East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 09, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Pffiif- ieV-:
1 . .
People Here and There
It. H. Aitn-ll of II ill lies cumu to Pen- i
dU'toti yesterday, I
M. MvUimUiiI, h. X. Wlilteis and K. I
13. Tucker were hern yesterday from ',
Hcppncr on business. ; '
J. Tciwhtr Jrfi feipci Intendent if '
thn Hoys ft- Girls Aid sVlely of I'cirt-f
lfLIld WHS tliTl! (hlM ftit'lMliiMM fimunltln.r I
' Colo MeRlroy, who whk In Pendle
ton lioil night wlili Ms J;i,z orchestra,
formerly lived in Salem mid Ih the win
of o well known pioneer family. , His
father, K. B. AlclOlroy, wus state, su
perlnl undent . of public Instruction
from the yearn 1KN2 to 18116.
Metschan at the Imperial. Dillon Pla
moudon and Phil MuUehan were
Hchoolmuteti at liiu VVhlumvtfe univor.
ally and both of them used to cauae
thu hearts of the fa r feminine to flut
ter wjienei'er they appeared In the of
fing. Uregon Journal.
Louis V. Anderson, defendant In the
Irilgiition cast now being heurd In'the
Pendleton term of the federal court, in
a noted Creek scholar and was for 39
years professor of Creek at Whitman
College, -W'ulla Wulla. Air. Anderson
owns a beautiful country place near
Wullowu-lnke and It in a 10 ucre tract
of this prpoeity which Ih now 1 nlltl
Kutlou. Diamond Solitaires
Xo other -one P f Xu
Comparv.1 other ll'm l '"" ,M","
with thr Kaim- ontlajr of mom-T. the '"" "
out dctcrlorutliip.
Wo can Hi- you a v.rM.y of hrantirul
In plain ! ir In fancy pIMinum luoanlinfx ''
nrr nlxo Miilnr.
John Adums ii nd K. Ijirkin, both of
I. a Grande were among the visitors to
Pendleton Friday, Cool weather pre
vails there, they report.
with Comity Judge Hchunnep reijurdlng
ft ease from this enmity, flu prrln tun
dent Totiseher says there nro u mini
her of I'mutllla rounty children In the
litHtttntlon now.
lr. J. I. riomondoii of Pendleton In
retcltleied with his old friend Phil
I If ,1.7 l BACK
Monday Is Kick Day
- At the Economy
Only by knowing where our faulti lay . can we
make our service better.
Tell us if-
Our service is punk
' Our quality i bum
Our price are Md.
To the one who Buggests the most of these and the
best remedy we are going to send a Five Dollar Order
of Groceries FREE. Get busy and kick.
" 1 ' t
The Economy Grocery
113 W.WEBB ST.
Phone 409
The first tinie I wan In Pendleton
there wan only one house here and It
wan a stags station neur where the
Hotel Pendleton now stands.'1 nays
Henry Scott, who is in town today
from hla home neur Milton. It wa
In 18G6 that Mr. Scott made hia first
trip Hure and In those days he says u
man oould rldo from Wall Walla to
Pendleton and to Umatilla without
i:eeln-.r a fence. During Captain Mar
tin's day uh sheriff Mr. Scott was a
deputy In the east end of the county.
He was also a deputy marshal. Dur
ing the Indian war of 1878 he was in
a militia company at Milton.. '
W. M.IKK A I)i:AI CAU IJVK a;ai.v. v
This la the base hospital for the conservation of automobiles
' ond lor the building up of wreens. Don't go out on a long run
unless you ask us to look your car over first. , One loosened nut
may Interfere with the pleasure or profit of your trip.
Service Car Day and Night
Shop phone, 870
n;rtonev 463-W
518 Willow
Appointed Am .unr(llaM.
Charles Marshall hus been appoint
ed guardian for Vurlna and Charles W.
Maranall, minor children.
Pay Cash Receive Wore Pay Less
Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court Phone 880
and you pet it at this cash grocery. It is worth'
from 10 to 25 percent to us when you pay cash
and that saving we give to you.
PayCash Receive More Pay Less
Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court . Phone 880
Appointments Made.
"..Mary Hartnett haa been appointed
administratrix of the estate of Alary
Lain),'. 8. D. Peterson has also been
apolnted lis admlnl.nrator of the es
tate of Clarence Chenoweth.
F.iclilh Grade Tenia in May.
The examinations for pupils of the
eighth grade will be held this year on
Hay 12 and 13, according; to announce
ment at the office of the county su
porlntendent. '" ' i
, , Lincoln tHiuxA.
The first grade children were made
happy by a irift of seven Victor rec
orda from Mrs. J. B. McCook and one
from .Mary Lonerean this week.
Winners In the oratorical contest In
the fourth grade were:
Fred Penuion, John Penland, Dor
othy Fortlcr.
Maria Nelson has been absent from
the fourth grade this week.
Mabel Ferguson, Gladys Stanley and
Florence McDermid returned from
slcknoas to resume their school work.
Winners In the oratorical contest in
the filth grade are:
Lenore Ureullch, Florence Fletcher,
Barbara Lieunllen,.
Winners In the oratorical contest in
! the eighth gntie are:
Thomas Montgomery, Dorothea !
Dodge, Gordon Keane.
Those that received the highest av
erage !n studies are: Kdith Karthel ;
received 96 2-3 in arithmetic; Aizoraj
Nelson received an average of i?s 1-3 !
in ttrammar; Allen Boyden received j
an average of 99 per cent In civil gov-1
ernment. j
Gordon Kpane received the highest
average jn history, which was 98 is'
per cent. j
Agriculture, Edith Barthel received
an average of 98 per cent. The high-1
est average Jn spelling was 100 made
by Alzora Nelson, Helen Hoskins and
Nancy Mead.
The Largest Diamond Dealers m Eastern
PrewMit Orders for linoks.
Most of the schools of the county
have presented to the county superin
tendent of schools their orders forj
bonks In the school library for the
comiiiK school year. Teachers have
until .May 1 to present their orders. On
this date, the orders will be closed and
sent to the state llinir'.an. ;
Teai'lKTH' F.xamliuitloiis Vnrlier.
The examinations for teachers will
be held one week earlier this year
than formerly owing to a change in
the law made by tho recent legisla
tine. This year the examinations ,wlll
begin the wrond Wednesday in June,
Instead of tho third Wednesday which
has beui the previous cu.stom.
Jap Pleads Xot Guilty
S. fc'hlabato, charged with murder
in the first degree as a result of the In
dictment brought asainst him by the
grand Jury, pleaded not guilty to the
charge Friday afternoon in circuit
court Jen he appeared to answer to
the indictment. The state was repre
sented by K. I. Keator, district attor
ney, and the defendant's attorney wan
Frederick Steiwer.
Getting Koad Jtifilit of Way.
Work on the Cold Springs road will
be held up temporarily, it was made
I known at the county court today, un-
The 'Most "Beautiful Car in CZmerica,
A Thoroughbred
Our New Series "Glenbrook 6-44" model is a true brother
of the World's Champion Paige 6-66. It is a smaller and
lighter car, but the sporting strains are Identical. And
what really counts is thoroughbred stock. - ,
The "Glenbrook" looks the part that you can sea at a
glance. And out in the open, where there are steep hills
and real tests of spirit, it lives up to every tradition of a
great name. , .
One ride behind the wheel will prove a thrilling revelation.
Let our dealer take you out today. Let him show you
how it feels to accelerate from five to twenty-five miles
per hour in nine seconds flat. Best of all, get behind the
wheel yourself. Then, decide if life, is really worth while
without such a car.
Nmt Stria "6-44"
GImtrrat Fir Ftutnf Ttutint Cmr.
ArJmtrl ftut Fmmtt Sport KtitL..
Ltntm Aniilit Tm Pumft
Coipt four Pumttr
Aarfwi fin Ptutnicr..
Corrf Tim HHr
if msm tf .vw Uvat Cvi tut if our Tnctt
. . Phone i'6 J , ' -
:! , : - I mi 1
Ilia's I
i- ir S
i A
Mictogsn Ivw'ill
iltlil .
! I .. jj ' : " : j
I - - j I
' '' ..... MWW)iWi-n wMiBWmo in iw,iiw lima innwummwio- nwi nin,, m iirrnfl 1
lH ... Tolfeil
, tot6 .. Otfrail
17)1.: o. OmtoiI
JDOOf. : . C.lrdil
t7IOf. : o. Dittnt
til a deeded right-of-way can be se
cured all along the route. Practically
all property owners have already
evlncer) A willingness to a -
for the road, but constructloa grorK
will not beKln until inw luenm.iM.
tasK is iniehed.
Miss Chlldreth president 6:30. Junior '
Mrs. 13allinjore, president t'.'O.
Preaching service, 7:30. Subject, ".V
Man's Decision." Special music and !
singing at each service. If you are not
going to church, come along and wor- j
ship with un. We will be glad to wel
come you. Father and mother, bring j
jour children to Sunday school.
West End 112 ponita. . .-"
East End 93 points.
This Is the way the Wyrlck and
F-stes teams stand today in the Pendle
ton scoring in the crotf-magpie-hawk
killing contest. The Wyrick team,
comprises all living west of Main
street, Pendleton. So far the crows
have been the chief sufferers by the
contest. Attotal of 60 crows have been
killed by men on the two local teams.
Two points are allowed for each crow
killed, three points for magpies and
five points for hawks.
It Is understood that -'big work"
will be carried on tomorrow ny Men on
both sides of the content.
NASHVILLE. April . (U. f.)
The supreme court today abstained
the legitimacy of the process by which
Governor Roberts certified to the fed
eral stat department the ratification
Ey tho legislature of woman suffrage
constitutional amendment. .
Christian Church
Ynji will find a hearty welcome at
every service of the Frist Christian.
Church, cornor of Main and Jackson.
Bibile school session begins at 9:45.
after which will bo preaching" service
at 11, on the subject, "The Christian
Life on Incarnation." christian En
deavor at 6:30, with the topic, "How
Does Christ Wish His Day to .be
I Spent?" germon at 7:30 on the sub-
The Thorn in the Flesh
J. C. Penney Co.. A "Nation-Wide Jnstitation
Church attendance with the right
spirit will make any person's life hap
pier and more useful during the "week.,
that follows. Please "come and see."
W. A. Gressman, minister. j
llrst Methodist JEpincoual Church
East Webb and Johnson streets,
John H. Secor, minister. i
Morning services Sunday school j
10 a. m., AV. T. Rigby, superintendent, j
A growing school with a place for you.
j Morning sermon 11 a. m., subject,
"Tho Open Link." .
Evening service Epworth League, I
j 6:30 p. m. Topic, "How Does Christ
Vish Us to Spent His Day." Leader.
Daphne Molstrom. Evening sermon, j
7:30 p. m. Subject, "The Way of the'
Cross." -
Mid-week "services, Wednesday 7 : SO i
p. m. We are having a service on thej
subject "Christian Essentials." This'
week, "Immortality." Tou are Invitea ,
to all services.
j (first stairway north
Announcements ror this depart,
ment must bt submitted to the
Fas', Oregoninn not later than
Friday evening In order to he as
sured of publication on Saturday.
j Christian Science
I First Church of Christ, Scientist.
-! holds services at 813 4 Main street
of the Inlaws
services are
at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. The subject of
the desson-sermon for Sunday, April
10th, is "Are Sin, Disease, and Death
Rm1?" . Supnday school begins at 9:",
a. m.
A Wednesday evening meeting which
includes testimonials of healing is held
at 8 o'clock. The Reading Room,
which is maintained at the same ad
dress, is open daily from 9 a. m. to 9
Church of Jcmis Christ of Latter Day
We welcome you to investigate the
Oosnel. Glvfl ns nn nimortunitv to ex
plain its principles. Bring the chil-:"'- " wnere me uiuie ami aiummj.
Hror. to Smi.inv sr-l.nnl nt ill So a. m. , Christian Science literature may be
and come again at 7:30 p. m, each .
Sunday In Mooso hall
Church of the Redeemer
Rev. Alfred Lockwood, rector.
8. a. m., Holy communion.
9:45 a. m., Sunday school.
11:00 a. m. Morning prayer and ser.
7:30 p. m., Evening prayer and ser.
mon. Special music. The public la
cordially. Invited.
j The public is cordially invited to at
'tend the church services and to visit
the Reading Room.
On Small Articles
Clark's Sewing Cotton, 150 yd. spool 5c
Coats Crochet Cotton 10c
Shoe Laces, black or brown, 2 pair . . .' 5c
The best Laces, round or flat mercerized
black, brown, white, all lengths to 81
inches 5c
Black Shinola Shoe Polish . 5c
2-in-l Polish, browa and oxblood ! 10c
2- in-l Cleaner, cake or liquid 10c
Liberty White, the best cleaner for kid
shoes, gloves, etc i. 19c
Gilt Edge Shoe Polish r .. 19c
Trimming Beads, bottle 8c, 15c
Clarks 0. N. T. Darning Cotton, 2 spools. 5c
Dr. Parkers Hose Supporters, pair ...... 39c
Hickory Garters, the best for children, white
or black, all sizes, pair ... 19c
Steins Hickory Elastic, best quality, white
or black, 1-4 inch, yard 6c; 3-8 inch, yard 7c;
r 1-2 inch yard 8c; 1 inch, yard 15c.
Hair Pins, package 2c, 5c, 8c, 10c, 15c
Bone Hair Pins, 8c, 15c
Duro-Belle Hair Nets, each lQc
Kid Curlers, bunch 8c
West Electric Hair Curlers, card of 5 ... 23c
Crochet Hooks, each 5c, 8c
Best Quality Safety Pins, all sizes. ....... 8c
Common Pins, 2 packages 5c
Best Quality Pins, large package. ..... 5c, Sc
Trimming Braids, package. . 6c, 15c
Cotton Tape, roll 4c
Lingerie Braid, bolt . . . .... . . . . .. 8c, 10c
Hooks and Eyes, card 5c, 8c
Society Sport Veils 5c, 10c
Face Chamois, each 15c
Tooth Brashes : 10c, 19c, 25c
Propholactic Tooth Brushes . 33c
Hand Brushes 10c
Keepclean Hair Brashes 49c
3- in-l Oil, bottle 13c
Lead Pencils, 2 for 5c and 5c each
Carter's Library Paste, bottle 8c
Le Page's Liquid Glue, tube or bottle 15c
J. C. Penney Co., A Nation-Wide Institution
First Presbyterian Church -Corner
College and Alta streets. Rev,
Cf. L. Clark, Pastor.
10:00 a. m. Sabbath School, A. C.
Funk, Supt. 11:00 a. m.. sermon "Go
ing Forward." 6:45 p. m., C. K. Devo
tional hour, Miss Gertrude McConnell,
President. 7:30 p. nt.. sermon "The
Great Invitation." A welcome Is- ex
tended to all.
RaptiM Church
Rov. W. H. Cox. pastor. Residence
& 1 r Bush street, phono 1 ltV7.
Sunday morning Sunday school, F.
M. Riley, Supt.. 9:50. Preaching ser
vice, 11:00. Subject, "A closed Sea
son." :
Sunday night B. T. P. V., Senior,
ing, tree trlmmini and window
Washing odd Jobs Phono 3S1-J.
WOOTiSAWING city or oovntry.
f!aso!!ne rlrrle saw ' rbj. Phone
463. F. W. Lovclaca.
Tho"-8.ilvatioii Army
20S East Alta street. Hoc. phone
Sundas' meetings as follows:
i Holiness mcetins 10:00 A. if.
Sunday school 1:30 P. M.
Young peoples meeting ...6:30 P. M.
Salvation meeting 8:00 P. M.
Week day meetings.' Tuesday, Thurs
day and Saturday nishts at 8- o'clock.
These meetinrrs are all for the pub
lic. If yon do not attend any other
church, let nothing stand in the way,
to come to our service. The Salvation
Army is in your town to do you good
ond to help you, it is not only our bust
ne;s to help the, needy and poor, true
that was the work of Christ when he
was upon earth, when they were hun
gry he fed them, but His main mission
was to tell them of the love of the
Father. It is our mission to preach to
truth of the Power and the Salvation
of Jesus that can save the soul, heal
the body and raise the dead. If for
fome reason you have thought that the
Army was not for you, only for the
poor fellow who had no plaice to sleep
and the poor children who need shoes
for their feet, and food for their soul,
the old Devil himself has had you de
ceived. Now come, we invito you to
good feast for your soul Sunday night
You are sll welcome. Officers in
charge. Captain Jennie Cunrad and
Lieutenant Myra Movi.
Mr. Farmer
Highest market price paid.
Phone 187 and 183 739 Main Street