East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 08, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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People Here and There
MrH. J, KiihU of I,a Orantle Ih here
" M. F. Herron of La Grande In here
John Hoott
of Helix Ih vlKlllng in
A. Q. Mclntoff of KnterprlNe in her
on a buHlncwi mission.
Mm. M. rh!lll)B of Ij MnuidojN a
yinnor in I'rnuicmn, totiay.
Mr. and Mix J. O. Km of Ilcllx are
In Pendleton for a Khurt time.
J. H. Temple, wiUwrnan for Closet &
Dover of Portlund In a Pendleton vIb
ltor toduy.
The roads are icood between Pendle
ton and Mosier, saya Jamen John Jr.,
and George W. Elder, who returned
In pit nlitht after a motor trip to Mo
ler. They left here yemerday at 4
a. m.
J. O. Kelly, owner or the Valla
Walla P.ulletin, Ih here today on a
DUMim-Hn trip. - During the iojourn of
Jlv. H. J. HiiIrIii in Wnlla Wulla tho
revlvullnt nnd the Iiulletln lmlcwl
horn. Mr. Kelly linn cnnalderablo ev-'
Idonce In hl poMOMion Unit convince
; Inif here.
srr, .-rrssyrsga- ....
him the revivalist 1 not ull he mlifht Jim Itlaltely, prominent itoeknian of
hi,. , the IHftnt Itlver country, formerly
' Hherlff of Wallowa county and aluo of
C. S. Jone. presented a coyote hide f ook county, Ih hero on a combined
at the window of the county treasurer bualneaa and p leaaure trip. He haa
and , aecured lila bounty of $4. Thel, ' ' u '
Coyote wu apretty cotttly animal to
hlni, however, Mr. Jones report, lie- j
cause about fifty dollur worth of i
f hl' ken dlHuppeaicd before he K"t the j
coyote. He report that all the people
at Cmntllla are talking about little flue
thene day except the big dnm which!
they expect to prove a wonderful boon.
There I from nix Inched to three i
feet of now at tho head -of Wallowa j
LaKe, eayi U. 8, Riariilial George. F.
Alexunder, who with Deputy Marahal
B. F. Pace accompanied the ttroup of
Juror to Wallowa county to view the
premlHe before the trial of the ca
In the Pendleton term of the federal
court. The party returned to Pendle
ton th: morning.
A mero bank check, without certifi
cation, Is not ordinarily considered a
legal tender, but iu North Dakota un
der Non partisan league rule the iu
preme court ha held that a post dated
check Ih legal tender, "Voti have no
idea what we are having there," ay
George. N. KenlHtoo, aecretary of the
lllxmark commercial club- who Wan
here between train today.
Saturday' Specials
. 2
Peanut Butter in bulk, extra good, 2 po.unds. 25c H
fi 1 ' I O
O Tree Tea, green or black, per pound 50c C
o to
w Imperial Oats in bulk, 10 pounds for 50c
SS Raspberry, Blackberry, Plum, Quince and Peach 2
O Jam, 13 ounces for ..15c 5
Remember, we'earry a full line of Garden and
Flower Seeds. Mors and Ferry and Lillys also
onion sets.
The Economy Grocery
113 W.WEBB ST.
Phone 409
Plaintiff Oft Judgment.
Hwante Anderson ha been granted
a Judgment amounting to $2,200 In an
action agulint lleatrlce Kcllog and W.
H. Kellog. .
Duni Granted $8,000.
A decree In the case of F. It. Dorn
a kuI nut Arthur Qulliford und others
ha been entered by Judge Phelp, In
which $8,000 and coat of the case
have been awarded to the plaintiff.
llnVo A il-Pounil lloy
.Mr. and Mrs. C. ('. McLeot ur the
piirent of a ll-pound boy born Tue
day. Both are getting along very
nicely. Mr. Meleot I a traveling Hale
man for the Manihiil-Wellx Hardware
Co. .
Wa lie Ijooklng Kr "lloj."?
The o'flee of Dr. Fred l.leuallcn was
entered some time last night and the
dek and other equipment
thuroughlv ransacked. Nothing wn
taken, no far as coulj be determined
and no damage wa done. Entrance
wan rained over an open traiiHom. The
police entertain tho theory that the
man wax after "hop," und falling to
Hccure the.drug, he left without taking
anything. A man who yenterdai
nought to get a prescription from v
eral physician wa grven order thin
morning to get out of town.
Ordered to Supitort Wife. I
An order compelling . Michael
Thompson to pay fifty dollar a month
Tor the support of hi wife, Josephine
Thompson and two small daughters,
ha been mado in the circuit court.
. ... i .
New Ii'Mity Ashuiik- lutii. I
F, K. Wilcox, prominent fruit
grower of the Ferndala dhitrlctfl -wan
In Pendleton today making arrange-
menu with It. O. Haw ken. county aa-
sensor, to begin hi dutlea n deputy
j In hi home district A. A. llixby,
deputy oKHeMor In the I'maplnq dist
rict, who wa reported 111 during the
I early part of the week, U able to be
;at work again.
Stalo Treasurer WantH Jfonny,
) That tho Btute i In need of fund
Is disclosed in a telegram which wiu
received today by Mia Grace A. Cil
; Ham, county treaaurer, from Htato
Treaurei' O. P. lloff In which the
state official request that the coun
jty's taxeH coming to the stute be paid
now before they are actually due.
'The telegram I as follow: "If pos
laible will appreciate immediate remlt
j tance on account state taxes, If only
partial, as general fund Is depleted."
, t'matilla county, this year will pay the
! state $400,000 In taxes, one-half May
1 1, and tho balance Inter. Miss Gilliam
ha not yet secured the taxes from the
office of tho sheriff. Ten days or two
j weeks will bo required before pay
ment can be made.
To Itfvlvc Tcinil Club.
The Itound-l'p Tennis Club, once a
flourishing organization, 1 to be re
vived tonight at a meeting to be held
at 7:30 lo the Commercial club rooms.
The club wa founded six years ago
but became inactive during the war.
In 1910 ,a big Eastern Oregon tennis
tournament was held hero and It Is
hoped that with the revival of the or
ganieatlon, a similar tournament muy
be arranged. The courts number
three and are located at the Round
up grounds. Both men and women
are eligible for membership In the
club. , - .
In a handsome pedestal basin I well
worth the cost of the plumbing which
will not be a much a you think If It
' 1 done by u. A shower bath, too,
add a hundred per cent to the plea,
uro of the bath. Remember the first
cost la the only one and that will be
moderate If we do yie "work.
807 Cottonwood
Phone 488
Great not Weapon for Tanners. .
CHICAGO, April 8. (IT. p.) Far
mers of the nation have started a fiKht
as a unit for a fair priee for feeding
the world, Carl Vrooman, former as
sistant secretary of agriculture, said.
Vrooman described the cooperative
agency for marketing the nation's
grain, which was organized at the' end
.of the conference here lastfnight, as
"the greatest weapon the farmers ever
hart for fighting for fair prices." The
cooperative agency known as the
United State grain growers, Inc., Is
to market the nation' wheat and corn
for nil farmer who pay an annual fee
of ten dollars. It is a non tocJ
proposition and the money left over at
the end of the year will be returned
pjo rauy
ST. PAUU April 8. (A. P.) The
state bank of Withrow, Minn., 18
miles northeast of, here, was robbed of
$50,000. Bandits divided the loot In
the schouliiouse nearby.
Schools Hold Contest.,
Tho grade school of Pendleton are
holding their contests to determine
what pupil Bhall contest In the dec
lamatory . contests. Washington
school will hold U gTade contests
oon and next Friday will choose what
two pupil shall represent tho school
at the sectional contest to be held in
the high school April 16. Hawthorne
school will also hold contest. Id the
various grades, the , Lincoln school
winners were: Third grade. Pru
dence Gray, Amy Elizabeth Aldrlch,
and Emily Isaacs; fourth grade. Fred
Bennion, Ralph Penlund and Dorothy
Fortlcr; fifth grade. Lenore Greu
lich, Florence Fletcher and Barbara
Lleuallen; sixth grade, Robert Bish
op, Kenneth lluaa ana nane vioroan;
seventh grade, Jame HM, Dean Er-
win and Mildred Ebrel; eighth grade,
Tom Montgomery, Dorothea Dodge
and Gordon Keene. .On Monday
morning, these winner will compete
to see which pupils will represent Lin
coln at the sectional contest April 18.
Each school is to have two contest
ants, one from division C, consisting
of the , sixth, seventh and eighth
grades and one from division I, com
prised of the third, fourth and fifth
Despain & Lee Cash Grocery
Phone 880 1 ' 209 E. Court St.
Specials on Coffee
We Guarantee You a Saving on Groceries
N We do a cash or C. 0, D. business, doing away with
all the bookkoeping, bad credits, long time credits, and
many other expenses that you must pay for in a credit
store. We are selling at a small profit and depending
on the volume of our sales to makemoney. We are
turning our stock twice a month at present. By turn
ing our stock more times the lower the pricess go and
you receive the benefit, De not only guarantee you
a saving in your grocery needs. We guarantee every
article that leaves the store with money back if not sat
isfied. Yon can not lose by ordering your groceries
from.u3. We deliver to any part of the city.
Dollar Specials for Saturday
9 cans Poas $1.0C
7 cans Corn $1.00
8 cans tomatoes $1.00
6 cans Solid Pack
Tomatoes $1.00
3 large cans
Pineapple .....$1.00
6 cans Plums $1.00
6 cans W. Valley" ;
Peas $1.00
) . . . .A
6 cans Kraut $1.00
10 cans Pumpkin $1.00
10 cans Salmon, 1 Ib$1.00
7 cans Carnation '
Milk $1.00
10 cans Hebe Milk ..$1.00
5 Cans Tineapple
Preserves : $1.00
5 cans Baby Beets....$1.00
5 cans Preferred
Tomatoes $1.00
5 cans Peanut Butter,
1 pound $1.00
7 cans Borden Milk..$1.00
3 lb. can Chocolate....$1.00
20 bars Royal White
Soap $1.00
16 barsrystal
White $1.00
15 pounds S. W.
Beans $1.00
9 lb4. Lima Beans..v..$1.00
10 lbs. Head Rice $1.00
5 pounds Cof(ee...;....$1.00
10 pounds Sugar $1.00
3 pounds Walnuts....$1.00
10 lbs. Prunes $1.00
Picnic Hams
- ,We , guarantee these
Hams to be the highest
quality. ' ' ' ' '
fPer Pound, 22c
, Per pound, 45c
M. J. B. Coffee, B Brand
3 pounds 85c
M. J. B. Coffee
3 pounds $1.10
Gold Shield Coffee
3 pounds $1.10
5 pounds $2.00
Hills Blue Coffee
: 3 pounds ....85c
Hill Red Can
2 1-2 pounds $1.10
5 pounds $2,15
Bulk Coffee
5 pounds $1.00
Bulk Coffee, best grade
3 pounds 85c
The sugar is at present
a very good buy as the
prices will sure advance
on account of the tariff be
ing placed on it. We will
have a special price on su
gar by the sack for Satur-1
day only. ,
Portland Man Had . Been in
Poor Health for Year Be
fore Taking Tanlac.
';t took Tanlac because I heard oth
ers praising it," said linos H. Marvin,
1733 Portsmouth Ave., Portland, Ore.
"and now I am praising it myself be
cause of what It has done for me.
For several years I was in a poor
Male of health and never felt right.
My stomach and liver were badly out
of order. I had no appetite and suf
fered constantly from Indigestion. If
I ventured to eat a hearty meal I was
In perfect misery for hours afterwards.
I le.lt completely used up all the time
and It was a drag for me to get
through my work.
"Rut I hadn't finished my first bot
tle of Tanlac before I saw I had found
the right medicine at lasr. and now 1
am sound and well, in fact I never
felt better In. my life. My appetite is
fine, my. digestion seems to be perfect
and I have gained conw'derably In
weight. All of my ailments are gone,
I t-.m Just In the pink of condition and
can do as big a day's work as any
man. I never lose a chance to recom
mend Tanlac."
Gold and White China
This beautiful Bavarian Ware i now
carried in open stock and you will find no
disappointment either in quality or price.
You can make up sets to suit your own
requirements, and the prices are especially
attractive. . - '
n Pendleton
N. Oxe.V
MAGAItA KAI.I-H, N. Y., April 8.
(V. P.) Fish iu the Niagara river
will soon be a thing of the p.-urt und
the famous river will be known as
Fish-eating ducks are devouring
thousands of fish daily. The si ell
drake or cowens will kill more fish in
day than an expert fisherman.
Ducks killed in the spring arc always
found With their crops filled v.vlh
Nporb'.mcn are advocating .in opm
season for ducks in the spring on the
Niagara riir In order to protect 'lie
fishing. Fish-eating ducks are like
rubber and arc not especially good
game for eating.
The Largest Diamond Dealer in
riTTSBt'nO. Kans., April S. Dis
trirt President Alexander Howat of
the fnlted Mine Workers of America
nnd fori' otltcr district executives well'
on trial before Judge A. J. Curran,
c"uaicod with contempt o court in
calling a strike a fortnight ago at the
patten mines Mi. violation of an In
JvncMcr, The same men were c"-v-ictcd
on a similar charge two month
ago and tentenced to a year in t"
They aiu now on bail pending the ap-
PORTLAND, April 8. (I". P.) Hu
mors of the sale of the Oregon Kl
ectric Railway or the placing of the
property In the receivers hands has
been denied in a formal statement by
the President W. V. Turner. The sys
tem serves Portland, Eugene, Salem,
Corvallls and Forest Grove.
L. .
Iliulosy Classes Sponscr Assembly
The biology classes under Miss Doro
thy Flagel gave an interesting pro
gram this morning in assembly in
honor of Arbor Day. Why we recog
nize Arbor day and the history of Ar
bor day was discussed. Several musi
cal numbers added to the program.
The program opened by tho singing
of the national anthem and Chaa. Sny
der followed with a very interesting
talk on the history of Arbor Day. Miss
Uarbara Edmunds gave a vocal solo
nd Miss Margurite Akey gave a read
ing. One. of the interesting features
was a quartette composed of Miss
Marie TSmple. Miss Ilarlwira Edmunds
Miss Vera Hampton and Miss Ruth
Minnis. Waldon livers told the
"History of the Trees" in a most in
teresting way. t'laude Snow drew
pictures of various trees and a con
test was held to see how many of the
students really knew the names of the
various trees.
Interesting Statistk-s Glvcn.r Aus
tin I-andreth, principal, has gathered
some interesting data about the school
in comparison with the records or
last, vear during the month of March.
At this date last year there were 312
registered in the school while at the
present time there are 323 enrolled.
The total number of students absent
unrt tiirdv during the month of March
last year wail 22 while during this
school vear there have been uui lau,
which shows a marked Improvement
in regularity. The average daily at
tendance last year nnd this corres
ponds to 226.6 and 23S.4.
FOR RKNT House Inquire 611
Are You tiring to HuiNI?
We have a lot. complete inundation.
'heating plant "Installed, gas, sewer ano
j water connection, full cement baso
: ment and floor ready to build on.
lYhero Is $1000. 00 worth or work nnd
! material already furnished. Price tot
all limio.nii.
j K room heme, partly furnished, ar-
ranged to jet out 2 rooms for light
t housekeeping.' AVe can sell this now
Ifor $;5t0.'0, wanted 83000.00 last
; week.
' S room modern, two fine lots. North
'side. Th's is the best buy In town.
Price Mltttiit '"mi.
We Sell Luna Phone 1073
' ' 1 ,
OLYMPIA, Wash., April S. (A.
P.) State parks, available to campers
and tourists are to be established
along Washington highways within a
short time, the' legislature having ap
propriated JCOft.OOO for the purchas
ing, leasing and improving of the park
sites. Kvery automobile in the jjtate
will be taxed $2 a ytar for state park
and highway purpose. -. .
IVAIjK ox lkft side.
OLYMPIA. Wash... April 8. (A.
P.) Pedestrians on Washington state
highways must. In the future, walk on
the left hand side of the roads instead
of the right hand side, according to a
change made in the state motor traf
fic law recently by the legislature. The
change was made so pedestrians will
face the approaching traffic It is ex
pected the move will reduce the num
ber of accidents. ,
i a
J. C.
Penney Co., A Nation-Wide Institution g
Go After
First of all, rheumatism must be
treated internally. The blood should
be purified and the stomach and kid
neys made to do their work properly.
Massage the sore and swollen parts
at least twice daily with an oil that
will not irritate or inflame the skin.
Keep the bowels open to help the
You can get everything neeessay
in the complete Ami-t'ric outfit. If
your urin is discolored or nas a oau
odor, the effect of Anti-l'ric Tonic will
fiive you an early confidence in the
treatment. The jar of Anti-L ric oil
will help proper massage of the pain
ful surfaces. A supply of the famous
Pullman Pills will furnish the correct
These three preparations contain
only vegetable ingredients. All u:-c
In one generous, compact package.
The price complete is 81.50 and there
is a money back guarantee with every
package'. Get the Anti-Uric outfit to
day from
1 im;xii.ktox DRUG CO.
The store that serves you
best at all times. Plenty of
for your Saturday order.
: C
i c
Ttie Family Shoe Store
Women's Black Welt Oxfords $4.98
Excellent quality Xgf
sole, military
heel, concealed
eyelets, imitation
tip, pair . . . $4.98
Women's Brown Strap Pumps $6.90,
Just received in yesterday's express, ' fine
quality dark brown kid, vamp has satin inlay
in a harmonizinfrNshade. Two button strap,
high covored heels, close edge sole, pr. $6.90
Women's Blilitary Strap Pumps $4.98
In either black or brown kid, this becoming
pump combines low price with attractive ap-;
jJCcil 0-ll.s Cl-iiV-4 ,uiiuvi vuwiv V"b -' v'
Eoys' Army Shoes $3.69, $4.25.
Made over tne
same style last as
the regulation
army shoe, soft
brown calf, Good
year welt sole,
soft toe, full lined
IV., to 2... $3.69
2Vto6. . .. $4.23
Boys' Dress Shoes, English Last $3.49, $3.9S,
The style all the boys want for dress, high
grade calf, black or mahogany. Here's ser
vice and style at the most reasonable prices.
Girls One Strap Pumps.
Tither tlw popular .Mary .-s
w vl or the narrow- . ?Z7
ct I jiRlish toe. low heels, WrWsM
4iM) edge soles. Tho
Mary Jane's iu patent lea
ther ami the narrower too
in kiI. Sixes 2 1-2 to 7.
w 1
S 5
3 i
3 !
J. C. Penney Co., A Nation-Wide Institution
The Most
in Value
The Best
in Quality
Army Goods
And Other Merchandise.
Army Khaki Breeches $L00
0. D. Wool Breeches .. $3.50
Heavv weight Cotton Sox, black, pr. 15c
4 lb. Hudson Bay Blankets, reg. $12.00,
now $8.50
Army Summer Underwear, garment 60c
Munson Last Army Style Work Shoes $5.85
Genuine U. S. Army Russetts $7.50
We also carry ladies' and gents' high top shoes.
Tents, Tarps and Canvas Goods. Our prices ai-e
548 MAIN ST.
Navy Sales CO.
Phone S61 " 546 Main