KEEP ABREAST OF DOINGS IN THE WORLD OF SPORT DAILY IN ARTICLES BY STAFF WRITERS JVND TWO NEWS SERVICES ON THIS PAGE . TEN PAGES SECTION TWO i PAGES 7 TO 10 TEN PAGES SECTION (TWO PAGES 7 TO 10 DAILY EAST OltEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 30, 1921. K.i.iwettfcxi. tmmmmmnrtmnti- mmnwi" -m milium Mi n I I P iSTS T:"irgM T J It , " 'P 1 CALIFORNIA SPRINTER i MEETS WORLD RECORD FOR 100 YARD DASH YOUTH WALKS 200 MILES OVER SNOW . TO ATTEND SCHOOL iD- Paddock Makes Fast Time in ,220 Also; Stanford Wine in Meet Despite U. S. C. Stars. STANFORD. I'MVliltSlTY, 'Col, March SO. (A. P.) AiiotherHUCCrHH ful iitlack on the exUttlnit Intl-rnutlon-ttl Amateur Athletic figuration world record of 2t 1,-5 "econrlN In the 221). yard dmih waw'mitde here yesterday by Chart in W. . PnJIflork, I'nlvcinlty of Southern I'ultforiiln,' when, rutinlns , nitalnHt rXiuiford unit-entity, he mad tn dlxtnnco In 21 ar-roitiN. Ruturday lierKciey rHiaiock ran the event I 11 10 4-5 necondii not yet been allowed, Paddock ycxterdny also reiwated hid feat of Knturday In ruiinlti the 100 J'urd dah In 9 Zl-i fer.mdK. the world record. Although Pnddnck took lioih his rnoeii and II. ft. V, raptured elht first place out ot 15, Stanford won the meet 75-G6. . . nct-uridH, rfuiurimy lock ran the event hut h 'record has Mi. jPCWLfflS HOXKItSOIMJAMZK ' CJIICACO, March 30. (A. P.J Mninhern of the boxing fraternity will Rather here today to launch the Iiox er AHHoclutlcm of fhlec.Ko. Hlmllar iiitetinKH will ho held later In other cltltn, with the view of organizing a national body which will cooperate with the Doxiinf niunngert unsocial Ion. I'HIITLAXD, Ore., March 3'!. (flieclal) Merwln Antiunion ft youus lad from Aliutku, urrived In Portland lout wn-k and wax enrolled an a cadet ... ,11'UI tlltl....... V........ Ah Mb uimi .iiiiit.iij nuiui in . i uuiia r i idorHon'H homo la In Falroank and In cirder to get out from that far North ein place the bo,- had to walk more I than 2o nilW-H ovijr the unow. I He In nrwtly Interested in IkihcIhiII and 1m a Uvo wire runner. At the ac:d!OTV Harry Kahlo, who served In the Aui.tiiul.-ui army durln the war, him heen appointed baMeha! coach. He nlxo will assist Major T. H. ("iithro. V. H. A. In the discipline. Oh of Major Oitliro'n rljfht hand men in dlselpllne is Captain Homer Heyden. Heyden Ik an nil round athlete. He probably 'will attend O. A. C, nesf1 fall but has not definitely decided. Heyden Is from Pendleton. . Two 'of the five official watches canicht Paddock In the 220-yard dash at 20 1-5 seconds and three renistereo him 21 flat. Ir. Frank Amtell, head timer, Bald that if Saturday's mark l net tallowed, yesterday's record should be, for there was no wind to help the winner. Morris Klrksey, Stanford, was hut u foot behind Paddock In the 100-ynrd event. Klrksey and Paddock have been running each other for two years, I the Antwert Olympia games, at Los Anreles, at fitanford nud at other places and Klrksey never has won. ." A new electric tlmlntr device, used to supplement the watches yesterday, registered Paddock in he ion-yard run at M3 seconds and In the 220 at 21.4. ; . WONT ItKIXNTATl.' KI'VYI'iiv CHICAGO. March .in a t Judge. Landin, commissioner of Im; ball yesterday denied the application for reinstatement of C. W. Kennedy, star pitcher with the Philadelphia Americans, ivho violated the- contract Inst May to play with an independent tram. t l"reiiliiit Appoint t'tmmiltttv WASHINGTON, March 30 (IT. P.) The appointment of a committee t Investigate the treatment of wounded service men and affairs of the war risk bureau and a board for Vocational training, la announced at the white house. Among the committeemen, are Colonel Theodore lioosevelt. Franklin . D'Oller. T. P.. O'Connor nd i'.,l,,,,i ir W. (ialbratth Jr., national commander! of the American linlon. gonia: (From 'the !.illy Knst Ore . March 30; 1 g H3. . Je Connolly has moved his band of sheep to his lambing camp at led ger .Spring. He haa had good luck thin winter and his sheep are In fine condltlojt. H. Koepke of Helix is In the city. H. .V. Htnnfield U hr fr..,r. m Ho saxs that peach, prune and apricot ! crops are ruined but that other fruit j trees are uninjured. W. J. Furnish Is moving to his iioiv I residence purcnased from Dr. La Dow i on Water street. Mr. Furnish haa im-' I. roved tha house and grounds. RED BOOTS coos, roa the YELLOW LABEL Tuesday. Feb. 8, 1921. "Uppers cracieJ and one toot letrh, (an'igo to town until datunai xt timejllhjf HOODS. Belief in General is That Government Should do Some thing to Assist Roads. A Warning IYlcmM,,, "That new C. O. of ours sure i i stand-offish guy.'' complained the pri vate who had Just come off guard, as , ne lay on his bunk, i "How came?" queried the barracks orderly. "Well, ,,st nhrhl l heard him com ing up to my post, so I asks, 'Who " there" He says. 'Friend.1 And this morning he don't hardly notice me." f;nie Sector. (VI QUALITY . SERVICE SANITATION i Delicious Syrup And Molasses , ; Those fine, flavory hot cakes taste all the better when covered with some fff our clear, sweet syrups that comes to you fresh and clean. ' We sell the best known, most reliable brands on the market Canff, Corn and Maple Syrup at prices that you cannot beat anywhere else And our stock of molasses for baking and cook ing purposes will please you in every way in qual ity, richness, flavor and price. Give us a trial Pendleton Trading Co. rhonc 455 . At the Rigjx of a Service "If It's on the Market We Have If IllllMlimiMllJiiiM WASHINGTON. March 0.-(Kny-nioncl flapper, l. P. Staff Correspon dent) The government aid and re habilitation of railroads was -lisciirsed at tho cabinet meeting today. Very deep concern was expressed over the situation; The belief in general in the cabinet is that the golernment should do something to aid the roads. It unnounced that the president would shortly call into conference the chair man of the Interstate commerce com mission and the heads of '.he railroad labor board to discuss the situation. No specific flan has jet been decided upon, be ;ald. Iloads Are Not Well Maiiagvd. CHICAGO, March 30. (U. P.) Inefficient management is costing the ratlrtaids of the nntion a billion dol-. lars a year, W. Jett 1-auck, the con sulting labor economist, told the Uni ted Slates railroad labor board, .aiick appeared for the tail employefs to show why the national shop agree ments should not be abrogated., .as asked by the rail executlses. Lauck aid the rail tangle is due to "Inade quacies of management, not to the national- agreements." He charged carriers arguments to have the nati onal agreement abrogated art to pre vent the establishment of human standards in Industry. HE uppers on most red boots crack very quickly when exposed to sun and air. While no boot can stand undue exposure, the Hood Pressure Process '' produces a boot exceptionally free from thisobjection able feature. When you buy a red boot with a yellow label and the word "HOOD" on it, you are getting the latest development an upper that wiU stand rough treatment combined with the newest tire-tread soles, which means long wear and good looks. "K0QD" is your guarantee, j cAik any dealer or write us. HOOD RUBBER PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC Before the War Prices on Summer Underwear - Men's Fine Balbriggan Union Suite, size 31 to 46, with long or f hort sleeves. The j?arment....$l.GO Men's Poros Knit Union Suits, with short sleeve, ankle lengths. The garment $1.00 Boys' Balbriggan Union Suits, sleeveless . and knee length. 1 he garment ....-65c Men's Balbriggan 2-piece Underwear, shirts or draw ers. The garment 65c Ladies Gauze Union Suits; the garment ....49c HEHU 40 Cash Stores 745 Main St WATERTOWN yip 'v MASSACHUSETTS "1 never knew how good rubbers coufd be' White Rock wearer u ll us. That will be your experience, too, because not single pair leaves the flOOEhpbmt without full inspection. sturdy, gray, tire-treaji soles joined to heavy black uppers by the rlood Process. Made in all sues ipr all kinds of hard servke.They are leaders. WHITE ROCK WAVFRLEY Vou couldn't make them any better if you made them yourself. Best grade wool uppers, all fleece lining, strong insoles, and the 4-ply tough sole of ttre-tread stock all driven together for miles of wear by the Hood Pressure Process, Ak for White Rock Portlands. 31 WHITE ROCK PORTLAND connection w'th the ltistury, geogra- jLh. aluLJ-'jnguage ,'ork.. tommtn- 111s la especially noieu lor Having in troduced the illustrated texl book. We have long been celebrating the birth davs of our great statesmen and war riors, but little attention has been giv en to cducetin-j the public la the lives of 1 ue grerit educators. The prade baseball team took re venge on lrrit?on Friday wlnn'ng a very one-sided game, the score be ing 3:t-. DEFEATS AR The Arlington H. B; team met de feat at the hands otihe 'Board man H. H. team on the Hoardman grounds last Saturdny. The Score was 13-7. Results might have Men different if some of the Arlington idayers had not been left behind on account of the mumps. They brought along a good crowd of rooters and proved to be good sports. They staged two strong rallies but were never able to tie the ccore. A return jrame !s scheduled foi April 8th. at Arlington. .l I J UOAIIDMAX, Oregon. Jarch 30 Earner services were observed in the local community church with a pro gram by the Sunday school and siectiil music, tire sacrament of the Lord's Supper and reception of members, Mr.' and Mrs. 1. Bkoubo, Mr. and Mrs. Will. Kinncll, Mrs. W. O. King and Misses Hachel Johnson and Helen Moardmnn joining the church. The Kaxter ser vice marked the conclusion of the work of Itev. W. H. Amosf the Pres byterian Hoard of Home Missions, who has heen assisting Kev. J. W. Hood for the past two weeks. The meetings will continue another week. "Hay wire Imv.s will work with Mr. Hood during that time, In school matters the week will be in commemoration f Johann . Amos t ommeulus, a prominent educator of the 17th century. Monday was the 32th anniversary of his birth and his life was outlined for the pupils at the general assembly and a further re-, view will follow up In each room in There's More Real Satisfaction5 - srys the Good Judge 9 In a, Hide of the Real To bacco Chew, than you ever got oat cf the ordinary kind. The good rich taste lasts so long you don't need a fresh chew nearly as often that's t. why it costs you less to chew this class of tobacco. Any nan who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Fordson Tractor Many Umatilla county fanners are using the Fordson for their spring plowing. With it they are able to pull a two-bottojn plow anywhere, plowing on average of an acre an hour with a running expense of fifty cents an acre. Can you plow that cheap with your horses? Think of time, and to say nothing of the careing of these horses night and morning. v A great many, of these Fordsons are three years old and apparently going as strong as ever. Think the matter over carefully and remem ber if you are interested we will gladly demon- strate on your own farm at our expense. Simpson Auto Co. Phone 408 Water and Johnson Sts. PRACTICAirrOlt CHttD w Put up iii tioo styles B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco - ' RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco 1 w)M!f.Wi'ytl,vsu'. )M li ill wml n i r - -- Electric - k'oeppen-s PRESCRIPTION Heaters j - drugstore INSTANT WARMTH J i ; ' Bathroom, bedroom, every , , f . room. Attach any where , to light circuit ' I - j k VAl)GILN A. C. Koeppen & Bros. i i PUime 13 K. tXxirt Toe Drug Store Tliat Series , ' '..... ' , You Ik-fet. ' - . . I . .-' t , - : . ! Mm Tello chambray, piped nod utahed mi'A the same material in light blue. U uggested tor thU practical frock for a ilx-yer-old. It is delightfully simple and tntro. duces as t'je only bit of decora tion small squares set on one cor-, ner, as shown,. CONROY'S CASH GROCERY Blue Karo Syrup....... ......No. 5, 50c; No. 10, 95c Red Karo Syrup.':..'. ! No. 5, 50c; No. 10, 95c Liberty Eell Syrup, 1-2 gal.,S5c; gal., $1.65 Lard No. 5, $1.25; No. 10, $2.25 Snowdrift..;.... 4 pounds, 90c; 8 pounds, $1.75 Pineapple large tin, 40c; 3 for $1.10 Van Camps Pork and Beans,... No. 2 tins, 5 for 93c Quaker Corn' Flakes, 2 for 25c Sauer Kraut No. 2 tins, each, 15c Tomatoes .' No. 2 1-2 tins, 2 for 25c Macaroni Speghetti and Noodles 5 lb. box, 60c Sun Maid Raisins, package ; 30c Early June Peas, can 20c VVa.n Camps Coups, 5 cans 55c APRIL runswiCK ,ecoras ON SALE TODAY- Yrioever Vkm music trill like these new Brunswick records. They must be heard tp be appreciated, so by all means come in and hear them. We'll welcoaie you with cheerful and willing service. . Nimttr ' 2374 ( Love Eird Bnritam Soto . . . . Emit Han 85c J Why Don't Yoo BarHonm Sola . . Eracct Hire f I Never Knew fwr Trot (Amrilion) . Marie Prrr 85c Blue Jeaas Fox Trot (Accordraii) . Karie Ptrrr Midni, e Dutk Fox Trot ght Moon Wall Ew)TWort,Cnf . Carl Fcstaa't Orchestrs f T e Golden Creang (Hamaiien P.'yra ?J i r'ruk Ferrer zni Antluej Fruc&iii iC Tripoli (Hawaiian Playtr,) Fraoli Ferrera vti Anliwcy Franc!u'ni 2077 J Craxj Bluea Fox Trot . Bewi Kmft' Orcieitra Sic RoyaJ Garden Blues Fox Trot Benzie KrH-s?r'l Orchestra 2070 J Honolulu F.yet ( Tonor thiol) Caaa. Htrruoa and Cku. Rut 63c O-Hl-O O-My-O (W) . . . Eilly Joaea . . f Whip-Poor-Will fu Trot (.From' 'Solly") UuaiJmKa'Orciettrs Look For The Silver Lining Fox Trot (From" Salty") IbtaaJoaes' Orchestra 504 f Rote' Fox Trot . . . Iikaa Joaea' Orcbeatra 1 .00 My Mammy Foxtrot ifromSintao" Ulurn Janet' Ordwatra f My Husband a Deareat Friend . Irene WXiuti asa Sa Aak 1.00 Whispering , Solo . L-enc Wuliaaaa end Crescent Trie Tft) I Witcna' Dance Pianaforio Solo . LeepeM CadcwaLy XM 1.00. yrwio iii r Unentalo Violm Solo . . I i.uu j 5M2 J Still Sweeter E very Day . . CriterieaMaleQaartet 1.09 BrightenTheCornerWhereYou Are Criterion Male Quartet f Barcarolle (Tale of Hoffman) J Mane TifTuy and EStsaVetk Lnaai 1 FJegie (Song of Mourning) . . . Marie Tif faay 13OT7 f Old Refrain Violin Solo , , . , Eliaa Breeskia 1.25 Serenade Violin Solo . . , . EliaaBrceakia 13018 j Mother Machree . . . . . , 7W Karl 1-25 Come Back To Erin .... lace, aerie l2?Xi Marche Slave .... Vessel!.'! Italia Baad "50 Danse Macabre i Death Dance) . Vesselia's llaiia Band H.m J Bright Eye fear Tree , . Carl Featea's Orchestra 85c Honolulu Eye Waft . . Carl Featea's Orckeetr Annie Laurie (5 Orientalo Violin Solo Derailiy Jarsea Max Kesta 5040 1.00 Any phonographcan play Brunswick Records ECONOMY DRUG CO. Pis ne 711 3 5 l Hi HA it r it 4 6 " i ? - i 'ie', 'rl; 'i yfi 'V ' ' V 'j J 1