East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 28, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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such a deep respect for her older i
M I brother and sl:tt that It never!
B it occurred to her to question them;
Khtr. they told "licr thai her chick
naln't come. Their Aunt who lived j
0 the, country ajueily remembered j
hem t Easter time In all sorts of j
il.-e ) and this year he sent thctn
i Hide wblle rabbit and a (aw yellow
"Voa sec." esplalncd Alice, "thli llt
le chick 19 for me."
"And," (aid Jimmy, "the rabbit U
meant (or me, of course." . j
"Where 'a mj li'tie pctT" Nathalie j
asked. j
"It didn't come," ezplained Jimmy.
"That's why you haven't rot any."
"I think the rabbit and chick were,
meant (or all ot you," said Mother,
"but It you're going to be selfish I'll!
elve Nathalie something. You can;
lave one ot my nice (-oldhsb.es for youri
. ery owa." !
"But I can't take It out and hold It,'
cm 1?" said Nathalie. j
"No. but you can lock at It." tauT
Alice brightly. "It's very Una to own
fiih a goldfish."
"And very fashionable too," put In
"r brother with a' wink.
, Well, If they said so tt nt be true
tt Nathalie thought she would rather!
y j LL "TELL 'YOU A SECRETNj, -fe?)
IF ""YOU W011T t'eLlK J"''
And slipped it under our old hen
An Easter, egg is laid by a r ASfeiir
Amo won't it ge just LOTS OF fUIi
Into a
The Boy Who
(Raphael Corn March 28. 14SI
rX baa been said of Raphael that
bad he been born without bands be
1 would nevertheless have been a;ceasingly.
I great painter. He was born In ! monition
Urbino In 14SJ and before be had
reached the age of twenty-five fame
Hd smiled upon him and the stories
f his beautiful works had spread to
Home and he was Invited to come to
'hat city by the Emperor Julius IL
One of the greatest Influences In the
artistic lire of Raphael was She work
f bis master Michael Angelo.
Like many other men of note
luphacl'a life vis short, but U was
crowded with work that was to be
come classic and world famed. In
his art ho linked religion and beauty
and moat of his best known paintings
are of Madonnas and religious char
A ZIGi&Ati 1'titLE ,
Beginning at the left hand, read the.
first and last letters alternately, ano
Bad seasonable reminders. All
aprds contain seven letters.
1. A gem.
2. A remedy.
J. A vegetable, j .
4. A fish. ".I. I
I. A girl's name. ,
. A bunch, j.
7. A flower,
t. A Zulu spear.
I. A man's name.
l. An ancient Italian City.
, 11. Obvious.
12. An animal. '
TqJoh tfoet vt txffu gmpxtst upebl,
Nfttfohfst pg diffs,
l"ibu xjou.'s hsja ibt qbttfe bxbx,
Hmbe Jbtufs opx Jt Ifsf."
Penace A
UaMuT '
Kitclle : ' " .
Clint eB
LibeHa . i
L t-unart ,
F. wdmt
' TigreiB
uEHVk inter prectdtng the one
Spring imii tvert fioweri today,
lleuenrere o cheer,
That wfmer oriet ha patted stray,
(jio4 tetter now U her.
have a different kind of a pet. 8he
looked so sad that Alice said: "WaTo
going after pusy willows this after
noon and we'll take you along."
So It was a very happy little .girl
that Rot off th trolley car near the
creek where the pussy willows grew.
Jim knew the place and Alice said
that at;erwards they could go a little
way Into the woods and pick seme
The silvery little pussy willows were
peeping out of their brown shells and
Jimmy cut a rood big bunch so that
there would be enough for all the
vases at home. Then Nathalie found
that she could sot keep up with
the others but she was used to tagging
along behind and only called: "Wait
a minute!" twice, But It would have
been mora fun It Alice had only gone
a little bit slower.
"I'll be eleven too some day," she
thought, "then I can keep up."
Just then, she heard a little mew
close to her and following-the sound
she looked up and there on a tree sat
a lovely yellow cat.
"Ohl" aha exclaimed. "Come,
klttyl- , . .
Down can:e the cat and began rub
bing Its noa against the Httle girl's
less. That settled It! Nathalie decld-1
ed ti sdnnt M1 Push and bf"v Itt
v v-,
cute little
Painted, Because He
acter Th i'ope made him maid
arch, tat at 'St. .Peter's, and while in
this post he worked and painted un-
lle must have had a pre
hat his day would be fe
for he begrudged the world every hou
spent away from his work. He is sjid
to have produced more picture. 'hn
any other artlMt and he. was hut thirty
seven years old when he d;el. '
AH of Italy wen! into mournitg fQi
the young genius whose light was so
early put out. lie was mourned no
only as a great artist, but as a greatly
beloved man for every one a.lnnrc!
and respected him. Surely no one!
who could paity. such beauriful pic-;
ture, as did Raphael couM be any -
thing but gentle and loveable. It 1st
said that his nature was so kind and I
sweet that even the animals loved ;
him. and that he left behind him nol
I QurPuzzle Comer f
- 'mgA Fiji
F(M TUe Black Pivcca logctlitT (orr'itly Atjf .v VViut A NiMf Uiuv t,n-r
Present i uu Will Uai
was tho day before Easter and be
cause the cat was yellow she named It
When they caught up with Alice and
Jim they certainly caused a lot of ex
citement "Why, what a Una cat!" cried Jim.
"It must belong to somebody. lt' so
tat and sleek, not like stray."
"But nobody lives In the woods,"
said Nathalie. '
"That's true." said Alice, "but you
can't take U homa. Mother mightn't
UkeU." .
"She'd lei ma ' hava . it," replied
Nathalie, almost ready to cry. "l need
a pet. Everybody elso has one. 'cept
So Nathalie brought Daffodil homa I
"tint 1 can't Take It Out Aud Bold It, Can I
in her arms. He seemed to know that
be was going to a good home for he
sat so quiet la the stteet car that you
never would have known he was there.
Mother seemed pleased wbea she saw
"It's a beau;yl" she exclaimed. "Of
course cu uuiy keep him. I think you
have a riht to have an Easter pet loo
and he's a lovely color juki exactly
like a bunch of daffodils'." .
All nisht Nathalie dreamed of Held
waving with yellow daffodils through
which her pussy wended bis way and
early Ka.:er morning she Jumped up.
dressed and then tapped on her moth
er's door.
( "Happy Easter;" jhe called, and
then ran down to look at her pet.
There he sat on the hall mat. wash
Ine hi f3e.
V". rnii f ".!
Couldif t Help It.
einiu't. Put counties tritods.
When- you go to July, travel to
Come und you will see in the Vatican
the famous .frescoes thar he psinico.
rcpreiiaKr picture from the Scr p
.ur-.- and inen go to the Cathedral a.
Arras :inl iio the wonil fu! laistnej
'h;tt harp .inoA herom? world famous.
The.o . il.i and nriry more (Jul
Rnphacl da,'tnjri.y. bca'ws art lived
.n h:s simHJ-rid it Jrtf I- far expres
sion; and through that ii xpreiwion 'til
h;s art has he ir, ilea red h mself to Ihc
art-loving peoples of the w.-rid tor ai:
time. ' ! ' ' 1
" 11 "
it - lj ,. vou why the lemon'fcs
. .
' 59 very B:ct
Srfihnw I elwayj manajr? to
-- --t.. -tl-.l
asked Nathalie. "You wera shut up
in the kitchen."
It was easy enough to answer that
question. Daffodil had merely pushed
open the swinging door between the
kitchen fend dining room. lie was Just
having a green ribbon tied around his
neck when down came Alice and Jim.
"Oh. look at my Caster kitty I" cried
the proud Nathalie.
"Huh!" grunted Jim. "Cats aren't
Easter pets, but rabbits are." And be
went to and Pink, his rabbit.
"Chickens are useful even after
Easter," said Alice. "I mean to hava
eggs when my chick grows up." And
off she went.
Nathalie led her cat Into the kitchen
and poured out a nice saucerful ot
Said .Nathalie
. rileow!" said Daffodil, very sweet
ly, but he wouldn't touch the milk.
."Say!" cried Jim, coming In looking
very pate. "lj caot nnd pink!"1 He
held In his hand the little flimsy crate
in which the rabbit had come. H
had meant to make a nice hatch for It
later but for the present he bad put It
back into the crate. One side of the
crate was sprung and there was no
rabbit Inside, "Pink can't have got
ten out by himself!" Then his eye fell
on Daffodil. "I bet your old cat did
It!" ha cried.
Just then In ran Alice looking pale.
"Jly chick Is gone!" she cried.- "I've
looked everywhere. Its baket was
upet and the cover was off nnd I
found a few feathers on the rug!"
If thar est cried Jim. "I'd like
. If onf "
f-.'LLIi. waj via. tins her urauu-
B H nother In tha city during the
H F ring holiday and one day as a
tilt peciil treat Grandma look the
j . ounlry girt down town to look
J a; me shop window Thera were
many thtngj lit tho pretty Ea.ter dis
'.hat - interested Nellie, but the
j i hi nx- which appealed to her most
I Wire the confections that decorajed
tke candy shop windows. , I
v , .. 1
i:H .iff Hi Y
Vi . ni
Just Look AI All 'flic Kastrr r.fas.
. X IH- f'm-lnlniol
Wnh aiid p.ck over one head of
iattur. i
l-'oid In a clean cloth sd put In a
"' ? :- ' at sa"1 l 0U1'' lonB" ! petals ol a flower, out from tho yellow.
r i better. ' .- ' I Beat the dressing well and pour a
Bail .t..nntt-.ss us thor are to ek,!WMpoonfa( over-each plato of salad,
perrons, served fur i! minutes, 8Cre at oOce with cheese wafer or
l'h..!.-u into tuid water and remove ,.lnawches. ;, !, . . t ,.,
IiiIU. . .- ,
Sr-t m s cold place till rady-1o use. EASTER TIME' '
At the ial minute nuke a .rench;
t-. .n.m,..nt.,t .i,. !
i.i.: ; i. ..i.m.rui iri):cr snd 3 table-1
M-.iWii; meg.tr.. This will wrvo .'.
.w.i-mire n. proportion ir mora man J
pf-r-fi are to e )eic .
A:-.-a.Uf 'he leiiuee on the Individ-
.. . j
e white? cf the eciri imu thin
np. lench jvia, being very careful
' ' Hh esr 2 'if',
f Plfe ; I ' sr Z v
l6"Cjr umnT 7ft & Nail it
3v0moT0 By a rs-rt A 0.C. 0
'"""v 7b 0r Jctwf TMsovtVf
T"tJ i.l- ixojo u usually not
fJ found in (be eautpment of most
Wa lolns "hop because ot the ex1
J m pense, but every worker has
uuin times found himself doing work
where a tool of this kind would be a
very fcreat convenience. The drill
press described here will be found very
useful and In spite ot the somewhat
complicated appearing drawing, it will
nol be very dimcult to make.
As has been suggested ninny times
beftjre where objects requiring a large
number of pieces In their construction
vere under consideration, the very
first thing to do is to make out a bll,
of material. While most lumber will
answer the purpose for nearly nil the
va,!ous pieces entering In'o the mak
ing ot :;:e drill prr. It will he well in
Toor Nathalie put her arms around
Daffodil and began to cry. 'Tlease
don't hurt him. He-. didn't know any
better and It wouldn't make tha rab
bit and little chick come back!"
"What's the matter?" asked a new
' It was the mother peeping In at the
door. "What! Quarreling on Easter
"Tr,-t horrid old cat of Nathalie's
ate up otir pets!" cried Alice.
"It bored right Into the crate and
got my rabbit!" said Jim bitterly. "I
hate cats!"
"That's too bad," said Mother. "I'm
very sorry, but w should have been
more careful. Never mind. Tou ean
each have one of my goldfishes."
"It's fine to own a flh." piped up
Ns'hallc with a twinkle In her eye.
Her hro'her and stter went to the
"Just lookat all tha Easter eggs,
she exclaimed, her eyes opening wide.
"Why do they hava so many different
sizes. Grandma?"
"An Easter egg does not have to be
one size, my dear." said Grandma, as
they walked on down the street. "It
is the custom for friends to exchange
eggs at this season of the year and
people with big pocketbooks want to
tend big eggs to show tholr big regard
for their friends. Though U is by no
means ti mark of poor regard to send
a small egg, after all It Is not tha egg
that counts . but- the thought that
prompted tho sending."
'put.-! .thought cund Easter eggs
nere modeled after real .chickens'
essrs," said Nellie. .. ... . .
"They are in shape, but In nothing
ylse. lila.tter eggs coma in alt colors
iiid lauds. Hard bulled' eggs dyud or
coiored make very pretty eggs (on an
Kaiter, basket. In some countries 1
h.ive seen eggs niude of giask, anil
(.veil of (uup. unce I saw a leather
tK which' was Riled with noetke. and
spools and' other sewing equipment.
Wdodtn and porcelain eggs used to be
common abroad Slid I have even.hoaira
cf egg-shaped lockout made vt solid
gold. v .v -i .in ,. , i .'
rohi my!" said Nellie, "I should b
sfraid;W wear anything o precious-as
thiiWu- But why . do we always have
eggs cuiuiceted with Easier tlma7t i
'Eggs are the symiola o( Ufo aver
lasting. -Tttetr stir fa re ts smootrr-and
cqmplete.ywiljKMa a, nreak, without oe
gihing and wfthoti( end. In 'nearly
uot to cat me yel.o,
Plire '.ha yellow, which will drop
away from the cutup whites, in the
center of the plate of lettuce. .'
Arrange the pieces of white like
Ljrf ' ,;n lnu,rr. !,,' ,!,.'..
o ( j .
. At Easier time!
At Easier time I
1 he walcina un' paiiits red trie akV
At Eaiier lime! ''At Easter timet;
The birds have pul their throats in tune j
Tnvll linff l!iir nrinirfime rsrnli innn !
. ,, .. J ,.r ,
And all th; world ai it awakes
New joy in life ami sunshine takes
At Enter li.'ne! ' At Easier time!
Toys Rnd Useful Reticles
Thrt R Boy Crm Mrk. .
....... - by F-rrnk I. SOLRR
Prill Press.
fd A4w
, C CActs WiTN
A. iam ( trgH Try TX Ctninm
use iiaiuwouti tur tntiw piece win;
will be subjected to more or less wear.
' First lay out and cut to length the
three uprights lust mentioned. On
them lay off the locations of the va
rl.us parts that are to be attached to
them, keeping In mind the direction
concerning the distances X and T,
Mr a res and hand drills vary In size
and these distances should be made to
suit the site of the tools you will use
for the pre... While other ports are
shown compie'ely dimensioned, some
changes may also have to bo made to
tccormod:it the particular brace or
drill that you will use.
Next l;iy out nnd rut to shape the
v.irious pnri called for lt the detail
drawlnr. ninkln such chnnre as ycj
Miiir fd nertsrary. Th part J Is
goldfish -owl and peered In.
"I'll choose the feathery one." said
Jim.. "But where is It T Bay I there
1 aren't any goldfish!"
"Oh, dear, dear!" mourned Mother.
"Daffodil's eaten them too!"
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" cried Nathalie.
"But now Daffodil belongs to us all
causa bo's got tha rabbit and Alice's
chick and your goldfish Inside of him
and that makes him belong to the
wool famllyl" '
"That's a good way to aettl It!"
exclaimed Mother. "Four peta In one!
Come, Jim and Alice, cheer up! We
can't have mournful faces around at
Easter time."
And Daffodil, softly purring and
mllln.Ah an itntlv rubber! him.
i self against everybodys'-legs-as If the
errcrmenf i,-fl mm to a t.
19' I I to- J
t-m THE HOE '
y ttlOU cry: "Oh, oh, now fVv' t
I W ' V where's that hoe I" ifzfl I
il h I I ' At I'll tell you, if you'd like to Uk '
. 11 1 II know: iAf'
M js Why, lying flat upon my back,
Vjwjc Just where yu left we. like a 'jAI W
i J 1'rn ruste'-' UP an-' u'l of day
1 f yC And duller than a rainy day. 7
( Wnat kind of gardener can you be (hSS
i take good care of me
all religions there is celebrated
spring festival and In many ot the
observances ot thesa festivals refer
ence Is found to the egg. Spring time
Is a time of reawaklng, rebirth and
new life over nil the earth, and It la
natural that the egg, the symbol of
life eternal should find a place In the
observance of our spring holiday-
Raster. Would you like to hava aa
Raster egg. Nellie?"
i Would shel What little girt would
sot? And so they went Into a large
candy store and Grandma told Nellie
to pick out what ever she liked best
And what do you suppose tha little
eountry stlrl chose from that Brand
array? Not the big chocolate and
sugar roafed one! Not the crystal
eggs with a hole In It through whloh
you could set a pretty plcturel Mot
A. c Ibtvrr 71 J Ts
fit cms
On 3ir.-r M -n' 7
OvthH ftt(U H Ami n 09 1
HAn.t0 I AM M
completely dimensioned on tha asiera
bly drawing. ... ,
Burt assembling by fastening till
middle upright to the planlt, flrlt hatr
Ing cut the latter to shape and fasten.
ing the narrow cross pieca to 1L ISraie ;
G should next be put In place and fas-1
tencd. Next put tha shorter uprights;
in position, securing them by means j
of the parts shown in the section M-N. j
Hold braces F In position In order ta
locate the position for tha small block
shown In the sldo view and In lb
skrtch nt O. Nail tho latter In pLu
and then fasten part F. I
It will probably b wall to noxt tt-(
tacn an me pnrta to tno uprigntj &, ,
C. etc. Thoxa should bo given COD
lrtefal!) care, f.ir In order to twera
the drill or Ibe bit operato aotram. Ir,
tha centers of tha various bia
should b Msr'.'.y sboi-a ojii ntJaos'
that la, the renter nf the &
bored In C mun b ;-'actly abwa b
center of the bole borc, .'r D. B6e)
success of your work will depot
how carefully and accurately you have
made the various pieces, and also upon
hew accurately you fasten them In
place. J
The last Job will be the locating and 1
fastening of parts J. The outside and ;
of thesa pieces should be 10 Inchea :
from tha floor. Hold them In place',
and mark tha locations for the hole
for tho bolts, after which ' bora tba .'
holes and fasten In place with bolts as
Indicated. The latter should be'ot a'
length that will permit tightening Just
enough to hold securely but to permit:
of easy operation. '
This tool will not have caused you'fcj
great deal of hard work and will prove i
eveodlnirlv itnefnl In msnv wsvs.
tha egg shaped basket with tha bunny'
In Itl Not any of thesebut a plainl
every day chicken's egg with tha plo-':
turt ot a little chicken painted on it ;
"Because," she said, "It Is so real and
It reminds me of home." - ',
And so you see the K aster gg has a i
different appeal for us all. , But Ita
meaning Is tha same and aa tha symbol
of aternlty It will last forever,,:
' Solution Cut-Out-Punl