East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 13, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    .0 c-t;..i.-;
"Ml A (7
ithout Quality
rice Is
-.."t 0.:?W
ial Values a Yard $2.85 to $5.25
43 to 56 inches in width, fine quali
ties, medium weight with a beautiful
finish. Shown in the popular spring
snaues. i nese are iaoncs tnat are
';j light enough for making summer
t wraps.
Priced Specially Low. a Yard
$2.S5 to $5.23.
Heavy weight genuine Canton
crepe, a fabric most wanted for
Spring and Summer dresses and
skirts, shown in the most wanted
All 40 In. Wide, a Yard $5.00
$2.80 to $4.00
42 and 45 inches wide; extra fine
Poiret twill suiting, an excellent qual
, ity for making light weight dresses,
suits or separate skirts. In black and
dark navy blue only.
Priced Specially Low, a Yard
$2.80 and $4.00
' ' WASH SATIN, A YARD $1.69 TO $2.50
ob inch wash satin, shown in flesh, pink and ivory. A fabric
that can be used for many purposes, especially good for making
undergarments. Extra good quality in this width.
Specially, a Yard $1.69 to $2.50
Daughter will be Dainty;
Miss Prim in one of these
Charming Children'!:
Gathered for little girls
there is here a lively display
of fascinating dresses. Some
are quite plain, some quite
ornate, with in-betweens
that daintily treat the sub
ject of properly and prettily
dressing mother's little dau
ghter. And the prices are as
tempting as the frocks
themselves. -
Organdies and voiles,
white trimmed with
trasting ' colors
Complete stocks of women's and misses' Spring time apparel
are now here and add their cheerful beauty to our general assort
ments from which selections can be made with such happy ad
vantage. Only the very best styles are included and each Coat, Suit or
Dress is developed from the finest fabrics. Their beauty and re
finement lies in their simple slender lines and choice use of trim
mings and in contrasting materials and varied uses of colors.
There are models here for every type of figure and no matter
what ones clothes requirements are, the correct answer is here,
and at prices that are surprising for their lowness.
SUITS, for dress wear $38.50 to $93.50
SUITS, for sport wear ......... . . $25.00 to $18.50
DRESSES, for all oceasions $17.50 to $75.00
SPORT SKIRTS, in silk and wool stripes and plaids
at S9.75 to 832.50.
On May 5 th France Will Honor
Annivereary of Death of
Ex-Empcror Napoleon.
r a ..
cleanest Jersey Dairy.
Phone us vour order for milk and we'll do the rest.
KLEEN MAID BREAD Pure, clean and fresh.
SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY for a case of Apricots or
Peaches free.
new your subscription for the Delinea
tor today. Special offer for a few
days only at $1.50 per year.
i w i ip mm i 1 1 .
new your subscription for the Delinea
tor today. Special offer for a few
days only at $1.50 per year.
SACRAMENTO. April 13. IV. P.)
Urging that the state of California
be put in a running with private power
companies, the lower house passed &
resolution calling1 upon Governoi
r--.cpnem to me on available power i
sites in the Sierras.
PORTLAND. April 13 it. P.)
While Mme. Totrazzlni sang at
the Auditorium, Peter Hanson
sang in the Plaza across the
street, drawing a crowd that ri
valled Te.trazzini'a audience. The
police interrupted Peter1 con
cert, booking hlra for drunken-"
CHICAGO, April 13. (U. P.) The
explosion of a moonshine still wreck
ed a two story buildin. t,nd "
many windows in the vicinity. - Danlol
Samuels, a saloon keeper was in his
basement when the HH -r.i,-i.
Firemen rescued him from the debrla
and rushed him to the hospital. u,g
acked by Truth
You have heard people read an advertisement and then
ay 1 don't believe it"
Once upon a time they might have been right, for dishonest
pecple have advertised. But there are two good
reasons1 why practically all advertising
today is honest.
is a bargain
Not 4 .
a bargain?
For the hope of getting some
thing worth more than it costs.
Such bargains generally end in
A bargain at expense of the
other fellow U holhlng to brag
about. It is noteworthy only
because It Is so rare. It Is not
the kind of trading that pays. A
number of people think that the
times we have been living
through since the war have been
driving too hard a bargaiu against
life Jtself.
bflert. That's fair. Who wants
an unf.Ur unwtiiiuhc?
Kargains In their true sense are
always l interchange of goods
and service on a 50-60 basis, with
no losses sought by the buyer nt
the expense of the seller, or vice
That Is what honest business
calls normal conditions. Each
has to'do his part now to make
them come true for the good of
PAHIS. April 13. (Fly Henry Wood,
I-'. V, Mtuff CorruspouUu.i.., -on May
5, with franco's eeUfuruVwil of the.
hundredth uniilveisaty of the dtuth of
Napoleon, Marshal Koch will bo gives
little foretaste of tho nice things that
l ranee will do In his honor when he is
safely dead us Nnuoieon.
There in nothing that Franco likes to
do bettor or that h does ulcer than
pulling off honors on behalf of, her
great military tic-roes. Generally speak.
InsiT Franco would Just us Boon hnnot
a live military chief as a dead on,
only experience hits luuslit her that It
Is much safer to stick to the latter.
Experience has taught France that ,
her celebrations In honor -of live mill
j.ary chiefs ate so liUuxlcatlnn that
they are llnble to go to the head of said
in tul.i.1 y chief, and cause him to want
to take over the whole show..
I r .M.irsiiul- Foch will -participate In
I the big celebration of Wsy-wllh tho
ipiiet and sure i'onsclousnesiithat as
i-uuii as he has biwu dead us long as
Napoleon, Fiance non't full to over
lay any' Mule occasion like bis birth
day or the anniversary of hlH tlealh.
VVhllo the real cvleljlatlon of Nil- ,
piileiui's lie nil will take, place on May
t and .I, prellmlniiry iW.giitttoM of the
event in uiieady iiiuler way. At Mal-
inaison, Foiitalnbleau, vers and Cam.
ptcKne, iiiuscliiiiH and expositions ot
relics of Napoleon have been opened.
In I lie meantime, excursions are be
ing organized to the Wand of Klba, to
the Napoleonic battlefields of France,
to Waterloo and If possible, also to
those of the Ithine.
An international congress will also
he held to which all the learned socie
ties of the world are asked to send
delegates for the purpose of studying
ihe Napoleonic code and other worke
of tho great French general and states,
on May 4 a rellirlous ceremony will
be held at Noire Panie In l'nrls, with
I'.intlnal Dubois present and at which
AMe Hcnnmiue, who during the world
ar won eleven citations, will deliver
the oratic.n of Napoleon.
' On May & a great military ceremony
will take place at the Arch of Triumph '
In which the survivors of the Franco
I'ruFfllsin campaigns and the potlus of
Foch will participate. Finally, la the
afternoon another ceremony will take
place at the Hotel des Invalldes, which
Napoleon constructed for his disable
soldiers, at which Marshal Foch will
mnke the principal address.
In the evening gala performances
will bo given at all the theatres ot
Carls, whllo the boulevards will be
turned over In merrymakers until they
themselves are ready to n.ult."
"Hos Tradin "
Too Foolish
At Atlantic City
They're Your Friends
One reason is that no
good newspaper will
knowingly print dishonest
The other reason is
that experience has prov
en that dishonest advertis
ing hurts the advertiser
far more than it does the
buyer of the goods adver
tised. The fact is easy to' un
derstand. A person may
be dishonest in a quiet,
sneaky way, for a long
time and never actually be
caught at it. But an ad
vertisement is a combina
tion agreement and guarantee.
A merchant or manufac
turer inserts an advertise
ment in a paper. That ad
vertisement carries cer
tain statements and cer
tain claims for the goods
mentioned. To speak such
statements and claims is
one thing; but to print
them, and sign your name
to them, and to send this
out for everyone to read, is
giving the public a guar
antee. That's why it will pay
you to read advertise
ments and buy advertised
goods. Every advertise
ment is your guarantee of
I E9Stjjlc
4iCK K
Eastern Oregon's Greatest Newspaper
Stamp collecting and stamp
swapping express a healthy boy
hood instinct trading. The
"boss tradin' " of the grown-up
enriches many a page of Ameri
can literature.
It's instinctive
find a bargain.
to trade to
You'll find a lot of folks who
went or were sent to Atlantic
City for the benefit of the ocean
breezaes, sitting in stuffy auction
rooms along the Uruadwalk hour
after hour. ,
Srfneu of tJie Annual S!vm-n nt ht
o' T.onflen In lite Kingdom of (Jri-al Britain ot
lii. flurr-fir: day t( peernibrr. ISIL'1), made u
Insurance Cominijoner of tlie Slate o
Oregon, jjuriuant to luw:
IVikwiII ca.-'ltal In Cmifd Ktalon. I .'.10,000. OC
Nrt premium rewtriit during the
ymr !,2n2,407.3l
llitrr-.t, diii!fiift anil nnta re-
r- ifid diirinj tlie ytar ...... . 278.01.1,81
lnrume Irii oli.r iwnin-ei ri
oirl dilrmg llie Jt-nr .... -Illfl.3y2.8r
Tolal Inciirar 4,lH7.70.V4f
Ni Itwie. jwh! liin:ig llic yint
Infuidiiig MljiLitin.itt exim'iM'jH. f 1,783. 90a.3
CVinniiioiia and aalariea paid dur-
in llnr r 1.0lll.35!.l
'Taxe?, I'rtiiM.. and fiea D.:d dur-
1 In! l!m .-ai .111,21.1 48
Amount ol ll uil.er uprnjltur... D.ltl,:inu.U7
In general there are two types
of business that were most affect
ed by the recent slow down. And
these two types were largely re
sponsible for most of tho "dis
tress," etc.. you have heard: First,
the business Ihut lives by Its wits,
and tends to make its profit at
the expense of its help to the
public relying , on its lack of
identity for safety; and second,
tnc business that makes as good
goods us those you know through
advertising, but which finds Itself
in distress in times when you only
buy goods you are absolutely
sure of advertised goods.
The manufacturer and mer
chant whose goods are known to
you through advertising pluces
most of his confidence in jour
good will.
Ho could perhaps get the same
loiume or business some other
way, but he has more faith In you
than he has in anything else. If
he had not spent years In pa
tiently building your eonfidenco
he could have raised his prices
without much worry durinir the
j last few years, but he never did It on.
jtil ho was obliged to in order to
stay In business, and ho never
reused prices beyond tho keeping-oii
point because that would have
been too foolish for words. It
would have cost him more in your
good will which Is a product of
years than it would have made
him in profits, which are here to
day and gone tomorrow. .
It isn't only that you should be
eure goods are rightly manufac
tured. How does the maker feel
aooui earning and keeping your
good will?
Four Years Ago Signed Report
Calling Treaty an Interna
tional Blackmail Scheme
WASHfN-GTO.V, April 13. (V. I
Supporters and opponents of the Co
lomnian treaty Jumped into a fray
Senator Lodge, chairman of the for
cign relations committee, opened th
, aiscussion With a speech favoring th
I rnuticntlon nnd payment of 125.(100
000. The speech Was largely an ex
pianauon of his change of position
".M t fin s axo no xigneci a report
aiung tne treaty "an internationn
oiacKmall. '
. .S.776.7S7.-.
CZ'wtnlluirra . . . .
; Value ot real a,tu oavtuxl (Ofcar-
k!- Talnel 300.0(10.00
Value ot fltoRt and bonds owned
(nun-art valu) 5,
Hr-i'i'iiratice dut M ii!l lqaea. . 2o.t-j4.lA
Ca ll .11 lunka and in Land U'jI.Ull.h
ITi-mium. In cour e n! roliec-lion
wiiiltn Kini'e be''i"lr 30,
isj i eio.3oo.oo
Interr i an t rcnu 4u. aid
i urJ RO.l 17.44
T.UI Limited M!a 17,0.038, 87
(Iroj claim f( lit uoiiiWl ..$ S27.6U3.Sk
Alii' tiiil .1 immruuj iirt-maiiu on
all (il--an.lHii r a. ..... .St.S4T.TS
liae for -umnu.-nn ajfl brnkru ll.lHMlllli
A.I o.ln-r lulilll.e. 227.000.00
Tidal llaliiiiii-a, irlualre of
-i.itai $M;.i,r,43.(
Mrsisi,s.i in iiK;iN' rttit tub yv.au
Hk: lirt-iuiiita noeifetl during tlM
I'M ( 05,070 K4
ln paid during the jtenf .... 40.HIH 12
I'-. iinirr-d dun-'g ll fear. 35,511.1::
AMK rilMI'A.vy. ITU.
A i. IML.V AINK ju.. t.nlted Siatea Manager.
Tol.l, 'HIHMJ'SO.V, S,aluu7 reaident aUunwi
lul ferrirp.
A. I.', HAUHKR. Inmruic Vnwmicut.
I-'uiiko it Mrlj-aii, lorn I agenls, IVn
dlcton, Orvgoa.
As you read the advertise
menls In the great newspapers
and magazines you can tell where
the values are placed:. Price and
quality price and quality, ser
vice, satisfaction, "our name on
the goods means your money
back of your are dissatisfied."
There is no, reason why you
should defer buying what you
need. There is every reason why
you may expect great value today
from the known thing. These ore
days when friendship counts and
when It pays to trust our friends.
The men and women making and
selling the product you know so
well are your friends. They count
on your buying what they make,
so that they can buy what you
make so that life may be fuller
so that a clenn record of square
dealing may continue to be re
garded as the best policy as well
as the best code.
'Hoss tradin' " is all right In
books that's the only place It
ever works. Know the goods you
buy know the people of whom
you buy, and you are on a sound
basis with money back U not sat-
IlBRI.IX.' April' 13. (f. V.) Th
new German proposals fur the pay
ui i i-iui rations win include ar.
orrer to rebuild devastated France wltl
French labor and German materials
It is learned. Foreign Minister Vol
Himons has returned from Swltzorlnm
r.nd will lay the plans before the cab
Inot immediately.
FirisT n un is ii,.K i:n
BUENOH AIRES, April 13. (A. P.)
The first rail has Just been placet
on .the new International railway tha:
is eventually to connect the Argentlni
city of fialta with the soa coast o
cnna, thus realigning to a certain ex
tent' the trade routes of Argentine anr
Chile. The Argentine section of th'
road is being built from Salta to Hu
ntlqulna, a place In the Andes on th'
frontier of Chile, while the Chlleai
section probnbly will be constructet
either to Antofogasta or Mejllloner
in Argentine, construction is beln
done by tho state railways. Construe
Hon in Chile is not yet definitely pro
vided for.
The Argentine half of the road li
approximately 475 kilometers long. A
a part of the work S.ono meters c
hard rock tunneling will have to b
nvr women v.vh'ahij-:
LONDON. April IS (A. P.) Con
iiervatlve Hcotlsnd Yard ie finding wo
nen of decided value on its detective
force, especially In ferreting 011b the
intricacies; of certain sort of crime.
The talent of these feminine sleuths. It
is said, is due largely because of their
greater success at practicing decep
tton. ' And it has been found that they
can keep a secret. ' .
Many of tho women detoctives cot-
r assignments at soclar eVnt where
t is necessary fur them to wear even.
ng gowns and Jewels and to display
he social graces.
Women detectives were employed
first In London, but now their activt.
lea have extended to the provinces.
simvmxij hawhkkii mnsTS
PORT MOODlf, 11. C, April II,
I. P.) A spinning flywheel bursting
vithout warning, completely wrecked
the Thurston Klavells sawmill near
here, and did damage estimated at
$ 10.000.
Tho wheel was six feet In diameter.
End weighted ten tons. One fragment
weighting i00 pounds flow through the
roof of the two story mill structure
and Imbedded Itself tfl Umber 80 feet
A half dozen men, working near the
wheel, cscNped wllhnfct Injury.
The mill Is being rebuilt.
Colombian Treaty Taken Vp
WASHINGTON, April' "13. (U O.
Martin, C P. Waff 4'orrespnndent.)
After four years senatorial dcliate. off
ind on over Ihe propositi to pay tho
republic: of Colombia "u pilllton dol
lars us n settlement of the dispute over
the Panama camil (lucNtlon, drew near
n enu. j ne srnnln took up the pro-
posed Columbian treaty, under an
igrremont to vote after on eight day's
lenate. . .
To Knvc Time.
"Peeling better, dear?" asked Mm
Profiteer, on a trip to Kurope. "Aha:
I have your dinner sentup to you?"
"Needs) bother,' answered Mi
Profiteer, feebly. "Ask as a favor tha
they throw it overboard for me."
Houston post.
d New Floor New Muic S
Music by
Billy Hoffman'.
Dance Specialists
' and . t ,
I .
Dr. Lynn K. Blalteslce j
hronlo and Nervous m.ases rM
'Is eases of Women. X-Ray ElectrH
. emple BIdf, noom It
Phone 41 ,
1ione J10-W P. o. Dos 8B
.... T