1 "T -T rp PACE TWO UAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 8, 1921. TEN TAGES bS?i!iSESr3 ITER IMP' ESTIMATED TO BE 4TH . , AariB-4thtoM at IS-NATIONAL . New Harvest, Estimated, to be 6 2 1 r) 0 0, 0 0 0 Bushcli., While 1970 Crop , 578jOG0,0dO. 39 f ' ' 5 "meat m ! Devonshire Suiting a Yard 34c 32 inch Devonshirs Suiting", good assort ment of plaids, stripes and pfairTeolors, splen did for wear, fast coif rs. Special values, a yard 31c ATROX CHECK' GINGHAM, A YARD 14c Amoskeag quality apron checks, 27 inches wide, staple blue, brov.n ami black checks. Special, a yard Mc Set aside this week of April 4th to 9th, inclusive, to buy all the gingham you need for Spring and Summer. Changing conditions have made possible a more liberal use of ginghams than at any time in the past. - National Gingham Week this year, and in this store,. will see our regular fine qualities in fresh, complete assortments, in new and distinctive patterns, offered at low prices which will justify unrestricted buying. Early inspection is cordially invited. Iflaxon Tissue Gingham, Yartl 71c - 3G and 32 inches in width. No more stylish fabric will be worn in Spring and Summer dresses; lovely assortment, of jxlaids and checks. Special, a yard " ". . . . . 74c SILK TISSUE GINGHAM, A YARD COc 32 inches wide in pleasing plaid designs with silk over plaids. Many of the lovely sum mer frocks shown in the new style magazines are made from Tissues. . Special Value, a yard 90c 32 Inch Dress Ginghams a Yard 24c 32 inch Dress Gingham, bright pink and blue plaids, good quality. A splendid value at our regular price at 29c a yard. Special, a yard 24c 32 inch Imported Ginghams a Yard 79c 32 inch fine Imported Gingham, lovely soft colorings in plaids, stripes, checks and also in plain -colors. Extra fine quality. Our reg ular low price on this quality is 85c and 8Dc per yard. Special, a yard 79c Dress Ginghams a Yard 19c 27 inch Dress Gingham, "Toile du Nord" and "Red Seal" qualities, good assortment of bright school plaids, excellent quality. Special, a yard 19c Shirting Madras a Yard 59c . Tub proof mercerized Tongee finish, in a variety of novelty stripes and in a range of colors to please. Save by making shirts for your men folks this spring. Special Value, a yard i . 59c 32 inch Zephyr Ginghams a Yard 35c 32 inch Zephyr Gingham, assort ed, plaid, stripes, checks and plain colors, fine grade. , ' . Special, a yard . . 35c PtMJILlONS GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE Ofietfeoples VtSg?rS5trI53 WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE Warehouse, Our everyday prices offer the best values in Pendleton. Investigate and be convinced. Well give you the best for the price, no matter what the price. YVAHHl.ViIToX. April It. (A. I'.) Th "winter wheat, nron, In fourth '' i largest In the countiy' h 'iiry l fore leant liy thy department of agriculture with H total production of t::l,U0O.0O IniNhnln. Thin 1 H.ooo.oou mure thnn wuh hurvrsted lust year , ' It ye Crop KIhiwm Isecrrium VASlilNiT'X. April K.(U. P.) The winter wheat crop, to bo. harvest led thin spring In forecast at 632,000, ihio litiuhi'la hi a statement by the crop estimates bureau. The 1U20 rop wo S.UUO.oilO bushels. . The bureau fore cast the rye crop ul 6.0.0)u bushels compared with the production of . hhi.uoo. lumhols last year. . IHIltTLANn. April 8. .IV. P.) "If the nilnlnK Industry Is to he saved, It won't ! by erectliiK a tariff wall around the I'nlteil States to keep out the iiii'tnl production of other land,"' declared Kdwln Uullow, of New York, I prenidfiit of the American Institute of Hnlniiiic imd inetal-lurglcal enslnr, i'leforo the third, Intcruiitlonnl mining ; foimrrsn. Ludlow oppotvd, the tariff n urged by Senator1 MrHelh, of Utah, the iny prevloim. He nuked the con j vention to no on re orl in favor of unhampered InternntloiiMl barter. . MURDERERS REBELLED AGAINST DRILL UNDER PRISONER WANDERER The Peoples Warehouse Our Underpriced Economy Shop Offers Many Exceptional Bar gains for the Saturday Shopper. ' Vttr tl Saturday Shtippc-r Women's IL T. Outing Shoes for the comins wiann's war. &)Tt pltiible tan shoe with liptit weig', hieh top 'reaching above" the calf-of the lest, preventing their Elippln? down. Sold for ,Si.50 and $9.00. AH sizes, medi um narrow. itnd wide Basement Special $5.49 For the Saturday Shoiier Girls' Gingham Dresses We've takr n every drvj in the entire Ka-sement Moi'k and have cut the prices regardless of ori ginal cost or .telling price and have offered you the best uargwins in several season- They are all of itoekl einehums, prettily trimmed, of all sizes from 3 to H years and sold originally as hieh as 14 t. Basement Special 7&c Pur tlio Satnnlny KIhipimy Cut Price On Remnants We- are cJoaninR up the remnants of all yyd Roods. f)ur inventory showed over $1200 worth of this class of merchandise and the management says. "Too many remnants. Clear them out in your own may," so here goes. When they res.ch the Basement the price is cut. Now. we are tak ing that cut price and we are deducting 1-3 from it. This sure makes some bargain on good mer chandise. - Basement Price ,Cut One Third For the Saturday SlHjpptT . "Spokane Maid" Garments WoixJ has. reached us that one biKeesf store In Hpokane filled Ita immense display windows with Juiiu '-Spok.inq Maid", house dresses and bungalo aprons and priced them all at $2.89 and 9Sc re spectfully. Our informant asked us "Why can't ivndleton do iwmething like that?" Well here the- :ire only not quite so many. "Sit KAfV K MMlf liorsi; HHKSSFj; $2.8 "Whkim: maid" hix;ai-o aitsons... tk: For tho Satnrtlay Slioppcr Good Tuff Shirtings Also excellent for house dresses and aprons and children's rompers. Come in solid colors and stripes. Basement Special 19c Yd. For the Saturday Shopper Children's Slippers and Shoes on table number 1, the lot contains shoes and slippers sized 2 to 5 and sold for as high as $2.25. Basement Special $1.29 For the Saturday ShopjnT Children's Slippers and Shoe3 table No. 2, a better variety sized 6 1-2 to 8 and sold as high as $2.50. Basement Special $1.29 and $1.59 Fr the Saturday Shopper Children's Slippers and Shoe3 on table Xo. 3. a big lot of very good shoes 8 1-2 to 11. sold as high as $5.00. Basement Special up to $3.49 For the. Saturday Slioppcr ' Misses' Slippers and Shoes on table No. 4. a great bin completely filled, 11 1-2 to 2, sold as high as $5.85. . Basement Special up to. $3.49 . Boys' Slippers and Shoes For the Saturday Slioppcr in bin No. S, mostly good substantial shoes. AH sizes for boys. Every Pair a Bargain Announcing an Addition to the Basement A BETTKIt Ql'AMTY OF TOILET I'KKI'AKATIONS. Marincllo Motor Cream; Marinello Hand Lo tion; Marlnello Hair Tonic; Marinello Cake Pow der: Woodbury's Facial Powder; Pompeian Beau ty Powder; all priced the way you like to buy them. Here Are Some Good Tilings That Make You Glad That You Advertising: Its How, Why And When One Writer Psychology Hand in Hand New fcr You Truth AN EDITORIAL ON ADVERTISING Have a Bargain Basement. Human Hair Nets, 15c value, large size, no rubber 5c ll-ay Ctrtttm tilove 3e WfHutir 10c HaudkcrrlUcrs 5c &.IIO VoUe WaiM. l.9 Xlra Ha avy lilur Ifciiiin 29c Wmim s Kuittixl Ver4s 2" (liilUreu'K Ti-uiiik SImics oil Sale. .Men's SZ.M Work Shirts SHc WuiiM-n's Felt Sliptcrs 1-4 Off. Woiih-u'i, M llnK' - 19e Tlimul, white and Mack ' 3e Itoys" Heavy Itihhed Hone i' OrcKA awl Coat Iluttcms, tUn. 1c Turki.sli Tnw1 i9i' Itficil Tablets ' :).(K) liunsalo Apron S1.49 All Childreu' Sawlalt mi Sale. Men's 2.V Sox, IKiW '"' Men's tl.23 Tire- ,. We are constantly reducing the prices on all merchandise that shows an in clination to move slowly. It's merely a common sense idea. THE GOODS IN THE BARGAIN BASEMENT MUST NOT STAY It Must Move Out Rapidly and the Way to Move It is to Cut the Price. PtviTOA MUTEST DtPMrTXTNT STORr. Last week E. A. Wilson had j this to say on "Advertising " j How, Why and When." Sine i advertising is economic in Ita j effect, his words should appeal i to both the buyer- of publicity and the reader of advertising. -First, perhaps, we had bet 1 ter give a definition of advertis , lng as it is now understood. One ! writer has defined advertising as the art of writing and display, so as to make the man or woman long for something they never heard of before, but will buy from ( the psychological suggestion con- tained in the ad. "Then, again, advertising is i news, the individual or concern i that is continuously keeping the ! buhlic posted In regard to tho gobds he has to offer, is giving i news that is as valuable to many I readers as stock reports, shipping news or telegraph reports. The average woman is more eager for the newspaper to come to read the advertising news thin the average business man is to get the stock report. i "It is somewhat difficult to sep arate advertising from sales-man-ship. They go hand in hand. . Advertising is the silent salesman , that Is working while merchants fare sleeping, a salesman that en ters the home or office without ; knocking or presentlnghls card. Now, if the ad is well dressed. has an attractive headline, sug gesting something you need, your attention is arrested, your Interest aroused, and the desire to possess the article is created. "Advertising is the dynamo of business, advertising is tho driv ing power of the world's com merce. Without Advertising the wheels of commerce the world over would come to a standstill. "Did you ever stop to think what would happen if suddenly everyone stopped advertising? Can you realize what It would mean?' It would be practically the same as shutting off the light with a store full of customers, and yet there are men In the world who do hot believe in ad vertising, who look upon it as a useless expense. "Advertising Is not i. fine art, but a commercial operation no one conceives of any commer cial operation other than adver tising as beijg conducted except by experienced provision and on settled principles, yet advertising which is just as technical a Job as (tanking or medicine. Is quite -pure gamble. The most conspicu ous feature of really modern ad vertising is exactness and truth fulneds. gamble. The most conspicuous feature of really modern advertis ing Is exactness and truthfulness. "Truth in advertising is today the only factor that will stand the test of public investigation. The day of the blatant, bombas tic and exaggerated style of ad vertising as result bringing are done, and the dignified, logical and sincere talk in advertising Is known, to he the only kind that will inspire confidence and attract buyers. " "Tf advertising did not enable the big concerns to sell mote extensively and cheaper they would not advertise. Advertis ing is cumulative the more a merchant or manufacturer ad vertises the more business he will get and the cost will be less to the consumer." , LARGEST ICE 1913 TOKIO, April . l l, Fire which yesterday swept th Asakuwi district at Toklu. destroyed 1G00 dwell ings and rendered 5.U00 homeless, a survey of the fire zone showed. Th fire Is the biggest in Japan since 1S1J. CHTCAOO, April 8. (V. V.) Mur derer fell out jWhon'slx doomed men i 'n me ii-atn cnimwrTtwiiw anu rr i fused to drill any longer under Carl I Wanderer, 'who Is tho convicted slayer i nr "n, ransi-d stranger." Wanderer, a ! former lieutenant, has been drilling the,. murder squad every day for a week, hut they went back to their cells to flay when he yelled "attention!" "He s tou hiirdlHiiled." said "Ijone Wolf" Ward. "What's, the us nf. drilling to death before they hang me?", agreed Hum CnrdineMI. "Wars over," said dene tK-Ary. MM; Al.llKltT IS U. Hnt'ASKLS, AprlJ 8. (V. V.) King Albert is celebrating his 4th birthday today. Flags are flying every where and the schools are closed in honor of the anniversary. The king received congratulations from all over the world, both the usual official com p'imenUaiui innumerable personal tri hulrs from his own subjects and from fic-e'pners. NEBRASKA PASSES BILL TO LEGALIZE PRACTICE' OF CHRISTIAN SCIENCE UVOOI.X, Neb., April (. P.) The house passed a law lefi.-illxlng tne practice ot Christian Science. It sub jects that practice-4p the state s,uar,. ajiine laws. The bill goes to the gov- . ernor. M'KFAI.t. April k. (Hoy Harris, 22. clunit to hie story that he and his pal, "IUH" nunkln, killed Joseph 8. Klwell. a millionaire clubman. Harris story, according to the police, la that they murdered Klwelt In his apart ment In New York in ' June, having been offered lartuo byt a ;",Mr, i"lr ehilil" to "do the Job." MCuEREJ CRAtlKCASE CLEANING SERVICE f V CAlOLFlUSHINGOIi r X ZfROLEN'E i r rpi ri ine pign of a Service , .'' j At FtrstIass Garages end oUicr Dcdcn fHEUlILESI DAYLIGHT RUBBERY RAK mAXCISCa April g. (f. P.) Forty thousand dollars in jewelry; was secured by bandits who staged a daring daylight robbery of the Morris ' Kaisler jewelry store, on Valencia street. . KKI.I Ht TI-XTHTF-S TX THI AT,. SPOKAA'R. April s. (lT. 1".) "If 1 Xow Is the Time to t-t RUI of TlKfelhad given the word the Keller people ' I'ltly H)Mrts t would have lynched John J. Mnntgom- There s no 1-ingor the slightest need jery and William C. Vest after the r.f feeling a.ihamed of your freckles. J h'mley shooting," declared John Jt. as Othine double strength is guar- j Coverelgn. editor of the Hanpoll Eagle. anteed to remyvc these homely spots. I on the stand at the trial of the -dry Simplv get an ounce of Othine sleuths for the killing. Sovereign dc- double strength from Jany druggist and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon ee that even the worst freckles have beguiv-fo disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It Is seldom that mere than an ounce is needed to com pletely char the skin and gain a beau tiful clear complexion. JSe sure to ask for the double irensrth othine. as this is sold under guarantee of money back if It falls to remove freckle. dared that "Vest waa two sheets !n ! the wind. If not drunk," on the nighl ! of the shooting. Ernest Emley. an ex-' service roan and war hero, was sh- J dead at Keller a year ago. The state charges Montgomery and Vest with manslaughter. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take GROVE'S I native BKOMO QflXIXB tablets. The genuine bears' the signature of K. W. Grove. (Be sure j ou get I3ROMO.J 30c Adv, Good Apples Wq have a limited amount'of . Fancy Yellow Newton A pples . , . wortli $400 per box i , " $2.75 . Extra Quality Winesaps $1.15 "TIE TILE SUPPLY Phone 187 and 183 739 Main StrMt U. S. INSPECTED MEATS ' CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR Proprietors , ; .