TACH 13 DAILY EAST 0RE00N1AN, FENDLETON, OJiECOI?, TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 29, 1021. TEN PAGES Social and Club 'News M'ltlof) 1-I.AY I'IjANXKD. nn's building;. The club has Invited all Tin- frilled end btf-ri.ffled nllirc of Pendleton women for the afternoon, Ilie ln;u- of 1IK will te worn by vlih a special invitation to members nine, members of the Current Utora- of Federated club, t ire Club who will .form the cast for - the play, "The Futurists" to lie (then WIIJL EXTBltTAtN C.UU.S tinder rink aunpires at the county H-. ivndleton women will be hostesses 1rnr auditorium on Friday afternoon, to members of the I'nlverslty of Ore- The play, a satire on women's koii Girls' Olee Vlub which will an- i liilm, will 1 marked by it fidelity to pear In concert her nt the hUrh detail In carrying out the contumlim of school auditorium on Thursday nlsht. the H SO period. Sirs. IXivid B. Hill The club members will arrive on No. will Wear the wedding lown of Mrs. (17 Thursday and will depart Frluay Thomas FH Oerald, an Imparled French creation In a color known a "Imirr1al Kil-nffe." Mrs. C'hnrlca' llond will 1 attired in a grown of days sone by which I the property morninp to continue their tour. Following are the hostesses for the visitors: .Mrs. V. Ii. Wyrick, Airs. P. T. Hales Mrs. S. Jerard, Mrs. of Ernest Morris, Mrs. Lee Garrett, Mrs. i-avot kelson. Mrs. K. J. Murphy, Mrs. U. W. Phelps, Sirs. Hosklns, Mrs. Thomas Hampton, Mrs. James Johns. Jr.. .Mis, Oeorce liartman. Mrs. Edna Mrs. Matthews. The dress Is of brown a Ik and ha a graceful train. A gown which has twenty-five yards of ma. lorlal In the skin, and which is own ed by Mrs. !eorge liartman, .Sr., and i. Morrison and Altsa Delia Rush, a chic black sill; affair owned by Mrs.) M. M. Vyrick. will also be worn In the MRS, OLSOX EXTERTAIXS. play. There will b numerous Paisley ) rs. ,ua -Is.in was hostess on Sat shawls, and as a flitinii background. tirday for an Informal afternoon par the stage selling will he replete w'th iiy. ilw at.cruooii was spent in nee-what-nots, tidies and other fanciful illework and in a drawing contest furnishings of the nineteenth century, jwhi.-h was won by Mrs. Fred Frasier. Following the play, tea w 111 be j who In drawing the lucky number, was servi d in the club room and a silver awarded a basket of eggs, lied enr-i-.t'n will be collected for the hen- nations were used as a decoration and efit of tha University of Orecon Worn- daintv refreshments were served. ff Silk Frocks FOR ALL OCCASIONS tlnests for the afternoon were Mrs. Alox McKensle, Mrs. Dnvtd Itogrers. Mrs, H. Ferguson, Mrs. Anna liobert son, Mrs. Lillian Traylor, Mis. Asnes liohnert, Mrs, Fred Fraxter, Mrs. Kiln ttrown, Mrs. Parish, Mrs. Soanies, Mr. A. Ketiske and Sirs. A. Thomas. THVIJSOAY CU'il TO MBKT. Mrs, Jtoy K, Morse and Mrs. D. 1. Hobart will be hostesses on Thursday afternoon for n meeting of the Thurs day Afternoon club. An especially de lightful musical program has been planned, and Mrs. Carlton P. Wil liams of The Italics, will slug. Mrs V illiams who Is a talented vocalist. will arrive on Thursday and will le Mrs. Morse' house guest. MISS REST KKTI KXS. Miss Merle I' est who spent spring vacation with her parents. lr. and Mrs. J. A. llest, left yesterday for Walla Walla where she will rosum her studies at Whitman College. Miss Pest is'u junior in the college. MISS WRtOHT VISITS. Miss Caroline Wright of Albany, Is a guest In Pendleton' at the home of her sister. Mm. Fred lXmert. Miss Wright will remain in the city for three weeks. MKKTlNCt IS SCHEP-CLED. The Xeighbors of Woodcraft will meet April f, one week from tonight, according to announcement made today. A VARIETY OF MODELS TO SUIT EVERY TYPE Quaint little modes in Taffeta, Crepe and Georgette. Some with tight basque bodices with very full skirts; also straight line dresses. Elack, Brown, Navy and Gray are leading shades. $19.50 to $69.50 TILE SHOP OF IlETTEIt VALVES f -'-','- 1 ... ' " v n r f ' ,' . ' i - J .(' ' Miss Margaret I'helpa, Pendleton jgirl who will appear in the University j of Oregon Girls' Glee Club concert at the high school auditorium. yae Phelps is the daughter of Judge and I Mrs, G. W. Phelps. CIRCLE MEETS. i Queen Esther Circle of Westmin ster Quild had afl enjoyable meeting last night at the home of Miss Mary Bloom. Music formed the entertain ment after a business meeting. Buy a Book a Week Money spent for a good book is a good invest ment. We carry all the best popular copyrights, and at a price that will please you. We also have the Christy-Riley illustrated books. An Old Sweetheart of Mine Out to Old Aunt Mary's Heme Again With Me The Girl I Loved When She Wa About Sixteen Good by Jim Riley Rose ALL PRICED AT $1.00 We have a large shipment of the book "WAY DOWN EAST," that will arrive shortly. Read the book, then see the play. THDMPSDN'S DIG SM MI19. BECKWITH HOSTESS. Mrs. J. S. neckwith will entertain this evening with an informal dinner in honor of their son, Reuben IScck with, who is visiting here. Covers will be laid for seven. DAUGHTER DORX. An eight pound daughter was born Sunday at the home of Mrs. Leila Taylor to Mr .and Mrs. Earl S. Hanna of Enterprise, formerly residents of Pendleton. The new arrival has been named Frances Ellen. JEWEL CLUB TO MEET. Members of the Jewel Club will en- Joy an evening of dancing tomorrow ; night at Eagle-Woodman hall. Host- i esses will be Mrs. Roger Kay. Mra. Bent, Mrs. A. C. Clemens, Mrs. Gert- 'son, Mrs. John Montgomery, Mrs. Robert Jones and Mrs. A. L. Clemens. PARTY IS GIVEN. j For the pleasure of MJss Myrtle En bysk, who celebrated her fourteenth , birthday yesterday, a surprise party was given last night at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred En- bysk. Guests were Mary Edith Win ders, Mabel Xarkaus, Blanche Hen- idrickKon. Edna Enbysk, Haze! Wal man. Sylvia Christopher, I.ola Nar- kans, Jennie Johnson, Mayme Nn bysk, Edna Enbusk, Helen Slickhei- Fresh Shipment of Fine Salted Pea-Nuts WHILE THEY LAST, 3 POUNDS, 50c Pressed black and white figs, pound 50c Calaorange, pound ...50c Calapricots, pound j .. ... 50c Calarab Figs, pound 50c Tropic Dates, large package 10c 20-30 Santa Clara Prunes, pound 30c 30-40 Santa Clara Prunes, pound : 20c 90-100 Santa Clara Prunes, 2 pounds 25c 90-100 Santa Clara Prunes, 25 pounds $2.50 Chick Food, pound 06c Onion sets, pound, . 15c Blue Mashanic Seed Potatoes, 100 lbs.. ....$3.75 Earlv Rose, Seed Potatoes, 100 pounds $3.75 Early Ohio, Seed Potatoes, 100 pounds $3.75 Earliest of All Seed Potatoes, 100 pounds $3.75 Early Carmen Seed Potatoes ..$2.25 Gray Bros. Groceiy Co. 3 Phones 28 Only 1 Quality the Best For Sale BLUE SPRING BARLEY. ALFALFA SEED CHICK FOOD ROLLED BARLEY ; ROLLED OATS. DMA FLOUR & GRAIN CO. Phone 1014-351 MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative ser, Susan Xarkaus, Siella Xarkaus, Esther Murkstrom, Carl Nelson, Wal ter Holmgren. Franklin Christopher. Eldon Molstrom, Elmer Eubysk and Evelyn Enbysk. LITTLE UANOHTER BOKX rriends of Mrs. Gertrude Sheridan Lynns, formerly of this city, will be interested to know that Mr. and Mnt. Lyons are parents of a little daughter born March 19 in Omaha. Nebraska. The baby has been named Carolyn Lyons. MRS. ai.-I.lCK DEI-ARTS Mrs. F. E. Oultek, of Portland, and little daughter Virginia, who have been vlsitimr Mrs. Guliek's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Slasher, of Xolln. return, ed homo this morning. Little Billy Oullck will remain for a visit with hli grandparents. RESEARCH CLVB MEETS Of rrent interest was a meeting ot the Research Club yesterday afternoon :n the library club room when Mrs. Harry Itrnson and Mrs. Charles H. Morris'. Mrs. S. A. Newberry read a paper on the "Home Beautiful," and the discuaaion following was led by Mrs.' Fred Lleiiallcn and Mrs. Elmer Haer. For a charming musical pro gram, Mrs. It. W. Hatch samr two solos and a girls' quartet, consisting of Miss Barbara Edmunds, Mira Vera Hampton. MIhs Marguerite Akey and Miss Marie Temple, with Miss Little a accompanist, gave pleasing numbers Mrs. T. H. Rembuldt gave two enter taining readings. Sewinif for the Waverly Baby Home occupied the hours and later refresh menu were served from a table gaily decked with spring flowers and ferns. As a delightful courtesy to Mrs. Nor ris, who will in future make her home in Portland, the members presented her with a silver cake knife. Other than club members, those present were Mrs. Lester Hamley, Mrs. (i. L. Clark, Mrs. Jess Tryon, Mrs. Tamblin, Mrs. Roy I'enland of Helix. Mrs. A. C. Mclntyre, of Helix, Mrs. C. M. Peacock, Mrs. J. 8. Sanders, Mrs. Kenneth McRae. Mrs. A. H. Chrystall, Mrs. Roger Kay, Miss Little. M'ss Ed monds, Miss Akey, Mi-w Temple and Mies Hampton. I-XitiS AP.K HK.IIKK. PORTIAXD, March 29. (A. P.) Cattle and sheep are slow. Hogs are one cent higher and butter is steady. joh.v m nuoiGiis (Continued from page 1.) Accept "California." Byrup of Flg 'only look for the name California on the package, then you are Biire your ; child Is having the best and most harmlevs physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love It" fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. YM must my "'Callfnrnl ' Ir. K. J. York, the well known Chinese physician, who has treated many suffering men and women of various diseases from far distant countries. treasury clerk and a national bank examiner had netted ' him some sav ings, be nought a few acres at West Park on the Hudson, where among the loaded trelllfecs of a vineyard he found "more pleasure than in the ilos 'ts of greenbacks." There he re newed his emotional intercourse with Nature, building a real . house over looking (he river Just above Pough keepsie, When rural civilization pressed a little close about him, he budt his "slabsldes" cam,, a mile or two barlt In the woods. On his ;75tl birthday he said: "Orowini;jold Is a kind of letting go. The morninc has Its delight and Its "en ticements, the noon has Its triumphs and satisfactions, but there Is a charm md tranquility and a spiritual life aboi.t tin.' cioso of the iay that belong to neither. Had PlaiiiKtl Birthday Celebration. Burroughs had planned to celebrate his 84th birthday with Henry Ford, H. S. Firestone and Thomas Edison on April 3 and was returning from the coast with this idea In mind. Born in Roxhnry, N. Y., 1837, at 14 he be gan writing eKsays., at lit he was a contributor to the Atlantic monthly. He graduated from Cooperstown sem inary and taught schdui lor nine years. Wrote Xuinerous Hooks It was the unconven.iomil in writ ing and nature, that uppealed to him. In 1904 he made his famous attack on Bitrnest Heton Thomson and others naturalists, characterizing them as "nature lakers." His first book In 1887 was "Walt Whitman as a poet and a person." Klnce that time he has written numerous magazine . articles and books, unions the latter are "Camping and trapping with Roose velt" and the "Summit of the Years." t . 5c. a Day $1.50 A MONTH FOR Hood's Sarsaparilla The best spring- medicine treat ment that will purify, vitalize and enrich your blood. Small dose afier each meal. Pleasant to take, economical and etlU lent. A month aupply in every bolt.e. x Mor Than Thi. It creates an appetite, aids diges tion and assimilation, and makes food taste good. A wonderful remedy for Impurities of the blood, rheumatism, lumbago, catarrh, scrofula, eczema, to give nerve, mental and digestive strength and to build up after protracted illness, Inlluenza, grip, and fevers. A word to the wise is sufficient. Cet a bottle of Hood s ssarnapa rllla and bein to luke it today. Hood's Pills, small doses, a mild axative; larger, anactlvo cathartic. very clever featuro dance has been planned and all who attend will be assured of a good time. Invitations have been issued. to seniors, clmpcr ones and the faculty. -IliMiks ami Sophs to Hold Trial Mort Members of the freshman and sophomore classe will hold a trial track meet at the high school athletic field tomorrow evening after school. The purpose of tho meet is to Interest the under classmen In the spring sport and to try to discover new material and get a line up of the material that the under classes have. Coach Rich ard Hanlcy will hnve charge of the meet, beinjt assisted by the class track captains. The school will have a trial meet soon and tho Inter-class meet will follow. Dual meets with I Grande and Walla Walla are to be secured if possible before the eastern Oregon meet which will be held in May. SM OFF THE THOMAS SHOP '111 5v a Fresh lot . of BLOUSES . suns ;" , COATS WRAPS PETTICOATS Crisp, new- ami lirlglit are Iho spring arrivals, ready for your critical limpec- ' lion, l or the suit and W'luunto skirt ant! tlto sMirt skirt lit MinuiH'r, )m will want a supply of dainty uml iltirahla nnKts, This Is the timo to liny, when the avcrpUil Myh-s liate Ju.-4 ttmio in, anil prlct s arc ritilit. Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Chronic and Nervous Pl..eaes tor Diseases of Woftien. ' X-Ray Eloctrx Therapeutic. Temple Bldf. Room 11 Pbone 41" Phmie 210-W 1 V. O. !to S5I DR. C n. DAY Ptijsirlnn and Surgeon Osteopath Room 31 and 25 Smith-Ciawfort Bulldlnf. retortion TAJ tea T4-Tt These people w ho have been per manently cured from their doctor' treatments are living today with their sound health. . ' His treatment consist of no harm ful drugs, but it consist only of pure roots and herb, which have been used In China for many centuries. This Chinese doctor will sell you any home treatments you may desire with low price. If you are not welL wrSte us for particular, k. YORK C IIIM-SK MF.DICIXU CO. 12 X. 7th. St. Wall Walla. Wash. JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIill!lllllllllllllllllllll'tlUIIIIII!llltlllllillllllllllllll!!llIIIIUI TOBACCO No-To-Bac" has helped thousand 'o break the costly, nerve-shattering tobacco habit Whenever you have a Icnglng for a cigarette, cigar, pipe, or for a chew, just place a harmless Xo-To-Unc tablet in your mouth Instead co help relieve, that awful desire shortly the habit may bo completely oroken, and you are better off mental ly. Physically, financially. jtVo easy ao simple. Get a bog of No-To-Bac and if It dosen't release you from all "rnng lor toDac:o In any form win rerund your witnout question. your money Walla Walla Pendleton Auto Freight Service nocsto Tim's daily I raves Pendleton 2 p. m. rendlttoa l'booo 223-W. HIGH SCHOOL flOIES 1 HiMla has aroma and flavor far better than ordinary tea gieen. b&ck CASTLE GATE EGG GOAL PHONE FIVE FOR FUEL 1 s THE RIGHT SIZE FOR THIS WEATHER CLEAN AND UNIFORM j B. L. BURROUGHS He Has It! lllllllllllllllllltlCIIIIIlIll tltlllllllllllltlllllllllllltttlllllflltllllllllllllMlllf IttltllUllltllllT Mm f I better tea Prom IVklay Ktmlitg The annual Junior i rom wlilrh Is given by' the Junior class In honor of the acnlors Is to be given in the Kik's club on Fri day evening. April 1. The committee In charge has completed ail arrange, ments and plan to make this year's dance one of the best In history. A 4ti44e MAGNETOS GENERATORS ELECTRIC STARTERS Or any part of the electric ys'em on your car overhauled and repaired. Satisfaction guar anteed. HARRY II. GRAHAM, Wlllard Service Station, Pendelton, Ore. Phone 84. LETS GO! ii r 1 ii ii i nil ir rr ir iininiium m f m iihiiiup i.i.l, ip u, nu.4iu, jj-j-jgyu: xiiu .1 m dj 1 1 m .wm I .1 s fti.i'i omiiiiiiei f .iiiiltlTiTBilflWIrli'-""' 'ili'lil'WW!''"""- -...,,',. rr, . -..j, ll.. ..If ,lt: SELLERS KITCHEN CABLNETS "The Best Servants in Your House Come in and let us show you how much time and effort these Sellers con veniences would save yoy the Automatic Lowering Flower Bin, the Automatic Base Shelf Extender, and 13 other features never be fore combined in any cabinet. Don't feel that you will be expected to buy at once. Comein anyway. CRAWFORD FURNITURE COMPANY