East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 11, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    1 rvtt .
r-Aci: TWO
Indian: is Major Leaguer
1' -ill fcp-I
I !. C,f ,t- 'A
Important Offerings n
W omen 's Spring A ppsre
iff '
f I
V v
V ' .r. fTT
Complete stocks of women's and misses' Spring time apparel are
now here and add their cheerful beauty to our general assortments
from which selections can be made with such happy advantage.
Only the very best styles are included and each Coat, Suit or Dress
is developed from the finest fabrics. Their beauty and refinement
lies in their simple slender lines and choice use of trimmings and in
contrasting materials and varied uses of colors.
There are models here for every type of figure and no matter
what ones clothes requirements are, the correct answer is here, and
at prices that are surprising for their lowness.
SUITS, for dress wear $38.50 10 $90.50
SUITS, for sport wear . $25.00to &1&50
DRESSES, for all occasions $17.50 to $75.00
SPORT SKIRTS, in silk and wool stripes and plaids at
$9.75 to $32.50.
, tiT 1
19 ropies warenous
' n 1
iii-Tiii 11 Hi lift MiMt
'V 'J
lot ' t
cm Yellow Horse, hurler
tb nttsburg Tlratc!
JIa'i a full-blooded Indian
of the Pawnee tribe ana
look- pretty certain to be a
regular wlU tbe Pirate crew
i Lost season Yellow Horse
was with the Little Rock
'team In the Southern
Xoague. It -was his first
jyear In professional baseball
and he won. 21 guniea and
'lost 1. His hurllnnc was one
lot the naln reasons why
'Little Rock copped the pen
nant. He was snapped In
action at the Pirates' train
;iug camp here..
S v
- L
f . - - .
VLJ l'? a V
I . . s&. , j .v
Listen to German's Viewpoint
of Maritime Damages for
Which Germany Should Pay.
PARI Ajtrll II. (A. P.) The ul
lltnl inrmnlMjiion (in PM'iii "i ctj yfxler.
diiy lll'ftlll tlu (ioi nmn flciPttutlort her
nn Die tirrnmii viewpoint "( the marl,
tlmo cliiniaK'8 for which (lermanv
shouUl pay.
Tho Uerniann inalntulnrd' that (ier
nianv Bhould lit he Cibllned tO' pay
lV)iiilritsatlm for merchant vbh1
t....i. ...i.ti. .ii.in tviii wurU And undor
kiiiin wuiir -
mlltlnry or naval orders. Crots lout
Phciuld be paid for. they declared, If of
a 'military or imviil nature.' '
Thp vhIuo of th varvoos for wiilcn
Germany In llahle to pay enouia i
cHtlmated at the price paid by the lurt
oner, the Oerman dWenntes BHHerted,
mid Khlpa lout should he paid or on
ihi lml of their value at toe time
they were lout. ..
The eomnilmlon expects ! an
rK.unce Iih deellon nhorily.. -
S.W PTBIO, Oillf.. April 11. (A.
!,). tie K-rnnli. of n. J. Fuller urona
il.ihle, yenterday won the I2H.U00 I'of-
troth handicap at a mile anil a qnanee
at the Tl J'lumi' track of the Iwer 1
fallfornln Jnchey Club. C. . lrwlrt'a
IMfle wim wcond: Wynnewood of the
K. Dahnkon Htalde third, and Pallor of
! the Whatcom ntM foorth. Th race
wan marred by a had Kplll at the very
H't. In which l-Mvrlmt. crack mar of
the H'ini Ktalde. The DeRert and N'ep-
erhani went down with their rldern.
nifle led until the hurt few yard.
The piirMe wa the lamest ever offer.
led ut a western track. ' ,
Panama City, Fla., last night, accord
ins to a radio report today. The bal
loon was picked up by a small boat,
and taken to Panama City. Xo sinn of
the missing balloonists have been discovered.
IjOS AXGELES, April 11. (A. P.)
In a twenty-two inning game, the
! longtait played in orxanized baseball
ithis season, Seattle defeated Los An-
m. Po fW in Which Seles. 12 to 8, in the first game of
"""S"' k" " ' 'echeduled doublo
6 Aeronauts From Havaiiday.
rrr - T1 C2a ed.
Okauon were aiuwu w "
header here yester-
The second game was poatpon-
It waa Seattle's first victory of 'tho
series. The Angels ana siwasnes were
lTVRAr(I-A April ii. - . liea ,n lne a"111'. ll . rtIIU
A balloon thought to be the one aboard! the 17ih. 7 to 7. , In the 22nd the vit
which the five aeronauts from thelitors made fie runs and the Angels
naval KUtion here were Mown to sea one.
two weeks a?o was found floating in j Good baseball was the outstanding
the fs in tnt!e off 'the coast from feature.
TACOMA, AprU 11. (V. P.)
"Cremate my body and have my ashes
srattered on the TuKet Sound, the
waters of which I love." This message
was written by William Huggard, a
Seattle mining engineer Just before he
shot and killed himself late last night
in a local hotel.
SACUAilEXTO. April ,11. A. P,)
Sacramento won both games of a
double header yesterday, taking the
series five games out of seven, from
The morning session in Stockton
went to the senators by a 9 to 6
score. The game was featured by fast
fielding by tho. locals, who completed
five double plays. Carl Sawyer, Ver
non second sacker, broke his leg In
two places in sliding into third base.
The afternoon contest was a pitch
era' battle between Niehaus and Love,
the Senators taking the game 1 to 0.
Gave as His Reason That he
Wanted to See if Wife Would
Stand by Him in Trouble.
BUFFALO, April II. liny llarrlr
held by the police on his confession
that he was concerned in the murder
of Joseph B. Elwcll in New York, to
day confessed h.s story Is not true
i After questioning for two hours hy
District Attorney Moore he admitted
his original declaration was all false
Mr. Moore rent word to Charles B
Whitman nnd Ca!!n Cnel of the
New York police, who were on their
way. to Buffalo.
Harris gave as his reasons for the
hoax that he had been setmrsVd f"""
his wife and had met her ngaln only
1 last week and desired to Kiiowr whe.-
er she Would stand by him If ho were
in serioue trouble. He said that if shf
had not proved "loyal and true blue"
! he would have gone to the e'.ectrir
I chaufc
I - Harris confessed the hoak to Detec
! five Oswald of New York. Saturday
j night but the officer withhold tho fact
(because he wished, he said, to talk
! with Mr. Whitman and Captain Carey.
I He placed a charge of first degree
j murder against the prisoner nnd or
!dered him held incommunicado. Aft
er a few hours that charge was with
drawn. Oswald suid that it was
through the wffe, tho prisoner's tale
was disproved. He let tho woman
and the prisoner talk for an hour or
so, after which Harris admitted hit
story was untrue. -
Harris was returned to his cell and
ordered held without hail in solitary
confinement. Tho wife was returned
to her cell also.
Will be Encased in Great Peace
Portal Being Erected Across
Pacific Highway at Blaine.
PPOKAXE, April II. (A. P.) In-;
croaked rates on fuel, wood, pulp wood
and wood belts in carload lots lie
tween Washington. Oregon and Idaho.
ha3 been denied by the interslate com
merce commission, according to a dis
patch to tho Chronicle from Washing
ton. '
Mother Against Mother in Boy Murder Trial
SR ur ft" "V
Every can guaranteed. Fresh stock every week.
Packed in specially treated fiber cans. Same price as be
fore the war. Regular prices every day.
1 pound can 1 40c
3 pound can $1.15
5pcundcn $1.75
cleanest, freshest and best
' ' ' WAttnoM 6RIT.ST DORTP.T SlORt
3fi9pGoples Warehouse
t - --""Mumr u PY to TBnr rrT"i:-.
: . . I
1 ft . X : -v " -, '
I ACM ! - 1
. f '5. ;'i. ' t7 W V.'J?'.fflK':-;'T':'' VI
PKATTLK. Wash., April 11 (A. P.)
Timber from the Mayflower has
heen brought to Seattle to be encaseo
n n treat Peace Portal hclii(t erected
acrois the Pacific Highway, at Hlaine,
Wash., on the International boundary
between Canada and the United Stales
in commemoration of more than 100'
,-ears of peace between the two conn- j
tries. The portals wfll be dedicated j
this summer.
The bit of pilgrim shlp, smalt piece i
of oak. was carried to Seattle in nn i
indent Knulish chest of bandbenten j
run, believed to ie pirate s goia cnes:
of olden dnys. . The chest was taken
from a Scotland Yard dungeon and
given for the trip by Sir Alfred Thomp-
ton, chief of the yard.
Impressive ceremonies were held at
fiuckliitrhanifhirc, near London, when
the bit from the boat was cut from the
dd hull, which lies upturned on the
batiks of the Thames. Samuel Hill.
Seattle, president of the Pacific High
way Association, and the leader In tho
portal conFtruetlon movement, and
Frank Terrace, a Seattle good roads
advocate, negotiated for the wood and
were present when it was taken from
'.he ship.
After the timber was sawed from the
hull, the Kngrllsh Quakers, who guard
the remains, said that never again
would It tip disturbed.
Following; tho cutting of the hull,
the piece was taken by Hill and Ter
race to Pelalum and France where it
was exhibited before Marshal Joffre,
King Albeit of IlelKlum and Cardinal
Mercter, Terrone said.
"Marshal Joffre told me hn would
be In Seattle this summer tp attend
the dedication of the Peaec Portal,"
Terrace, declared.
i Probably the most Impresslvr meet
ing was when tho two Seattle men car
"led thn timber into an ancient room
in a Ghent monastery, Terrace said.
In the sumo room, according to rec
ords, more than lli) years before, there
was signed the treaty of Ghent, ac
cording to whi( h thero were to be no
Kilns or forts along the 3,000 mile
boundary between Canada and the
t'nttod Stales. And in Co mme mora
tion of the obpervnnc! of tills treaty
.he Portal is beli.g built. -
Ten am said that so far as can be.
ascertained the chest in which tn
Uinotir was brought from Kngland, Is
.ISO years old and was taken from
pirate's ship of fthe coast of Africa by
a British man-of-war.
It "
Stood Guard
Your Purse!
Or, Soup
Sit Down
Your New Hat
Thm Cam of Beam ;
' '' ' "' ' '
Whirh necessaries of life re
ceived the snwtlleat price boosts
during the period of Inflation?
have ; given It
You may not
much thought.
Do It now.
Sit down nnd figure out the
percentage of Increase you had
'to pay for meat, vegetables, poul
try, bread, as compared with
trademnrked, standardised, test,
ed products accepted by the great
American public for their quality
. aiid reliability,
" Take eereals wheat, corn and
onts advanced by leaps and
bounds, from day to day In all
from two hundred to three hun
dred per cent during the' period
of the war. - '
When CeclfBurkett. 11, of Ora. f.'... goes on lr;r at Ktu. Ind., April 8, on a charge of flmt
, degree, murder, mother will oppose mother ua the witness stand. Cecil, lower right, to charged with
j Bring the shot C.":at killed -f-year-old Uenny Slarln. lower lofl. Cecil denies it. Hit mother Mn.
Anna Butkett, right will tfht to n.ove her ion Innocent. Mrs. Lena Slarin, left, CednyV mother
A will UsUfy t&d-il Cdi, Tu siiuulict occurred kutt lbaaeivics is Ui Bsrkett fmttL ,,"wref'
CHICAGO, April II. (A. P.)
ivun tm return of johnny Kvers as
mamiRers of the Chicago Xatlonnls,
a new fight imj spirit Is expected to he
Instilled Into the players a spirit that
was totally lacking last season. In the
judgment of critics. . The coming s?a
son will he the second time Kvers has
N-en in command of the club. For
years ho was a member of the team,
covering second baso with tho famous
linker to livers to Chance" combina
'I don't know whore we'll finish
Is tho way Kvers himself sums un the
coming season, "but I do know this
ball club Is going to flcht."
1 hn Cubs have added little new ma
terial of worth and have lost one man,
Davy Itobertson. who was suspended
because of failure to report. Whether
his retirement Is a loss or a gain can
not be determined until the season is
well advanced. .''
Manager Kvew resards his pitching
staff as one. of the best In the league
with Alexander, Tyletl nnd Vauirlin
forming the backbone, of tho depart
ment, no expects this trio to win at
imm sir games, virgll Cln eves, a ao
oar old right bonder from Texas, and
Oscar Fuhr, a left hander from Oma
ha, are promising candidates, the re
mainder of tho staff consists of Abe
Italloy and "Speed" Martin. Feldov.r.
ui several recruits, '
v .
"Because each year's Brain har
vn was houghf and solfT bynpee-
tilators nnd Intermediaries a dos
en to a hundred times before It '
reached you, the breakfast cereal
people provided against most of
this Inflation of prices by buying
direct from the producer and ad
vanced their prices, not as much
as they could, but as little as was
absolutely necessary.
In few cases did their prlc ad
vances represent more than fifty
per oent, Instead of the two tn
three hundred per cent price ad
vances on unbranded psttdurls.
Take canned goods fruits,
milk, vegetables,,' cocoa.'- beans,
soups in nn single Instance was the
retail selling price advanced
nny where near as much as were '
these Identical products in their
original state without the.hslU
mark of character and the guar
antee of (tuality Identified with
their trade names.
The samo Is true of soap's, toi- '
let goods, medicines, hats, hos
iery, shoes and hundreds of other
products that any consumer can
readily think of.
Moro (ban this when prices of
these packaged, atandurdlxed
quality products hod to he ad
vanced, the prices of unknown,
unpaeknged, unhrnnded, ungunr- V
anteed goods had been advanced'
weeks or months before In Con
formity with the market prices
of basic commodities. ? '
,." ?
Again why? ';;
, ' r ' '';
Plinply because 'neither price
nor quality of these unbranded
products hnd been standardised
nnd tho unscrupulous middleman
could get away with M,' .
The moral? . '
This Advertised products af
ford you absolute protection as tp.
quality, price and dependability.