East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 11, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    r-Acn eight
V , , M . , ' ' ' . . . .. -,-H ''' - . . ,
!(! ; 'rt k - r , - . I'. :. v x
;. . j- . "v . I an for'y fjl hlsh ami a couple of yl '
v. ficl ).i d.amctr. Th-y look Jiko V") f V
'" V ' tvot'Us oT uri; and how or why nature V g '
I f ' V.- .j m -"t should hue made them vas,long a .
Freaks of "L'nnaturc! His-1
tory"- 5cme Curious Im
itations That Seem to Be
tray a Sense of Humor-1
Funny Fsces and Aca
ctents of Mineral Form
- ation.
Tt'IiE fcu her lighter moods.
Sh likes to perpetrate a jest
jj S now nd then, and mint of htr
m jokt r so eici:at u to be
- I amusing.
(.tnsider for Instance the earbore
. 'ie fiuback whale. It lit tpeclos
) cotacean for which an Important
i i iirofltab'.e fishery li conducted off
:-j toait cf'Normay inda neisiibor
sfas. !Urh at the two earbsnes of this
'n(iu mammal, which is the
u:set of all whales, bears a fare;
and. odd'y enough, the Utter Is un
mistakably the face of a Scandinavian
t hermaa. It hss the distinctive
oYiracteristlcs of the low-caste Scan-
unarian pnyitcsnomy-the recedm. , . . helr ac!iV;ties by some of! evidence of
. mn in rounded cheek-bones. and ; wh In those days, souls: for. as tlicy believe, tha apir.ts,
' r nai TOB-(;i?t XTUEQ IO Tell. II . -j .-. .nr tha- ilnirtp,1 r rat- Kt : rrrvtv.
human face; and, what is yet more
remarkable. It Is the face ot a Jjp-
' anesc.
The story sroes that many centuries j
!ao there was a plasu- of piracy !n j
! iho?e waters. The pirates were well
i oreanlied. havini? a forn-'dab!e navy !
1W their own, and were secretly sup- J Japanese ret ard
Snorted In their activities by some of ! evidence
the t'henouu'tion
1 -is rather like a dyh-rr.ask In
i.'n'.s:iire. done la white p!a3ter-of-
he!d themselves almost independent
of the central government, fcventu-
' i l ... - v,i. ,v'. I which culminsted In a great naval
,wjy, are among the most mdestruct
atile things In rature, bt-Ins extremely
srd; and those of finbacks are often
ti-ought cp from the ocean bottom
t.y decp-sca dreiges. Every one of
h(m bears the same face.
Crabs TUat Wcrc? I'lratcs
Even more extraordinarf Is a V'.nd
cf crab common in the Sa of Japan.
v,hose carapace that. Is, the shell
covering the bark bearf a well
earven and lean-cut face This is
no matter of Imagination. It -is a
i battle In the Sea of Japan.
In thus battle the pirate flet. num-
ibering some hundreds of ships. was,su iwLstt:
'entirely destroved: and. no quarter , found scattered over hundreds of
; btintr irlven on el. her side, few If any 1 square miles. There ore millions of,
of the sc-a-rovers survived. Since I them. One miy see tl'.eni proj ctliis
'then !t Is said) all the "taira" crabs ; from the faces of cliXs. or In other I
(m the species Is called) have borne, places where wparher'rr?" L e.. th-ji
i en 'heir hacks the- races or Japanese action ot w;na una water naa worn
i fighting men. j away the rocky formation.
! The face is a man's free rather i This formation is sandstone, put
j forocious. But strangest of ail. It is! the "corkier: ws" are of quartz ver-
the fa;gf a drowned man. with open i Heal spirals of mathetr.atic&l rj m-
I mo oottoi,; of tacn one s a .upe
! vnlarguaicnt which hoa jinwtiil the
apptantiue of a root.
One til o:y suggested was tht. tho
corkscrews'" were the fossil burrows
jof a huge extinct species of eoplinr
or o;h;r rodent animal, 'ho:. nest at
jthe bottom was represented by i lie
aforementioned 'root". Hut scien
: t'.sts now ssy that thi'y are fo.vsil wa-
tcr-weed, which millions of years ni;o
grew on ;r,e oottom or a vast lane
that covrred Nebrnka.
T.e3 gigantic water-weeds, which
?rrevv tn a spiral form, were buried
'neath K;'nft nml silt hrouirh '-"a the
"My.stnti.HS "Corkscrews" i lake hy rivers. EveMtra', tr,.. Ir ,
A mystery to science until very re-. ,jr.;t., up. tn, sind and silt hardtr.e'd
cent yeurs were the so-calied "devil's, nlp iC,d rock ,h3 spiral holes
corkscrews," otherwise known as "fos-; ;er, by the decay of the weeds were
which In Nebraska arei,:!.,, , d..no.ltiwl - from
water percoia: lt-.g through th stony
; torniation. T'.i'.:s wer" made perf;ct
cav of ha huprc weei'.s. Incluuin? the
roots thereof, in Imperishable quartz.
fTrraks Sltule I5y Wntrr
Not Ions aso scr.iebody Si;nt to the
of the strangest and most itrlklne; of,
nature's counli-rfclls. Some liutter
Mies imitate dead leaves when tbclr
wlnps are folded on allghllin, tv v
the veins of tl'c leaves being falth-
a. the -sulden-luured dog". U I.! ot . .
.uppod tp ron.blD I he attribute , " " "uc Tk e""'
of m.ni) pod plant. ' Sprinc ne from 1 "" 1" deception almu.t defies, delue-
seed, n t poiiii.urly believed 'o lure J "on.
bn In roat Unil! it has eaten all tnci Our common "mensurlnr worm''
grc-i'h food within reach.n.l thuajwlil remi ln motion. eta for hours In
to die of starvation. Tho truin Is thai j the ntiitndu of a twig. Of "walki.nl
t U merely the roolstock of a r.ire ! sslrkii," which imitate twig, there a
Asla'l" pltint. whlrh, covrrd wilh'ii.aBy spcatut, loins being half a ool
. tt g''ld n-brnwt hairs and,rinndin j in length. They are iilcntiful In ail
l inn wfc-u look like Uffa, -suggests a! woods, hut It Is rarefy that on of-
1 In (he crabs.
i-huwid isa.s uf wear on the. heel as:d
in 114.1 ui ine iuou i ei ii was im, n- i i i"'N i- i iviui - . -
ins but a v.iier-worn pebble vvMcii j i;k?nes to a quadruped. limn is captured, so aduilrabl la their
nttiire In Jesting uioodr had sculp-, Familiar amors nature' Imitations, ii.culs.
lis the "ieul.ors:." a ll'.tlo fish wlilchi
Now npd then a pbb!e In a s'reaiai i,a a horse-like head, while U bodyl'an aperies of mantis. Imitate n vte-
Tho "diabolical specter," an Affl-
. iil it s iru an otio- , !jt ,0 ,t,.llK.j aB t0 re..
Tii.i, en .iiiiiB u lura.o. pernaps0j ttl(t
.-u,-jiiiiip.T uuitaii.e ui suiiieiniii. or;
mule the neck
1 1 t colored (lower, quite beautiful t
Th "sphenoid'' bono ot the Kasej
the eye. Perched on a plant, it re
mains without motion. It tuuunl
other. S-.i.-h lumps are called ronrre-! "-''""" u""u l i arms (resembling petuls) wailing I
tlons. and often they assume the ' raiaiia skull Is carven ln ; ?rJU any unfortunate Insect lh ren-sh-..pe
of a turile. with four rigs. a!tlu' '-H"nf o. the head of that am-j tlir(J, wllhl r,ach . , . , ,
hri.d. and a tail. Hather familiar I mM"s ar;-li-enem. the fox. In lt( a numlwr of localities In lh llKt-l
aro "petrified peanuts," which when,u'alf- ,n!s ls "rtainty One of tho must ( g,tfJ ap famoul for rock, or muaa.
bm.lt en open disclose as their nuclei
-ill spirit "wink's" shells.
Miraculous Orvhid
Such tilings us these ar mere uc
cideiits,', ,of course. Hut vve are not
. ; le thus to account for many things!
in nature which are obvious irnita
tunius or nai'.,rcs ini.e ;oes. roa-i,.,- h... ih. .
homers m England commonly wear of h ',. 0mJ of ih. l0,t
the,bonc. mounted in gold, as scarf-1 TcmtUMa ot ,, u f0 b, seen In
ln- .the Gila National Eorest. New ilexlee.
I'nxllgy Of The Onrth n lt ,, caUr$ ,ne ijooded Knight. .- u
The sved-puds of the ifomiiion gur- l.'verybody has observed the tunny
den unapdligon leak like diminutive j little faces that psnsles ha If
Sitiithson-an lnstfttion what as de
clared to ba rhe I i-il foot of a child.
) It was c.irinu:.!y 1 eil to the eye. be-
in neh 1 In? nctual'.y -!d In a sock which
tlons. One of the most remarkable i human heius aranged on the stalkalwalks around a circular bed of tkos
s the Holy Ghost orchid, each flower) Ilka ;hj "pvles of tkulis" which In, flowers, th faces seem to tarn nJ
of which contains a perfect rcprrsen-! Horneo, vvher head hunting Ua pop-1 f.il'oi him. Imsginatlon of course,
tatlon of a pigeon, with wings hnlf-jul.tr outdoor spost, , are set up as j That always helps. Nevertheless,
tprcad as if ready to take flght. This tioph:ts. The pnds have the color j there are In nsturj many things which
strange and exceedingly rare plnnt iiof mui.imicd heads, and show not! are obviously meant to be Imitation,
found only in Panama. It thrives in .'only the head and face, bjti dnedland some of them as In fn esse of
hot-house, but iemands a tempera- portions of the scalp, eytllds, am!
ture like that of a Turkish bath. Hps. Orlm jesting, this.
' Of anoirnt celebrity Is the "Hrythlan I In the Insect world ore found some
the finback' carbon and th jap1
lines crab ar positive and unmls
tnkable JokM.
V--.- - . -1li 'V- 'I- ' r 1 . ' fJ1Ss - ?VVt..;;'. ' f r -v -,'
-j- .-''.i-v- i-.-t ...'c'-"...vk; j r . '-s:: .; i
v 'is' ""li w I . - ,.'.,., .1
V-. ' ' yy r ! . ' -e A.'
! , . ,f - - ' r . i A
l 1 - - " i. ; . ' 1 lw il ', - " i
Vuu hive no idea how.r ..-.- vi-. " I "'SOV i. j , . . :.' ' "I 4
1 - Tj . " .'-'K a r't 7 .. . t. ' . , f ' t , IB 1
', sj '- - I jCKX.-rJ I been fi'o:iii nuiny times that she was I A . ,. - V i
... J . ... t . ... " -, . f i'.t Sir 1 ir;v.cui:y n stenoyrapher in Sunj ; ; . . . :
t -I C-' " i'i' ' I Ki'4Cciscu. litis fact ,w umruo. bnc: ';:'. jf i .," i . ',
- ' - ' b, H'v,V.i. 'was "di.--covria'1 by tue great coma- j .,, m. m m i
y . . "V . . ., I... I
"The Heart of Maryland"- Famcjs Comedian Returns;
To Screen - "The C-eat Womeiif - Chaplin's
Leading Vcman-Eor;rws Friend's Wife.
N the sere-n adap'ation of this fir.e : esco 4 and ;-l!y h and .Maryland
old drama, all the be.oved char- rerjew tv.r trot...
acters and fam.uar lnc;-icr.r.s of: jjas l..nt.- hasn't i.i?n seen on the
thetoriginal p:ay have been pre-: ,v-ri -n tor on-e time an Be has- oen
fervea: an-i, in aauauon, 1-ref.iuem tid)v m:a.;,i. -h a tho Hub suns I
l,;n,.oln and General Hubert
are introduced In events of
ac'ri.stic nature.
In the heart of Maryland, the State,
lives Maryland, the airl whose In
tense devotion to the fcouth leads her
to sever her ecgapemrnl to Alan Kcn
drirk. a loyal orTii-rr of the La.on
Army, when the Civil War srarts. I.ur-
"-"il. , .. .. It..... ,K f a -
' f mojs comedian iiliTioed inrO u.ilform
- i
in response to ihe Krtnch bugie. (lei
stopped atutis.r.g to taxe u tight. g .
and he d d on: equally as wen as tne I
Seven i-nn EaJ I.iH-k
Ever brraa a mirror? If
irg the war, Mirviar d becomes famed haven t, don 11
a busied rerlector wi.j m;T ire uaity
diary for ; v. n years, until you have !
seen what happens to Max in h's new!
picture ' Seven lenrs Had Luck." Ihe .
eiirr.Ji in s troub.e real:v begins at bii
I.-.st ba' n el or dinner, when he man-'
ages to con-;-nie tnougn of the bever- ;
age prohibited by the c:h'e:n'h ;
his homeward j
as "the fii-rcest little Sauiherner of
fell." apd fc :r reiipf ivcr wins her the
lister Alan Is captured and de
nounced as a fry. Iary,and In her
w.ld despair and grief, ai'd not know
trg whom It Is ihe ls acca'ing.
);ripka denune.'a'.jonji of the prisoner 1 aniendmcM. to m.-i've
as the real spy. There Is a iremen- , course a "shimmy."
dau fcece. with Aiao In an adjoinlr.g , The rc?;t morning he breaks the
turn overheartng Ma-yland's frenxled ! mirror. H: fl-ince gives him Ihe col J (
cries s she unwi'ttr.gly and unju.tly paw. IJ mast take a tr.p a r.-st-j
d ittirs htm. Ftrsaity. whea Maryland i fu! trip le s'eady h j n-rvrs ai'd shake
riracne ta pa -n oi ner nci-niuni ifif irv-r. ,tar jm. evic:, sqai
Edna Ol.i Ihiril m
Edna Purvlanc;. uading woman
i nn m t as deatn. stens into tne. msx n ,s to out uii wi n rrem 'ae nu- :
Vlirv'and. schast. scares at ; m&nt he is oust?d by hi -iweef hr? . I
Alan! I didn't knowl"! until the moment he Hr.da hlmselfl for Charl.e vil.i i lit. Is considered one a l-.-' s her every oppmtt'Q.ty hi show
aJaryland swoons at fcts feet. i agsln tn j it mis. with the mirror jof the most Btfuitful yoo.1 wo nen i r.ji-t If off.
-i..i.-- ,irt.,n!ir.iti.it ! tin a rrrt-ir vh. reori-sen- a urlu it tha scren. Th ael 1- being rec-1 '.' I urviarce started her sere
MSWtf to death. But nftarwaraalof hilariou, medy sitaatioas. j ogniitd no more tUa vtr K.'ei s I c.-.rter with Chaplin. Although, it liasl ploy. "Tho Great Monjcnt" Is the
"fere?, - V
s - -
I been iTS2:ii'f nuinv tmtes tnat sne was
eus.y u stt'norapner in win
! 1' i ar.eiscu, lli.s fact ,w untrue, buc
: was ' tlrcovertu 1 by tne crsat cotiiu-
j dian wpen shu vvu appearing In an
i i'liiiucur i.iea.niai vuivr.iiiiiiiiL una
joined his organization during the
making of the produetlen entitled
The Ka-nk." .
The young woman Is a native of
r.m'clncji, rarad-.se Valley. Nevada.
She was born tn ISU6. She is faiM
with light brown hair, big blue eyes
and Is five feet In height.
t;! ria Svvnnoii Milton Kills
Gloria Sivarfon and Mllion Sills,
t er leading man. In "The Great Ma
i.tent," filnrr Qlvn's ongital photo-
h causa of Ihe prut she plays In Chap
lin's msMcrp-.ecc. "T.ie Kid." which
Mpry ef Nadmp, daughter of a gypsy
woman from the plains of Tartary,
and has its scene laid in Kussla, Ihe
hllis of Nevada and iigtlnst the back
ground of diplomatic lifidn Washing
ton. I'...','
- Tlic Clilcncn In The Cnso
Steve Trains had a bright Idea.
He -ould burrow Percy Jones' wife.
i The Inspiration back of this happy
thoiighl was caused by the fact that
In ordiHt for Stove to acquire bis In
heritance he had to be either forty
four or married, and Steve was neith
er. So tho plot was hatched and
Winnie Jones Introduced to Steve'
Aunt Sarah, th guardian of th fam
ily treasury, n Mrs, Stu-phcn Verklns.
So far, so good., In fact, It wa Inly
mense but Aunt Sarah took a treat ;
liking to Winnie, and dragged her and
her "hubby" oil to a little cotlag In '
the country, of course Percy Jones
hal to trail along; ho wasn't going to
let his new brldo out of hj sight it .
he knew It. - ,
Then, to make rqatter even mor
interesting, It develop that - Itvinja ,
right next dopr was Major Whitman,
and his daughter Ruth, th latter be
lug the young lady that Btv watt
violently In love with. Ana Earah)
thinks she suspects an "affair" bes
tween Percy Jones and Wbinle; lq
fact, she ls sure of It, and make '
up her mind and when Au.1' Sarah'
mind ls Via ile up good night! Th .
more Auntie trie to straighten out I
matters, the more mixed up thing I
become, until at the end th only way
cuat Is to te.ll the truth.
Owen Moore takes the part ot Steve
and Catherlna Perry I Ruth. .
Vivian Osborne '!',
Vivian Osborne has the sympathetic
role of th sweetheart, Isabella Strong,
paljent and loving, In "Over th Hill."
Her la a characterization that Will
long be remembered.