT TO PAY. EVERY ON L A REAt .BARGAIN. Come and See These SI.TTI.K1 IV MXTII SALT IRAKIS CITY, Utah, April 11. j (A. P.) a!t Lake won an unusual 'eame from Seattle yesterday, 3 to 2. After Kicger and Jacobs had battled 1 Chick Fewster. star Yankee In- 'fight Innings to a scoreless tie, Adams fielder, who was hit by s bean ' In the ninth, knocked the ball over the ball last year, Is crowding the j fence with one on. Immediately fol plnte as much a? ever. Lnst i lowing the retirement of the visitors a spring at Jacksonville, Fla., Few- (heavy wind and rain wiuall came up Btcj was heaned by Jeff Pfeffur. (and the game was halted 10 minutes. Brooklyn pitcher A piece of his ! In Salt Lakes half of the ninth, Lynn's Skull was removed Now Just In- double scored two, tying the count, side of his cap lr. a steel plate' and then with the bases full, Jacobs , which protects the spot where the I forced in the winning run with a walk. Men's .Work .Pants, pair $2.4j Men's Heavy Work or Dress Pants, the pair 2.95 Men's Khaki or Whip Cord Riding Pant3; pair $3.4a Men's Extra Heavy - Work Pants.. $3.93 Men's Fine Dress Pants $3.9o Men's Tailor Made Dress Pants, Ex tra Values... $6-50 TH EHU 40 Cash Stores 745 Main St. portion of skull was taken awav Illustration chows how he chokes, his bat end crouches over the plate, making his head a 'target for pitchers. I - . I j SPORT BULLETINS I H'.IXCKSS TO Kim KX TO IKKIIX DOOKN, April 14. A. P) Prince ICItel Friederich arrived ' yesterday. Princess Victoria Luise will not go to Potsdam to attend the funeral, but will return to Doom with her father and former Crown Prince. Fred .-rick William. 'BE KIND TO ANiNiALS ; VEEK APRIL 11 TO 1 6 Catarrh Can Be Cured Catarrh is a local disease greatly InBu- . ence.l by constitutional conditions. therefore requires iwtltutional-treat-ment. HALL'S CATAKRH MtPICINE taken internally anu ," " , . itl I Ha Mlll'nll. fh. Svetem. HALL'S CATABB1 terday with a to 2 vic'ory over St. Louis. It nr the first oiiening game AlextinuT h is ben credited with since l.e Juiiicil the Cubs. ' ,. POSTOX. Jlass.. April 14. (A. P.) President Harding has given his en dorsement to the movement for the "Be Kind to Animals Week" April 11 to. 16, with Sunday, April 17 to be known as "Humane Sunday.'' President Harding's letter follows: "The White House, ' Washington. "Dr. Francis H. Rowley, President. American Humane Education fsociety. ISOLongwood Ave.. Boston, Mass. "Dear Mr. Rowley: "Responsive to your reiuet, I am very glad to record by endorsement and sympathy with this movement to secure more humane treatment to de fenseless animal life. I know some thing of the goud work that organ'xa- lecoin- i MEDICINE destroys tho lounaaiion .... j. ,..... tho nntirnt strength by Improving tne general imm nature In doing its work All Druggists. Circulars freo. y. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo. Ohio. YALK SWIMMKltS TO TRAVEL, NK.W HAVEN", Conn., April 14. (A. P.) Plans are under way for a CI.KVI-:i..M IS VICTOR : trip to Honolulu thla summer by the Cu(. A(!( I, April 14. (A. P.) Tho j Yi'hf swimming team. Inter-collegiate ChteuKo Nationals, with 13 rover Alex- ! champions of the I'nited States. The andi-r pMch'ng. began the season yes- j proposed itinerary as announced to night Includes stops at Salt Lake City, Los Angeles San Diego and San Fran- j tions such as your own have ! Cisco. ' Mcts with summing clubs in ' r.Hshed in this direction and hone their the cities and also wun a numoer ni Hawaiian clubs are being arranged. The Yale team holds several world's records for relay events and also sev- J era I Inter-colleglate records. Among those expected to make the trip are D. Pratt and I P. Thurston of Hono lulu. , 0 in the fastest game of the season so far, lasting an hour and 15 minutes, lacker Vernon first baseman, dro in both runs scored by his team with singles. he was Fat ttfe&ls razl& IJappierjcet. rhlrepmhiitt snd fliriician, mnVe the tslpmnt lli.it the pnnrly nhorl child inrarial.l, Vitfen trom foot aiimrntf tliriiotit mlult life, It (K-hoctvc. ecrv parent to select aluvt Shat arc Iroilt on NATl'KK'S LAST to uttpport the Krowinit ft without crampinc the devrKiing muatlea. "Litllc I'aU" are tht !' t protcctien. Likewise they are the biggest . aid in re.lncintt chitilrcn' nhre hilK, for they arc one ot the very tew nuke priHlireed wall genuine aoiia leather tltruotit. IHtOOKLYX HKATS nOSTOX IIOSTON, April 14. (A. P.) Pitch er Joe Oeschger cracked and so did his support in the eighth and ninth innings yesterday, Hrooklyri makins three runs In the eighth and two in the ninth, and defeating Foston, 5 to 4, In the opening game. In the seventh O'Neill, with two on bases, knocked a home run off ("adore. riTTMH'IMJ I.OSKS TO CIXCY CINCINNATI. April 14. (A. P.) Cincinnati Nationals defeated Pitts burg yesterdav, 0 to 3, before one of the largest crowds that ever attended p.n opening ?".tue here. The reds scor ed four run in the eighth by bunch-1 i MONTHS OLD BABY and made tv.o runs. Lugue was h:t har',Hjut v;:s taved by his support. I HAS NEW MOTHER, NEW FATHER AND NEW NAME field of usefulness may be further ex tended. YI-7KXOY !1 I i:TS WGIXS. JS AXOELKS, April 14. (A. P.) Vernon defeated Los Anpeles. 2 tn f-i n idra bow h fhttn). aha rum i. in thr mom h. Nt it ski i. , rwnta'lf i!rt Ui U tfil-ta'n.'nt- Uvt Kina tvaar ry, MXtf. IT i ins si mimarr mmm n) ii:i:i ki.icvkx, ixxixgs ; PH1I.ADKLPHIA. April 14. (A. P.) Kelly's home run yesterday with Frisch on first, decided an 11 -Inning struggle In favor of New York today, 10 to S. Each team had one big In ning, Philadelphia taking tho lead in tho fourth but losing it in the seventh when New York batted Ring out of the box. The locals tied the score in their half and Hetts held New York safe until. I h n 11th l'uiuil filipnln? rl.IV hi:.vi:i:n sxown I'xnm. .SACRAMENTO, April 14. (A. C.) : Sacramento batsmen fell upon the offering of three Portland pitchers yesterday, scoring 13 runs on 19 hits, while the Reavers were ablo to find Penner for only two bingles and were unable score. I-ong hits featured tho contest, Ryan. Pick and Mollwitz getting home runs. Pick and Ryan had a great day, getting a perfect battlrv-f percentage. Use and Abused ' ' ' ILittleRQs Thcy'vt madt their tray ly the tvay tlwy're maJt MtVICB - I'EMDLCTOX S I.E.I)IXG STORE RATXEK filVKX liIXISlOX NEW YORK. April 14. (A. P.) Auie Rattier received the judges' dc cis:on over Ted (Kid'i Iewls at the end of their 1 5-roundt boxing bout last ceremonies were held, making the de- . night. Rat net' was the aggressor. Rat CLEVELAND, April 14. tl'. P.) Three months old Doris Lembach has a new mother, father and name. Mich, nel Lembach and his wife appeared in tho probate court and told the judge they wished to give the baby to John Meredith and wife, who accompanied them. Lembach is unemployed and could not properly care for the little one, he said. The judge entered a de cree making legal the change on own ership. The Merediths paid $3.50 court costs and Doris Lembach became Clara Meredith. tut of Williams Donovan as the Phlla-' ner weighed 1 .".2 1-2 pounds and Lewis delphia manager. 144. .TAP CASES AUK DISMISSED SEATTLE, April 14. (A. P.) Charges of a conspiracy to smuggle aliens was dismissed In the cases of f-even of twelve Japanese on trial in the. federal court. Five remain on trial. HOUSING PROBLEM STILL ACUTE. JUVENILE TOOTWEAR sr Fordson Tractor Many Umatilla county farmers are using the Foyrtson for their spring plowing. With it they are able to pull a two-bottom plow anywhere," plowing on average of an acre an hour with a running expense of fifty cents an acre. Can you plow that cheap with your horses? Think of tune, and to say nothing of the careing of these horses night and morning. A great many of these Fordsons are three years old and apparently going as strong as ever., ' ' . Think the matter over carefully and remem ber if you are interested we will gladly demon strate on your own farm at our expense. Simpson Auto Co. Phone 408 ' Water and Johnson Sts. ' iiiiiiawwvjn 1 t'e-"W ' i ".c nei.w.s .. w .1 '.si ';ri m.-nt. ',, jtmu 1 pill 3oo 1 ) we F'" rT ) Sr ' AfTtP.Tt(Q , FISHING SEASON OPENS FRIDAY, APRIL 15TH . Why not start the season right and buy fishing tackle that will catch fish. We have what you want. Sol Baum SPORTING GOODS MAN . , Call for the Blue Label Leader Hotel Pendleton Bldg. Phone C46 CONROY'S CASH GROCERY 2 Large Loaves Bread 23c Best Butter, pound 4"c Wessons Oil, pints 35c; quarts 63c; i galkm $1-20 Lard No. 5 $1.23; No. 10 $2.23 Red Mexican Beans, 4 pounds 25c Tomatoes, 2 cans .' 25c Blue Karo Syrup No. 3, 50c; No. 10, 90c Red Karo Syrup No. 5, 50c; No. 10, 95c Tea Garden Assorted Preserves, 1 lb. glass. . . 50c Olympic Pancake Flour, large size, 3 lbs and 6 oz., each 33c, 3 for . . ... $1.00 Be sure when you buy to receive the large size.