East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 11, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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1 At'.". II.'i:
People Here and There
Cole McKlroy, Vho via In d'endle
ton last night with Ilia Jam orchestra
formerly lived In Hnlein.
0. 1J, Henderson of Portland, sec.
retury of the I'uclfla Coaat Itescue and
lYotectlva society., la In Pendleton on
business (or his orgnnltatlon. ' ,
lire Chief William Met,. Mayor
Hen Kill and other members, of tho
city administration of Walla Walla
cams' today to witness tlx official tut
of the new fir engine.
F. A. Howwrd, formerly of Tlend,
Ore., who cam to . Pendleton laut
week to work -tot Kcerpcn and llro.
uj a prescription, clerk In mo taroiubly
Impreiwea wun me city unit lie ex-
pects to move his family here within
the next few week, after hi son hu
flnlnlied school at bend.
piiinttis lo the ((rounds by puto and H.
Itayiuuiid brnuuht it bark, The boys
Vnjoycd a box of applea presented by
frank Purdy, The boys Hiked back
uImo. The hlkea are to be a frequent
event of the future. ,
luiiornl 1Y morrow.
The funeral of the lale Frank Vun-
ha will be held at Kt-ho tomorrow at
10 a. m.
Ilnliy Kicked by Horse.
Cecil Churka Curl, u few months
more than two yeara old, eon of Cecil
Curl, wan Injured thia morning; when
ha wua kicked In the face by a horse.
The nrcldent occurred at the ranch
nir Adama. An X-iuy picture of the
Injtirv waa taken In Pendleton thla
afternoon to determine how serious
the accident mlnlit prove.
I .a nd la Condemned.
A ten acre tract of land near Wal
lowa ljike, owned by Louis T. Ander
son and wlfu of Walla Walla, waa con
demned and tho plaintiff, member of
several ditch companies, ordered to
pay IHiiM) us the result of a trial In the
federal court here Matiirday evotilni.
The Jury waa out two holire. Jlr. and
Mia. Anderson had asked 11500 for
the property. '
PuiiBbfr Horn.
Jlr. and .Mrs, II. W. Ittiholu of PI-
lot Hock are tho parent of a lit tie
daughter, burn yeHiet day at Hi. An
thony' hospital.
!! T'ltioy Hike
Twonly-flchl Puy t-'cmila enjoyed a
hike in tn Indian Apeney Pntitrlay
under the drettlon of Kev. J. M. Cor
nelifin, ai'Miil mauler. Through the
coiirloey of Malt E. U Kwartzliinder,
the hoM spent I lie day at the agency.
lloh Hlinpson took the hoys' play ap-
Xi'w Member Admitted.
With the Incorporation of Murphy
Ilwlhcuji paint store under the hew
niunc of the Murphy l'a;n: Co., Thom
as Muridiy becomes a member of the
farm. He la the sun of K. .1. Murphy,
niannner. and one of the firm mem
ber' J. l. Murphy retain bia Inter
rut In the bihilncsa but la not actively
eimaiicd. The store was eafabllahed
here In 1I8U by K. J. Murl'hy and la
the pioneer paint store of l'enillcton.
Thomas Murphy, the new member of
Ihe company, served overseas in the
hospital unit of the Jtalnbow division,
and later aitended fniverslly of Ore
gon where he majored In commerce.
I 'll I'd for (JiunbllllK.
Virgil Oreen, Tom Spilling and Wil
liam Koamoth pleaded Rullty to
char pel of ((ambling thla morning and
Judge l'helpa fined them $60.
Trie) Cane at Agency.
District Attorney It. I. Keator la out
at the Indian agency today where he
la trying a cane involving title to aome
land owned by Indiana before Major
Aro AfU'r Prisoners.
Bherll'f Hon Her left last night for
Canyon City where he will get a pris
oner. He expects to get back to Pen
dleton Tuesday. Deputy sheriff Wm.
Spears la In Rt. Hel ns. He also will
letnrn Tuesday.
Phyciclogical Acticn of Princi
pal Ingredients of Celebrat
ed Medicine On the Human
Syttem Is Explained.
slon: "It la highly ratremed In loss of
appetite during; convalescence from
acute digcuaea.".
There ate certain other elements In
Tunlav which because of their In
fluence upon the appetite digestion,
axslmllutlon and elimination, improve
tho nutrition and vital activity of the
tissues and more important organs of
the body, and produce that state of
general tonicity which i called Health.
The I'nlted Slates Dispensatory
makes the following comment regard-
Special on Tuesday
Matches lartre box
Chloride of Lime 15c
Oranges, per dozen ............ 25c
Onion Sets, per lb. ............ J 10c
Libbys Tomato Soup, j)er can 10c
The Economy Grocery
113 w.Webb st.
Phone 409
Marriage lA-cime Iwnwi.
. Marriage licenses were Issued Sat
urday afternoon at the office of, the
county clerk to Louie Buckner and
Mary Moore, colored, both of Pilot
Hock; and to Ceorgn Otle and Edith
Trwetwlne of Weston.
Many cf the Medicinal Ele
ments Have Been Known
and Used Since Civilization
First Began.
1 ' " " digestive organa or where a general
Tanlac, the celebrated medicine tonic Impression is required. Dyspep-
whlch has been accomplishing such re-I sia atonic gout, hysteria and Inter-
markable results throughout this conn. I millent fcvr r. nmone th mnnv iif-
iry and Canada, is composed of the j actions In which It has proven useful."
I lug another Ingredient: "It may be
(used In all ruse of pure debility of th
Diamond Solitaircn
No otlM-r Ptano pmienffl tltf nltratilvo nualitk
.f tlx- dlunK.iid. Jl'a wid.Tful lor la nuWiUm
' coim-are.-l with o!h.-r lienw that rol.1 h h.Kight
wltli Uif same .tty of n.-y. the .llnmon.l t the
br-t Invwtmnit l-aii-c It can Ik- worn forever w.tli
out delerlorutiliB.
Wc can lnnr you varM ty of beautiful '"-
in plain styles or In fancy platinum inomitlng Ht
ore alwi popular.
y T 1LLU.
fh'ts Kciiii iMO Tor l anrr.y.
Thia morning In circuit court John
hpencer waa sentenced to serve three
months In the county Jail when he
pleaded guilty to one of the two in
dictment!, that were brought against i proportion and association, n in the
mowt beneficial roots and herbs known
to science. Th formula is purely eth
ical and complies with all National
and Htate Pure Kod and Drug r,awa.
Altogether, there, are ten ingredients
in Tanlac, each of which Is of recog
nized therapeutic value.
Many of these Ingredients have I eri
Individually knowu and used Rlnce civ
ilisation first began, and some of them
have been used and prescribed by lead
ing physicians everywhere, but until
thiy were brought together in proper
him Saturday by the grand Jury.
Ilnldies .lsiv;iig DiHlrh-t.
Mart Griffin, deputy assessor of the
l.'mntllla district, has completed his
work and made hla returns to R. O.
Hawks, county nssessoy. He is the
first deputy to complete hia work. The
I mat 11 la district Is the smallesta In the
ficla Tlnw-Venr "nteiM. '
Harry Curnow, chared with larceny
by emheulement pleaded guilty to"
'the charge, and he Was sentenced to
i three yeara In the penitentiary this
morning in circuit court. He Imme-
dintely made an application for a pa
role on which no action haa been ta
i ken.
! Plead Not fiiillty. .
M. A. Olson and Harry Qulnllvan.
'charged by grand jury Indictment
j with having received stolen property,
'entered pleas of not guilty this morn
ing In circuit enurt. Three Indict
ments charging larceny In a dwelling
were returned against H. Wallace
James Mflrlln pleaded guilty to a
charge of larceny in a store.
Get ft from Your Light Socket
fjrsrcM (he Botfr CcUm-BuIld Strength
Without Failgum or Strain f
Use the modern electric treatment in the privacy of
your own home Science'! greatest boon to the weak
and suffering. Thousands of volts of electricity but no
shocka or pain just wonderful benefits and as plees
nt as a ray of sunshine. Harmless yet powerful In
effects. Fills your body with new vitality and vigor.
Imparts new "pep. Relieves oches and pains smd re
stores normal conditions. Affords a stimulating cellular
massage with the beneBts of Physical Culture (except
bi-cem hulldin. Improve ci rfulntion-r leases purifying atone
iota (he blood strmnu-lm puling HnUh-Strmlik-Bau ,
Horn tor
lirn how elertrlcltv from your HitM socket Is transformed Into
this wonilcrtnl henlth Hivin atM-ncy. so aootblng, ettectiva and
p, ifi.irli (. 2S.000 Rcnuiifa tieoeratore In use. wan most re
niurk.ilil ranord of results You should know what it can do for
you. Write for lull huormolion.
Son tor Book ,
F.iplslnlng In detail the msrveloua
Konulifa high frutiusncy Violet Kay.
m nainstiations Daily at
Tallman'a Drug
Trratmi'iit. WMtli $2.00,
tin bf wolll CUctrlcCo Dttroit, Wich,
I fMa
itittmm ! At
E : sat V ..it . " ij m W . a
Walla Wulla Pendleton ' Auto
l-Yciglit service
Hound Trips Dally '
leaves I'endletoti 2 P. M.
i Pendleton Phone J2R-W.
Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less
Despair. &: Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court . ' Phone 880
Bread Price Is Down
9 '
i We handle Pendleton Baking Co. Bread. We deliver
bread that is baked fresh every day and j guaranteed to
be the highest quality and always fresh. We take pleas
ure in selling you your bread at-a lower price.
Two large loaves, regular 15c, for 25c
. , SUGAR .V
Cane sugar at the lowest
7 cans for ....$1.00
Tc ma toes
8 cans for .... $1.00
1 pound roll 50c
2 potfnd roll 95c
49 lbs. White Satin....$2.25
7 cans fori $1.00
Pay Cash - " Receive More Pay Less
Dcopain&Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court Phone 880
Tax Money IJst irov.
Cash receipts for the first Install
ment of UtNes continues to grow In the
check that la being- made by the sher
iffs force of deputies. Practically all
of the payments have been checked
except in the eases of outvide hanks
whose statements atlll remain to be
examined. At 2 o'clock tliia afternoon
the cah refflater ahowa a total of
$828,800 on collections.
initAuii, Aprai 11. tu. t-.)
liee bandlta beat Mlaa Gertrude Mc-
Cuddy, canhler of tho Consumers
Coffee and Butter store and escapes
with 120.000 which she waa carrying
to the bank.
FOrl SALE 1 Sinffer sewing machine,
very cheap. Cary Apts., Apt. A.
FOR SALH Set of Red Fox furs,
worth $125.00 cheapPhone 1143.
a. r. a. sr.
.Special meeting thia Monday even
ing, April 11th. Work In the if. if.
Degree. All visiting brethren welcome.
nr OHDKR OF W. M .
HrtAml. Pr Anmml 8t.itemt of-'' '"'
rf tli pilt 'f Ntw Ycrt. in tli stall? of NfW
Ynrtt, on the 31st il.y if Plnhi-r. ISIJft. mid
If, Ilia tit-itrrttHT riimiHMionr of tlie tiCtc of
Clrt'B'W. imr.iunt lo
Am-mit of eiMtlfll al.K'k iaiil
lui I 00.000.00
TYlsl 'pri'mtum lr-nif li-r ltw
-r ..: tir..3.-,4.;sa 70
Inh-r.t. lliil. lid. nut mit rp-
r-ll tloriiK tV jnvr..,.. 9.S2S.S1t.8t
A'sri.l.-iil tn-nllti it..isrlinir.t. STO.Hi.lli
liK"mr from oth.T .mirfi r-
clml dnrina th )nir .... T.702. 843. 2S
Totnl !m"m $132,tS,S42.1
Pilrt for Im-r. .nrlowTncnt.. n-
imltlf. ami surwiKlri- T.iltw.. ,5.1.at2,028.RS
Illrlrl-,i.t iwiil to ludicyholJvt
d.ir.nc Hi! int. 10.SIII.02t.lS
IHTitlpllt l , n t-ftptul tlAick
ilnrlns" Hie y,r 7.11(10.011
Cotnmif-iotm I'1 MUticl Pfi'd
rtvtriiKt tl yc i- 14.524.7S1.85
Tftt. lireii mill fefa (Mitt
durlnir tli yr 2.01 1.270.7
Acrtiititt n.l hcltti dpprtin.nt 8Veo.4 7
.Alncnnt of All other elwluH'
turva H.92S.251.1S
TuUl txiKiditarr t HIG.4 Kl.Slit 84
Vain of rel " Ut ownsil
(iinrtrt nhu) S 12,61,54. 98
Value of .tork iml homt, owned
im.rKvl orauiiHlia nli'l 8,iri7,,70.6
txmn. on nortac'. and collat-
'"di fir I.10.STS.SS.S
Polio- )o, UO..VJ2.K24.M
ah"ln bank, and on liaivj.. . 7,1311.0118. "0
NVt uncollwtiMl and d'tifrrl
Pirmtnm. S.41I4.MT.1I
lhhrrflL alut rwita dua alid ac-
cral 7.004 SIT OS
Acrl.lcia an'i Iwallli danarlawnt 1S7,fli! US
OtliM asiMa lllfl) 423.USI.UO
, Total admltM! awH til27.141.737.24
NVl iwrm JlS.04.42S.OO
tintw. rlaim. for Iom nnpaid. 5,t S.HIIHXI
ArcldMit ami h.'llli di'ltarltutsit 87..2":l.a2
Ail ollu-f llaliUilim t.87.Oi.4
Tr'Vl liahilltlf.. fsetd.iTi. of
rapllal it.. o SUHiees.
ami aun'lim and diTldi'inl
tfl . ,1.1S,0lll 7f 3
HI KIVtNM IN (IUKI ItlN Villi lllh KAII ,
tiro, itrrroiuic. rortjiirtl durinc I'"'
,,r S520.434.92
'SaiTIi . . . 7 .'".
twora iid 'tMiTii)u tlir ywif. orllnary 40.S00 S
TIIK t:TITABI.K l.iti: ASsrttANi't: so
'. A. HAY. frxUrnt.
w. ai KXAJiuKu, jvcivunr.
StatllKtr widi'itt at;..ru,y Itir wrKx':
J, II. lit NNKVT. IVilland, Or.
Boniia tt Mil'i-ct in atn ti.anllnn imI alorta
l mai-art uualaliou.! iuluT hnda at aiuor
, Uird rain-' ' I
Tatilnc forinitla, humanity had not
heretofore realized their full value and
effect. ,
In referring' to one of the more im
portant Ingredienta of Tanlac, the En
cyclopedia Brittanlca nays: "It has
been the source of the most valuable'
tonic medicines that have ever been
discovered." In referring to others of
the general tonic drugs contained in
Tanlac. thi Uth Kdltion of , Potter s
Therapeutics, a Htnndard medical text
book, utatea th:it "They Impart general
lone and strength to the entire system,
including all orpnns and tissues."
This same well-known authority, In
describing the phyaocoligical action ot
still another of the Ingredients of Tan
There are certain other ingredient"
described In the iJinpensatnry and In
other atandard medical text books as
having a beneficial action upon the or
gans of sfcretlnn, whoee proper func
tioning results In the' purification of
the blood streams passing through
them. In this manner objectionable
and poisonous ingredienta of the blood
are removed and th entire system In
vigorated and vitalized.
Tanlac waa designed primarily for
the correction of disorders of the stom
ach, liver and bowels. At the same
time, however, it is a powerful recon-1
htructive tonic and body buildfr, for it j
naturally follows that any medicine
that brings about proper assimilation
of the food and a thorough elimination j
of the waste prodncta must, therefore,
hare, a far-reaching and most benefi-
cial effect upon the entire system. '
- Although Tanlac's claims for su-
premacy are abundantly supported by
the world's leading authorities, it if!
the people themselves -Tho have really j
made Tanlac what it Is. Millions upon j
millions have used It with gratifying
results, and have told other millions!
what it has done for them. That is:
why Tanlac has become the real sen
sation of the drug trade In this coun-
The Largest DUmond Dealer in Eastern
'"'-it r-if aJ iiSasi ass-
lac. which is of value In treating whattry and Canada, and that Is also wny
ia commonly known as "a run-down it Is having the largest sale of any
condition," uses the following expres- medicine of Its kind In the world today.
(Kast Oregonlan Special)
ATHENA, .April 11. In a baseball
game at Milton Friday afternoon be
tween Milton and Athena high school
teams Athena was defeated by a
scor". of 8 to 7.
Mrs. F. R. Hadtke and son Freddie
were Walla Walla visitors Saturday.
Hump Hooher was in' the city from
Weston Friday.
Mrs. Charles Grant of Condon is in
the city visiting her daughter Mrs.
Walter Rooher.
Miss Rello Pambrun who is attend
ing Whitman college at Walla Walla
spent the week end with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pambrun.
Mrs.' George Myrlck and children
Eldon' and rline were Wiilla Walla
visitors Saturday.
Miss Hasel McFarland visited
friends in Pendleton Thursday. ,
Mrs. Temple of Seattle, Washing
ton, is In the city visiting her grand
mother. Mrs. Jane Nelson.
Charles Henry Is confined to his
home with Illness,
Al Hooher went to Weston Moun
t.;dn Saturday to visit his daughter,
Mrs. Henry Rooher.
Miss Clara Hayne was a Milton vis
itor Friday.
Ralph Haynle has accepted a positi
on in McKadden's pharmacy.
Mrs. lean Willaby was a Pendle
ton visitor,, Thursduy.
Mr. and .Mrs. Samuel Hawortn were
Walla Walla visitors Saturday.
Miss Averil Harris of Milton spent
the week end In the city with friends.
Mrs. Henry Hooher was in the city
from Weston Mountain Friday.
A. J. Walker has sold bis residence
property to Andy Rothrock.
Miss Ada He Freece ar.c :.".iss Hilda
Dickenson were Walla Walla visitors
9 X ""
I "If'1
; -
This Is the Saunders Five of
Toronto, Canada, who topped the
five-man evnt at th" A. B. C
tournament at Buffa!" The'r
score wt IOCS. Top row (loft to
right). S. Scbllmau and C. Bald
Ing. center; A. Hartman. fjtalh
bottom row (lrt to rijlit). II
I'eaovcc ana U. WUU. .. .
. Mrs. V. K. Allison and small son of i
Missouri are in the city visiting Mrs. !
Allison's sister, Mrs. Scott Fiaher.
Tho J. P. W. Club mrt at the home
of Mrs. Samuel Rooher en Third i
street Wednesday afternoon. j
Mrs. William Winship and daughter I
Miss Audra vrcrc Walla Walla visitors i
Mrs. William Schrlmpf and Mrs. j
Joseph Heard were Pendleton visit-
or Thursday. j
Mrs. John Mulr of Rirch Creek I
spent the past week in the city visit-1
ing at the homes of Mrs. Charles Dud
ley and Mrs. W. K. Wall.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Scott of
Pendleton were In the city Tuesday.
Mrs. Forrest Zerba was a Walla
Walls? visitor Saturday.
Mrs. J. C. Walter has been visiting
in Walla Walla.
J. F. Davidson was a Pendleton vis
itor Saturday.
Mra. Sam Tambrun and Mrs. Alfred
Pambrun were Walla Walla 'visitors
Melville Johns has given up farm
ing owing to ill health and will leave
soon for Vancouver, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Hutt and daugh
ter Ruth were visitors at the home of
Charles May On Weston Mountain
All of tho Athena grade teachers
have been re-elected for 'another
Dr. g. J. Reid of Portland address
ed the high school students and sev
enth and eighth grades.
J. C. Penney Cc A Nation-Wide Institution
A new steamer safe to contain valu
ables and registered mad is unsink
able. If cast overboard it floats about
the soa Ringing bells, shooting off sky
rockets, flashing lights and blowing
horns. Clockwork machinery, it is
claimed, will operate for more than a
month. .
Q5? .
prin g
Name "Bayer", on Genuine
Not cheap suits bought to make a low price
appeal but all wool garments honestly made
and neatly tailored.
An extra pair of knickers is often worth as
much in service as a new suit and in this new
group we give them to you at about half the
price you have been asked to pay for the reg
ulation one pant suits.
You'll like the neat Norfolk styles, we are
sure and the pleasing patterns of brown
striped with green, red or black make a com
pelling combination. . ,
Here's a real privilege of saving.
No charge for alternations.
J. C. Penney Co., A Nation-Wide Institution
Warning! T'nless you sec the name
"Bayer"' on package or on tablets you
are not getting genuine Aspirin pre
scribed by physicians for twenty-one
years and proved safe by millions.
Take Aspirin only as told in tho Bayer
package for Colds, Headaches. Neu
ralgia, Hhenmat'sm. Earache. Tooth
ache, Lumbago and for Pain. Handy
tin boxes of twelve Haver Tablets of
Aspirin cost few cents. Hrugglsts als.i
sell lurser packages. Aspirin Is the
trade-mark of Payer Manufacture of
Memoneeticncidcsier of Salic;, licacid.
$ a. m.
to 5 p. m.
Modern Dentistry
All r.i nm lies.
0. D. Wool Bre'eches $3.50
a hd $5.50.
Khaki Breeches $1.00
Russett Shoes U. S.
Reg. $7.50
Navv Shoes, black.
were $7.50, now $6.50 .
Officers Dress Shoes $6.25
and $6.50.
Ladies' "Hikers" .... $6.85
Excelsior Cordovan
Leather Puttees . . . $7.50
4 1.1k lludsH Hay Illnnket,
were St2.SU. now SS.SO
5 1.1. IHml'h Vicuna Hlankrts.
wort- $9.50. now ........ S.Xi
10 I.l. l)mbl Yk-imu lthmkcts.
wvrt $10.00. imw SI ...
Army lllaiikct ntul ".ii-"
V. S vrmy Shirts $2.5
Army & Navy Sales Co.
546 Main Street'
A. C. Koeppen & Bios.
Tlie Inm Store That Serve
You first.
Walla Walla Tendleton
Auto Freight Service
Ia-uvcs lViMlh-tim 3 p. Hi.
leudletou l luH4J Sii-W.
4 :
r I
3 .
3 I