It. ... ..i ,(., ,.., , !-,-. i , , k - ' ' i' i '' aw ,fi..!,.j,,v ,--'.'j ... i iv t.'.v., .ti-..V. PACE TWO DAILY EAST OEEGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 12, 1021. TEN PAGES (r NEW MEN REPORT FOR The ..Greatest - Collection 'efSmarL .Criso. B3ew ''Rflerchan Ever displayed in Pe ndleton awaits your inspection hero in Pendleton's Greatest Department Store, where it pays to trade. Specials From Our Art Department. r SI. 00 Cretonnes reduced to GDc 7."c and S()j Cretonnes reduced , 'to 50c Lamp Shades in all colors!, One Third Off. Special Lot cf Stamped Pillow Cases, 'special the pair $1.50 Stumped Coys' Dresses and Rompers of high grade mer cerized poplin. $2.25 values reduced to. $1.85 $1.5 values, reduced to. $1.45 91-75 values reduced to. $1.25 Stamped Combination and Night Dresses. $2.00 valueseduced to. $2.20 $2.25 values reduced to. $1.75 32 Inch Dress Ginghams a D a Yard 24c 32 inch Dress . Gingham, bright pink and blue plaids, good quality. A splendid val ue at our regular price at 29c a yard. Special, a yard 24c Buster Brown School Stockings for Boys' and Girls, 39c . They are fine ribbed and nice looking, but, my, how they wear! Knit from staple cotton yarns in black, white and cordovan, with double heels and toes, all sizes in the lot. Special Values, a pair 39c Children's Black Cat Hosiery, .Very , Special, the pair 49c. Broken lines of children's hose in sizes 7 1-2, 9, 9 1-2, 18, 10 1-2, 11, 11 1-2. They are strong ly reinforced with" extra threads wherever wear is essential. Black and white, but not all sizes. They are regular 69c values. Special, a pair 49c Boys' Heavy Ribbed Hose 39c They are very strong and durable, with double knees, heels and toes, black only, sizes from 7 to 11 1-2. Special Values, a pair 39c Children's Mercerized Lisle' Hose, Special Value, 59c Buster Brown make, very dressy. These may be had in black, white and coi'dovan, wiih double heels, toes and soles, sizes 6 to 10. Special Value, a pair 59c Women's Silk Hose Special, 93c Broken lines of silk hose, seamless and mock seam; reinforced "foot. Novelty lace in hea ther colors; sizes 8 1-2 to 10. Regular values to $2.00. Special Pair, at 88c Men's Button Shoes -Values up to ft 12.50 Special "Bargain $495 Blacks and tans, nearly all sizes, extra good qualities. A shoe bargain you'll not be apt to see again soon. It will pay ycu to investigate. , ONLY $1.95. ; ' JUwy njm ftr rt J Cleanlinaie, 1. G-V S X'$XL-Aci It will pay you to study our Grocery Window. 32 inch Imported Ging hams a Yard 79c 32 inch fine Imported Ging ham, lovely soft colorings in plaids, stripes, checks and also in plain colors. Extra fine quality. Our regular low price on this quality is 85c and 89c per yard Special, a yard 79c Well give you the best for the price, no matter what the price. 1 v....-.J - ii t rr. jt PENDIllONS GREATEST l;E?ARTAENT STORE eopies waronons BaftiJei.i asVaaji T WHERE IT. PAYS TO TRADE WOMB If New Suits are arriving every day in our men's dept. Call and see them. Manager Nick Will Havo25 of the Eoya Under Jlis Care by This Evening; Working Hard At rivuU of now pluyer-, uinbltloiis to become a part mid pureel of Nick William" Moimo Jaw teum,-ur swell ing the lint of hopefuls that.. Wick' will have lo nIui up before, lip Make a fl- -. it (1 ili'diilon tin lo who lit to win bertlm. Si'Vvral men uVrlvpU J'urterJay ami more ure expciloil toiluy before th nun goiM down. " " ' ' t'lvo men rt't'rld yentcrdiiy. puck- loy, an infii'ldiT, Hailing trom uroui Faim, mid Ktmtr U'MhnUKhncwcy , mid .Mark Koenlir, oolh from Ban l-'rani'laeci, Iho liirivlucra, huvo joined the tamp. They are eperltnid men mul may put added pep into th insiuo garden for tho t'aimdluiii. Al Bonner, a twirl!;, who formerly plU'hed In the old eetcrn 'tri-Btato Itastie, came up frumOiiKinnn e- troduy. lie n nccoiiiainei uy m kid brother, who ! unililtlon to Rt a trial witn ii, ciho, "j-.i"'" known of tit ii yommster, twtt Mck In. , Hiving 'em nil a whirl, so the hid Id an- ' mired or huviiiff hi chunce along with tho other. , Another pitcher who , promise a l..t of ood thliiKK Is evpt'Cted today. Hi name I lllll I.f her, nni( he hall from S:inkatoon,'whloh 1 riot fr from Mooae Jaw, and Manager Nlfk 1 -pert I nir him to hIioW gome good tuT. Another man la Winnie, who will arrive today. By thin evening Xlck will hve about twenty-five prcmpect In hi eamp. He elrU to hold on to ll of them until .after the rame next Sun-! ,ny which will be played here with the ndleton Muck. In the meantime men are getlng hard workout. - and ho will do everythlnif poiwlble to rpit that the 'blowup" o( lal Sunday I not duplicated In Sunday eontoat. The Duekaroo ro Hlo worklnC hard thJ week and they expect to be In better condition than they were In the recent game. A attff workout wa on the program lnt nlcht. and two morn prnctlce will be held before the week I over. ESTIMATE OF OREGON WHEAT AND RKE HP rOKTIJV.ND, April 12. (A. r.) The condition of Oregon winter wheat and rye on April J, 19S1, estimated by F. Ij. Kent. Statistician for the U. S. Bureau vt Crop Estimates, at 99 per cent of normal for wiieat, and 97 per ciit of normal for rye. This com Jtare with an April 1, wheat condition for the United Elates asa whole, of 1 per cent and a rye condition of . 90.3 per cent The ten year average condition for the V. 8. is: Wheat. 3 6 per cent; rye, SS.i per cent. As suming that there has been no cn mderaWe abandonment of any of the i 4O.D5,flii0 acres estimated as sown last fall, the present condition figure (91 per cent) would Indicate a prob ably is;i United States winter wheat crop of about 621,000,600 'bushels. ' Oldest Priest .J ' - ; 5 . ' 1 V 4 i i. - . in 10ntCT Oregon. Baker 97 Crook 100 Deschute '. at) Father Damage Dandurand. O M. U. of Winnipeg. Canada. 1 said to be the oldest priest In the 'world, both In age and service He's 102 and wa ordalr.eC 80 3ft; ars ago. i: t Condition reports by counties of the state are as follows: Western Oregon. County. Condition April 1 W. Wheat Rye 98 93 100 100 Benton 97 Clackamas ' . - 91 Clatsop Columbia I"" Coos 90 Curry Douglas 1S JackHon S5 Josephine 9 Lane 11 Unculn IVnn 90 100 Marion 93 100 Multnomah 100 100 Polk 9 100 Tillamook Washington 100 tamhill 97 . 1. Gilliam Grant Harney Hood Biver . . Jeffer3on .... Klamath Lake . . , Malheur Morrow Sherman Umatilla Union . Wallowa Wasco . Wheeler 103 103 105 1U5 100 100 102 102 102 97 93 106 102 . 9 I00 S3 100 100 100 100 io- 9S 100 100 105 100, 971 991 i MANY SEED POTATOES Fl WKSTO.V, April 12 Charles F. Car ter, prominent Pendleton lawyer, was seen on our streets Sunday. A carload of gasoline is being un- eured S1S50; $250 In ciKh was donate by the ciyzena of the town of Wettor. and tho remsilnder of the amount was donated by the farmers alonx the roue to be Improved. Tom Xuiktts, who has been farming on an extensive scale for tho past twelve years in the Alberta, country, has returned to Weston to ' livo In Uncle Sam's domain. Mr. N'arkus haj domiciled his family in the Bulflneh cottage, on North Water street. Mrs. A. J. Mclntyre la In a nuke serious condition as a remit of blood loaded here today by Fred I'.ennlon, 1 poisoning. 105 county farm bureau agent. This gaso line was ordered from Texas by Wes ton and Ury Creek farmers through nrrn n trpmentn with Tr. lipnnlnn Netted Rem potatoes are being loaded at Weston the early part of this week. These potatoes are all for seed and will be planted by growers In various parts i of Washinston and Oregon. Ono ex tensive potato grower from Twin Falls, Idaho, has been here lately looking for one thousand sucks of seed Hems. He is representing a colony of growers in will be reseeded this spring will be j southern Idaho. He made the stute considerably less than normal: In fact, i ment whlln hero that Weston Mountain almost negligible.' Here is a report its the most ideal place for growing ' H'8 Position at the depot Is being filled from Morrow county which is fairly seed potatoes that he knows of In the , relleI "Kent John W. Itellly typical of others from the eastern Ore-1 northwest. It will be observed that all of the heavy producing wheat counties show a condition nearly up to normal or bet ter. In the eastern part of tho state, with a few exceptions, conditions were very favorable to fall seeding and the winter has been very favorable for the growth of the crop. At this time it seems probable that the acreage that ', A delightful party was given last Saturday afternoon at the farm homu of At. W. 1'edersen, In honor of the twelfth birthday of Lwnyno O'Harra uon of Mr. and Mrs. Albert O'Hara 1'upils of the sixth grade were the In vited guests. Thoso in attendance In cluded Pearl Cameron, Marguret Mc Cunsland, M.-inraret Calder, Ada Cald er, Luvon Pitman, Onel Davidson, Jos cph Kngermann, Harold Jackson Floyd Hodgson, Lwaync O'Harra, ICan Harbour and tho sixth grade teacher, -Miss Isaacson. (i. 8. Xclson, veteran O.-W. agent a; Weston, Is taking his annual vacation Grocery Department Ccod Pruoes, per pound . .10c Fowler Lemon Clmg Peaches, No. 2 1-2 cans, ea. 25c Armrur Teilet Soap, Witch Hazel, Oatmeal or Cutter Milk, each .C5c Shasta Jelly or Preservej, efscrted flavcrs, each 25c Swift' Whita Soap, each .OS: Mir Quen Sardine, each .10c Hc-.-nrich' Minca Clam, each 20c mrhrrrcl!ow Creme, extra fine, 12 oz. jars, each 50c gon wheat dietricts: "The winterj Weston baseball fans are waxing wheat condition today shows a betlen'iuito enthusiastic over this year's ser prospect (barring future mishaps) ! ies of the national game. Manairer than we have had for many years. Thej Heynaud is lining up a good team and wheat kept growing all winter and the i feels c onfident that tho other" teams in moisture In the soil is abundant." ,'the Blue Alountain league will know In the western part of the state cnn-,,mt ston is in the running, dition of the wheat crop is generally Farm 'work M progressing In a satis reported to be fine ulthiMich there f,lctory manner in this community. In was little "drowning out" in Feb- the 'wer levels summer fallow plow ruary and March. But owing to very '"K iH gelling pretty well towards a wet weather, the seeding last f ill vis I fmish- wni,c nearer the mountains the i much below- normal. i ? round has been too wet for very liiticn i j- t, T. Plowing yet. A lot of the fanner's KuclZ 0,1 ;0n;B-POrts generally in- work far hlls 1een ri,lif .tootUinS fdlcate a decline in the ho lniurv ... . . "... .. growing grain, a rain fields were washed worse this year, than ever be fore around here. William AlcCcrkcIl and Iee Dennis of Heed and H'uwley inrMintain, were in town last week soliciting funds for the betterment of tho road up to that ele vated section. They report having se- I 102 95 Or. 100 I toe nuniocr or brood sows on "I'ru i, as compared with a year aso appears to be only 90 per cent, and as compared with the usual number ies than 80 per cent. For the United SU .'s, the comparison with a year aeo i per cent, and as compared with the usual, only 7S.6 per cent. XcwsaiM-r Suspends Piihllmtkni CKXTKAl.IA. April 12. (U. P.) Tho Centralia Dally IH'ub has suspend eu puotication, due to financial re verses, according to M. K. Cue, .the publishec Art effort to reflance wil be made linmedlately, it is understood The Hub was established In 19K1. A(ii:i MA.V M'tCIDKJ) SEATTIB, April 12. (I'. P.) John VV. Met, 'arty, aged 71, of Nirwark, N. J. .suicided by hanging himself, out of u window In a local hotel yesterday. OKLAHOMA WINS OVKH TFX.V.- WAHHIXGTO.V, April 12. (U. P.) oklahi ma, by decision of the supreni' court, won a suit against Texas ovei 1 ho title of oil lands in the 'fted lUvel valley, with an estimated val:ie of fron, $100,000,000 to $150,000,000. Would You Sell Your Sfnile" for $20,000? ' -.VA-v - tut j -' V- "r-, , 'v n - - ''a-f' -r I . - I I- j . - --it v"'1 : : - -v, . ' - ; r . J ; . 1 ' . r ' ' . " y . . 7 . . - J Wbf would yon take for your smile? lost bl power to smile by mining In contact me smiie jamet lost. Right. bta best smile sine fLe sccidenl. vuv ciuiii neiiiiH mi nanso uy rower fi Light t o, Sails to Wed s - fx si , .. , , fi ! Miss Lillian Marvin of Brook lyn has sailed for Lima. Peru, to wed Richard Pallors, South Amer ican business man. The Soeledndo Braa'lera Protector dos AnlmAe I a Brazilian society re cently oranld to protect dumb beast. It Intend to comnnt vivisec tion, bullfighting, cock fights, canary fifrhts mid tiny other form of cruelty to nnlmnl by publicly denouncing all offender Wore prr.seoutliig them. guilu KiillJiblo, Tho lndy was bByinn-rr ime for her little hoy n a present, "I -ant really "it'e:Vih, please," she icild to the shopkeeper.- ' i 'Yes. madam. " he answered; "how will th! one-do?" .-. "What do you put In lt?",akcd the customer. . , ,. s ' Just ordinary cdn. or I have an other ono her that nhnt slug." . ' Tho lady looked delighted,, "Oh. I'll take that one,' he ex clnlmrd. "That will be unit n vulUble. We have a largo Harden and there aro loin of Blubs in It." Edinburgh Scotsman. HALKM, April U'. IV. P.) Do nrlng ho will auk no favors over the other prisoners, VV. II. Johnson, for mer president of the wrecked bank of Jacksonville, "dressed In"" at tho Oro- wn penitentiary. Ho was sentenced to ten years for hla manipulations pro. ceedlng the batiks collapse. Warden Compton- has not determined what rflnd of work Johnson will do. Bavin I'uvors (Jet Toaetlu-r Plun ' WA.SHIN'liTON', April 12 I A. P.) Legislation compelling both sides In abor UlsiluteH to abide by agreement reached or decisions of arbitrators they have accept, d, whs urged today by Secretary Davis. He favored the law requiring all parties to labor dis putes' to try to get together before strike were, called. ' Here's Kansas City boy Jamej Godfrey St who "'w-uii- wiro carrvinir rami vnita nN A jury awarded the hoy f 20 H iM K TNoria or tub awvual btatsj- MKNT OK The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company. f Mllwime, In th atat of Wlneemls, n l ha tlilrly-flnt y of r!cnbr, 'linulo ta Ilia lnurnc OummlMlsnar at Ina stt o( Onion, purnunt tu law; T . Capital. ; A mount of Capital Stock paid up Furalr i mutual. , , Inoooaa. L Turin:. Trfmltirai , f TJ.oU.ema .Inlero.t ai,77.l ot ;'" BT-,111 SI Conalderatlan for Inatallmant I and option Ulcm.nn.,. . 9,TS.0,V. All utber incouia OTO.UUa 4S j Toul incoma ;,ou.709 99 . .i. . . UUburanntola. nath claim $ j,Tiu.r, to Mitturait endowment a;Thi Amiultir v.-.ii'mM -t Hjirranrttrad polleiaa ,ib.vM.i,h J) vlilcmla to pollcyholdars. . I0.lsa.M-j n Ulaalilllty claims ........... . , a,Ui:! Total paid pollcaholdara. .$ ITaxaa '('nitimlsalona to ait'-nta.'! ". IMrdn-al examination,,, eto!. OniniH'iiRiitittn of offlc-ara, f triiataa and horn vffk-a j employes ,Rent for accuuancy of hoiiia i offlra , an ntl... l.k.. 1 ...... u..wu,B,UMJ. . . . l.HVt.Mlilll U.).l;5.4 4H4.UHI.U9 l,.1.H,S,VSt 5Kl.fHt2.IU 2,.vin.o.aa Total disbursementa. , . , AaaeU. IPenl ulnta (Ineludlnf home I 6t!,;so,21J.!l Ie. SI, 1020. nwirt- auto- orru-ai i ILoana on real mate MKa A ;Lon on pollclea aa coll f era I , , , rrelillllin noteff anrl i mutlu aranilun, Premiums detrrrrd under I Snlillers' and Bailors' civil Jtellef art. i , tT. H. A. bonds, amorllt'eof ; value " u. s. A. -eartlflcatea at ii,ieiinem ln- 3.(lJl,S.1f.33 2I2,IH2,1HV1 W,00T,07.M l,fio, SOO.M 4S.Tot, iritlipr bono amortised value T Rear. I-? 1 'Tf '"--a ' " 1,ll. and rents due and ' ee liiiKiM and deferred premiums i.mi.lit tl aanutiea- de. : Pu, ducted Hilvtlla "Black" is a perfect blend of fine 1 , India tea, iHitvilla "Green'Msa very fancy Japan urith a . rare, fine fragrance. ' Either will please j discriminating tastes. ; R " aamutcd aasrte t47,6fJ8,a61 I.labllllleej.' IHcaarve required by law to if , be held on the cempany'e Hiai rve for annul! pa and anerlnl eolllractB .. ' Reserve for nut due Install ments ,"I,bs.b mid enuowrneiital , unailjhsted, etc. ...... ,7 'Kallniatrd amount of, taxes pavnble In 11121....... .utitmld arcouiita. medical fees, eninmlaslnns, ete due and In course or payment (Deterred dividends payable i In mat nnd Iheresfi-r. . . . Annsftil dividends payable In Other dividend 'aceoiirits. ' . Jteaerve lor 'i'ntas In Msimte i"iea lor eonilligeuoiea. Total llnhilltle, . 'llCI) fisurea In, , hide 1.1(l.(lt 111 nestti losses H, purred ror mhlrh nn nrnf. 5,500,3.13(10 ,7T3.fS.0O l.l,0T.7 1,5W.7M.I C3T,034 O4 B32.2a7.riO S.H.S43.07 Jn3,nno.of) mii.iu iri lllL(Mo m . .7:.nin, in r,.r have b,,ei .I'll Bnalneaa In Orrran for the Year urnse premiums recalyed lurl,i the year , , , , 1703 Premiums, Surrender rallies a,i ' llvldendi returned durlns; tho " , "at ....... r. .. , joocaar. I-osa- s and msfured endowments paid durlna- ihe year T4. UN T A .aYhaVATO--"'- Hlntutory re.ldent ,rny for s., ".ttaMl,."i,,,"W'" 4"""1 l I t