PACE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 14, TEN PAGES 1021. Ready for One of the Big" IGATfi gest Underwear Sales of the Season Hundreds of Knit Undergarinoiits'for Women,' mostly 'KayVer "and Carters-" quality garments,, offered at sueh low priees that yon Svill want to buy a season's supply to morrow. There is always a reason for an EVENT of this kind. Here's the reason: When we took inventory three months ago, we found a much larger stock of w omen's tl!mfntT l,,unvr than we were justified iii having. Now we have segregated the various numbers and marked the priees down to a level that we felt sure will accom plish the desired result. We have also included our new spring stock, and as it was bought at very attract , ivc prices, it goes into the sale to make assorments just that much more complete. REMEMBER! Our entire stock is included in this sale and such extraordinary values niakes this a money saving event that you can't afford to miss. r GARMENTS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR; THE HIGHEST PRICE $2.49; LOWEST PRICE 18c. These are all seasonable weights, spring and summer garments, such as every woman needs now and will need for six months to come. Here from a collection that numbers hundreds of garments, you can supply your needs at astonishingly low prices. THE SALE BEGINS TOMORROW MORNING. LOT 2 SALE PRICE S1.69 Our Regular Pricing: $1.75, $2.23, $2.50 and $2.75. Women's lisle union suits, Kay ser quality, in low neck, sleeve less style, with band or bodice top and loose or tight knee, white or pink. All sizes, 34 to 14. Very Special, a garment.. $1.69 " LOT 5 SALE PRICE 31.24 t Regular Values to $1.93 Women's fine mercerized and lisle vests of the famous Kayser quality, sleeveless style, low neck, with bodice or band top. All sizes' 34 to 44. Very Special, a garment. . $1.24 LOT 7 SALE PRICE 18c Splendid Values Let Us Show You. - Women's Swiss and fine rib bed vests with band top, at as tonishingly "low prices, sizes 38, 40 and 42 and you had better get your summer's supply now. Very Special, garment 18c, or 2 for 35c. LOT 6 , SALE PRICE 29c Regular Values to 40c garment Women's fine ribbed vests with band top, a good wearing quality for a small price, sizes 38, 40 and Very Special, a garment 29c LOT1 SALE PRICE $2.49 Our Regular Pricing $3.00, $3.25, $3.50, $3.95 and $4.50. Women's fine quality Kayser union suits, fine lisle and mercer ized cotton, some styles have silk to'ps. Low neck, sleeveless style, with band or bodice top; tight or loose knee; a few in ankle length, pink or white. All sizes, 34 to 44. Very Special, a garment. . $2.49 LOT 4 SALE PRICE 69c Regular Values 75c, 85c, $1.10 Women's fine lisle and mer cerized vests, Kayser and Galary quality garments in low neck, sleeveless styles, with bodice or band top. All sizes, 34 to 44. Very Special, a garment... 69c LOT3 SALE PRICE 98c Garments That Are Priced Regularly to $1.25 Women's light weight union suits in Kayser and Carter's well known makes, in low neck, sleeveless style, with band or bodice top and loose or tight knee. Pink or white, all sizes 34 to 44. Very Special, a garment. 98c LOT 4 SALE PRICE 69c Our Regular Prices were 73c and 85c. Women's Kayser and Galary well made union suits, in low neck, sleeveless style, with band top and cuff or loose knee, all sizes, 34 to 44. Very Special, a garment;... . 69c BEAUTIFUL YAYSER SILK UNDERWEAR IN A GREAT SALE AT ONE THIRD MEGULAR PRICE ' . At s a line, luxurious feeling to have that silken sheath of loveliness "Kayser Silk Underwear" beneath one's clothes. Some way, it makes a wo man's outer dress more absolute in its charm just as Kayser's perfect proportions make comfort a certainty. Kayser Italian Silk Knickers, Envelope Chemise, Union Suits and Vests attractively priced at 33 1-3 per cent discount. All $4.50 Garments, Sale Price $3.00 All $4.95 Garments, Sale Price . $3.30 All $5.95 Garments, Sale Price $3.97 All $6.50 Garments, Sale Price .... $4.33 All $7.00 Garments, Sale Price $4 67 All $8.00 Garments, Sale Price " " $533 All $10.00 Garments, Sale Price . , $!67 PEM5LLS3N3 GREATEST IjEPARTAENT STORE koples Wareh ous WHERE IT PAVS TO TRADE riUMT FOR AMERICAN TOURISTS 1'oi.ce restrictions In th Britinh Isles also are relaxed, registration be- ins required only If a visitor Intends to remain more than 60 days, and railway facilities are greatly Improv- achedulcs and travel acenmmo- l aatious. 1 At this date, no ateps have been ta- UNr0.", April n. (A. p.) ! ken toward organized welczome for Firm aigns of spring In England have ! American tour sts because It la belfov apurred the transportation companies; ed they can be taken care of ade aiul the tourist agencies into a fever of quntely by theegxilar inatitutlona for expectancy and all eyei are turned ' thla purpose. So detail will be over-; lownrd America which Europe re- looked, however. It la pointed o'lt, to nl am the haunt of the millionaire, insure comfort for all who touch Brlt , Visitor from the fnited Blates are ush shores thla aeaaon. promise.! imion in . .y ... accom- Traveler, to ireln.i i I. ..-t -in be taken care of aa far aa It la physi cally possible under the circumstances. ! Toiirlat agencies are quite frank In admitting that only the well-to-do are ,i nmoiall.v able to hear ihe I "Tv - ,V v l - r a i fiK" : s -J i THE BI& PUNCH"-- WtUJAh fov prD'T-TW" m inimiiiii i.i i i.iiH i inT iii ii' iiihiim i Your Greatest Safety In BUYING EOBSiBBXSS. A Eocmerang Prices v Phonographs In Six Mentha A Breakfast Food AH EDITORIAL ON EUYING While buainesa readjustment and declining pricca have llie:r ultimate advantugea to the pub lic In lower prices and more ata ble conditions), there are atill poa aible dangvra worth heeding. price" i the bli; tnoclanoiia, witn conumona apprnxi liiatinn those in pre-war da prevail- in K. llolela and penaiona attain have jdenty of rooms on comparatively nhort notice, and passport cereniotiii nee shortened. Inconilmr pawcnirera are atlll eloae ly upervld by Hritlsh port authorl tle, but the examination la njiicli ea eb unlive than lat aeaaon. Then It a nenvamry for an American cltiin tn iro to the trouble of netting a paaa port, if he la even embarking; for hi native land. Much a, procedure la no longer neceaaary. of travel at prew nt when a flrat claBa caoln ticket toata approximately flZO one way. They aay the tourist traffic t. In!? "rc"'l' without the Jarire numbera of Kh()(, feacherl, ani pro. feaalonAl peopl. ,ho came to Kurope tn7Z , Y, l '" ,hp ""mmer weeka ..... wuay. Theee folka thev eaaary to charge to make the tourWrt buainera pay, and there are no nij?n now that travel will be cheaper In the near future. It in alao believed posaible that many peraona will be deterred from vlaitlng Europe thia aummer becauae of the unsettled condition of buainesa and of International economic affaira. However, Indications are. It la anld, that mre tourlata will want to ace Kurope in 1921 than can be handler;, ' aplte of the high coat of llvine. In thla connection, the advantage Amer icana have In view of the favorable I exchange la pointed out I Many ahlpa hqvrf been added to thn trans-Atlantic service alnce last sum mer and It la estimated that the ahip companies will he able this summer to carry one-third more pasaengera than In 1920. fiPORTSMKN KN-JOY FAIlt SPOKANE, April 14 (A. P.) The second annual Spokane Sports men' and Tourlsta" Fair, at which exhibits of outdoor life, from all sec tions of the Inland Empire are fea tured opened here yesterday. Fish of all varieties caught in northwest lakes and streams are on exhibition and it is expected 25,000 people will have been accommodated before the fair closes the latter part of this veek. last year there were 14,000 visitors. night now ' consideration. Jobbers, merchants and the public are buying their require ments primarily on the price ua aia. , A declining market always brings price to the front and makes It the foremost considera tion in business transactions, Tho fact that prices are the overwhelmingly consideration naturally Influences manufactur ers as well, Tho price consldcr- atlon reflects back to them to such an extent that they are com pelled, In order to do business, to cut their costs to the bone, reduce their profits to a minimum and to effect economies wherever pos sible. This is a good thing if it Is not overdone. But the trouble is that It te and will continue for a while to bo greatly overdone. Manufacturers who make pro ducts not Intended to be adver tised over their own name or sold over the guarantee of a most reputable merchant can skimp in the making of their wares and cut costs below what they should be and Ret away with It. The result, even though it might not be Im mediately noticeable In the pro duct. Is a decided lmverinK of quality. Quality Is sacrificed In order to meet the demand for extremely low prives. Such tnert'hnndH'e, -that does not bear u. manufaelurer's own trade name or a reliable 'mer chant's guarantee, is very likely In these times to be of far lower' quality than is tho case . when times are normal. That sort of manufacturing can get by with it beeauso. be does hut assume responsibility public for his product. He ni'ikes roods tltnt do not bo:r his tin mo and therefore the pub lic cannot blame him, If, after they have purchased, they find the goods of Inferior quality. 'n the other hnnd. n manufac turrr or a merchant who brands his goods with his own trade name and who has been and Is adver tising them to the public, ns.u the full resoiinslblllty for the quality of his goods to such nil extent that be dare not so akitup In mamifactitrlmt as to seriously uffcvt quality. To do so would be suicide. If any manufacturer of a well known, well advertised product were to materially lower tie quality, when the public detect ed It, I he thing- would act like a boomerang'. Instead of having; . public stood will he would have public ill will and it would take years to overcome what might bo done in six months. Therefore, It Is to your Inter est In these times more than any other time, to buy merchandise of known quaUly and value. In these tin's you can rely upon such merchandise far more than you can any other. You will know that you are gettin? quality thlTt. t- the cost has been lowered, it Is not because qual ity has been tacrlflced, " No matter whether It Is a suit of clothes, a fountain pen, a pho nograph or a breakfast food, tho eternal vigilance that marks the manufacture of advertised brands must .continue and la continuing. Purchasing advertised brands Is today a greatvr safeguard and assurance of quality than ever before. You can buy auch goods knowing them to be right, where as with other goods you cannot be suro that they have not been skimped and cut nnd weakened In the process of manufacturing In order to meet the lower price de mand. " And bectui.'ie this Is true It will pay you the reader to follow advertising closely and constant ly. It Is a duty you owe yourself a duty you owe your homo. PKi:snKXT WATCH opkxku WASHINGTON, April 14. (A. P.) President and Mis. Harding. Vice- President and Mrs. Coolldge, tiencral Pershing, members of the cabinet and congresa, the diplomatic corns and President Pan Johnson of tho Ameri can league were In the record-breaking crowd which watched Iloston do feat Washington, 6 to 3, by bunching tills on three Washington pitchers yesterday. Drops iu Price to Consumers Are Slower Thau Drops in Prices cf Basic Materials. WASHINGTON', April 1 1. ( rtulph K, Couch, V. P. Htaff V r i.;oiideii.) Middlemen "'' "uw '''vv "H " of 21 percent ml the value of all food stuffs nnd most of the necessltlea tised ihroiighout the I'ulU'd ..HUlos, accord. Ing to pile data which Is li the poa. tension of Fciietury of Ulbor, Davis, '.lie facts collected by Davis' depart ment emphasized an exposure made by Patdln In ik mfssn(f that dropa In price to consuiicr ar slower than drops In prices" of ' basic materials, Davis Is reudy to lay Ills Information beforo emigres If a a, Investigation la undertaken, as has been requested by the president. i IT'S XINK KTISAIMIT XOW. RAN FltANCIHCO, April 14. (A. P.) fan Fr.-imit-co won Its ninth auc cessive victory yesterday, beating Oak land, 13 to 5. Siebnld blew up In the fourth limine, when the Keals got five inns. Winn duplicated tho perform ance In the ninth, the he.ils getting six more tallies. O'lmdl was strong until the ninth when the oaks fell on him for their flvo runs, ' iKast' Special.) WHO, April 14. What was con ceded to be the largest funeral ever held In I'.i ho. was that of III lata Frank t'unlia, whli h wa held up the Catholic ill "rib at 0 a. Ml. Tuesday, sei'vlcis. He was assisted by Father Mtiro of Ilermlston. Joseph Ramos, Hoy lianios, and lt.tlph WlllianiH Wcro vestry bovs, .Mrs. McCoy, Mis Mich aels nnd Mlsa Iloden of Pendleton had charge of the' music. The floral of. feririrK were profuse nnd very elabn. rati'. The death of Frank Cunha waa the remit of Injuries received April Jrd, I when train No. struck the car Mr, Ctmha was driving. The sympathy of the entire commu nity Ik extended to his parents, broth ers and sister, in this time of their sad bcrea ement, J. W. Copplnger, who suffered a stroke of paralysis April 7. la reported much Improved. Mrs. Genevieve tlwynn, a nurse from La Grands, - la inking cure of hint. , : ' Joseph Vey and family, Antone Vey ami family, and William Pedro, all o Pendleton, were hero on Tuesday to attend tho Cunha funeral. A. II. Thnnrton, llalph Htanfleld and Cieorge Copplngcr left here Monday on a business trip to fpoknne. They ex pect to be gone several days. Mrs. Cooper of ptnnrield, was tran sacting business here Tuesday.' Karl Ksselstyn of The Dallea, was here a short time Tuesdns". He drove up In his car and went on to Walla Walla. Ho waa accompanied from here by hla mother. Mrs. W. W. Eaael- styn, ' , K. J. Sommervllle oml'Col. J. I, ltaley, of Pendleton, were here Tuea. day. ,-'.. J. P; Moreheail of Butter creek, was In town Tuesday. . ' C. K. Bartholomew and wife, of Lit tle Putter Creek, were visitors la Echo oi Tuesday. Hcv. J-3, I Wolffu pastor of tha Stethodist church, will be, one of the speakers of the centenary meeting to be held In Pendleton on Thursdny. Hcv. R. E. Hornall, former pastor of Pendleton Methodist church, la to con duct servluaa at the Methodist church, here on Sunday, April 17. Otis McCarty, of Butter creek, waa a business visitor here Tuesday. Mrs. J. L. McLaughlin of Pendleton, Is visiting at the F. W. ' Andrews homo on tho Meadows. L. J. Shannan, county roadmaater, was In Echo on official business Wednesday. Alt MY Wild. PE liKPICtl). MEXICO CITY. April 14. (A. P.) liodtiotlon of the Mexican standing army to GO Ooil men by March 31, 1922, is proposed In a project submit ted to the chamber of deputies by President. iluvgon. FOl XTAI.V PEN BAVES IJFK. C1IWOX, April 14. A.; P.) At tempts to assassinate the Judges and members of the TrlbunaTef Public Do. fense continue, .several bf tho mem berH of the court relready have been killed or wounded. The limvst attempt was mado on the life of I)r. Parrel ra do Houaa, one of the JudneH who waa shot three times as ho entered the Satn of his own garden. His llfo was saved by tha fact that "no of tho bullet aimed at his heart pierced a pocketbook and was stopped by his fountain pen, the bullet falling harmlessly Into his pm ket where It whs found. - . - The police attribute theso attacks to members of the Young Syndicalist'') Association. Dr. Hamoua preto, formerly of the cabinet nnd author of the law creating tho Tribunal of Public Defense has re. celved u letter threatening him with death and siuned by "The Red Com-mlttee." Rockefeller Children Homo Hot urn. "Tea my aon is In eolleite." "Well, are you going to get any re turn for the money you are spending?" "I think an. IPs valet la taking the course, and looks like he'll graduate say, can not pay the prices It is' uec- 'fc'h tnou11 10 io u " credit," TOIIXAIM) KTltlKEK OKLAHOMA TULSA, Okln., April 14. (A. P.) Hoofs Were ripped from farmhouses by a tornado about two miles south of Cashing, late today, according to reports. BAKKniKS' nitKAD PIUCB CtT. TACOMA, April 14. (IT. P.) Pe- , tall bread prices were cut by two j bakeries to 13 cents for a pound and a half loaf, and two loaves for 25 cents. Tho prevallln price has been (25 cents. I x' 1 1 1 i r - - v -1 1 - - H at? '-z-' K 1 H.'"'f if. " " ' t- i "' f -v vft' - The live son of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller. Jr.. were snapned Easter 8unday a tliei wa'.Vid along Fifth aratme. New York, after aUendiug tervlcea at the FUth Areoue Uaotiat Charaa AccumpaoUitf tbem, toTerneM. -