East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 14, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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f Denby Eyes the Fleet
irEastJiPr foreAoniari
. , ' ' hv . -'-;
t-UDllinea r(ly nl R.-ml-Wekly. at
'enll-ton, orrgron, bv Ihr
Kntorni at th pot offire at I'Midle
Inn, urrKon, as second data mall mat
Imperial Hotel Nwa Stand, 1'urlland,
Oilcapo Rurpu, SOU Soouritv HuiMingr.
Waalilncton. 1 C. Uurinu -JUl Kuui-
te-nth Slr--t, N. w.
Vfwhff of kr AwarlatPtl Prfkit.
The Aawcrutod l-ri-sa la rxclustvely
entitled to the u. for republication of
ell n's dlnpatchca credited to It or
not othcrwi credited in thla paper
ad alto tha local nevt i published hereto.
Tliilly, one year, by mall
Daily, six niortha, by mail ..
Daily, three lrontha by mail ...
Unity, one month by mail
any, one year iy carnt1
. li"
. .r-ii
. 7. SO
Daily, aix nioniha by carrier 3.75
Iatly. thr-v montha by carrier.
naily, one n onth. by carrier .t'.E
Semi-Weekly, one yeir by mail 2.00
Semi-Weekly, aix montha by mall 1.0U
Semi-Weekly three montha by mail .60
;ogarA. uuest;
a soxa
Can't help thlnging day by day
Skiea are drear with you away,
Need your presence and your smile,
ar me to make life worth while;
Knsea bloom and ekies are blue
"But mj- little world needs you.
Fame is but an empty thins
If you are not here to sing.
Cold and all men struggle for
(Copyright. 1921. by Edgar A. Guest.)
When the day of toil la o"er.
Have no charm unless at night
You can share in their delight.
Praise is but a stranger's voice
Pave it makes your heart rejoice,
Yiotory would seem despair
If in It you could not share;
All I am and nil I k,
Needs the srentle smile of vou.
IN THE newspaper parlance of New York city a news event
which,-though a good "story" by itself; originated in the
"provinces," is "too far from the Bowery" to warrant much
space in the metropolitan dailies.
The importance of news to a newspaper and its readers di
.misnes in direct proportion to the distance from its origin,
save in cases where some special significance may be attached
to the item at its place of publishing. Just so the intensity of a
sound becoming less in proportion to the distance the ear is from
the source.
So it is with the story of the British labor crisis. We are apt
10 count it dry reading, to pass it by as only "another strike in
England," as "too far from the Bowery." This rule of diminish
ing ratio of the importance of news, applied to the gigantic
Etrike of 6,000 miles away, is unfortunate. It blinds us to the
Magnitude of what gives promise of being one of the most tre
mendous upheavals the world has known.
If the strike called for Friday materializes; if 4,000,000 men
quit work, paralyzing the vital industries of Great Britain; if
the terrific force of the labor movement in the island continues
to gather, it seems likely that the Lloyd George coalition govern
ment will be crowded into a general election an all-important
event in England.
Should such an election be forced by a gathering tide of labor-power,
it is an even chance that this force would be suffi
cient to uproot the coalition government of today, as well as the
conservative and liberal parties which once composed it, and
into which it has slowly been breaking up again.
A labor party in power would assuredly make sweeping
changes in the rule of English life, in the essential things which
have given England such a powerful hold on her peoples
throughout the world the peculiar British colonizing charac
teristics, the cement which has held "the greatest empire that
has been" together.
Ireland might be expected to gain her independence and the
fissure which was apparently stopped n South Africa by the
Smuts election would likely split further and widen the gap be
tween the southern colony and the motherland. The intensely
American-like governments of Canada, New Zealand and Aus
tralia might well feel themselves estranged from an England so
tremendously changed. In all these nations there have been
particularly since the war, parties advocating a severance of the
ties with the Empire. A successful industrial revolution in the
British Isles would be a powerful stimulus to their contention.
The strike which has been called for Friday may well serve
as the match to this powder mill. Upon it may hinge the solid
arity or dissolution of the most tremendous empire the world has
Been. The news of these events may seem remote, dry reading,
"too far from the Bowery," but it is tremendously significant.
. Richard A. Ballinger says the anti-alien land law in Wash
ington is unconstitutional, but thankfully Ballinger is not a mem
ber of the supreme court.
Having killed off all the crows and magpies our sportsmen
will hail the advent of the fishing season with joy.
Viviani got a few dinners at Washington and that is about
an judging from events.
: .. ipfiiftf gift
j 1 4 i 1
M " .
Secretary of the Navy Donby recently watched the Atlantic '
Beet at maneuvers in Guantannmo Bay. oJ the coast of Cuba. He is .
shown on the deck of the I). 8. S. Pennsylvania, with Admiral Henry,
B. Wilson, commander of the fleet, jwh j ia soon, to cojnmadd the
. Pacific fleet.
SPOKANE, Wush.. April 14. (A.
P.) Washington's new divorce code
as amended by the lust legislature. Bit
ting at Olympia, is declared by S. A.
Mann, of Spokane, one of the com
mittee which framed the amendments,
to be about as strict as those in forco
in any state in the country.
"After June 1 it will he no longer
possible to obtain an absolute decree
of divorce following the trial of tho.
case," Judge JInnn said. "The now
amendments provide that the court,
after hearing the case, shall cither
deny the application for divorce, or
inter an interlocutory decree. In tlta
interlocutory decree settlement of
property rights and of the custody,
care and education of children is made
and appeal from the interlocutory de
cree may be made at any time within
30 days after it is entered.
"At any time after six months has
elapsed from the date of entering the
interlocutory decree, the trial juilgo
may, upon motion or cither party, en
ter an order granting a final decree of
From the Daily East Oregonian,
April 14, 1893.)
The "Duke of 1'endleton," big St
Of tho Ownership, Management, Cir
culation, Etc,
Bernard dug owned by Harry Walters
is dead. The dog died today as the re
sult of poLsoning.
Kd Switzler has discarded his high
wheel for a handsome safety bicycle.
It cost $J'i0 and is very modern, hav
ing cork handles and pneumatic tires.
A sfiuad of 18 recruits from Jeffer
son barracks, Missouri, came in today
en route to Walla Walla.
Clifford Salisbury is up today after
being in bed because of injuries receiv
ed in a runaway.
Eastern onerou s Create Newspaper,
KhUtMiflH.-d 1M75.
Published dally, except Sunday, at
Pendleton, Oregon, required by the
act of August, 24, 1M3.
Publisher. East Oregonian Pub.
Co., Pendleton. Oregon.
Editor, E. B. Aldrich, Pendleton.
Business Manager, F. W. Lampkln,
Pendleton. Oregon.
Advertising Manager. L. . Drake,
Pendleton, Oregon.
Owners: (a corporation with the
following parties owning one per cent
o- more of total amount of stock), F.
W. Iampkin. 1'endieton, Oregon; E.
B. Aldrich, J'endleion, Oregon, L. D.
Drake. Pendleton. Oregon.
Known bondholders, mortgagees i
ard other security holders, holding
one per cent or more of total
W. M. Stuteer to H. K. Oldakcr,
110. lot 4. block 1, Hermlston.
E. K. Home to A. M. Isaac fl, SW.
l- XW. 1- Sec. 12, Tp. 1 S. K. 34.
J. Miller to U. M. Ijiliarre 12250,
W. 1-2 NK. 1-4 Sec. 34, Tp. 5 X. It.
J. P. Boyde Jones to E. P. Pearson
:i. lots 7 and 8, block 2, West lawn J
(.'. Walters to A. Garnett, f 1, lot 12,
block 2, Weston.
C. Batchelor to A. L. lirown $1750,
mount i 2 and S block 108 ltescrvation
of bonds, mortgugea. or other securi
ties. Geu. A. Hartinan, 1'endleton, Ore
gon. Average number of copies of each
Issue f( this publication sold or dis
tributed throuirh the mails or other-1
Wiw io jiii id mibstribers during the
aix months preceding the date of this
statement. S.t'lit.
f Signal: r. W. I.AMPKI.V.
. Pworn tond subscribed before me
(hie 14th day of April, 1921.
My cmnmiwlon rpre April II.
addition, Pendleton.
1. 1-edgerwood to H. Smith $1,
9 and 1, block 3. Stan field.
After That Date it Will be Im
possible to Obtain Decree
Following Case's Trial.
"Parties who rush out of the state
and get married while the Interlocu
tory decree la pending and before the
fintil decree Is signed, tinder the. new
amendments, can be prosecuted lor
bigamy. After the final decree is
signed, the six months clause holds
good in tho state, Thnt means that
parties who start divorce proceedings
can' not hope to marry again In the
state until at least 13 months had
elapned from the time of filing the
comjjlalnt. In most cases it will be
more nearly 18 months than 13
In short tho new divorce rules arc
as follows:
Interlocutory decrees signed at con
clusion of trial; final decree of divorce
not signed until six months after en
tering the Interlocutory decree.
Ftnal decree of divorce can not he
obtained in less than seven months aft
er th filing of the divorce complaint.
The court, in his discretion, may
direct prosecution for violation of the
"lazy husband" act before entering In
terlocutory decree. ,
The creation of a divorce proctor In
the prosecuting attorney's office who
shall be present at all divorce hearings.
All property rights and custody and
care of children settled at the time of
entering the interlocutory decree.
Appeal may be taken from Inter
locutory decree, but no appeal can be
aken from the final decree of divorce.
Made with tuxedo or,
round collars trimmed
ith 1-2 inch pleaed ruf
les. You will want one
of them sure, each $5.49
GEORGETTE AND TRICOLETTE BLOUSES, just lots of them in all the
new shades of Harding blue, tomato, henna; porcelain, zinc, etc. A real selec-
tion to choose from. Each
are the talk of the town, made of taf-'
fetas, crepes, satins and Georgettes
in every latest mode.' Your size and
color at $22.50, $24.95, $27.00, $35.00
All sik, too, all the high shades as well
as staple colors, trimmed with pretty
contrasting ruffles, each $2.98, $3.49
to $6.19. i
Women's Cape Strap Wrist Gaunt
let Gloves for street wear or driving,
color brown, the pair ......... $5.25
Gray Suede Strap Wrist Gauntlet
for street' wear, the pair. . . ; . . $4.59
New Corsage Bouquets, really de
lightful little creations for wear with
milady's costume, each ......... 75c
La France S0k Hose. The wonder
ful wearing qualities of La France
Silk Hose have made them the most
popular here in the U. S. today. Col
ors of gray and brown, the pair $2JJ5
Narrow Belts are very much the
vogue, black patent leather, red,
brown, white, grey and bronze, plain
and openwork. Each 25c to 59c
Children's Middies made- of fine
tailored middy cloth with red or blue
collars or all white; ages 8 to 20.
Each $1.49
Crepe de Chine Envelope Chemise,
all sizes made up in a very pretty way
with laces or hemstitching, the
suit $3.29, $3.39
All goods sent out on
approval must be paid
for unless delivery
boy -waits for thera.
Packages sent C. 0. D.
or on approval with
our own special scr
XEW YORK, April 14. (A. P.)
The marine engineers beneficial asso
ciation of the Atlantic and gulf coasts
claiming a membership of 15,0f0 to
day rejected a wage reduction averag
ing 25 to 30 percent proposed by the
American steamship owners association.
'JIo Itemembcnxl the Ijiw.
The Boy Scouts were telling their
scoutmaster of some of the good turns
they had done during the last week.
He was having this done for the bene
fit of one of the city school teachers
who was visiting the meeting. One of
the little scouts said, "I helped an old
lady across the street." '
;l"lM v ki:ms SYMPATHY
HKKl.lX, April 14. (A. p.)(er
many has sent a message to former
Kinpcror William condoling with hini
on the death of h's wife.
Il is announced all the sisters of
William Hohenrollern, except Queen
Sophie of Greee. will attend (he fun
eral at Potsdam Tuesday. Field Mar.
f.hsl Von Hindenburg. field Marshal
von Sfackensen unit General I.tiden-
You wives who have been worry
ing about Laundry bills and high
cost of clothes
bring friend husband
here this week
while we arc holding a
special course
in home economics
Let him learn for himself
how the
Tho next little scout looked nt the
visiting teacher, who happened to be
his teacher, and who also was in the
early thirties. "I brought my tenrher
a pitcher of well water when she was
uot feeling well," he told the scout
master. The teacher smiled. "Why didn't
you say you helped another old lady?"
she asked.
The retort that came back stagger,
ci her... Jhtt. little scout said sweetly,
"A scout Is courteous." Indiunupoils
' ews.
Tho Wisdom of Walter.
Father had sent Walter to the
trunkmaker'a to ascertain whether he
had finished the repair job Intrusted
to him,
"Well," asked (he lather, when Wal
ter returned, "what did ko say?'-
"Ho sold he'd send the trunk up in
half an nous." ...
"lliu how about the strap?" de
manded futher,. testily. "Didn't
tell him I wanted a strap, too?"
-o, father," said Waller, vi aid not
I luld.hlni 1-tbough.t you Jiud ..better
not have a strap." Harper s Magazine.
Electric Washer
and Thor Ironer
will cut the high cost of living and make
homes happier
Each Day From 2 to 5
No. 2
Phone 40 E. Court and Cottonwood
Ton can buy Thor-servant: on easy term
April 15 and 16
A rare treat that no home decorator should miss, at our
store on April 15 and 16.' It will pay YOU to come and
learn the many easy, economical methods of beautifying
everything in the home with Chi-Namcl.
will test Chl Namcl In boiling hot water, hammer it and otherwiM con
and ft SELF-LEVELING ADVANTAGES which make It possible for
the most inexperienced to apply without leaving laps and brush marks.
There is a Chi-Namel Enamel, Paint or Varnish for old or new, hard and
soft wood, metal, cement, plaster, etc. each guaranteed highest quality
F E E E 2
CHI-NAMEL I'amith t, htUtn
tf attached coupon
Tiis Coupon entitle bearer to one 35ccan of Chi-Namel FREE at our
store upon purchase of a 25c Varnish Brush to insure a fair trial or will be
accepted as 35 c upon purchases of larger cans of Chi-Namel Product.
Look Out for Paint
Murphy Paint
111 K Court Stroet
Hmnc Sin
Successors to Murphy Bros.'
Contract and Job Work Promptly Done
Will be present,