IKEEP ABREAST OF bOINGS IN THE WORLD OF SPORT DAILY IN ARTICLES BY STAFF WRITERS AND TWO NEWS SERVICES ON THIS PAGE 5, - TEN PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 10 TEN PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 10 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 7, 1921. . .Z --MmZ ZZT ' sgBasr .Z Hayward of University of Ore. Declares That Height and Correct Form Are Vital. BY WIUJAM I HAYWAKI) (Track Coach, ir. of O.) The o,ualiricatioua for the running broad Jump are speed and elevation. I have seen Htnall men Jump as well us large ones, despite the fact that most of our champiutiH arc large men. Frank Iron of Chicago Ik a small man weaning- HO pounds, yet he la credited with 24 ft. It In. A. 11. Oatterxon stands six feet, weigh 180 pounds, and lum a rue. ord of 24 rt. 11 14 In. The main thine 1 to toe able to net the take-off wlui the amount of speod that will give tho greatest elevation. If one rung too fast jump upwxrd and forward with help from dim and Just im the Jumper m about to llKlit the feet Hhonld bu thrown forwurrt. This will aid greatly In the distance. When one Iihh iiiuh tered tho form II will not bo necessary to Jump more than three or four tlmo a day, but work with sprinter for xlieod. IiOXWJX, April ". (1'. I'.) Horse rueinj.', the Kngllshninn'H favorite sport, has begun and this mason prom lues to be a record ono. Tho pro-war standard o regard the number of horses In training ha not jet been atalned, but thtre. arc plenty of horses and another year or two should biing the t irf back to it oriKinal standard. Never were uch large ums uf money offered for blood clock as noiv and there are no sign of a slump. It was tho owner-breeder who Raved the elevation 1 saerlrlccd, or If too How!""" ,n w,c ,v,"r- "" rPW dlstan ce I sacrificed. 1 ePeptlon all bin breeder kept their After one ha the right distance IT "" J,h. ,hat "1' from the start to the take off he should I ,ne wn,m' -'n is neuer man practice Jumping: In tho air. Do nut try for distance. Thl will come Just as oon a the form 1 mntered. One nt the firat thing to be learned 1 to n't the take-off propertly. The easiest way I la atart at the take-off with the foot from- which you Jump and run ten at ride, place a mark there and another- t fifteen Mride and mark It. Then try a Jump by placing the op posite foot from the one you Jump off on the fifteen foot mrldcjiiark and hit tin; the ten foot strike murk fairly should bring; the Jumper wptarely on the take-off. Should you mlm it, inov. the mark backward or forward the dltance 1 was missed. The probabil ities are that you will not hit It the first time, but It will help greatly to ward giving a working; bust. The Jumper v ill find ns he Is itettl-.g in Condition that his stride will n"-y und the mark will have to be changf-4 accirc'lngly. Confidence in hitting; (lie t.ke-off will pnttly help In the lln-il result. To rbtaln the necessary he'prit a grviit many jumpers use a low hurdle a short distance from the take-off and practice jumping; over it so as ! get elevation 1 Th Jnii. Per rhould not run with all Breed lo the take-off. A point within two or three strides from the take-off shou'J e the distance of the greatest Wcd,r Cue uLiu tb.a-blimlt.and prepare for the spring. By running too fast to the take-oft the Jumper will not hava diffident time or too much speed to get the heuht. The result will be that he . will sk'm along the ground. A miKhl have been expected ltace-conrses are overcrowded and the executive are perplexed ns to how they can accommodate the thousands of people who now attend. Nowhere else In the world I horsc raclnif quite so "exciting'' as in Eng land. The raucous shouts of the book makers, the picturesque gipsies, the glare of color a the horses go fllttin past, the frock of the society dames In the grand stand, from the roof of which the "tlcktack" men send their mystic signs down to their colleagues In tho ring, the deftness of the three- card tricksters who reap a gulden har vest among the unwary, the frenzied shouting and stamping of the betters as the horse dash past the wining post all these things go to make an English race-course- one of those "sight" so dear to the hearts of tourists. 1PI0NSH1P WiLL REST !N STATE 0F!LUN0iSIN1921 Amateur Teams Are Led by 2 0utfit3 From Sucker State; Ruddy Makes 220 Record. CHICAGO. April 7. (A. I'.) The national water polo championship of the Amateur Athletic un.on will come to Chicago this year the result of the defeat In the preliminary inatcn es of tbc Olympic club of Han Fran cisco team, present champions, and the New York Athletic club sextet. The Illinois Athletic club team defeat ed the westerners. 7 to 4, und the Now Yorker went down before the Chica go Athletic, association, 7 to 3. The Ill'nols A. C. and Chicago A. A. team will meet In the finals tonight. Teams from both coast will play for third place. An American record of three min ute flat wan made In the National A. A. I.', swimming championships after the polo games, when Steve Huddy of the New York A. C, clipped one sec ond off the old mark for tho 224-yard breast stroke. m tiU '7 ' f . H kj 1L!J EASE THOSE TIRED, ACHING MUSCLES Outdoor and Indoor workers, sub ject to exposure or heavy toil, Cud reiki in Sloan's Liniment BEEJJ at work all day, standing on your fcct.lifting heavy weight?. And now you're all tired out. Kever mind ,'if you are wise you have a bottle of Sloan's on the shelf, at home ot in the bIiod. Put a little on, without rubUnf, ar.d quickly comc3 grateful warmth and relief. Good for rheumatic pains, neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago and the host of ex ternal pains that are all t!ie time com ing. ' Helps break up colds, tool It's comforting to hep it handy. Three sizes 35c, 70c, $1.10. SI Liniment MS yertenry Mile. Daunt Is setting Paris agog with ber Oriental danclpe;. She will soon come to America. SOLDIERS IS BEING CIIAMIMINK 1IITTIXG I1AHI. SACHA.MKXTO, Cal., April 7 (A. p.) The Vernon Tigers defeated Sacramento today, t to 0, and evened up the series. "Klim'' Love allowed the home players only three hits. ChadUoiirne starred with the bat, Retting; three doubles in as many times at bat. ter-colieiriate events here .Saturday. In the morning the California freshman ! and varsity crews row against the ' I'niverslty of Washington shells, at ilieaQS OI 'noon Stanford University's baseball I team meets the California nine and in ! 'itio .iflnfn.Htn tViA 111n nnri Clnlil lrnr.lt i ond field men compete against the Uirverslty of Michigan representatives. CAN IKK llKADI.UOK. CHICACO, April 7. (A. P.) "StranKler" Lewis. heavyweiRht wrestlinB champion, will be permitted to uso tho head-lock in his finish match here April 13 with Jim London, officials announced today. Londos re- All Soldier Relief Bureaus Favor General Idea of Consolidated Bureau. M.vrciiKs ark ciiosr:. PINICHl'KKT. X. C, April 7. (A. I.) Perry Adair of Atlanta, won s 19-hole match from James Stnndlrh. Jr., of Ik-trolt, In the first round of the north and south amateur Knit, nllamiil,.atill, CAtt.nn.1nt, nnA l..n Wells of Kast Liverpool. O., defeated j ousted that the hold be barred Harold Weber, of Toledo, one . up. , ....... .... Second round n.l h.. rw.trfrfflW 1 t'LiiVM... mllii.vAJ i, A, -.in,.. t u 'P.I Four of the Cleveland baseball and H. P". Mcrrlman, Frank n.ver and Arthur Yates, Perry Adair and George Mead and Joe Weils and Gardiner White. TII.DKX I1K.VIS UK HAItDSOX 1 I'lHLADELPHIA. April 7. ( A. P.) William T. Tilden II, world's sinsles lawn tennhi champion, defeated Vin cent Richards of New York. 6-4, 6-3. 6-3, In thcfirnl round of an Invita tion tourney yesterday. QUALITY SERVICE SANITATION Flavoring Extracts of all Kinds BEFORE YOU START TO BAKE THAT CAKE make sure you have ihe kind of flaverlng extract you need the kind the family likes the best. Our stock Is complete nnd comprises the hest known and purest quality obtainable. Don't take chances with cheapened, unreliable adulterated brands. The prices we charge are as low as can be, and we are sure . you will, be more than pleased w.th the quality and the results. Pendleton Trading Co. Phone 455 P.) Four of tho team are on the aW.ng list, accordinn to advices. Tho latest to join the hos pital ranks is Manafrer Tris Speaker, who was spiked in a game af Mobile WASHINGTON, April 7. (A. P.) Progress in solving the government's problem of caring for ex-service men, whether sick or disabled, or physical ly fit but having financial claims to be adjusied, was made today at the first meeting of President Harding's special commission, headed by Charles G. Dawes of Chicago. It was agreed that the administra tive machinery operating separately for soldiers' relief, should be consoli- In an exhibition doubles match, dated under one central authority, Kichards, paired w ith Wallace John- j ))rui,ably a new executive officer will son of Philadelphia, defeated Ti'uieo wou(j be responsible to the president and Curl Fischer, a University of! Heads of all soldier relief bureaus Pennsylvania star, o-3, 4-6, Monday. 10 REBl KKATTI.i: 1XSKS AGAIN" LOS ANGELKS, April 7. (A. P,.) LOS ANGELES, Cal., April 7- (A. Timely hitting enabled Los Angeles to ! P. I Francisco Villa, one time-Mexi-make it two straight from Seattle yes-lean revolutionary lead.-r, lias offered i lerday, by a score of 4 to 2. The home to renuild me city -or jiminez, wiium uil on the itame in the fourth ne neipea to wrecK curm? ins imnui-. successive hits. Car-'('ays. according to J. K. -tunny, aisii-o returned to I team inn nir wnn iour " . - -- -- ... .. .'sen-ice conuilctciy in cnarge ol un roll doubled to right center and scor- csn min.ng man wno nss - fl executive headi to the ed oiTGi iggs' single to right. Craw- Los Angeles after spendms a year " ' ' 'ulsioa o( all but soirtier work, ford singled to the same place. GrlgKslthe Mex.can state of purango. ' Kri d,er.General C. E. Sawyer said they favored the general idea of a consouuaieu wi vive uuicju. endorsement. Chairman Dawes said, pffrmlsed "qulc solution of theIrWy. Icm as it related to the general admin istration of aid for men alleged to have suffered under the system of di vided governmental responsibility. Among those who expressed genera' endorsement of the plan were Surgeon-General Cdming of the public health service; R. H. Hallett, acting director of the war risk bureau; am Cle Lamkin, director of the rehabili tation division of the federal board foi vocational education. Mr. Lamkin al so favored placing the public htaltr. aorvii-n rnmuletelv in charge of th SEE US Before You Buy WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT, AT THE PRICE YOU WANT TO PAY. Ladies Gauze Union, Several Styles, 49c Indies' Straw Hats $1.43 to $2.95 Ladies' Cotton Waists 98c Ladies' Gauze Vests 15c Ladies' White Shoes, Real Bargain $1.95 Ladies' Lisle Hose 33c THE HUB 40 Cash Stores 745 Main St Novel i I .-. .;.:'; - Ih . : J .-. :-:-. . -:: r K ' ' K f Almost Uabelievable You can hardly realize the wonderful im provement to yourakin and complexion your mirror will reveal to you osincGounud'sOrknial Cream for the first lima. Send 15c far Trial Sim FERD. T. HOPKINS at SON New York f. . r r-v 'JM.- -ip.il )- 'consolidated senlce Is Incorporated In fthe final report submitted to President i Harding- I taking third, and both scorea wneii Llndimnre singled to center. ACTIVK AT CALII'OIINIA. I1EIIKKLEY, Cal., April 7. (A, T.) Athletes of the University of Cali fornia compete in three Important in- At the Sign of a Son Ice l -If It's on the Market We Have It" MM Fordson Tractor Many Umatilla county farmers are using the Fordson for their spring plowing. With it they are able to pull a two-bottom plow anywhere, plowing on average of an acre an hour with a running expense of fifty cents an acre. Can you plow that cheap with your horses? Think of time, and to say nothing of the careing of these hoirses night and morning. A great many of these Fordsons are three years old and apparently going as strong as ever. Think the matter over carefully and remem ber if you are interested we will gladly demon strate on your own farm at our expense. Simpson Auto Co. Phone 408 Water and Johnson Sts. MRS. HAYDOGK SAVED FROM AN OPERATION Followed Advice of Her Druggist's Wife and Took I- c o- 1.1 . Vegetable Compound Chicago, 111. "I was in bed with a female trouble and inflammation and none of them 'id me W - " '"I T,v.d Thev all said 1 would have to have an operation. A druggist'. wife told me to take Lydia E. Pinkhum'B Vege table Compound and ill took' 22 Kitties, never missing auose and at the end oi" that time I was perfectly well. I have never had occasion to take it again as I have been so well. 1 have a six room, nat and do all my work. My two sisters are taking the Compound upon my rec ommendation and you may publish my letter. It is the gospel truth and I will write to any one who wants a personal letter."-Mrs. E. H. Haydock, 6824 St. Lawrence Avenue, Chicago Illinois. Because Lydia E. Pinkham s Vege table Compound saved Mrs. Haydock from an oiwration we cannot claim that all operations may be avoided by it, but many women have escaped opor ali in? by' the timely use of this old fash ioned root and herb medicine. Hardy said Villa Is living in pence on his 20i,000-Hcre ranch at Canutillo in Durango state. Mans' of Wis former lieutenants occupy small 'farms ad ioinini the Villa estate. The former bandit chief, in an effort to refrain his popularity, tho misinir man said, has offered to rebuild Jiminez and to spend J20,onn to improve the school system of Purral, another Mexican city. Villa, It. "was said, although pranted rmnesty by I'rcsident Alvaro Obregon, takes no chances with his life ano xoes about armed and accompanied by a body guard. . , Nnini'nl Temptation. "A feller down on the Fiddle Creek shot' his brother-in-law while out hunt'nK titther day," related a neigh bor. "Said he mistook him for a wild cat. or something: that--wnv." "Kh-yau!" return Gap jonnson oi Humpus liulse, Ark. "When a feller nets a loaded Kn In his hands tho temptation is powerful s;rong to mis take a bitither-ln-law for p'tu something." Judge. - - "on his royal donkey who appeared as the president's per sonal representtaive, eclarea em phatically that the public health ser vice should be retained an an entity a ..oo emnortril bv others of hu professjon. Cairman Dawes, however expressed the belief that this service could be placed under the one direct ing head without endangering public health. I It was stated authoritatively that I the commission would complete its in vestigation and present its recom I mendations to Present Harding b thA week end. The commission met in executive cxini tn consider testimony heard toil. TV. Dr. T. AV. Salmon of the Rockefeller Institute, told the committee one- v,.,f r.r ih irovprmnent's beds were . Edntt'AIkin, senior at North-, western University, turned in a Are alao at sunrise. When the girls la the dormitory assembled In their nighties, she announced ber engagement to D. C. Baldwin studont.at Garrett Biblical Iusti ,tute,' - unsuitable for tubercular cases. "We know there are 4tf0 such patients," he said, "and 5000 mental sufferers who are without treatment by the" gov ernment because they refuse toy go fn to charity and state institutions." The question of hospital fae'litics resulted in a request from T. W. Mil ler, alien property custodian, that Chairman Dawes amll the commission to ascertain whether it favored asking congress to increase its last appro priation of 600.000 and provide a permanent hospital building program. The question was unanimously endors ed, with the provision that the request be made in rase the agreement for a IPC WAFFLES Home made and served all day. Try our Merchants' Lunch between 11 and 2. Fresh Doughnuts Always WHITE'S DOUGHNUT LUNCH 123 W. Alta 9mm PARIS. April 7. (A. P.) France ! has lost approximately five and seven j tenths per cent of her population since the 1911 census, according to the early i returns of the 1S21 census, in a forth i of the population area. Including Paris land 18 departments,' three depart j ments showed a total gain of 40.000, i while 15 departments lost S 17,000. Paris was found to be almost stationary. . Catarrh Con Be Cured Catarrh is a local disease greatly Influ enced by constitutional conditions. It therefore requires constitutional treat ment. HALL'S CATARRH MKD1C1N8 Is taken internally and acta through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICIN13 destroys the foundation of the disease, gives the patient strangth by improving the general health and aaalats nature in doing Its work. All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, Pure Blood Is a necessity to health at all sea sons. No better time for blood cleansing than now. and 'he one true Spring Medicine is Hood's Sarsaparilla Oil 'A rf r The, Sultan of Egypt traveling to meet Lord Allenby He was all dressed UP In American clothe, but wore Egyptian headRear ant. carried an EypUan persuader When Grandmother Was a Girl HOOP skirts were worn by those who first asked the druggist for, and insisted on having, the genuine j Golden Medical Discovery put : up by Dr. Pierce over 50 years , I ago. Dress has changed very much since then! But Dr. Pierce's medicines contain the . I same dependable ingredients, j They are standard today just as j j they were fifty years ago and never contained alcohol. Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery for the stomach and blood cannot be surpassed by any Ionic and alterative today. When you feel "all out of sorts" your vitality at a low ebb the I blood becomes surcharged v im ; poisons! The best tonic is called j Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis ! covery. Dr. Pierce manufactured j this "Discovery" from roots and j barks without alcohol a cor : rot-tive remedy, the ingredients of which nature put in the fields and forests for keeping us healthy. It puts vim, vigor, vitality into ! the blood. , . . , i r .. in i T n1,,.l Try it. Auumgslsl3- -"iu,u or tablets. SHICHESTB? S PILL!? hr ,. TIIK DIAMOND BBAMa. A Tk tlir. Buy f rmnr f UlAAl-i-IP IIIL,U nuX " yccr. k nova Best. Saist.AiT a i-i IPSA ife if MAGNETOS GENERATORS ELECTRIC STARTERS Or any part of the electrlo system on your car overhauled and repaired. Satisfaction guar anteed. HARRY II. GRAHAM. Wlllard Service Station, Pendelton, Or. ' Phone 684. LETS GO! CONROY'S CASH GROCERY BEST BUTTER. LB. . 45c Spuds, best No. 1 Yakima Gems $1.73 Tomatoes, 2 cans 2-c Wessons Oil pint 33c, quart 63c, 1-2 gal $1.23 Snowdrift 4 lbs. 90c, 8 lbs. $1.73 Van Camps Soups, can 11c Pineapple, No. 2 1-2 tins, each 40c Macaroni, Sna;hetti and Noodles, 5 lb. box.. 60c Lard No. 5 each $1.23; No. 10 each $2JJ3