rAG?. FIVE TEN PAGES . DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH .11.1021. COULD HOT People Here and There (EEP HOUSE Mr. and Mm. II. W. Dubya" of t-efia nre vialtlntr In I'ondloton. Robert Bond In In town from the Bond Bron. ranch nenr ITJiluh. Herbert lloylen, well known h1ici. limn, Ih in town today from Pilot Hock, I'ut UmiTKini 1m tlrlvtutr to Wnlta-biii-B today, belli called by tome ibv liiK work proponed lu thnt nociIoii. to linker and by ten in or on foot over the mountain. Cloorge Ollniorc, former I'endleton new'Kpiiper man, arrived yeHterdny from the I .a Pine country In Centrul Oreson where he had been riiKticatluK for two monllm. He Ih en route to Nampa to take a poHltlon on a ncwr paper in that town. Having opened an office In Pendle-', ton yesterday, W. D.Vhltcnml of the, occnunttnif firm of Whitfield. Whit-1 comb & Co., went to Walla Walla thlm mornliiK on biwinesH connerled with j ths company'! office there. Though he linn been told he will hnvo to prmh throiiRh nix feet of iinow to rouch the Buffalo mine in Urnnt county, N. Berkeley In leaving for the mine thU evening. He Boca from here NEWS OF THE COUNTY OFFICES AND OFFICERS Will 1'nlitt County lYncc ; Tno county court him rniiRht iiie clean up spirit lu Pendleton and in line iDaddy of Big League Hurlers L - J- s- If V: ' ' I i 1 ' fiS 3L- 51 Bab (Charles B ) Adam of the Plttaburj Pirate' bnrlln quad. Is the oldest bearer In Ih big leaguei both In ream and in aenrlce. Babe'll be 38 In May and he hat cen 11 full seasons In the major ranks. Vet. he atl" fled he's as fresh as erer this year and will be able to lead Na tional League batsmen through a heap of worry during the 1(21 schedule. . Adams has a farm near St. Jo seph, Mo., and spends his winters there. PHONE FOUR-O-NINE FOR BETTER QUALITY In Buying 0 S ( ' o 2 O -Your daily needs from this store, you will find that the Economy Grocery is in the lead in giving bet- ter Merchandise, better service, more for your Ameri- 2 can Dollar than you can invest that dollar for else- S m where. Try a few orders from us. We ask YOU to be the judge. V , ' 2 The Economy Grocery Phone 409 - 113 W.Webb St PHONE FOUR-O-NINE FOR BETTER SERVICE TONIGHT'. 1 1HI OF OUI GIRL'S GLEE In Concert I Higli School Auditorium u in- -i ADMISSION, 50c, 75c, $1.00 ( with the r;inipuln hiTe Ih iilamilna to havu the fence around (lie court hunke Iialnled. County prlHonurx will be iifl od for the ft-ork. Hlicrlff in (t i:l. i'heillf octh Hiiuwt la In the west end of the counly today serving; n- Kat I'juX Oiuphi to Vfl. A nutrrlHKe license wa lusued to day to V. tfcAlfcn Wilson and Delia rhlllppl, both rcKjilents of Umaplnc. Athiiia Knit IltnilKHcd Hy order of Circuit 'helps the cne o verHUH J. 1. fpoi misned. i tit R. ntfOKlc JudK O, W. A.' Thompson has been dix- Judno I'lu-lpa to llcppncr. Judso O. W. Phelps is liavintt for Heppner tomorrow morning and In not scheduled to be "back in Pendleton jntll Monday. .Money In Coyole KklnA J. 1. AliCuiloiiKh will have"j"5 In county hioncy soon as a reward for RendJnic 23 coyote jiup skins to the court hnuve today. A bonus of 13 per head is puid for xlaURhtcred coyotes. Held for tarwiy. . Harry Wallace was brought to the county Jail today from Athena on a committment to the grand Jurj; by Judge II. R. ft'chardn, Athena Justice of the peace. The prisoner ts charged with larceny of a dwelling. HiihImiih! I)wr1- Hit. Married at Hi-attle November ' IS 191S, Florence llatlfcld is suIiik for divorce from John J. Hatfield and al leges desertion as caune for such ac Hon. The complaint in the case was filed by Attorney J. H. l'erry V::' A" . Charles ChapUn in a scene ftom) "THE KID" AKC.ADK 'itiA , After Auto Tbk-f. Deputy Hhc-rlff Spears Is nt Atlalla today to nsaiHt a Waahlniiton officer In taking two men who are rhann.-d with stealing an auto. The men were on the WflHhinptun side and It is nac exsary to bare a Umatilla county -offi. cer to niukii ths arrest. Tax Money Available. The towns and' school districts of L." nun ilia county are being given their reiipective portions of 'Jix money from $ll,6t3.15tum over from the sher iff to the county trcasurei. The city of Pendleton draws Die sum ol $6151.- 78 from the turn over and the local school district Rets J SC63.9 1. Boys MnX lfnvp WivnNca Within the lust few days a number of local boys between 14 and 18 years of ape have taken out the special fish Inir and hunting licenses required of fcoys of such age before they can fish or hunt. ICach license costs 11,50. Girls are not required to have licenses In order to hunt or fish. 11 Want CitJn-ludii. On April 4 a naturalization' court .Mission will be held by Judge G. W. 1'helps for the purpose of passing on the citizenship applications of 11. Those asking citizenship papers are Gnstave Adolph Muller, a German; I'eter Caranto, a Greek; Sylvia Dasil va, a PortUKucse; John McPhail, an cngiisnman; KrotiericK A. Tracey, an Kntfllshman; Charles f. Girl an Irish man: Hcnv Salvatore Tardis. an Italian: Carl El-!s nen Bwanson. a Swede and Fred Wallers, a Swiss. NO WORD HAS BEEN - - RECEIVED FROM MAN MAKING LONG FLIGHT CrtAXD FOISKS, X. D., March 31. (A. f.) No word had been rcceiyoo late last nlsht from John M. Larsen, Xnw York airplane manufacturer, who left here' Tuesday for Fort Norman MacKenzle Basin, with Edmonton, Al berta, us his first scheduled landing plat. He is making the trip accom panied by a pilot and a mechanician lu an all metal monoplane. linmerlately before leaving here he made arrangements to wnd word from Cdmorton on his arrival theresched uled last Tuesday. , CAKDINAI.S JTXKUAD (Continued from page 1.) Dressed in his purple robes, his archbishop's mitre upon his head sn.1 a criclfix clapped In his gloved hands. iay the American, born of simple Irish immigrants, who by his own efforts rose to be a pKnce of the church. Liist nicht the silence of the cathe dral was broken by ch intins of sert.i narians and iliaccsan clergy as the of fice of the dead was Bung. Presiinq was Bishop O. B. Corrigan, vicar-Rcn-eral of the diocese. Tho ceremony was attended by church dipnitariss and lay delegates from all parts of the United States and Canada. . New Cardinal Anticipated. ROME, March 21. In Vatican cir cles the belief prevails th.it another American cardinal will be appointed in a ihort time, the dcith of Cardinal Glhbons aCain hnvinar reduced the Without Lydia E. Pinkham' Vegetable Compound, Says Mrs. Pitts of Newburgh Newburgh, N. Y. "My trouble was a weak back and I could not walk two blocks withoutbeing tired out. 1 read of Lydia E. I'inkham'u Vegetable Com pound in a newspaper and decided to give its trial. Now lean do my own work and walk with ease, I always keep the Vegetable Com pound in the house. It certainly is my best friend and I eephc recommended it to many and always shall. You niav use this letter if you wish. "-Mrs. Edwuid Pitts, 2 High St., Newburgh, N. Y. It has been said that "backache is an invention of the Evil One to try women's souls," but even so, it is more often a symptom of a female trouble which sooner or later declares itself. Day after day it drags a woman down and night after nipht prevents restful sleep. Such woman should follow Mrs. Pitt's adv ice and try Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound, and regain health. Letters about your health will be given careful attention and held in strict confi dence if you write to Lydia E. Pinkham MedicineCo., Lynn, Mass. Theirexperi ence of over 40 years is at your service. Our Prices On China The new prices on china will mean a decid ed saving to you. Our stock is complete and we know our prices are right or elf e we would not ask you to" make a comparison. Pendleton ure The Largest Diamond Dealer In IstcrD Oregon. RUErVJATCHES American cardinals to two. Tope Henedict is declared r-ve the in tention of f jllowinK the pre edent set by Pius X In 1911 of having three car dinals in the I'liiled Slates. Naturally ihe speculation has brought numerous ntmes of prelates; to t!i fore. Arnon? tbest- names are those of Archbishop Jluni.lein of Chi cago and .rohliisjiop Hayes of New York. Some persons also are suffRest llik the Alunt liev. f-;. J. Haiina, arch bishop of San Francisco. A SAI'i: TIXT For those who are in need of a rem edy for kidney troubles and backache, it is a good plan to try Doan's Kidney J'ills. They arc strongly recommend ed by I'endleton people. Ask your i.elchbor: Mrs. J. B. Jacolw, 300 E. Bluff Ft., Pendleton, says: "I could never Hpen! too hiithly of Doan's Kidney Pills nr.K I have never found anything their equal when I bavo needed to take a kidney medicine. Whenever I took cold it settled on my kidneys and caus ed my back to ache so badly. I could hardly get around. I had dizzy spells and headaches. After I took Doan's Kidney Tills for a few days, all the trouble was removed and in every j way I felt as well and strong as ever The-above statement was tfiven May 17, 1916, and on June 17, 190, Mrs. Jacob's added: "Since endorsing Doan's Kidney Pills in 1916 I haven't noticed any of the kidney complaint of. t irivn them credit for curing: me. I gladly confirm my this time." 60c, at all dealers. Po., Mfrs.. Buffalo, N former statement at Foster-Milburn i Y. Emll Dohnert, a German; 1 , ROBERTSON OF CONDON IS APPOINTED OREGON STATE BANK EXAMINER SALEM. Ore.j,laroh $1.-A. P.) State Senator O. H. Kobertson of Con don, was today appointed state bank examiner by Frank C. Itramwell, superintendent of banks, and the ap pointment was confirmed by the state banking- board. In accepting the of fice, Robertson will automatically re linquish tho office 'of state senator under a statute that' prohibits the holding- of more 'than one lucrative state office by one person. warrens M House NEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON i i :, . Heport Arrivies Karliey,' ' -- The Chicago grain market report is now received an hour- earlier by the Overbeck St Cooke office than former ly. The report Is now received at 10:- 5 a. in. Instead of at 11:15 a. nv The uiiice opens at o a. m. msteaa oi ac t a .m. ' Whole CHinty In Team You may not know it but you are a contestant in the bijr magpie, crow, hawk shooting tournament which is to be held starting Sunday April 3 and closing Sunday evening April 10. By arrangement between the" two team captains Guy Myrlek and J. H. Estea, The Wyrtck team Includes all people In th,e county living west of Main street In Pendleton while tho Estes team Includes all living east of Main street. The whole county is in the team. For crows two points are to be allowed: magpies three points and for hawks, five points. In each town there will be a man to certify as to the kill made by the shooters in that vicinity. ijodv or rrcxDLKrov sot.onjt (Continued from pass 1.) m., on said day In honor and in mem ory of the lato Frank Sheldon Clrlon. , . Hero Hum Citation Young I'lrlcJi lost his life while serV- ing in the Sudan sector with the Fifth Marines. His father, Frank t'lrlch, and brother-. Knife I'lrlch. survive him Thev recently received from the War Department five citations honorlng the local Marine, among them a French decoration, n. French memorial dl ploma, nnd three citations from the United Stales government. M Wor pop SL85 Sally Medjcy' Fbx Trot. .... .Joseph C. Smith Orchestra I-aidy Billy Medley los. Trot .Joseph S. Smith's OrclK-stra 85c Hose Nightingale Medley Vox Trot . .'. . r. . AH Star Trio Tlj Toi Medley One Step. .Joseph C. Smith's Orcliestra R.-ic ISriclit Eyes Medley Vox Trot Piuil WliiU-man Orchestra Ixive Iiinl Medley Fox Trot. .Paul Wlillcnmii Orchestra SSc I Nmer Knew Vtn Tro I'nul Wlilleman Orclicsira JH You Kvcr Think of Me Medley Fox Trot ' I'anl Wliltenian On lu-stnv 8."e Home Again nliu-s Mfdlcy Fox Trot " Original I)ixi Jazs x Trot. 3- Cruzy Blues $1.50 Alda Alda ..... $1.00 H-Mi-a-l!c Baby Mine Mammy lK-ar 85c Carry Your Croi.it Vitli a Smile. Tell Mo the Story of Jesus 85o My Mammy Bond . .Origntal Dixie Jazz Bnml . . . . . .Lucy Isalx-llo Mnrsli . . . . .-.I.iK-y 'isa belle Jlursli ': lisle Baker Flsle Baker . .iHoincr Itodcliettver . .Ilomor HiMloliaver , . . . lV-riess Quartet J. C. Penney Co., A "Nation-Wide Institstion Mill Shipment Ainoskeag Dress GINGHAMS 19c Yard Shipping these fine dress ginghams direct from the mills gives you the very best pat terns put out by the Amoskeag Manufactur ing Co. Our buyers right on the ground have se lected only the most attractive patterns and colors for spring frocks. You will not find a single design that is not really attractive. Every woman knows the quality of this famous brand. It's the standard by which other ginghams "just as good" are compared. The Amoskeag label insures the best quality, look for it when you buy. ' Beautiful checks, plaids and stripes, full 27 inches wide. YARD 19c n-uiA- Ji.s. , - 0 J. C. Penney Co., A Nation-Wide Institution Viulcincatli llawnilan Skies. AllM-rt Canip'ell-lleiiry Burr 85o Ixok for the Silver IJniiur.Enna Brtra n-ClinrU-s llnrristm Wamlcriiig Home Helen Clark-Chnrles Hurt 85c She (lives Tlicm All the Ha! Ha! Ha!. Billy Murray Stop, Locfcf, Listen! .. .American yunrtct It. 1.. . . . .Sophie Brnslnii .... Knrleo t'nrHsi .AlfriHl CUirtot .tiilscpe IH) liioit . . Bcitlnmlno Olcll Jlomcr-MIss Louise Hoiiht sua $1.25 lust a Little House, of Ixive. , $1.75 Serena ta . . .' St. Hungarian Bhapsody X. 2, $1.2.1 lV'au Sair $1.25 tiioconda CIclo-e-Mar . . . $1.50 Oh Moaning Land. i . . .Mine. $1.50 o, Ccasei Thy S'ughig. Maiden Fair. .MiCormack-Kivi.slcr SI.T3 Sumsuii et Dallla Bnccl.anuU'. . .IHilhulclplila Orchestra $1.2(1 Study front "Die flitldreira Corner" nachnianinoff $1.25 Muniisterio ' .'. Tttta Buffo $l.75Tl,c. Mwliant t Venleo Soiliem-Mnrlow I,7.V (;nginrda Toscanltil anil la Stiln Ort-li-stra $1.25 M-ivimdt- . '. Kfivm y.lnilxillst Warren's Music House E3 enaiiiij!HMiinminn MtiiMr;i;tfitHttt!'''n;'l!l'tTI)''Vli'':,l!'tP'''?'n!HTl'li!';t!!PP'!M'l!;;!!(H!'"HT''!';;r3 1 W ' ftlumiiimuuliiiiliuyiiuiW Pay Cash . Receive More Pay Less Despain&Lee Cash Grocery 2b9 E. Court Phone 880 M. 3. B. Coffee B Brand 3 lbs. $1.00 WATCH OUR AD TOMORROW PayCash - Receive More Pay Less Despain&Lee Cash Grocery 209 E. Court ' Phone 880 C 4 i 3 I 3 9 1 21 I e i M.I O i 3! a.' '