.,-,r WflHafi'PHi!".'';:!, ..... ... If1 E. . a - V' . - ....,.., -,j.s -v .i. . ..: . .. ... . -.. . . t. . . ..lit TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 7, 1921. PAGE SEVEN r i ) 0 Wjk) cPj) Cl tmi mr HIIIIIUSI Imiimibi M fcWip'fttf-- Wlil-m'liirrnirlr--'T Sllliiiiniiliiiii'iiiittlrcif 1 1 T " Notices, Business b or Rent, Etc., Classified for Easy Reference. f CLASSIFIED A I) VERTISIN O HATES Set In I point Counting tlx or- dlnary word, to th line 4 Flrat Insertion, per line..... .10 Each additional comecutlve Insertion, per line 01 One month, every leeue, 4 each Ineertlon, per line . ,01 Six month contract, every luue, eucli insertion, per line .... ... ,04 Twelve months contract, every Issue, each lnaartlon, per line ,n Ada nut rrn consecutively, each Insertion, pur line 10 No ada taken for less than 1 llnea. Minimum charge..... .11 S.inltiuy couch Phone ' 285-H. IS1IU WANTS gi'niMul houm-work town l'hone 77s. In F'Ht UK N'T KuinlHhcd one and two room apt. 4i2 Tuxtln. FOR HKN'T Law front bedroom, om block from Main alrect, Phone 7b-J. OU TltANSFKIt HKKVIC'KCttll Hoy den TriiiiHfer, Phono 6, Olympla i. igar More. J'OR It HNT One and two room tin furnlHhed apt. .Mr. Huhipton, Room 6. 001 Main 81. 80 AC H EH. Improved, near Spokane WIN trade for city property write Jus. Wheeler, Pendleton, Ore. " " FOR RENT AT ONCE New furnlHh. ed 5 room modern home, north side References required Phone 265-R. Champ Bowler Fred Smith, of Detroit, copped he individual bowling crown by grabbing firsr p1ifc 1n the A. B C. tournament at Buffalo. His score was 702, just 16 pins better than the second man, Frank Snyder, of Erie, Pa. Smith Is the fourth De trolter to win the title. SHIPPEDFROMWESTON westox. Aorll 7. Thi'ladlrti tir the Saturday Aflernoon Club held a pie social last Saturday evening In Memorial Hall. Pie and coffee were "'served. The money raised will be turned over to tho park fund. Mrs. Frank Smith, whose husband Is employed In a grain agency in Wal la Wulla, was a week-end visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan O'Hnrra. ' , J. G. Gerklng and family were visit ing the latter part of last week with Mr. Ocrking's sister, Mrs. Etta Gerk lng and Mrs. J'. T. Harbour; Mr. Qerk Ing has been farming In the dry belt of southern Idaho. - Lately he traded his Idaho holdings for a fruit farm near Ashland,-. ore., to which place they are now moving. . Selh Hyatt and Henry Thompson, prominent stock men, of the Umatilla river hills were seen In our city last Saturday. Quite a number of corloads of West on Moiititnln potatoos are being ship ped from here thee day. Part of the potatoes that were contracted Inst fall are going out at what would be considered now ns a. fancy price, and those that are boing sold now are bringing a much better price than the indications a month ago looked like they would got. Considerable wheat la being sold around Weston these days. While not much is being said about It, quite n number of the farmers have become discouraged nf gfltting- a better price and are lottllig loose of their holdings at tho present reduced figure. , ' ii!i.yNi:it is iiKTntxF.n SALT LAK-EfTTY, April 7 (A. P.) Sheriff C. F. Tcrril of Jackson coun ty, Oregon, left here Monday with C. It. Owen, who Was arrei ted here last f-ttturdny n I if M ami Is said to be want ed In Jacksonville, lire., on a charge of aiding In tho alleged theft of 3 21,00 jrom a bank there. , sawsss- 1.1 iiMkssasaHBMsa 3 vs. v.f -X j -r u . - -" " Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, LOST AND FOUND LOST Beaded bag In Arcade Theatre, had emnll change leave at this of fice 15.00 reward. USED CAR EXCHANGE fOft BALE Bulclt D-4t roadster Phone 9-76. . FfillD BUG for wile in good condi tion 1104 K. Court. FOK SALU Dort roadster, or will trudo for Ford. Inquire Motor Inn Garage, Cottonwood St. FOK SALE 1921 Ford touring car, abeoiuMy new Ford touring car at a discount )f taken, at once. Fendle (on Auto Co. FOR SALrll Dodge Sedan five new cord tires, upholstery In perfect condition, good paint, motor overhaul ed Pendleton Auto Co. rOR 8ALB We nare a few good used Fords priced from f Its. to f STf rhese are all worth the money call nd see them Simpson Auto Co Water and Johnson St. NOTICES Kloail IKinnia Shop . Moved to Nye-Ward shoe store be. twoen Geo. Baor'g and Tallman Drug Co, - Notice to the Public , I havo taken over the transfer busi ness of W. a. Fisher. E. W. Swlst, Phone' 522, Riley A Kemp. NiHlce to tftix'k Ovmrrs r wtsh to scn-e notice to owners of stock which run at large in the East End of town that any stock found on my placo will be taken up and dam age charged to the owners. W. V. PEDRO. Notice of Illds for City lTlntlng Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids wtll be received at the office of the City Recorder in Pendleton, Ore gon up to April 13th, 1921 at 5 o'clock p. m. for printing all legal notices and of all Job work of Tho City of Pendle. ton, for the balance of the year 1921. The bid must sneclfy legal notices fper inch each Insertion, and Job work per hundred, or per thousand as the cam may be. The Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids at Its pleasure. 'Dated this list, day of March, 1921. THOa FITZ GERALD. ' City Recorder. BSTRATED Came, to my place on Wild Horse Creek, one white faced bull, branded horse track on ribs, split In left ear J. E. Troxel, Bos 70S, Pen flkjton, Oregon, Phone 8F11. NOTICE is hereby given to the public that my wife, Julia A. Ward has left my bed and board ut Enterprise, Ore gon and that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her or the family without my consent or author ity. W. K.. Ward. FOR SALE FOR SALE White Wyandotte eggs, $1.00 per setting Phone 793-W. FOR SALE 6 -room bungalow cheap If taken at once 515 High St. FOR SALE All kinds of Insurance. J. H. Estes. (14 Main St, Phone 904. f FOR SALE Desirable level lots on north sid! 1500 and 8700 each Phono 793-W. FOR SALE Self-propelled combine harvester, 1918 model, good shape arms Sturgls A Storle. FOR SALE Deerlng harvester with motor. Only cut 300 acres. Phone I6F23 or see Louie Hansen. FOR SALE Mans saddle and chaps, practically new reasonable Ad dress Frank Hart, Ricth, Ore. FOR SALE Hatcnlng eggs from thoroughbred single comb Rhode Island Reds 800 W. Webb, Phone 884 FOR SALE---Egee for hatching Sin glo comb White Leghorns Kyle Long, high egg-laying strain Phone 769. FOR SALE New quick meal wood and coal range, also 4 burner gns stove with oven and gas heater. 603 Perkins Ave. FOR SALE 40 acres near Meachnm 20 acres In timber, 10 acres culti vation good outfit, house and furni ture. Address K. R. Moore, Meacham, Oregon. New Director' 1 1 James Cox Davis, of lows., who has bean appolhted director gen eral of railroads, succeeding John Barton iPayne. Davis was former ly counsel tor the railroad administration. i y Nw J m tLLuiiuiiiu mi i mil 'iiiiiiwmiiari hitit -mil 1 LsarSSwAi i i i i i s i i ii . a 'e w . J " zr I FOIt SALE Reed Phone 265-H. baby carriage lF'TOU WANT 10 of 1S00 cn of flrat class wheat land, ahd on the canlust terms of payment you ever heard tell of, eee H. F. Klrkpatrtck or N. Berkeley. . - FOIl SALE Potatoes, selected' seed $1.60 cwt.; fine cooking, 11.26 per ewt; winter barley at 2 'AC. ID. Kt. Andrews school, Pendleton, Oregon R. 1. Box B5. FOR SALE OR TRAPI& One 14 H. P. Btover ga engine, mounted on wag on bed with wide Iron wheels. Guar anteed in flrat claas condition. Will trade for Ford. Simpson Auto Co FL'UXlTl-'KK FOR 8ALB Parties leaving l new three tjurter led, with Sprlnga and mattrens, small Ice chekt, breakfast table and two chairs to match 120 Couple, Phone 727-J. ,. FOR 8ALK Brick bluldlng-on Main Htreet, present income of 312.00 per month, subject to mortgage o.16,00.l ut a per cent, due 1823. Price 36,O0P Apply 701 W. Court, Phone 56-M. FOR SALE Modern 8 roorn house, partly furnished, newly painted, good location, lot 75x100. For terms write owner. Box 4, Meacham, Ore. FOR HALE One ton Republic truck, 2-ton Republic truck In good shape--will sell very reasonable Call Penland Bros., Phone 839. .. i i-v T FOIt SAI-B . . , Oood residence on West Alt a street. Fine bungalow, north side. Big bar gain on south hill, eight rooms. Sev eral fine farms.near highway.- 15 acre- WANTED Ranch work by man and alfalfa ranch, w e l Improved. Several wlftperienced Inquire 719 Col small houses in city on eoy terms.. e(fe or phone 728-R J. L. Abrogast. 918 Main St. Res. Phone 972-W Phone 993 FOR RENT APTS. AND ROOMS ALTA APT8. FOR RENT Furnished Apt. Plione 210-W. ROOM AND BOARD Tor men only- 403 E. Webb. FOR RENT One housekeeping room- Phone 367-W. FOR RENT Store or office room Hotel m. George. ROOMS WITH BOARD if desired 210 a Main Phone 657-R. FOR SALE 4 ft. wood, 85.00 a cord .., Ralph Tachella, Phone 2F5. FOR RENT 2 down stairs rooms for light housekeeping 515 Post St. FOR RENT 2 room apt. with sleep ing porch Phone 189-W, 207 Aura, FOR RENT Room and 'board in pri vate family close in Phone 745-J. FOR BENT 5-room furnished apt modern no children Phone 664-R. FOR RENT Front bed room and sleeping porch close In Phone 349-R. FOR RENT Front bed room In pit vate home very reasonable 714 Jane St. FOR BENT Two room downstairs apartment 307 Aura 8t Pbone 89-W. CARY APTS. Furnished or unfur nished apartments 617 Thompson street. FOR RENT Two furnished apart ments. Call White Doughnut LAincn 123 W. Alta. FOR RENT Well furnished apart ments, newly renovated close in Phone 248-M. FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleep ing room with bath privilege close in Phone 654-W or call 100 E. Bluff. FOR RENT Furnished bed room In private family furnaced heated tor one or two gentlemen. Inquire "90" this office. DOINGS 07 TEE DUCTS MISS Gf?EV. OH.NES. I remember. that was along time ago-i. havenT seem mer , 31 mce ! thank. soodhess ! -y - i-MiuiA i uniiT Vnn-m uib iu Akin m imia iuiairiViAii 1 I RtLlPVP 1 MPT MO.. I ! MEET HV FRIEND MR MERCER - HE'S LJ' 'Y'W TO MEETMW FPlEWD MERCEC ONCE BEFORE.. A BACHELOR-A VXTIB OLD BUT HE J . ' , mo mEOCEC I MISS GPEN INTBODUCEO HAS A BACKYAROruLL or 1 f -1 J ME.- REMEMEfK? HOHBS SOME CATCH FOR f I LE AO ME ,(T trr ' 1 1 "iTJT TTV A r sW I Handy Business Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity This Directory Is especially bandy for the out-of-town reader who may want the name and address of responsible busioeaa men who represent the following Jiness. (All are reliable, responsible business concerns who stand ready to givo you prompt service , .WANTED FOR KENT i 4Unfurrjlshd rooms Phone 2M-R. WANTE3 Clean reliable ranch Phone 1F2. cook on WANTED An old Ford cheap the older the better Phone 277. MAV AND WIFE wants work on ranch k Call 21 Wiliow or Phone 20S. WANTED OOOD CLEAN RXUg AT The East Oregonlan office. WANTEDOardens to plow ' y-PhoneO., and trash to haul away.- TRAINED SALESMAN' wSflts position Address Edgar Northup, Pilot Rtilr Oregon. WANTED Children to take care of good home and bout of care taken Phone 369-J. OOOD COOK wants work near school ' has One girl,, age 7 years Address VJl" this of flee.' ALL AROUND MAN, handy with, gar den and lawns wants work inquire "12" this office. " j WANTED -Boara and room for elder. ly man, will require some care Ad dress "10" this office. Baby Chicks From the famous O. A. C. strain, eggs from 221-egg hens mated to cock erela from 300-egg hens. Rocks, Reds and White Leghorns. Place your or der now. Portland Seed Co., 180 Vont St., Portland, Ore. CARPETS ANp BUGS Cleaned by the famous Hamilton-Beach Sham poo System. Does not effect the siz ing. Estimates furnished. References given. All work guaranteed and prompt service insured. Electric Car pet Cleaning Co., 415 Ann St., Phone 584-R. WANTED 1000 horses for summer pasture. Have 44 sections of bunch grass all fenced with plenty of water. I will meet all horses at Umatilla, Ore. and deliver back to Umatilla. Rate Is 82.50 per head per month. Reference: Everett King, Frank Brown, A. E. Mc- Culley, W. K. Swltxler, Ben McCul lough. Notify me of delivery a few days In advance by telegraph via Ken newlck. A. E. Willmert. MISCELLANEOUS CURTAINS laundered Phone 204-R. ACCORDION and hand plaiting Mrs. Lec, 306 Post St. Phone 588. MRS. ADA FIELD Spirella oorsetiere Phone 824-W. Address (14 Jane. ALL KINDS of patients cared for by experienced nurse 609 W. .Webb Phone 884. . . . ,. . . . . . IF ITS PLUMBING or heating Phone 623 All worli guaranteed? Jas. Mc- Natr, 206 West Webb St. . RAO RCGS and carpets woven. Also first class crocheting and emcroia- ery. AU orders promptly flllsd. Bee Wheelers, at 1306 W. Railroad. WE WASH and clean the finest rugs satisfactorily. References) given. We make fluff rugs from old carpets. Walla Walls, Rug and Carpet Clean ing Co. phono 1677. . .. COLORADO Grab iL. Health, Ions .life. .Fine high dry climate,. 100 acres unimproved alfalfa land, S. W. Colorado. Rich, sandy loam, 28 in alfalfa. Sacrifice price on trade tor vertown Cord and Pennsylvania vaou Oregon land. Weir, Corvallis, Ore, urn Cup 805 K. Court. TOM WAS WORKING FAST IDONTkMOvUi I CAK'T 5TAM0 VERS aEVER HER! I COULD NEVER. MARR.V ONE iwrvou0 'hke her r TIME CARD Weston-Pendleton Auto Stage) Leaves Westcn for Pendleton at 7:30 a. m. and 12:45 p. m. Leaves Athena for Pendleton at :00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 1:20 a. tn. and 1:20 p. m. Leaves Pendleton (AUen-Knlgbt Co. Store) for Weston at 10:00 . a. m. and 4 p. m. O. H. McPHERRIN. Prop, TIME CARD Pilot Rock. Pendleton Aeto SUSJO Leaves Pendleton Hotel and French Restaurant 9:00 a. m.; Leaves Pilot Rock Hotel S a. m. Leaves Pendleton Hotel and French Restaurant 11:0 a. m,; Leaves Pilot Rock Hotel 11 a. m. Leaves Pendleton Hotel and French Restaurant 2:30 p. m. Leaves Pilot Rock Hotel 1p.m. Leaves Pendleton Hotel and French Restaurant 8:00 p. m.i Leaves Pilot Rock Hotel 1:30 p. m. We carry parcels and small express. FANCHO STUBBLE FIELD IVndlcton-l niatllla . . . , , Leave Pendleton.,. 8:00 Echo. .9:15 Stanfield , 9:30 Herrniston 9:55 Ar. Umatilla 10:15 Leavo Auto Stagw 12:00 1:15 1:35 -1:55 2:15 4:00 1:16 6:35 6:55 6:15 Umatilla Herrniston Stanfield Echo Ar. Pend. 8:00 12:00 4:00 8:20 12:20 4:20 8:45 12:45 4:45 9:00 1:00 5:00 10:15 2:15 6:15 , Two TriH Sunday - L"ave Pendleton 8: OS and 4:00 p. m. Leave Umatilla 8:00 m. a. m. and 4:00 p. m. . . Office Motor Inn Garage 722 Cottonwood St. Itione 811 tt PFLL & D.MVSOY Parcels delivered to all way points. . . . ,t AUTO ELECTRIC WORKS VH REPAIR anything electrical on an automobile. W. E. Ctuua Go, AUTO TRANSFER C E. WILLIAMSON Stand at Griggs Cigar Store Phone 1015. HANA VAN'S? TRANSFER Phone 520, Res. 378-It Country trips iTompt and reliable service. FOIt QUICK SERVICE, Call Bud Cornfield, Phone 52, Crescent Cigar Store. Residence, Phone 1069-R. AUTO I REPAIRING H. U HEDRICK Automobile and truck repairing car laundry In con nection. TIT Gardes Street. AUTO TIRES PENDLETON CYCLE CO. Alax. Re vare and Savage tires, tag E. Coart Street, - - L. a BENT LEY A CO. Goodyear and Diamond Tires Tire eervloe, oils and accessories Alt nod Garden Sis, WALLACE BROS. Flak tires, cords or fabric. We do our on adjust ing. 808-131 Johnson St, . . . . OERTSON A MARTY Gates Super- Tread tires 3 Cottonwood. Vul canizing and repairing. SIMPSON TIRE SERVICE CO. Re public and. Firestone tires, cords or fabric. Z2t C Court St, Pbone 661. PENDLETON RUBBER A SUPPLY CO. Barney Oldfleld, Goodrich 811 BY ALLMAN THESE. . WOMEM ! LOOK CTlPIO, GIRL! . LOOK 5rvPJt. M AUTO TOPS lOADWA'a AUTO TOPS, Plate Glass, Backs, Side Curtains Ml East Court St. . AUCTIONEER. COL. W. F. TOHNKA Auctioneer, Call at murals A Btorle'e Implement Co., for sale dates. 1 AUTO PAINTING 1 MEN WITH TEARS of experience. Motor Inn Oarage, 722 Cottonwood. Ward A. Hoagland, Prop. . ATTORNEYS GEORGE W. COUTTS, Attorney Law, Room 17, beflmidt Mock, R. L KEATOR, Attorney at Law, Room 24, Smith-Crawford Building. CARTER A SMYTH B, Attorney at Law. Offices In rear of American National Bank Building, FEB A FEE, Attorneys at Lav, flees In Despain Building. or- a A. LOWELL .Attorney and Counsel. lor at Law. Office In Despain Bldg. S. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law, Federal Building. PETERSON, BISHOP A CLARK, At torneys at Law. Room S Skod 4 Smith-Crawford Bldg. JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law. Office over Taylor Hard ware Com pany. , RALEY, RALEY A BTEIWER, Attor neys at Law. Office In American National Bank Building. FRED H. SCHMIDT, Attornsy at Law, Room 2U, Smith-Crawford Bldg, BATTERIES PHILADELPHI DIAMOND Gft.D HATTERIE3 ' tearnnteed for i miTlhe. W. E t'haf-e Co- 320 K. Court. Telephone 269,' Pendleton. PREST-O-LlTa BATTERIES Beet by competitive teat. Service on all makes of batteries, guaranteed. Frost-O-IJte Service Station, 4bl E. Court Phone 86. CATERPILLAR W0RK. CATERPILLARS, harvesters, gas en gines, automobilss and general blacksmlthlng. Round-Up Garage, Parks ft Kebergall, 21S West Webb. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PARKER A BAN FIELD, Designing. Engineering, Constructing, It years experience tn concrete and brick con struction. M E, Third bX, North Port land, Oregon, CLEANERS AND DYERS PANTORIUM Phone 473 CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS A CLEANERS Preening and repairing. 194 W. Webb St. Phone SSI, Pendleton, Ore. DRAYMEN WHO MOVES YOU Is Just as import ant as where you move. We also pack or store goods. We do country hauling Call 239,. Penland Bros. Transfer, 114 W. Alta. i EYE SPECIALIST. T DENTIST Dr. H. M. Harm ran Dentistry Room 7, Temple Building. Pbone T72 EXTRA LARGE FANCY APPLE! PER $1.25 The Dean Meat DepL Oft Phone0 FARM LOANS SNOW DAYTON, 117 E. Court KU Real Estate. Firs Insurance. Farm Loans. See ns about a loan. JUNK. JUNK, JUNK BRING your junk to the Pendletow Hide Junk Co. See us before yea seU. L, D. Cameron, Prop. . . HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING at the Singer auM Mall orders promptly attendee! trs HEMSTITCHING Mall rder-Urs Ralph HaaseU 417 Bush. Fhossl 99S. LAUNDRY EVERY Article Laundered Ferfaetly. There's an agent In your towa,. Troy Laundry, tog Garden St, DOMESTIC LAUNDRY 401 E. Cwart St.. Phone go We maintain a Plete mendlfl j department. MADE TO MEASURE in iiJ Csul JS. Franseea, Elks) mag. ..OPTICAL 0rgl,h-,i.i!.UJS-?ll.H?.iy Ciasses Ground to Fit Your Evti, LtNSFS UUPLICATtO ON SHORT NOTICC AMERICAN NATl.BA.NK BUILDING, PENDLETON. Phone 60 OSTEOPATH hi. DR. G. E. HOLT Osteopathic, physi cian and Surgecrb. Judd Bldg, tele phones, office SOS; ItMldencsi 79W. PLUMBING SHOP 705 LEWIS STREET Phone 122-3. Alex Burt. ' POULTRY SUPPLIES CHIC '"FOOD,"' SctchoodtonlsS bone, shell, grit, corn, oata, rolled barley. Umatilla Flour ft Grain Co, Painting and Paper Hanging PAJNTS Wall I Paper Picture Franv. lng. L. J. UcAtee, the Practical Paint Man. Lews Bros, Paints, PAPER HANGING. Painting and Wall Tinting T. J. ; McAllister, 10T -W. Water, Km. Phone 10C8 720 Cosble street. All work guaranteed. RADIATOR REPAIRING ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS 701 East Alta street. All makes of radiators repaired. Work guaraateed. C. Blasberg, Prop.: RESTAURANT THE QUELLE A good place to eat. SECOND HAND DEALERS V. STROBLE, dealer In new and ond hand goods. Cash paid for second hand goode. Cheapest, place to buy household goods, 210 E. Court . Phone 271-W. SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC THE most up-to-date effectual lead ing science practlsed.K. F. dnaosj P. S. T.; N. D. Room II Feebler Bldg. Ftwiosraobes? . To' lntroduoe our kodak work ' we will finish Free one roll and one print each. Ward Studio. - TAILORS 047 Main St. BOX Tatom Co. Grocery Dept. 00 Thone uo Phone 10 . 1