PAGE FIVE TSN PAGES DAILY EAST OREdONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 14, J0!1. People Here and There REV. M'AFEE WILSON ira , , Oeonro A. AVhlts of Meuchatii In f visitor In Pendleton. , ' George Baxter of Cove was here yesterday on business mission, Mr. ana Mrs. Cnrl Manning of rilot Hock were hon Wortiindiiy afternoon. ; ltnlph Fouler 1 u guest at the i( home of Ward H. Fowler, at La Grande. j B. C. 8k lies, well known drug man of Portland, was In Pendleton today on business. P. ir. Cnnnlok arm Warren Wilson of V.'ulla Walla were In Pendleton Wednesday. ,'! J, W. Strong und It. L. Hollenbuck , and family of La Grande, were In Pendleton -Wednesday. nonrfV polnlH. Whllo here ho visited, furnished In 1920 Ik tho bails of the Cnutta and Averlll, F. O. Vincent,) suit. Iteeovery of G0fl and costs of also an Insurant's man of Portland, the action are (ought. Fee and Fee wuh here today. lore the plaintiff attorney!. V. K. Noordhoff, FTeswater mer- I chant 1 a visitor In Pendleton today. Col. F. (1. Lucas, who gets over much of the county frequently nays that the trult outlook In the earn end country In generally good hut that In spots damuge ho been done by recent cola weather. Jchii Tryon won In La Grande Wed nesday where he attended the funeral service of Thomas Fouler. Business mat torn required the atten tion of Floyd HolKlngton of Btanfleld In PendUluu yesterday. Mrs. Jnck Hendricks, who hag been glutting her ulster, Mrit. Jack Thomas at Helix, nan returned to her home in Portland. F. M. Hayed, superintendent of the water department, went to Thorn Hullow th's mnrnng to look lifter the final arrangements in establishing u lump there. OFFICES AND OFFICERS Fulled To Appcur A default has been entered against Louie Black Klk und others who are defendant In an action brought by the Oregon Washington ttallroad and Navlgutlon Co. for failure to appear. t'nn'f Colli Kiiecial Tax A default Judgment haa been enter, ed by Judge Phelps in circuit court against the defendant ;n t'.ie caw oljof action by. Deputy Sheriff Itldgwny Kerlcy Can to Jury The embezzlement case against Joe Kerlcy which ha occupied the atten tion of circuit court during the past two days was expected to go to the Jury thl nfternogn. The taking o testimony was concluded this morning at 11 o'clook, and attorneys began making their arguments before the Jury Immediately. Much Interest ha teen shown In the case. "Hop" Outfit Taken. Harry lieckman, thought to be a drug addict, Is In Jail, and the sheriff is In possession of a complete outfit for "cooking hop" a the result of an arrest that has been made by Deputy Rldgoway. The officer entered Beck- man room and found' him In bed with a complete outfit spread out In the room. A federal warrant Is ex pected to be brought against him. He probably will be taken to Portland within a few days. Depot lit! Kver Itvvoiver. A revolver which disappeared from a room In the liowmun Hotel the night of April (I has been found and Iden tified by It former owner us a result . J. K. Robinson, special n-jont of the Atlas Assurance company with hen.l'iu.'it tern in l'orllnnd. was In Pen dleton today on Insurance business. He Is en route to pilot llock nnd other W. J. Kirk and Other taxpayers In the action against School District No. 120. A temporary injunction Is also nine permanent which will prevent collec tion of a special levy of taxes In l'JUU from being nindn, t. and Spears. Walter Smith Is In Jail and a charge of larceny In a building will be brought ugalnst him. An at tempt on the part of Smith to sell the gun resulted In a call being senl to the sheriff's office, and PJdgWuy and j ."pears followed Smith nnd apprehend- Would Foreclose) lien ' ! him J" '" he had been suocesB. , Suli to foreclose a merchandise lien'ful n a second attcrttpt to get rid of m so apartment house has been Instl- K"C gun. A companion who was with toted In circuit court by John J htm at the time was also placed under Vaughan against F. F. Cnry and C. M. i arrest. Cary, his wife. Material and labor (4 O O o u PHONE FOUR-O-NINE FOR BETTER QUALITY Phone rates may come down, but in the mean time you should make it earn its cost to you. The Wise Ones Call 409 The ifouse That Peddles Good Groceries at low Prices. WE DELIVER AND DELIVER QUICK If the goods aren't right just say so. Well fix it. 35 J The Economy Grocery o X fiu 113 W.WEBB ST. ... Phone 409 PHONE FOUR-O-NINE FOR BETTER SERVICE NEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON To Haiiqnct at Ferewatrr. ! A delegation of PAndletoniana -consisting particularly of members of ihe jcounty affairs committee and the ; merchants committee of ihe Commer cial Association will go to Freewater to attend a bayquet this evening by the Kreowater commercial organiza tion. Authorize New OrdlnaiK. An ordinance which will prevent public speaking within two hundred jfeet of either Main or .Court streets was authorised Inst night by the city council following discussion when a motion to this effect was submitted by Councilman Bond. The street has been blockaded recently, It Is said, when meetings were held on a corner in the main business section of the city. The city attorney was Instructed I to draft an ordinance Such as was' In I force during the days of the war. It Is probable that It will also be Impossible , to hold public meetings In the city park under the proposed ordinance ex cept by special permission of the coun- I cil. J Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less Despain&Lee Cash Grocery 209 E. Court Phone 880 ; Why Pay Big Per Cent of CITRUS POWDER 1 package 30c 2 packages 55c 3 packages :.......80c 20 drop in Citrus TEA GARDEN PRESERVES. Apricot Preserves ...i40c Damson Plum .........'.....40c Marmalades 40c TEA GARDEN SYRUP 1 gallon Tea Garden $1.65 1 gallon Liberty Bell $1.65 1 gallon Molasses ...j95c 10 lb. Poppy Jelly....$1.85 HARVEST BREAD 3 reg. 1 0c loaves .25c 2 reg. 15c loaves 25c 7 drop in bread Interest on Your Credit ? LARD SPECIAL No. 5 Holly Lard $1.00 20 drop here SUGAR Per sack, $9.50 Pure cane sugar .. . SWIFT'S LARD 5 pound net weight..$1.25 10lbs. net weight....$2.45 12 drop in lard Flour, per sack $2.25 Pears, 3 cans 55c Corn, 7 cans ...:...:....$1.00 ' Peas, 7 cans $1.00 Pumpkin, per can 10c Salmon, 2 cans 25c FRESH EGGS 2 dozen 45c Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less Despain&Lee Cash Grocery 209 E. Court' Phone 880 I Food Drafts Available Tho Umatilla county Red Cross of fice ha received Inquiry regarding food drafts which are orders upon an ' in.rli.n l .. 1 l.if A.lmlniatrfltfnn In Central Burope for staple food. The drafts can be purchased at local banks and are similar to money orders bflt are exchanged by the recipient In Europe, for food Instead of money. For.10, a draft providing for I4H pounds of flour, 10 pounds of rice, eight pounds of bacon and eight cans of milk, while for 1 50, a food draft Will ontltle the holder to 140 pounds of flour, 60 pounds of rice, 1 pounds pf bacon, 15 pounds of lard, 12 pounds of corned-beef and 48 cans of milk. L SWEAR OFF 1 TOBACCO (East Oregonlull Hpeilal) l.' MAPI NIC, April 14. tin Thursday evening at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. W. W. I'hllippl north, of l imiplne, their daughter Uella I'hllippl was united In marriage to ltev. W. Mc Afee Wilson of Portland. The cere mony took place at eight o'clock, Kev. U. V. Harper of Milton officiating. I'rior to the entrance of the couple, Miss Liiora I'hllippl, noufln of the bride, sung beautifully, "Oh promise Me." Miss Zelltt Hoon played Men delsohn's wedding march. The bride wore blue sulln and carried a shower of Ophelia rose buds and sweet peas. The ring ceremony was used and at Its conclusion, congratulations were of fered Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Miss Flor ence l'hilippl caught the bride's bou quet when It was thrown among the guests. The home of Mr. and Mrs. i'hllippl was beautifully decorated for the occasion with daffodils and won derful spring flowers of trllllums and dog tooth violets sent from the Wil lamette valley, by Caroline Beck of Corvallis. After refreshments were served ft chlvarl party from t'mapine were treuted and at ten thirty the bride and groom left for Walla Walla where they go to I'ortland where they will live in the future. Mrs. Wilson's go ing away suit was of blue serge with blue and henna embroidery while she wore a pretty hat of henna shade al so. The bride has many friends In this section of the valley who wish her much happiness In her new life. The groom has been tho supply at the Presbyterian church at Umaplne for the past six months. Tho guests we: e as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Judge Kelly, Hfcv. and Mrs. H. K. Harper and daughter Alice, .Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wlli'ey, Mr. und Mrs. James Kirk, Mr.vrid Mrs. l.yle Kra zler, Mr. and Mrs. Jtoy Frazier, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wright, .Mr. and Mrs. 1J. ( Saunders. Mr. and Mrs. Kyle McDaniel. Mr. artd Mrs. Pan J. Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. John Ktack, Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell. J. W. Cooklerly, M. V. Clark, Austin Roberts, Mury !,. Clark. Nell Mc-1 Crftcken, Mrs. Fred Iosnter. and Kl fred, Mrs. R. E. P.ean. Mrs. Guy young, Mrs. Wilson nnd Maisie Wil son, Mrs. Fred Hoon and Zella Hoon, Mrs. Wm. Squire of Yakima, Iora and Florence Philippl. Pauline and Mary Uek, Rebekah Kirk, Maty Hol wager, Marjory Frank, Helen Oliver. Rcverly Young, Catherine Wellman, Wallace Kelly and Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Phlllppi. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rec ords and family ore welcoming them back to this community as they have rented the Grant Lowe ranch five miles below I'maplr.e. The children have enrolled at School nnd the family are moving immediately. Mr. and Mrs. Kecoids have been living in Wal la W'alla all winter. Ethel Hodgc-n 19 teaching at the Singer school at the foot of the llut lcr grade. She is enjoying the work and spends a numbeiy of week ends with Mural ISeaucliamp. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Weathers at Gar dena on Sunday. Lane Hoon is serving on the jury at Pendleton during tho spring term of court, going down on Monday. - Mrs. Tom Cahpbell required the care of Vr. Thomas one day this week. She is now improving. . Mrs. Roy Macon was brought home from the hospital at Walla Walla on Mondny. She is graduaUy regaining her strength. - l.eora Philippl of the high school faculty spent the week end with her parents at Arlington this Week. Mrs. Roy Ward moved to Walla Walla this week and will live there. Mrs. J. P. Harrah is spending a few days nt Adams this week. Many friends attended the fun"-al of Arthur Grimes on Saturday at Wal. la Walla. Mr. Grimes died at the home of his daughter, lire. A. Uuae o,i Mud Creek on Thursday. He Was a pioneer of Umatilla county and for years operated a large ranch near Vmoplne. Mr. Grimes was 84 years t 'Missionary MNo-To-Bac" has: helped thousands j ro break the costly, nerve-shatterln tobacco habit Whenever you have a Icnglng for a cigarette, cigar, pipe, or for a chew, just place a harmless No-To-Bae tablet In your mouth instead, to help relieve that awful desire. Shortly the habit may be completely broken, and you are better off mental ly, physically, financially. It's so easy so siirtple. Get a box of No-To-Bac and if it dosen't release. 'you from all craving for tobacco In any form, your druggist will refund your money wupoiit question. Walla Walla Pendleton Auto Freight Service ROUND TRIPS DAILY Isavi-s Pendleton 2 p. m. IVtMltrfnn Ptione 22.VW. llillMMlljlililllllf Teach Your i Children to Save T Your children will lcarn'more of the value of money thi-oiifih having a bank account than by any other njpans. , . ,., ....., lt.enoonrr.ccS them to see the amount Increase, and nt 4 per tent Inteivst compounded semi-annually, It doesn't tal c long to snve lnrgti sums. v Why not Mart nn account fof them now the ultl nvite benei'its will be inertlmuble. One dollar is suf ficient to open n Term Savings Account. t.iH one of thcM miniature liberty Bolls to. ilwn ror p ji humor in ht lumic a counts fa.-l towards success, Inland Empire Bank Pendleton. Ore ion lil y. "v.. s ti IIS iiWtvW J VSf 4 ...$ Three-year-old Henry A Smith.' tr. tof Boston is going to Japan as an actor-Bilsslonary His tatl,." . H. A. Smith ot Boston University rtuves soon to put on a Christian: pageant employing 20.000 Jap anese children Henry. Jr will t out the part to show tUe Jap A Man is just as Young end Strong as his Blood No man can fight the battles of life and hold his own if his blood is not pure, for rich, red blood is what strength is based upon. When you see a strong, vigorous man, who never know3 when he is licked, you may wager that such a man has coursing through his veins rich, red blood. Many people have thin, palo blood. They are weak, tire easily, be come discouraged quickly, and sometimes feel like giving up tho 6trugglc. Such folks need Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery, which i.4 sold by druggists in liquid or tablet form. It is made tip of Blood root, Oregon Grape root, Queen's root, &tone root. Cherrv Bark, without alcohol. Send 10c. to Dr. Pierce's j Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for a trial package of the tablets. Olyjipia, Wash. "My husband always uses Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery as a 'stomach medicine and tonic, and declares that it is the best medicine in the world." Mrs. J. K. Foster, Cor. Pear and Spring Streets. Thtt the M itthnmtd trading ring M tt Ksdttrf i u he mad m Tna imitmlmftht r mk tt v(f f in Oi.nje HaNM dwfrt M,1 H .;!.-V4 r-c:-i I Sole Pendleton Representatives for Genuine Orange Rings SAWTELLE'S Inc. OratigeBtossom 1 1 old at the time of his death. Inter ment was made in the cemetery at Valley chupcl where his wife was In- i terred five years ago. He leaves hlf daughter, Mrs. Guue, and three son: i all of this place, Roy, Tom and j Oeof ire. -Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hoon were sur-; prised nt their home on the state line j on Saturday eveninjr when a crowd of I'maplne card sharks motored over to their lovely home mid surprised them genuinely. Mrs. Albert Hobson won first prize while T. O. Goodman cut with Sam Hoon, K. K. ISean and J. K. Jones for the consolation prize. T. O. was the lucky winner. The guests brought their own refreshments which were served at midnight. Those pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. Lane Hoon, Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Itean. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones, fr. nnd Mrs. Sam Hoon. Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Goodman, I). J. Wirk and W. H. Phillips with theii wives started on the, perilous trip across the Walla Walla river but broke down and returned to their homes about eleven thirty after a pleasant evening on the road with motor trouble. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Martin received word of the death of their jon-ln-law Jnms Givens nt Lcwlston, Idaho, on Monday. They were unaware of his illness until apprised of his death. Mr. Givens was married to their daughter IJella. They had no children. Mrs. H. H. Hacon left on Tuesday for Colfax, Wash., where siie will visit with relatives. Mrs. Dan J. Kirk this (Wednesday) morning received a telephone message from Claude Steen at I.ewlston that her brother James Ho'niine had been stricken with paralysis early this mor ning and was only slightly conscious. Jim Kirk and his daughter Sire. Hoy Itrazicr left this morning for Lewis- ton. Mrs. Kirk will go in a few days. Mr. P.omine's condition is serious. All winter he haa been suffering from high blood pressure and his health has been very poor. Only last month he was in this valley for the benefit of his health and he was much better when he left for his Idaho home. Mrs. Guy Young left Friday for her homestead at Soda Springs, Ida., where she will remain a month. Her daughter Beverly will remain during that time with her aunt Miss Philip On Sunday the pulpit of the Presby terian church was occupied by Kev. H. F. Harper of Milton. Next Sun- j day he will preach again while on the following Sunday the Odd Fellows have their annual sormon preached to them. PORTLAND, Or.. April 14. (U. P.) The condition of Oregon winter wheat and rye at the present time is estimated by F. L. Kent, statistician for the V. S. Porcnu of Crop F.stimates, at 99 per cent normal for wheat and 9" per cent normal for rye. For tho I'nited States as a whole, wheat was estimated on April 1 as 91 per cent, nnd rye ns S0.3 percent. XC. Penney Co., A "Nation-Wide Institution BACK Il.l TODAY? Backache is usually kidney-ache and makes vou dull, nervous and tired. I'se Doha's Kidney Pills for weak kidneys the remedy recommended by youi friends and neighbors. Ask your neighbor. J. L. Messcrsmlth, blacksmith. "00 F. Webh St.. Pendleton, says: ' Doan's Kidney Pills are mc old standby. Whenever I caught cold in my kidneys il caused bv back to ache nnd 1 softer ed with kidney complaint. At times when 1 would stoop over, sharp pains would catch me In the small of my back and I would have to rise up slow ly. My kidneys tided too frequently, causing mo to get up many times dur ing the nisht. Doan's Kidney Pills from Tallman's Drug Store quickly banished the backache nnd put my kid. reys In good condition. I still keep Doan's on hand to use in case of neccs. sity.'' Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply nsfc for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney PIPs the same that Mr. Messcrsmith had. Foster-Mulburn Co., Mf'rs., Buffalo, X. Y. MORE SPLENDID SILK BLOUSES $2.93 Just seven dozen of these bright, , cheery waists in this last shipment by express and really thev are even more attractive than the first group we displayed at this same pleasing price. Fetching combinations of crepe de chine and lace, silk braid and embroidery for those who like the filmy blouses. Tempting shades of tricolette for the wom an who admires the heavier fabric. Embel lishment of these is done in silk braids, yarn embroidery and silk and tinsel braids. , , You never saw more attractive blouses at a price so reasonable. Be sure to see them at your first opportunity. GAY NEW SASHES .V $1.93,82.98. As refreshing to dark dresses as are the first sign of spring to a winter tired world. Daring color combinations of tricolette with fringe to match $2.98 Wide ribbon sashes with black silk fringe $1.98. Ml I : virmv-mrf 312 :v-t trusts J. (J. Penney Co., A Nation-Wide Institution DORFMAN The Taller Ladies nil tients Taiiorin-;. I'lcaniiL. l' ami Hopnlr.nsr. 92 Pvixillis T, 8, 9, Bospntn NORMAL CLASS FOR PIANO TEACHERS offered at Whitman Conservatory, Walla Walla, Wn. MAY 9 TO JUNE 18, INCLUSIVE Exceptional Training for Teacher Dunnins System Apply at once to Secretary 1.2 f Si c o! 3! c! -f 1 w. 5! oil Q. I cs 1 3 ? rs ! 5'; fB 1 WIM !.U4(o Just bt to do.. ' 1 1 1 1 1 i -