East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 13, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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    V- If
1 1 ' ' i - J. . .UJ...,1 'J.... " mJMIl-l.lU U
Including Pendleton Pricea and Associated Press Reports
Mm lii AImiiiI
Harm- at INmlatuI
(From the iregi
tvohV-t)?h end prices showed some t'on.
! C.'Sstollii.
n Journal,
There wiri" tin nrrtvaln In cm-load I
lots at North Portlund fur the second ,
day of the week's trade nt North Port-1
land, hut a 1 1 divisions wore represented
tiy some holdm wi. Prices wit tin-j
changed except In the'ralf division,
A year go thin same day the switch
men's slrlkc n on nd there wcr
tin carload arrivals most of the week. !
1iirly business In the hng alleys at
MimUs Disturbed
anil Imhi-tiinU Iiwc
NKW YUKK, April IS. (A. 1M
The stock market was again beset l
conflicting Influences yesterday, many
i-f the usual Industrial leaders reacting
t to 4 points. Republic, Ijtckwanna.
rVhlna Sheffield and Bethlehem prov
ing especially vulnerable to bear drives.
On the constructive side the mar-
Nonh Portland consisted entirely of kct was represented by oils, motors,
' holdover fluff which was quoted nom-Hoopers, tobaccos and utUities.
Inally steady at former prices. Later j Trices attained highest levels prior
In the day the market turned weak; to publication of President Harding
with a loss of SOc. General advances
wrre shown in the Kost.
teneral hng market range:
Prime light tlO.SOW 11.00
Smooth heavy, 2,"o to 300
pounds 9 . S 0 f i 10.50
""month heavy, 300 and
up S.00 .B0
ItnuKh heavy , .00iji S.00
Kat pigs 10.60 11. (
Feeder pigs 10.00 i 11. Or
Mage e.iHMi J.t'O
M'lth the only holdover offerings
available consisting of stockers and
feeders, the market for cattle was a
very quiet affair at North Portland,
but demand was apparently continued
for pood stuff. For calves the market !
was disposed to show an undertone of J
French. Belgian and Dutch bills eased.
Liberty bonds were steady, but the
general list, notably rails, reacted,
coppera however belli In demand. To
nil sales, par value, $10,450,000,
began to put oht new lines, effaeim;
most gains of the noon hour. Heforc
'the close, however, announcement of
I the postponement of the strike of Hrlt
I Ish Triple Alliance and the extremely
favorable statement of earnings Issued
by the International Paper company
vauseu a nasi recovery.
International Paper scored a nel
gain of 5 4 points and losses In steels
were reduced.
Sales 600.000 shares,
all loans held at 7 per cent with no
deviation of rates for time funds, com
mercial paper or bank acceptances.
Foreign exchange was Irregular, the
British hardening- with another all
iance in Italian remittance, but
Products Itaiwu to
Prp-Wsr IUihIs
CHICAGO. April S. (A. P.)
Prices throughout ftie (train and provi
sion list fell yesterday o the lowest
level since 1915. Hogs were lower
than at any time sine February 1916.
Selling; mvns general, based largely on
world conditions. Wheat closed tin-
settled, nt the same na yesterday's fin-
n.essnso. As extracts appeared, shorts lsh to down, corn off H If 6-Sc to
i j-s ana oats lost 14 to 3-8fil-2.
Provisions varied from 27 decline to oc
Many holders of wheat appeared to
have lost confidence In, likelihood ni
higher prices, at least for the present.
In particular a number of owners of
old crop supplies showed evidence of
anxiety to unload, and a willingness
to accept the view that the curtailment
of bus lug power had been so severe as
practically to take away hops of Im.
mediate relief. The consequent break
In values resulted in export sales total
ing 1.000,000 bushels. Demand other,
wise, however, was confined seemingly
to profit taking- on shorts. President
Harding's message had no traceable
effect as a market Influence.
Corn and oats declined In sympathy
with wheat.
No adequate support developed for
provisions, ,
wwrpFiesTCw spwiK& owoegs weap PA-rmowa discontinued in rios
All those who Mill hold Temporary 4 1-4 Fourth Lib
erty Loan IVmdn, should have these substituted for
prrnuuietit bonds before the 15th of this month, or .
. they will be unable to collect interest thereon.
Bring in such bonds promptly at this bank for ex
change at Window No. One.
The AmeriranlEiiorial Bank'
Pendleton. Oregon.
'Strongest Sank in Gastent Oregon'
Special Prices on
Bed Room Furniture
We have Chiffoniers in ivory, French plate mir
rors', fine workmanship, good material $33.00
Dressers in ivory, large French plate bevel
glass $30.00
Dressing Tables, tripple mirrors $25.00
Fine large Chiffonette in ivory $23.00
Chiffonier, medium size $20.00
Cruikshank & Hampton
"Quality CounU"
124-23 E. Webb Phone 548
Your Old Furniture Taken la Exchange as Part Payment on New
Vm ona,,o' -, T7. . . . 1 '
Steel Prices
Aro Heduced
NEW YOKK. April IS. (A. P.)
Substantial reductions in the base sell
ing prices of the products of the
I nlted States Steel corporation and
Its subsidaries were announced last
night by E. H. Gary, head of the cor
poration. The new prices became ef
fective today, for Pittsburg.
The reductions follow: 4x1 and
heavier billets from $38.50 to 137 a
Rross ton; slabs, 142 to 13S a eross ton:
sheet liars and small billets, 147 to f 3
gross ton: bars, J2.S5 to 12.10 net
100 pounds, plates, $2.65 to $2.20 per
hundred pounds; structural, $2.45 to
$2.20 per 100 pounds; wire rods. $57
to $48 a gross ton; plain wire base,
$3.35 to $3.00- per 100 pounds; tin
plates. $7 to $8.25 per base box.
Wire nails in kegs were unchanged
at $3.25 base.
Mr. Gary "would make no comment
on the reduction in reply to questions
asking whether wage cuts were con
templated. .The price list from which
the changes were made went into er
tect March 21, 1919. To give nn Idea
of the size of the reductions it was ex
plained that the cuts on tinplates pare
Its quotations from $140 to $125 a ton.
HojAi Steady;
Cattle Weak
SEATTLE, April 13. (A. P.) Hogs
Receipts none. Steady. Prime 11.00
11.65; smooth heavies 10.00SJ 11.00;
rough heavies 8.00i'8.65; pigs lO.OO'fr
Cattle Receipts 136. Weak. Prime
steers 7.75Cf 8.25; medium to choice
S.OO7.2o; common to good 5.50
6.50; best cows and heifers 6.50fji7.00;
medium to choice 4.50ift'5.50; common
to good 3.00(fr4.50; bulls 4. 005.50;
light calves 10.50 12.00; heavy calves
6.00 7.00.
Arizona Mines ,
Announce Suspension, t '
ITTSBRE, Aria., April 13.-r(A. P.)
Productlofi of copper from its mines
here and reduction of ore in its smelt
ers at Douglas, Arts., will be suspend
ed within the next week or 10 da.i'.
me calumet and Arizona Mining com
pany, according . to announcements
Posted yesterday after a meeting of the
board of directors. , ' ,
SPOKANE. April 13. (A. P.) Ap
proximately $2,000,000 worth of ore
was secured to the Heela Mining Co." of
the Idaho Coeur d'Alenes by the recent
settlement with the Marsh and Federal
companies, It was announced In a
statement here today following a
meeting of directors of the Hecla. T'he
settlement was necessitated because ot
a controversy over property rights. '
American Knicltlngs
Cuts All Salaries
NEW YORK. April 13. (A. P.)
The salaried force of the American
Smelting and Refining company will
receive a 20 per cent cut In pay and
wages of laboring classes between 30
and 4 0 per cent, effective June 1, it
was learned officially last night.
Cattle llrgistcr
HiclM-r at K. C.
KANSAS CITT, April 13. (A. P.)
Cattle Receipts 8.800. Beef- steers
mostly steady to lac higher; 8.50 0
Sheep Receipts 10,000; steady: ton
ittmDs 9.25.
TOKIO. April 13. (A. P.) Japan's
telephone system, which is not consid
ered good, has, to the dismay of the
telephone authorities, been suddenly
disturbed by the marriage of a large
number of telephone girls in the To
kio exchange. The cause of the sudden
wedding really springs from the old
Japanese trcdltion, which In its turn
comes from ,C! !na as so many Japan
ese things did, and Is a result of giving
to each year the nam, of some animal
or bird.
The . year 1920 was known as the
year of the monkey and the monkey
year is proverbially regarded by the
Japanese as being distinctly unlucky
for marriages.' One reason for this is
that the Japanese word for monkey
which is "Saru" also signifies "to go
With Other Members of Comite
Franc? Amerique Was Guest
j. of General Henry T. Allen.
' PARIS, April 13. (A. P.) The
Duchess de Itohiin urges American
women and the tnlted States sjov
crmnent. to let the American soldiers
remain on the Rhine. The Duchess,
with other -members of the Comtte
h rance-Amcrique, - were guests : of
General Henry T. Allen at Colilenx
February 15. when the troops cele
brated the anniversary of, the day
American soldiers took their place on
the Allied front as an American army.
She tells of her trip In the March
number . of France-Etats-Unia, the
committee's mugazlne. .
"My joy Is profound," she' says In
her diary of the trip, "to see the Am
erican flag on Ehrenbreltsteln and I
do hops it will remain there a very
long tjme for the security not only of
my own country but of Europe and
all the lovers of liberty and humanity.
;'Yes, It Is a fact which I feel even
more keenly than I did before, that
the Germans respect only force and
power und that the I'nitcd States Is
the only people they fear, ' knowing
perfectly that, if It were needful. , they
would come again as numerous as pos.
sible. Hut I do hope that the govern
ment of the United States and our
dear sisters, the American women, will
understand the necessity of leaving the
troops on the Rhine to prevent mis
chief. It Is easier to keep t'.iem here
and much, less expensive, than serlil.
ins) them back and having the trouble
oi scnning later many, many more to
Most sanitary and thor
ough method of . cleaning
the home and keeping it
constantly sweet, clean
and germ free, is with an
Phono 139
200 EL Court
I nmksstild Ruga look new and
preserve appearance of new. ones.
I clean on your floor or take
thein away. 6 years in Pendleton.
Phone 6211
been the wall separating domination
and Justice, ambition and Humanity.
She has been our Providence."
Iindon Wool
Has Hotter Demand "
LONDON, April 13. (A. P.)
There were 7875 bales offered at the
wool Bales here yesterday. I'rices were
unchanged but the demand was better.
Most of the purchases were made by
continental buyers.
away.' Therefore, an t apprehension 'Europe.1
nits arisen mar nriries or na mnnk.i- i.mi.- . ,
vear r. l J-L '. ..1 " "me"ra" troops.' she says,
L,:,, --- are magnificent. The men are tall
T.u i" v.i.iureii Dornjanil handsome. They walk malcstl
... me ea. marriage are apt to Be too cally and with great regularity never
monKcy wise, as the Japan- one behind the other. It Is Mii,.rn,i
wise, or.
ese put It. Now the following year is
the happy and glorious year of the
birds. For this Is the Japanese word
"Tori" which also means "to take" or
to gather in
to see them parading.'
I'uring the review, she says, "The
.Marquise de Rochambeuu and I were
so enthusiastic rhnt w nuu.i
nciii-e. me i-iepnone sion to have the honor of kissing the
Mns or iokio liKe many other of the American
lunci are gathering to themselves hus- And in
the . Duchess
claims: "America In this war
WASHINGTON, April 13. (A. P.)
Substantial reduction of the death
and Injury rate in toal and metal
mJnes of the country is shown In a
statement reviewing the safety work
performed by the bureau of mines
since Its establishment In 1910, made
today by Dr. H. Foster Bain, ' sctln
director. From a rate In 1911 ot 4.71
deaths for each 1.000 men employed
there has been an almost unbroken
declino to a rate of 3.23 per thousand
In 1919, the statement said, . ,
It was the occurrence of a series of
disastrous coal mine explosions at
tended by heavy losses of life that
caused congress to create the Bureau
of Miles. In 1911 there occurred 15
major coal mino accidents, causing
413 deatns, or 15.5 per cent of the to
tal number of men killed by all causes
at coal mines during the year., , In
1920 eight similar accidents catised 61
deaths, or only !. per cent ot the to
tal from all causes. For the interven
ing years, the statement said a gen
eral improvement was shown.
The bureau has at present ten spe
cially equipped Pullman cars engaged
in transporting Its trs-'n crews from
nine to mine. It has mine rescue sta
tions nt Pittsburgh, . Pa,; Wilkes
Bar re, Pa.; Vlncennes. .Ind.; Birming
ham, Ala.; Berkeley, Cal.; McAleator,
Okla.; .and Seattle. Wash. Resides
training the miners in . rescue work
the experts of the bureau train the
wives and children of the miners In
first aid. , .
The. Increased output of mines, es
pecially of coal, in recent years has
neen produced with little Increase In
the number of miners, the- statement
said, and adds that the personnel Is
not nearly so skilled in. mining as ten
years ago. This condition, makes nec
essary added precautions against ac
cident, the statement said. .
The bureau has trained In the past
ten years, 60,971 persons In mine res
cue work, and first aid methods. In
Pennsylvania,. 9111' persons were
trained, in Colorado; 2921 In- Mon
tana. 2740;Jn West Virginia 271.1r In
.Micnignn, 2620; In Kentucky, 2447; in
Arizona, :H7; In Alabama. 2,097. The
mate of Washington with 1784 persons
iramea m relation to nn nveraire hum
bcr of miners employed aniunting to
oujii nas the best record. k ' '
To grow by serving you
is our ambition.
Location is a secondary
consideration in the gro
cery business.
We carry a full line of
groceries and make
prompt deliveries to all
parts of the city.
The Most The Best
in Value in Quality
A (rlln Keller for ftwrUssm.
CMUUsatka, sksssrke, Iismi
TraaMn, TrrlklM PMrVrm, uj
Seunr Warm. Titer Ircak
CaMi iDMhwirl. Mail droit lei.
Sample matM MCI. AdcTrTM,
MODlU SMV C0.U ,,..
Trade Mark
The town of West Stockbrldgo.
Massachusetts, Is so healthful that nil
physician can bo induced to settle
there. The Selectmen are raising a
special purso for a physician who will
agree to llvo In the town.
Preventative Medicine
The .tendency of medical science l
Inward preventative measures. It Is
easier and better to prevent than to
cure. Pneumonia, one of the most
dangerous discuses that medical men
have to contend With, often follows a
cold or attack of the grip. The cold
prepares the system for the reception
and development of the pneumonia
germ. The lotiger the cold hangs on,
the greater the danger. Tke Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the
first Indication of a cold appears so as
to get rid of it with the least possible
delay. It In folly to rink an attack ot
pneumonia when this remedy may be
obtained for a trifle. . ' .
A r unner Cured) of Rheumatism
"A man living on a farm near here
came in a short time ago- completely
doubled up with rheumatism, I hand
ed him a bottle of Chamberlain's Lini
ment and told htm to use it freely,'
says C. P. Iiayder, Putten Mills, N. Y.
"A few days Inter he walked into the
store as straight as a string and hand
ed me a dollar saying, give mo another
bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment; 1
want it in tho house all the time for
It cured me.'
Indigestion ami Constipation
- "Prior to using Chamberlain's Ts.b-
lets, I suffered dreadfully from Indi
gestion. Nothing I nto agreed with
me and I lost flesh and ran down In
health. Chamberlain's Tablet
strengthened my digestion and cured
me of constipation," writes Mrs.
Ooorgo Ktroup, Solvay, N. T. .
The Itiiad In Happiness
Toil must keep well If you wish to
be happy. When constipated take on
or two of Chamberlain's Tablets Im
mediately after supper. They cause
Sentle movement of the howels.
Be Better Looking Take
Olive Tablets .
To have a clear, pink skfn. bright
eyes, no pimples, a feelirfg of buoyancy
like childhood days, you must keep
your body free from poisonous wastes.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets (a vege
table compound mixed with olive oti)
act on the liver and bowels like calomel
yet have no dangerous after effect.
Take one nightly and note resuluj.
They start the bile and overcome
constipation. That's why millions of
boxes are told annually, 15c and 3iXr'
Physician and Surgeon
Rooms 21 and 16 Smith-Crawford
Telsphons 704 Has. T49-H
Buying Miles
When you buy an automobile,., are you. getting
something to look at, or something to use?
Of course you are buying the miles the car will
render in actual use on the highway. '. .
Looking at it that way, you are seeking more than
a car when you enter the salesroom to buy. You are
buying service, as well as a car. And miles must be
delivered day by day as you need them. . .
Do we deliver the whole order? Ask any man
who drives a - ,MjavikZZ
i - . .
Oregon! Motor Garage
Phona 468
It' .U4