PAGE TEN DAILY EAST ORECSONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 6, 1921. TEN PAGES' DAILY MARKET NEWS, LOCAL AND GENERAL Including Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports te-vc-2rrr,- IUIiih IIM IWrioi " t closed unsettled nt M net, decline lltaim Vlmt ' " like advance, with .May 1.38 to CinCACiO, April (A. J'.) r.ain.j , Svli " J,ll' ,-15- CoTn finished , , ,, . . , . ; uiK liHtiBi-d to 3-S httiher ami oats d. th, wt ..ul w.utlmfst hue! t.r.,Kilnp)1 t. to H, Jn ,,rovil(lim8 lh(, th Influence on wheal yesterday, but omo,,nu, a setback of f, to TOO. Ih effect was nearly roiintcrhnlana d by libera! export btcwiiioHt. The mar- j At first most wheat traders nppar- THE OLD HOMETOWN. T,.ii,.iI,ui,i i, ..UN.. .. iIim,,,,;, o a JOC HULK WHO WENT SOUTH FOR A TRY OUT WITH A Bf LEAGUB BASE BALL TEAM RETURNED HOME EARLY TODAY. Insist On Yourself .Do not lean on sczneone, depend on your self. Be your own master. Do that partic ular task which you set out to perform bet ter than anyone else could pessibly do. - . There is a way." Your account is invited. Hie AmerxanKiiional Bank" Peadlefoo., Oregon, 'Strongest Sank in Gaston Oregon" 5 iMTiinriiaift mm i t t 1 I I K Sttirt each day com pletely refreshed renewed in mind and body. Get a sleeping outfit that makes your sleep comfortable rtfuL. r.'. In addition to a complete line of high grade mattres ses, beds and bedroom fur niture, we have that na tionally advertised, guar anteed bedspring the JNfiN Sabes Spring, Bacaose ct the Way patented EyP-g construction, there u no aaesrina ft y 'i : -t'.t i. i r 7 jjr" OvcupaoU do not roil to center. lip v t 'W " ... -7 . - I 1 n I W J i. s- the rsd stripe : - J - : . , i ViliSvV M Cruikshank f Hampton "Quality Counts" 124-28 E Webb Phone 548 Vow (Md lAirnttnre Takrn in l:triuis a Part Payment on Xptr emly were Inclineit to bellevee In a rli. Ing market on the. rioiiiuI that all known bearish faetore Jiad been dls eminteil nnj that a renTly wag due. he came word of rainy weather In NetiruMka and Kansng, together w;lth prediotiona of moisture throiighiuil moat lure throughout most of the win ter -wheat belt. As crop proapectM were thus materially improved; tin In crease of (celling pressure soon became apiMirent, especially in the July deliv ery. Afterward, however", it was esti mated that 2,000,000 bushels of wheat. i"0,000 bushels of rye and 20.000 bar rels of flour had In-en taken for export. J.allies followed but during later dc;'.liiiffy the May option in particular allowed, comparative strenath. Corn and oats were guided largely ! wheat. A persistent rural demand for small lots of corn was noted. Lilieral increase" of western stocks of meats and lard tended to deprive the provision market of support. OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE ItlK Cat do shipments To Kansas lily. KANSAS CITY. JIo.. April 5. (A. P.) Cattle Ileeelpt.i 13,200; heavy beef steers steady; others steady to 2D hiKher; top 9.15: bulk StiiS.TS; Colo rados, 8.50 s.15; she stock and calvea steady to strong; spots higher; yearling heifers, 8.60; best cows, 7; top calvea to killers 8.00; stock calves higher; good kinds 8.25; canners and bulls steady; canners generally .12 to 2.2.'i: ctockers and feeders steady to 23c higher; several loads heavy feed ers 9 . Sheep Receipts 10.000; slow; lambs lOttloc lower; top 9.10. Want Cut In K'xMrt ;rain Hale. WASHINGTON. April 5. (A. p.) Readjustment of cxporL.rates on min and grain products carrying a reduc tion of three cents east of Chicago as recommended to the railroads today by the interstate commerce commis sion. The commission recomendations covered a general " rendiustmon rf grain and grain products rates and were outlined in a letter sent repre sentatives of the roads by W. V. Hard ie, director of traffic After consideration nf tha .ctnott.,- and with the approval of Chairman Clark of the interstate commerce com mission. Mr. Hardlne stated - there was no objection to readjustment of rates as follows: A reduction of three Chicago. . - t n " - "S ' KAV A . -"-f SMOKe even erT K price and Wage reductions are Inev itable. Inconspicuous specialties were backward. Passing of the American Beet Sugar common dividend seemed to have been discounted by last week's reversal. A marked change for the belter came In the ,last hour, prices rallying one to two points as shorts covered on the 4 1-2 per cent call money rate-in the open market, although six per cent was the lowest rate quoted on the exchange. Sales 535.000 shares. Rates on London were fairly steady and tho Paris rate reacted only mod erately. 1 vriviix;k WUJi not ivb wiouiT.Tn' Anril 5. Japanese, Chinese and otheV aliens not eligible to citizenship In the United states were held today by the department of labor to be excluded from the privil eges granted men who served in the military forces during the war of tak inK out. full citiienshlp papers after twov years' residence In the country. , - WON MY TOE . IIOIJ'S SIOUS CITY, a D-.cpcETAOIN ETA Biors FALLS, S. D., April 5. (A. p.) Using toe holds, Charles Hanson, heavs weight wrestler of thin city, won twn nut of three falls from. Charles Cutler of Chicago, in 42 and 24 min utes, in their match last night. . cutler won the first fall In 12 minutes, using the jacknife nnd scissors hold- Shingles and Lntlis Itcduo-d in 1-riee. SPOKANE Wash. Anril K 1 v Reduction of 75c a thousand for shingles and 11 a thousand for laths was announced bv retail lumher Haul ers of Spokane yesterday "The reduction is general with all retail dealers," said Andrew McCuaitr manager of the Exchange Lumber Co., today. Shingles were reduced from J4.25 a thousand to 13.50 and laths from 10 a thousand to J 9. The reductions become effective immediately." Snow Hurts iiVT California Krit. ' SAN' BERNARDINO, Cal., April 5. (A. P.) Deciduous fruit growers rear that serious frost damage mayl follow the clearing of Monday night's! storm which left from four inches to j a foot of snow in the San Bernardino- mountains. Temperature dropped to 24 in the Oak Glen region and. did se rious damage to the young apple crop. Stock .Market lt Reactionary. , NEW YORK, April 5. The stock market yesterday resumed its reac tionary and Iugglsh course, several leaders breaking into new low ground. The stronger bank position, as dis closed by the higher ratio of gold re serves held by federal reserve institu tions and a comprehensive survey of business conditions indicating an in crease of production, evidently were not regarded as strong factors. Steels, equipments and related shares yielded to pressure, probably because of an increasing belief that NEXT WEEK IS PAIGE Demonstration Week HAVE A RIDE IN ONE OF OUR NEW 1921 MODELS V ' 0. E. MUM AUTO CO. Phone k46 WE DO PAINTING , -Alta and Cottonwood Streets THE STORE THAT SERVES YOU V rHIE BEST and that store is this store, because our goods are ' . v j , ; v. . . ' SANITARY " . ' . HIGH GRADE -LOW PRICED One order will convince you. The- YfF?; aamiaryKrr The Most in Value 221 East Court St. Phone 871 ocery The Best in Quality vtNGAGED 1 1 , ltK "m .JlJ V'- Princess Margaret of Denmark, (shown a bore) has been reported epgaged to the Prince ot Wsles many times. Apparently the re ports were "exaggerated," as an nouncement has. just been made of ber engage-neat to wed Prince t ene of Boopoo Jbejo ? run your old plow when you can get a new j Vulcan 3-Basf Gang Plow ? For 13aOQ) This is only" a limited stock and .'this ; exceptional ; value should be investigated at your earliest oppor- tunity. A complete stock of parts always available. Sturgis & Storie Pendleton WaUa Walla Why Experiment YOUR NEIGHBOR WILL TELL YOU THAT "PEACOCK' HAS NO EQUAL. OTHERS HAVE SEEN THE FALLACY OF BUYING COAL WITH OUT A NAME. SAY ittK Quality THE COAL WITH NO REGRETS Phone 178 1 Sm y the-Lonergan Co: Quantity ServiCQ ceuthted pl'lvlic accountants " "- ' and tile income tax co, ' , ' , . : s J' Announce the opening of an office in PENDLETON, ORE. ..' ) V '?; at'-'- ' '' :' -v-'-112 EAST COURT STREET' ; ? : - ; - J ' Telephone 1003 G. J. PERRY, Resident Manager OFFICES AT ( : ' Ptwtdtetoii, Ore, ; ; Portland, Ore, Spokane, WnMu AGENCIES AT Seattle, Wash." t' I San tVancisco, Cal. ' Wnlla WalliT Waffle , ; I-tis AwrclcH, cl. s Astoria, pi. f t Salt Iko City, Utah "Shop" for the Dealer As Vell as the AutoJ v ' " If yoij could get a 10 per cent reduction of tho prlco of the car you want by going a block farther down tho street,, you would be inclined to go to that much trouble. ' Do you know that the actual Intrinsic value of ,tho Ber vlce and responsibility that a good dealer can put into any car ho sells Is often worth more than 10 per cent of the ear ' cost, In the first season? t ; It Isn't tho price of the car so much as it Is the porform ' ance of the car, and that depends much on the man who aells it to you. x BUI GK Oregon Motor Garage BUICK, CADILLAC AND CHEVROLET Phone 468 CM--