. PAGE THREE TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OMOOWIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, - TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 5, 1021. : Tllr 1 "Til News Notes of Pendleton CALENDAR OF EVENTS April 7 to 15 Annual Clean Vp week. Mar (County school Orato rical and Declamatory Content, at high school auditorium. May 7 County .echool track and field " meet at Hound-Up Park. May 81, June 1, 2 aiM 3 Mate Teacher Association convention. Mity 31, June 1 and 2 Bute convention of Oregon Federation1 of Women's clubs. September 22, 23, ,54 Annual Pendleton Round-t'p. BImi IJnUt Kxtvtuk-d. ' The limit on the size of packages ro be sent to Germany hue been extend ed from 11 pounds to 22 pounds, says Postmaster lister Cronln. "Muesgu tien" or love tfUta. of 11 pounds or Under, may be sent frW'of customs duty. A considerable amount of food atuffs Is shipped from here. Model on IWlay. t ' .-rour "Madam Halo" gowns, not for ante but displaying modes for making ti i- organdy dresses, are shown at The Crescent. The . girls of Pendleton high school u ro to be invited to the showing- with a view toward suggest ing Ideas for graduation dresses, HUx'UnM'ii Have McetliiK. ' Approximately 2746 cattle and horses will graze under the permit of the Camas and Hlilaway Mock nsso elation during the year 1921, su.vs J. C, Kuluis, Umatilla forest supervisor, who attended a meeting of the asso ciation yesterday at 1'llot Kock. Work for the coming year was discussed at the meeting and Charles Nelson was elocted president of the association, Fred Fletcher, vice president, and E. U Wright, secretary. Henry Lazinka, A. J. Ulll and Harry Whlttuker were chosen members of the advisory board. . Work In Begun, Work on the new addition to the American National Hank was begun yesterday and will add to the present quarters of the hank the old offices used by Curter A Bmythe. The re modeling will make possible a room fr the stenographers and remittance clerk, ft directors' room and supply room. The side entrance will be con tinued ami the new addition will 1 connected with the present nuarters by two large archways. New furnish Ings will be a feature and the three new rooms will bo ready for occu pancy about June 1. I . I Mrs. McKlmicy Oix-ratcd Ipon lira w iv Mik'lnn of Milton was operated upon at Bt. Anthony's hos pital this morning. Xew 1'lrr Truck lf-rc ' ' Tha flint flr truck recently pur chased by Pendleton Is now here but will not be unloaded until Thursday when an expert from the Campbell Fire Apparatus Co. arrives to take charge of turning the truck over to the city. i Improving Xorth 1-VirU I load. Mrs. H. 11. Forth Is In the clly to day from the north fork f McKay creek and reports road Improvement underway on the North Fork road This Is under the direction tit Lloyd Hay and Is the first work done on this road In four years. 2-101101101 101101 101101 101 101 I 2' 1 . EXTRA FANCY WINESAP APPLES Wrapped and Packed $2.65 per box. These are good sound apples and good late keepers. "WASTE LESS BUY THE BEST" Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. 301 East Court Street . PHONES "I0I Private Exchange Cofiiievta Ikith Drpartmenta, -101101 101 101101101 101 101 101 Small Fire Yesterday A small fire that did slight damage occurred yesterday at the' home of Kd Stickler, on Clay street. A pan In an oven caught fire and on being carried out set fire to a curtain. The curtain and walls were damaged to some ex tent but 'the fire was extinguished by Mr. stickler and no alarm was turned In. Gifts for The Graduate Now is the time to select your graduating gifts, even though it is early but while you can save money you can buy almost two articles for what you can buy one elsewhere and of the highest grade jewelry. We are sacrificing every article in our stock. Come in and get our prices. The largest stock of diamonds watches, clocks, jewelry,' pearls, it-ory cigarette cases, wrist watches, cut glass in eastern Oregon in which to make your se-, lection. " 1 DON'T DELAY COME NOW Every article carries our guarantee Hanscom's Jewelry Store Phone 329J Hotel Pendleton Block Meeting Is PolHinol ' The monthly meeting of the execu tive board of the Umatilla county lied Cross has been postponed from April 7 to April 12. This wua neces sary because the office must be moved temporarily from Its quai-terson the second floor to the third floor, because federal supreme court will have ses sions on the second floor and will use the Ked Cross office. ' Mlas Parker Arrives Miss Melllc Parker arrived yesterday to take up her duties as secretary to C. Harr, secretary of the Pendleton Com mercial Association. Miss Parker was formerly in the business office of the Astoria Budget and later with the Ar cady Press In Portland. She Is a grad uate of the University of Oregon and has friends among the Pendleton alumni of the college. Xew City Editor Arrive Joseph S. Harvey, new city editor of the East Orcgonlnn, arrived today from Twin' Falls, .Idaho where he had been serving as city editor of the Tw in Falls Times. Mr. Harvey also had newspaper experience at Peoria, 111., at Crawsfordsvllle, Ind., and Keokuk, Iowa. During the war he was first sergeant In Company C 152nd Infantry, a part of the Cyclone division overseas. Universal Coal and Vood Range BIG VALUE AT RIGHT PRICE WMITf MKUAIN JeUJHCH MCI MTCNTCO MUUSTA1U 1U01M OVEN MHPCR DRO DOOR t CHECK DAMPER . 6 il. -RW rUTE TOP UTtHTfO UfT MY rUT XH ; ' jp JjOOtrtlfOVDI Ml P0KEUIR Ut MUD CASTN. ITNv . 'W J"H,TE rDRCELAIH DOOR FR0RT X .... 1 I ..WIDE t, SHALLOW ; PRE SOX' CRAFT t POREI tOOR Jemovablc tunn (rates MACHINE FACED RC6ISTER DAMPER . SANITARY If RAH P0RCEIAIH FLUE LININ IEAVY ASBESTOS MILL BOARD HEAVY P0LISHCD. STEEL BODY i!Z'' ' . OVEN BOOR LINING 3 .,,v-----wtv1 TRIBUTE UNIVERSAL """" ,5 m'i2$ -vjl - A FULL LINE OF COMBINATION RANGES BURNING GAS, COAL OR WOOD County Men In List Two Umatilla men are among the Oregon men who were awarded distin guished service crosses, according to a list Just compiled by (ieorge A. White, adjutant general. They are Dr. Fred Ueuallen, of Pendleton, .who served as a captain in the medical corps, and HHjrsey Dakln, of Freewater. who serv. ed as a corporal In the first gas regi ment. The total number In the state Is 187 but a few later awards of the cross may also he located, according to the report. y ' Will Take Motor Off. Though no official announcement has yet been made on the subject It is known locally that the O.-W. K. & N. Co. plan to discontinue, the Umatilla Pendleton motor car, probably at the end of this week, it Is reported that the car has been losing money for sev eral months and there Is also a pos sibility that the Walla Walla-Pendleton local may be taken off because of lack of business, it Is the Intention of the manager of the Pendleton Umatilla motor stage line to change the afternoon schedule so as to have a car leaving- here at 4 p. m. This car will be able to care for those who would otherwise have used the motor. The Fast Oregonlan will be taken to the west end towns ou this stage and will hence arrive In the west end earlier than at present. Use the Phones Grocery, Two Phones 525 Other Depts. 78 and 79 QUALITY SERVICE. PENULfcTOS'S IFADISQ "TORE Use the Phones Grocery, Two Phones 523 Othiir Depts. 78 and 79 V 3 ' i!v : if'-' : Hit Clothes For ' Open . Now that you have left off your overcoat, you feel the need of a suit, that will give you that comfort of body, and appearance; such as you will only find in suits like these; built to the swing and body move ment of the healthy man, -with ample form and smart lines in the true tailoring of this season's styles. - $40 to $65 Other makes of men's fine clothes $25.00 and up. v TAILORED AT PASHIOK PARK JUDGE LOWELL SPEAKS ATP. I. A. : i OTHER NEWS OF THIS DEPARTMENT ON PAGE 5 The Needless Misery That Women Bear WHEN the cares and the worries of everyday life have drasr- ired you down. made you un-5 happy, and i there is nothing in-life but headache, back ache and worry, turn to the right prescrip tion, one gotten up by Doctor Pierce over fifty years ago. Dr. Pierce, of Huffalo, N. Y.. long since found out what is naturally best for wom en's diseases. He learned it all thru treat ing: thousands of canes. Th result of his studies was a medicine called Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This medicine is made of vege table growths that nature surely intented for backache, headache, weakening pains, and for many disorders common to women in all ages of life. Sold by druggists in tablet and liquid form. Send Dr. Pierce 10c for trial package. Universal Stoves & furnaces (I-i-ist Oregonlan Special.) ADAMS, Ore., April 6. A parent- teacher gathering took place In the city hall on Friday evening. The peo ple began to gather at 6:30 as a good supper was served at that time. The refreshment committee were Mrs. L. L. Ueuallen, Mrs. II. Larabee, Mrs. Carl Christian, Mrs. Otis Lleuallcn. MrB. Charles Dtipuis, Mrs. Charles Rhatz, Wilma Boyer, Hazel AnRler, Ila Blake, Lora and Bertha McFhrland, Doris Ueuallen, Helen Boyer, Myrtle Corley, Irene Dupuls and Myrtle Car mine. A hi rife attendance was present for supper after which Judfrp S. A Lowell of Tendlclon gave a talk. Mr. and Mis. Wallace Nelson and son MarshHl of Toppcnlsh aro the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Martinis. Hob Payne was in Pendleton Fri day. Charley Henter of Milton motored ihroiiKh Adams today on his way to Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hales motored to Pendleton Saturday. - - " Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bunch were the guests of Mrs. J. G. Bunch Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stone motored to Adams today to do some" shopping.' John Pierce drove to Adams today to do some shopping. Roll Morrison, Frankie Dames and WINS BIBLE PRIZE 1 J r 7 ; J Nsk : Bennr Maburon of Terre Haute. Ind., found 411 proper names In ilhe Bible beg In a I nx with "A" and thereby won a prise ottered by tho' vnlunleer ot America. ' Joe Brunt motored to Adams today from the Morrison ranch near town. Mrs. Henry Hunch, Mrs. Lam birth Clark and Mrs. 1 K, Bunch were the guests of Mr. Bunch today. Miss Helen Blake of Pendleton high school, spent Sunday at home In Ad ams. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krebs and Mrs. Simonton motored to the city of Pen dleton Saturday. Mrs. F. M. Whjteley was a business visitor in Pendleton today. Mr. and Mrs. IV L. Lieuallen and daughter, Dena and Dorisi motored to Pendleton Saturday. Mrs. Crafton Doari of Meacham, Is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Joe Dames. , Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dupuls and daughter, motored to Adams today. Mrs. Grank VVallan and son Nor man and daughter Ina of Washington, aro the guests of her father. Mr.' Ow ens, of Adams, for a short time. The Adams high school is going on a botany hunt Wednesday. They will motor to Cayuse. Those In the party are Wilma and Heyen Boyer, Hazel Angler, Clarence, Power, Francis Lleu allcn, Mu ret Watrus, Hoy Marlow and Prof. Graylofi", who will be the chap erone. - - Will Rigby of Pendleton, 'tax asses sor, was In Adams Wednesday, assess ing the Adams property. .Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Smith of Wes ton, were in Adams Wednesday on business. .: Mrs. Lesto and Mrs. Simonton went out to the Wallan ranch Wednesday nnd were the guests for the day of Mrs, Jane Wallan. John Jordan of Pendleton was in Adams Wednesday. Church services were held in the BaVtist church Sunday. Sunday school at 10 a. til., with 60 In attendance preaching at 11 a. m.; young peo pies at 6:30 p. m. and preaching at 7:30. p, m. by Rev. Luther. Monday at 7:Sfl Is the election ot church and Sunday school officers. Prayer meet Ing at T p. m. followed by choir prac tice.. The young peoples business meeting and social will lo held on Saturday at 7:30 at the home of Mrs. Jack Mayberry. Mrs. Ralph Wallan and Mrs. Jane Wallan motored to Adams Monday to do some shopping. Reverend Luther Is quite busy now planting spring garden for summer and fall use. ; Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Morrison and son Roland and daughters Gwendoline and Roberta, motored, to Tendleton Saturday.. Miss Geraldine Morrison. Roll Mor rison and John Hales attended the Pendleton high school junior prom last Friday evening. Jack Mayberry has moved his ga rage from the M. K. parsonage to his own place. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Lieuallen were the guests of Mr.' and Mrs. Otis Lieu allen today. UMKP IULLS HCSBAXn. DBXA Elt, April 5. (U. P.) Grief over the loss of his S7 year old wife caused the fleath of Camillo Tate. 103. Denver's oldest resident. Tate's wife died Thursday. They were mar ried 67 years. . 1Ir-Ixmvr. Cattle Higher. SEATTLE, April 0. (A. P.) Hogs Receipts 620. Lower. Prime 11 11.65; smooth heavies lOfHl; rough increase in business failures was Cattle Receipts 761. Stronger. Prime steers 7.76 6 8.25; medium to choice 4.50 f.50; common to good HfrS: bulls 4.505.50; calves, light.' 10.50 if 12.00; heavy 6.00 to 7. bonded grain shows the following changes: Wheat decreased 1,298,000 bushels. Corn Increased 928,000 bushels. Oats decreased 827.000 bushels. Rye increased 189.000 bushels. Barley increased 63,000, bushels. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY XoUcc . Persons loosing 34x4 tires report to sheriff's office by Friday. WANTED Children to take care of good hximo and best of care taken Thone 36 9-J. FOR RUNT 4 unfurnished rooms Phone 204-R. " XoUcc Anyone that has lost .or has had stolen a 9x13 Eagle Brand tent and 2 halters, Inquire at the sheriff's of fice. 1 Wheat Supply 1m Decreased. f.'EV YORK, April The visible supply of 5. (A. American Po und Xotk M. W. of A. Neighbors uf Tutullla Camp will meet at Pendleton Hotel at 4:30 P- m. for trip to Milton to attend County Camp,. April . Car for all who wish, to go. ven candidates for regular session April 7. vijefreshments. By Order WM. ANDERSON. Council. UK201DS (Tablets or Granules) INDIGESTION With or without watr , ltMuant to tka. QUICK RELIEF! Price, 25-50-75 NADS Br SCOTT MWNI MAKERS OP SCOTT'S EMULSION FISH, CANNED Jockey Club Sardines Each 45c Marie Elizabeth Sardines, each 45c Booth Sardines in mus ' tard, tomato sauce or . spiced, each 45c Maine Queen Sardines, each 10c Ocean Minced Clams, each 20c OLIVES Curtis ripe blue can, pints each 35c Curtis Ripe red can, pints, each 50c Bizet Queen Olives, 22 oz. bottle, each....85c Bizet Stuffed Olives, 12 1-2 oz. bottle, ea. 75c FRUIT, CANNED Nippin Apricots or Peaches, 3 for $1.00 Royal Club Peeled Apricots, each 50c Panama Sliced Pineapple, each 45c Tiger Lily Yellow Egg Plum, 3 for ....$1.00 CHEESE Roquefort, per lb $2.00 Limberger, per lb.........50c Extra fine Cream Brick, per lb 60c Imported Swiss, per pound $1.25 Domestic Swiss, per pound 65c XXXX BRAND EVAPORATED MILK. For Cooking Per can ....1 - 'PS Per dozen ' - 'Vk Per case 4-40