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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1921)
- " A . i , k! .4. if. V ''.V DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, PACE SIX THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL II, 1921. TOPAC23 Mill IUI. vr Social and Club News The Baseball Sea s6n. . 1921. , is now started. ', THE J , ' v-N THOMAS 5HOP . PAHTY MITCH KXJOYKn. iwn-saiis two itiiots, "When Yon ami J at hrr home, 513 Ulleth Ktreet. The 'id mhnoi luti in Unn comity! I WVre Ynmiit, M.t:K." siiU "Silver lftci noon, was HOeat ill sewlnn were recalled -entrril:iy bv .Mix. (1-1 'i n:va.t. Aiii.hik the" with -Miss I conversation and durinir tlio Inter ham Plakely on,' if the (. (oncer rei- i 1 ".( nlin- Hi e ul !l.c piano. dents of IViidli ton, mill Mrs. I .on I Ceil n nations ami ferns were chHrmitiRly uscil as a decoration. Purine; the m-rvlns f refreshments, Mrs. John llailey ami Mrs. Shelley ireidcd ut the coffee inns and the hostet-s cie ass.sted in serving hy Mrs. S. 1!. Thonnison nnd Mrs. Klmer hf llcy. formerly uf thin city, now of Heach, Oil fonilu. at a party for which Mrs. Hlakely ami Mrs. McCorm mach were In'Stcsses al the Hiakcly home. Joaquin Miller the famous of the SifTTHs," was a schoolmate of Airs. Hlakely and of Mrs. Khcllcy, and am our the reminiscences of the two la dles were stories of the youthful ex ploits of Miller, who played truant from school, returning' later t write poems on the hlnckliard. Kecitations of yesrs ago were Riven, nnd Mrs, Umise Ijtmpktn and Mrs, Winn .Tohn- McCormmach. The honor kucsi was presented with a large bouquet of car nations and a lovely corsane. She is a Knest of Mrs. 0. S. W heeler during her v.sit in Pendleton. MHS.. . KSTKI HOSTF.KS. Mrs. Flo d Kstcp was hostess for a charminirly informal party yesterday Chaplin to Marry Again?., """ -"'p- 1 '''":ttt v - . ; " ' ' . vs - " . . v . - i v. . ' . : ? ; v v j is V 1 1 " . Jl : I . ' i This is May Collins, movie actress, who is reported to b ta wed Charlie Chaplia Unset) Way refers inquirers to Chrii nd Charlie tell "em Jit dcean i care to discuss the subjoct i ' T H K SHOP OF B E T T K R VAtl'ES iioiirn refreshments were served from a table centered by wild plum blos soms, which with Japanese iris and tulips formed a pretty decoration for the rooms, Mrs. Charles Busby as sisted the hostess. The guest list included Mrs, C. A. Crabtree. Mary Crabtree, Mrs. F. W. Haskell, l.uella Haskell, Mrs. F. S. Krwln, Marjorie Erwln, Bobby Ei wir,. Hobby Krwln, Mrs. Frank Whetstone. Mrs. Charles H. Hamilton and Mrs. Husby. IHRTHDAY PAtlTY OIVKN' In honor of the eleventh birthday anniversary of her son, Earle Floathe, Mrs. Thomas Floathe entertained with a party yesterday afternoon at the Kloath home, 611 Walnut street. Uuests for the afternoon were Earl Floathe, Edward Ileimann, Ralph Moody, Herbert Kemp. Ethel Sulste, Nellie Kemp. Fleta Wright, Marlon Floathe, Matilda Buchi and Adeline Riichl. OIRLS TO MEET The Girls Friendly Society will meet tomorrow at 4:15 P. M. at the Episco pal Rectory, 719 Johnson Street. All girls from 10 to 15 years of age are eligible to attend and bring needle, thimble and white thread. On Satur day April' 15 the division of this Girls Friendly Society ages 5 to 10 years will meet at Parish Hall at 3 o'clock P. M. All little girls are expected to attend and bring needle and thimble. CLt'B MEMBERS TO DANCE The Jewell Club members will en Joy a dance April 27, the lost of the season's affairs given by the club. At the dance last night, the tenth in the series, the men in the club decided to entertain for the ladies at the ftiture date. The committee in charge con sists of Roger Kay, Alger Fee, Dr. U D. Idleman. Lester Cronin, Dave John son and Kenneth McRae. PARTY IS TOMORROW. l-f interest in the social calendar is the benefit card party tomorrow aft ernoon at the county library club rooms, when members of the Delphian Club will be hostesses. They have asked guests to spend an afternoon at cards, the proceeds to be used toward defraying the expenses of the State Federation of Women's Clubs, which will meet here in annual convention May 31, June 1. 2 and 3. r r- r i.cia iw nan iao -fJI Kf. . A ball a-rollin! A -ZZZl Romanza Bath Soap, large bar 10c Genuine Glycerine, 3 large bars : !.25c Milady Toilet Soap, 12 bars 60c Butter Milk Soap, 12 bars '. ...60c Witch Hazel Toilet Soup, 12 bars 60c White Landry Soap, 18 bars $1.00 Sapone Carrara Soap, fine Castile, bar 15c Imported Castile Soap, pound 35c Life Buoy Soap, 2 bars 25c Gold Dust, 20 Packages '. '. $1.00 Washing Powder, one of the best, package ......25c Gray Bros. Grocery Co. 3 Phones 23 Only 1 Quality the Best Charming Silk Frocks Attractively Priced PORTLAND, April 14. (C. P John Kruno, found guilty of second degree murder In the "fried egg" case, was sentenced to life imprisonment in the circuit court, ltruno, chief cook on the steamer Montague, killed his assistant, Harry I'awluk, after a bit ter feeling which developed over whe ther or not to serve eggs at the offi cers' mess. . Almost Uabelieyabie You can hardtv mlb the wonderful Inv provemcnt to vourtkin and complexion your mirror will rrwul tn vm, ifter'usingGouraud'jOrkntil Uum (or the first timt Smi I St. tor Trlml Stm FERft T. HOPKINS SON New York NEW SPORTS APPAREL JERSEY SPORT SUITS. JERSEY JACKETS in navy, brown, golf green, scarlet, sand, havana, Copen, ets. , Extra Values SPORT SUITS IN JERSEY AT S23.00 TO $33.00. DEDICATION MAY 7. Alumni and friends of the Univer sity of Oregon will be interested to learn that May 1 has been named as the date for the formal dedication of the Woman's building. Local people have contributed generously to the fund for the building and several benefits have been given, the most re cent being the Current Literature Club play, "Jhe Futuristss," which netted 400 for the building. WILL, HEAR PIANIST Mr. and Mrs. Bert A. McDonald will motor to Walla Walla today to attend the Godowsky concert in that city this evening. Mrs. McDonald has at dif ferent times, both in Portland and Seattle studied under the celebrated pianist." The doors of Bryn Mawr College will be thrown open this summer to admit seventy poor girls and women industrial workers deslrlous of the "higher education." Kverything pro vided for the comfort and convenience of the regular "winter term students will be at the disposal of the scholar workers. IIARVIvSTKIt CO. CU T MUCKS CHICAGO, April H. (U. P.) The first effect of the slash in steel prices was felt when a straight ten percent cut in prices of all farm machinery, made partly of steel was announced by the International Harvester company. MRS. GILLANDERS RETURNS Mrs. Karl Gillanders returned last evening from Portland after a week's visit at the home of her cousins, Dr. and Mrs. O. D. Thornton. MOTOR TO PORTLAND. Ir. and Mrs. M. S. Kern left th's morning in their machine for Port land. They will remain for a week's JOLLY NINE TO MEET The Jolly Nine will meet this even ing at the home of Mrs. August Noreen, 615 Ann street. OVER TAYLOR HARD W A It K CO, In the future when citizens of Pen dleton submit to the city council a petition seeking to have sewer exten sions made for the convenience of property owners, they will be. ohligea to make connection with the sewer an soon as the extension is made. A rul ing to this effect was made last night when attention was called by Council man Friedly to the fact that a recent extension on Ash street, sought by property owners, was not being utilized to the extent indicated when the peti tion was made. A like petition from a few residents on Sycamore street was refused after the discussion which disclosed the state of affairs. Supt. F. B. Hayes sug gested that such connections should be made by property owners at the time the sewer is laid, which effects a sav ing to both the municipality and the private individual. The decision to make connection obligatory was form ed when the provisions of an old ordln. ance were found to be to this effect. I rg City Planning The intitiation of a Plan of prepar ing for beautifying the city of Pentlle ton waa suggested by Mayor Hartman in an informal statement made to the city council. This plan would call for very little work at present, the mayor explained, but he declared that Pendle. ton should begin giving the matter er. lous consideration now before the city covers any more ground. . "Might nojv Portland with Its quar. :r of a million population Is planning to spend several millions of dollars for widening Its streets and for other civic work." Mr. Hartman said "witH I the new projects that arc already assur ,ed. and other Dig improvements that are well on the yay toward realization, ,1 believe that the next ten year will 'see a big growth of Pendleton and I wide Increase In the scope of Its busl. ness. Influence and activity. "And it strikes me that there will never be a better time than the present to start such work. I think we should establish an intelligent plan, have a landscape architect to investigate the Cord of Thanks We wish to thank our ninny friends for the beautiful floral offerings and their kindness rendered us during the illnera and death of our beloved James Monroe Ferguson. MRS. J. M. FERGU80N MRS. LAURA LIEUALLEN WM. FERGUSON. Card of Thanks We wish to express our thanks for the kindness shown by our friends during the illness and death of our be. loved wife, mother and sister, and for the many floral offerings. Also to thank the O. W. R. & N, employes and boys of the night shift. JOHN F. ARKELL , and children . miis. d. Mcdonald EARL o. RALTMARSH. "Tiger" Welcomed Home WASHINGTON, April 14. (U. P.) Bootleggers made profits totaling nearly a billion dollars last year, esti mated on the basis of the Internal rev enue bureau reports showing approxi mately 30,000,000 gallons of llquol withdrawn from bonded warehouses in a year. Between two and five hun dred million dollars should be paid the government in excess profits and In come tax. Baby Things SOOTHERS BABY TALC POWDERS SOAPS WATER BOTTLES SPECIALLY PREPARED FOODS in fact ever) tiling and anything needed for the nursery will be found in w ide variety. liOKOfi'S DRUG STORE UIUHIS SEATTLE, April 14 (U. P.) Charges of gross mismanagement on the part of the shipping board are con tained in a petition for the receiver ship from the Sloan shipyards, Ana cortes shipbuilding company and the Capital City Iron works, filed in the federal court. The shipping board seized the plants during the war. Mn UccxHvo Sentence. f-LYMI'lA, April 14. (A. P.) The supreme court today upheld the con viction of the seven alleged I. W. W. members who were convicted of sec ond degree murder in connection with the Centralla armistice day killinvs. They refused to grant a new trial. The men will be transferred from the Mon teiiano county Jail to the state prison to begin their sentences of from 25 to 4 1 years. GOI D IIT-I.D IX FEDERAL COURT. SEATTLE. April 14. lT. P.) Sev eral pounds of gold dust and nugeets are In the federal court ('ligation. The metal represnted pnrt of the contents of the Ill-fated Pricess Sophia's safe, ra sed by a diver lait summer. The Sophia sank in Alaskan waters two years auo. The testimony Is being taken In court to determine the am ount of expenses to be charged against ,H T i liLcX .A I i f J" SS& " Li X ZSi - f ii i lix-Premier Clemenceau, "The Tiger" of France, receired joyous welcome home when he returned to Paris from a 4lx mouths' banting trip in India. He Is Indicated b; arrow. pa was reading about 1 a fellow with a million dollars and no appetite. ats because he never tried. Post Toasties - (Best Corn Flakes Made) Women who seek the individual style in after noon and street frocks will be'delighted with our new arrivals for Spring. These dresses are ' shown in styles for women who want the unusual. A maxi mum of service and satisfaction is assured in return for your money. 1 v ' possibilities of the city and submit a survey which will Include propositions for the future beautifying of the city in the matter of parks and streets. If we do it now before the city gets any larger, " our problem will be a lot simpler, and the city may be saved a great deal of expense In the future." H. J. Warner, city attorney, suggest ed that the state legislature in 11 passed legislation that enables muniel. pal I ties to appoint commission tu take care of this phase of the city's activi ties. No definite action was taken, but the matter was left with the council members for consideration. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOn SALE Both alfalfa and wheat hay. Inquire Grltman Brothers. FOR SALE: Reo tourlrig car, A-l con dition cheap If taken at once In quire 519 Rlalne St. ' FOR RENT 100 aeres of well fenced pasture land on McKay creek, good grass and plenty of water.-Inaulre Oritman Brothers. FOR BALE Bulck six, good mechanl . cat condition, 4 good cord tires-re looks like new. We will lake your car In trade and give terms on balance. Ford delivery, good condition, al bargain If sold at once-r-'nne ff d sired.1 N. I. McLean Attto Co., H Garden, Phone 222.; WHAT HAVE YOU to offer In ex change for the following. Will ex change for good residence, buslnesa Income property or stock mdse. I0J acres, II miles B. W. of Bpokane, 21 acres In wheat. ' 240 acres, 4 mliea N W. of Enterprise, Ore., ISO acres In crop. Oood lot In Walla Walla foe automobile. Cll at ' 101 K. Alia, Phone 67. Ask for Bradley! Better Bread Every mother and housewife in Pendleton, whw . prides herself in, her cooking; and in the preparation of the family meals, knows that there is nothing to appetizing as a serving of real good bread. It is the one thing that rounds up a good meal to a successful completion., , . . Butter Krust Bread is the top in quality, made from milk and baked under the most sanitary condi tions. It is the most wholesome food of the day'k menu.' ' ' '- "THE TABLE SUPPLY Phone 187 and 188 739 Msua Stroll U. S. INSPECTED MEATS CHAS. D. DESPA1N & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR . ' Proprietors ., ;. J ONLY 2 MORE DAYS OF THE BIG FACTORY DEMONSTRATION . . 8AI.R OF "SKLIiKns KITCHEN tABlNEW . 4 PUIS A SaLERS in vaiid un 111 lUUillllli lit ABSOLUTELY FREE C V 12 piece set Aluminum ware valued at $13.00- during factory demonstration only which pos-: itively closes April 16th. Delivered to your; home free with your cabinet. ;, Crawford Furniture Co. the safe's contests. " ' 103 E. COURT 6T. ' PHONE 4N