I tkcz rcu?. DAILY EAST CREGOKIflT, PENDLETON, OREGON, KOJTDAY EVENING, MARCH 28,' 1921. TEN FACE3 Mi stSLssJl AN' IXlKH:SPI f-titdlsbed Dally and Sr mi Weekly, 1'iTiill. ii.n. Oregon, by the EAST OKKMOM AN I'l HUNHIXG CO. Miters at itlf. poMt oliice at 1'endle ton, Oregon, as second il.mnil mat ter, OS SALK IN' t.THKl! CITIES Imperial Hotel News mnd, Portland, ON 1II.K ,T Ohlcnitci Hiirrnu, MS Security Huildlnc. Whnsfton. 1, C, liuresu ItUl Four teenth Birwl. X. W Member f Ihe AwMeliitril rre. The Asstcmted J'reas is exclu.-ively entitled to lh use tor renublkfltion of ell nrwi dispatches crediti-! to it or not otherwise credited in this paper nd also the local nc published lure- ; In. ! NT M.WSt'.vrER at SlUSCr.UTIO.V RATES (IX ADVANCE) Dally, one yesr, bv mHil , .oo imply, six morths, by mail .. Sin. Dxily, three months by mail l, 50 Daily, one month by mail ......... .Ml Jni1y, one yer by carrier 7.50 natty, six month hy carrier 3.75 itany, three months by currier.. l.s. iiiy. month, tiy currier 65 Semi-Weekly, one yeir by mail I. do Semi-WceMy, six month by mail 1.011 Semi-Weekly three months by mail .50 Telephone LIVED IN TENTS ALL WINTER; 'BETTER THAN THE COIVSPANY HOUSES' Tent .City of Striking Miners Nestles in Hollows of Mount ains;. Survives First Winter. f EASTKR They found the rrcat stone rolled way And Him whom men had crucified. With cruel spears had pierced Hb side And mocked ailh Jests nd jibes that day, Gone from (ha darkness and (he irloom Of Death's grim tomb. Where He had slept In Deaths embraces The linen at His shroud was piled. And white-robed angels gently smiled And bade them walk into the place. "The Lord is risen!" to them they aid, "He ta not dead," , ' Keep ye the faith and still tie brave! . From every tomb thut riiMcr day The stone of death was rolled away, The soul lives on beyond the grave, Death is but rest from pain and strife The rote to life! (Copyricht, 1S21, by Edsar A. Guest) NEWCOMERS FROM THE MIDDLE WEST THERE is a tingle of normalcy about the homeseekers' rate recently announced by the Union Pacific and likewise in plans of the Oregon state chamber of commerce to care for middle west investors who are expected here this summer. It appears the state chamber is looking for a considerable body of new comers during the season. An announcement onM:he sub ject says: . - . "Briefly, the program adopted by the board of, directors is as follows: Early this spring, aswts will be sent to canvass the middle western states in eluding the Dakotas, Iowa, Kansas, Xebrasl a. Colorado, Wyoming, Montana and Utah, for the purpose of interviewing prospective immigrants who are contemplating a move westward. Advices received by the state chamber dur ing the past few months Indicate that this westward movement will be on a larger scale this summer than in former yeais, and these advance agents will Rather together a large group to move to .Oregon on a fixed schedule and a certain date. "It is believed that a party of at least 500 prospective, settlers cotrid be , froupei together in this way and brought to Oregon in a body. Definite assur ances have been given by the railroads that they will cooperate in every way with the proposed plan. Homeseekers rates which were suspended during the war were put into effect again last Tuesday following a conference of railroad officials at Omaha. Win. McMurray, general passenger agent of the Union Pacific lines, wired from Omaha on that date, informing the state chamber that the I'nion Pacific would cooperate n every way possible in the proposed ilan and that the homeseekers rates had been put into effect on the Union Pacific lines serving Oregon. ' ' 1 "Taking advantage of these rates, which permits of stop-overs on any point en route, the party of homeseekers. would arrive in Oregon, the rail trip Homing to an end at the most advantageous point. Prom that point a personally-conducted totir over the entire state by automobile would begin. 'The routing of the party through the state would be in the hands of a committee from the state chamber. This committee would select the most favorable Itinerary which would enable the settlers to investisate the wool and wheat growing sections, irrigated lands, fruit districts, and all the agricultural end Industrial resources of the slate." There are many who wjll be skeptical of the success of this move but it is a fact that during the last few years Oregon lands have seemed attractive to men who have sold out at high prices m the middle states. If the homeseekers have the necessary available cash they will doubtless be able to make profitable in vestments here. But this is a" time wnen credits are very much restricted and those in charge of this colonization work will have to take this fact into consideration. MAYBE VIVIANI KNOWS WHERE HE IS GOING WILLIAMSON". W. Va., March 28. (U. 1M Tent towns of striking ml ners, nestling in the hollows of the Cumberland mountains here, have sur vived their first vinblr. The little colonies of white tops sprang up over niyht In Mingo coiin- ! ty coal fields when mine operators, do. livering a smashing blow at the union's organization efforts evicted families from company pwned homes lust April and May. Strikers camps now dot the valley along the Tug river. There are five tent communities having between 4,1 1 and 100 families, aside from scattered canvas homes. Organixers of the I'nltetl Mine Workers of-meriea es timate 3000 men and their families lived through the year In these impro vised shelters. , leaths. diseases nnd other hardships have been lighter on the miners In the Mingo field during the last year than usual, Bccbrdmg to Martin Justice, a leader in the Lick Creek colony. "We've found the tents much healthier and better In many' ways than the company houses." - Justice said. "Many men figure to continue living this way with their families. even when the ftouble is over." This winter has been iwirticvilarty mild for West Virginia, though," he added. "Ways of introducing many modern comforts into the rude homes have been found during the winter. WoodT en floorings, carpeted over in some Germany Protests Allied Invasion - c a 1 1 ' 3 'V r ' r 1 f J? '1 "" How. Advertising Helps Make History Kvr Rin(ri Ihft alliPR dpmanilnri CAR ftftl nun rtnn v.r,,,..tun. n. .... . been holdinf protest meetings Th bigga&t' mating, U. Munich, is shown abovo. ThonMndMurned out. Inset, Walter von Simons (left), head of the Cerman reparation, delegation la talkint With Chancellor Fehr-nbach. Vot Simons' refusals meet the allies' dWt.d 1 , th li w Cer man cities oi (ha Rhm, and more protests from Cttrwany , . fl ERCE SWEEPS -' HiSTORiC SOHO AWAY tents, have been provided. Glowing tOXDOX, v March 2S. (V. p.) Two picturesque slices of old London, Known to tens of thousands of Amerl- coal stoves have maintained sufficient r1"8 mi,v sM,n oe 1JWI away to at heat for health and comfort. Soma I ,sfy lhe 'I""""! of commerce. Soho tents are equipped with phonographs i aml, the 1aHsh ot st- P lies or Seven and similar means of entertainment, i u,a,s- as il ls be,ler knmv" re about The strikers receive weekly allot- t DeBm ,ne,r "Wtary and meut from the union, sufffkient fori"" "omenea into tne most mo.lern necessities. Union headquarters dis- i busif .strict of the metropolis, tribute $30,000 weekly, an average of!PMy a second city of London. iu a lar.iu.x, 10 sinners m mis coun- s.,h u ilirh ,,rt.hW rt.,rl, I " 28 YEARS AGO ' (From the1 Dully. Rast Oregonlnn, March2S, 189J.) STUDENTS TAKE OVER 1IIPALBUK Sport Skirts in the Archives Shop at Home A Magic Silk Hat Good Old Gladstone AN EDITORIAL ON SHOPPING t.v.. Its Up to the present time the weather has been very unfavorable for la ml )?-; and there are reports of losses. ' In some bands not over 60 per cent of the lambs were saved. However the sea. win Is not yet wejl under way and thu Warmth nnd sunshine now prevailing offer much encouragement. , Una UiFontainp has secured a eood supply of yellow legged t hickens whien ! re will raise fur restaurant '-purposes. !resl'. reu , - ,111. .... . .. .f on- manna river woo tne Warpath KOSAIUO,. Argentina, March 28. (A,. I'.) -A band of university students toon tumble, potiseieilon of lh Munt eipal building a few days ago ann dictated a decree taking over the city government with u View, they said to sett I in it the strike of municipal em ployes and other workers from which tho city had been suffering for several At that stage they were ar name from the Duke of" Monmouth's i 11 h'8her now than at any time this famous battle-cry "Soho," at Sedge (moor, has experienced many vissltudes ;of fortune. In the olden days regnrd j ed as one of the fnsliionahle quarters jot Ixtndon, it gradually became the ihome of Bohemianism and the haunt WIRELESS TELEGRAPH i?.r,""L,h: H YEAR OLD LAD IS . BEDRIDDEN; INST ALS 1 1 with French. Italian and Swiss res- . ! taurants, where Londoners and visit. PHOEXIX, Ariz., March 2S. (A. ' ors may learn what the much-praised P.) John Huston, 14 years old, who foreign cooking really la. . The whole district is now almost en tirely Inhabited by foreigners and is tie ravorlle meeting nlnef of tin, n to hear of the burning of a sleeping ; " V . T B"J- ,,,r: 1 lam-... js. ri.un.i .n. '""ff was looked upon as the equl- Yellow The students- overpowered tha Janl tor and the night watchman, the only 1 persons in the building at the time, Land locked tbem In a room. Then, laffer hoisting the watchman's red coat (and cap on the flag-pole, they broke Into the Mayor's office and preeeodtit) to dictate their decree. In It they moved" tho mayor as "useless" and named one of their own numhex to fill at j the "vacancy." They also "dissolved" !the City Council ami replaced It with Canon Wood pointed Out that cne of n "council of Students and Workmen.: the evil results of the war was that Tbev were on Ow noint of removing is oearnmen in nis nome nere, was tne . . ..... , . the younger clemry were atutndimiiuriufeo the Chief of Police, but this Hart first person in i'r.oemx. except, 1 ne .... , , I the ordinary distinctive dress-. --"At a ! ef their decree was never finished Associated Press operator and tele- """"n"'.."la ,s I church jatheiin not l..n m he i ' graph editor on The Arizona Gazette. . , J. , , .II ... S ".. . ' . e Uaid. "I saw a vonng priest In secular? Th- inltor had escaped and notified garb with a flaming yellow waistcoat. 1 !,,e Chief of I'ollee who sent a detach on the uenver mo uranae ran- i ..." , . r " , . It excited my amazement. It was an ment or moiinten pone to tne ouunmg road near Pueblo, recently, and the I , 1 , . .' ' , ,' ' " t outward and visible sign of failure to an1 ,h student, government suddenly resulting deaths of sweral persons. , IT . .. f recostnize that he Is a being apart from ! fo,l,ul llsc!r lth revolvers. . 1 .1 Li.. l ... 111 tuiiraff ot lll.lt Kfi.y i ar.J- t .. " . . ' .... 1 ...1. I ..... VtIJX)W W.IIST(X).VT It I'XDOX. March is. (! Should a clergyman wear a waistcoat This question Is vexing the nijiuls or the lower house convocation Westminster. own wireless telegraph set. John, who has long been an invalid, holds a United States government li cense as a wireless telegraph operator. He often helps to while away the ! Ian quarter. Seed SI rains Important. Seed strains are attracting' much at- lone hours in his bed by listening totcmion at present, urowere are real- It other men, being a man of God, not a j jsuhmlljed to arrest 'without resistance THE Harding administration has adopted the Wilson policy regarding Columbia. The present policy towards Mex ico is very much like the Wilson policy and the Harding attitude in reference to Soviet Russia is frankly that of the Wil son administration. It now remains to be seen whether or not President Harding v ill accept the League of Nations. Some writers are predicting that our president will be strictly non-commital in discussing the subject with former Premier Viviani of France and that the French diplomat will learn nothing from the man in the white house. That point remains to be determined. That France is ready to try very hard to get the United Mates to accept the treaty and league covenant is evident from the syndicated articles Viviani has written and which are being published in a number of American newspapers. In the article released yesterday Viviani says that the other nations, including France, Eritain, Italy, Belgium and others, in signing the treaty have performed an act they cannot repudiate and that the cooperation of America is "indespensable to hu manity." . Piscussing the question of a court instead of a league the ex premier says : When the court is through deliberating, what is to become of its decisions? Will they tie theoretical decisions, the enforcement of which will depend oe the good faith of the parties in the cause? In that case we might as well say that the fruits of the war have not been gathers d. If, after that great calam ity, we are not further advanced than The Htgue court, whose decisions, even vheu uHanimous concerning the laws of war, were trampled derisively truly the war has taught us nothing. The court of justice whatever Its form will either be a laughing slock or a power. It cannot be a 1ower unless it js armed V Ith means t enforce international sentences against refractory nations. The !d ot a court of justice even if the court is separated from the league, cannot avail much unless peoples form an association at whose door they will lay aside, In appearance at least, tiieir sovereignty. I say, in apiiearance, for when I Join any association I don't abandon my independence, but I do add it to the independence of others. This argument is in line with claims made by league advo cates last fall and summer. One might easily say they. will not IK- aceptable to the president. But it was formerly thought the W ilson views regarding Colombia, Russia and Mexico would be repudiated. They were not and it may be Rene Viviani has good grounds for hopelessness over his rn'itsion. In lining up Pilot Rock for the Blue mountain league the fans should not overlook psychology. Go there on a nice spring day and the customer will be sure to buy. Pendleton usually has just such Easter weather as prevailed yesterday excepting when the wind blows or it rains. PERT AND PUNGENT what other wireless operators arc say- i that variety Is no belter than mg. I tne seed strain of that variety. There On the morning of the wreck he may he a considerable difference m heard the following message, coming! the tonnage of two lots of winter cab frora a point approximately a thous- 1 age of the same variety. One lot and miles away: "I!ig wreck, Denver may produce 10 tons an 'acre and an- P.iQ Grande road. Pueblo. Colo., 1 other 1 tons nn acre, grown under Pullman burned. Twenty killed." j the same conditions. Just as In potil- His mother immediately called the try husbandry, so in vegetable garden- office of The Gazette to "tip" the Ing. these high yielding strains affect newspaper regarding the story but It j the crop more than the mere variety was already being received over The I selected. Tbe o, A. C. experiment sta- Associated Press wires. Except for, tion )s endeavoring to collect the hich- the number of deaths, which actually !er yielding strains of many different was five, the message received by j vegetables in order that these may man 01 tne world." , j nowever, according to a number of the younger clergy who expressed their views, a yellow waistcoat can convert more sinners In a week than an ortho dox black coat compete with "pan cake" hat and clerical collar can influ ence in a month. The younger clergy are largely men who did their bit In and Was locked up. JYw Protection Helps. . . . . i Mechanical protectors are good on young trees on new ground, as they ward off attacks of cut worms, bud weevils, click beetles, and other pests tnat prey on opening buds. Protec France and elsewhere and who haveiton from ants that. carry aphis Into got to know human nature intimate-1 cherry trees is recommended by the ly through common sufferings. They i entomologists of the O. A. C. expert- I claim to be better able to judge of the; ment station. Cotton . baiton strips psychology of sinners by mingling with them as "man to man." regardless of garb, than by donning the black coat and pious air which more often than not scares would-be penitents away. Many present day clergymen y that some of their best work is effect- nbout S inches wide and long enough to reach around the tree are endorsed as excellent. Tie the band loosely at the lower edge with a string, grasp tha upper edge of the band, and roll It downriver the lower edge. Tree tanglefoot Is also recommended. A young Houston correctly gave all lm- form the basis of future breeding of with their recalcitrant flock portant facta concerning the wreck. seed. Siood, honest glass of beer, ed by going into saloons and talking 1 band three fourths of an Inch wide Is over a J about right. If too wide the bands will Injure the young? trees. FIGURES IN THE STILLMAN DIVORCE TANGLE. Sphere of influence: An expression used by statesmen. Translated it means: "This sucker is mine. I saw him first." Voungstown Vindicator. Speaking of colors, we are prejudiced against red on account rf cur bank book. Hopkins (Mo.) Journal. Coming from a country that can make war but cannot make T'lace, the Central American belligerents probably took. the liopht's note with a pain of twit. Indianapolis News, f ',.:. " , u' ' ' -r- 'i r. r--, , , ,,. : ! r V t ' , , . f :-f;'''' j'rfW;. ' '':r-:P-& vV'v v'w:-.;,a "i- .: ' Jsj ' - -' i-'zrrZZ '"'i"T" Va I ',XT;.?';X'::: ' . r A .. , V f - - a s " . . ; ? " '.11 j- P I I I f 'yrr. v. . : v i ' ""-""" ,; V"-'-'1' --?' sJ V (lifOnlniie used to say that he took the leading American periodicals largely for , tho purpose of studying the ad vertisements, because in no other wuy could he ifitln so clear an Insight into our In dustrial and social s stums; When the historian of the future delves into . the ar chives of our public libraries, one of his greatest aids In re creating our life and thought will be the adevrtlsemeiitH contained In the newspaper tilf: f : WhtU woman Is not famil iar with the smartest models of seasonable hats as they - appear In this newspaper What man does not know the style of collars that are Fashion's latest whim? What woman does not know wHat sport skirts and t outs ot contrasting colors are being worn? . Advertising makes shop ping simple and pleasant. It brings the ' merchandising world into your home shows you y.'httt yon may" expect to find on the counters and "shelves of our leading mer- chants. Kvery day advertis ing helps you make speedier , and more satisfactory selec tions at a saving,. , , , Advertising hat made qual ity' lh unswerving standard of merchandising, and prac tical economy the efficient agency against the high ,cost of living. - ; There Is no mystery about advertising. i . It has none of the quali ties of the magician's silk hat. It is the light that shines through the windows of (he thop or merchandise Institu tion, giving It character and standing with you and your neighbors. . . i- - i Advertising Is the soul of trade the greatest economy to both consumer and adver tiser. It enables tho adver tiser to make sales at a smaller margin of profit, and gives you the benefit of the resultant lower prices. If you deal with merchants and manufacturers who ad vertise, you may-effect econ omies which otherwise might be unknown to you. Today when men and wo men are anxious to make their every dojlar reach max imum efficiency In buying, the regular reading of ad ndbertislng will prove to be as pleasurable as it Is prof 'table.' ; , . , , e, i, f . 'in . REALTY TRANSFERS i-j:is lnmnn to R T. Runch Iilucl; l, original town of E. If. Lot 10, Adams. V. Ji. Oliver to K. F. Hummers $7G0. l-ots ( and G lilockll, Halsteads Addl tion, Echo. : O. Hi'hwank to W. Hchnenlng $9819. W 1-2 SUM and NE 1-4 SSV 1-4 See. J5, Tp. X. IL 33. ( H. 1. Kissinger to M. F. Itoyer !40. 1-2 SW 1-4 Sec. J2, Tp. J, a K. 31. IX K. Kotts to M. F. Abbott 1, X 1-2 XE 1- 8V 1-4 XB 1-4 SK 1-4 XW 1-4 and XW 1-4 BK 1-4 Sec. zt and SW 1-4 SB M SB 1-4 Sec, 11, Iots 3 and Sec. Is and part of Lot IS, Sec. 7, Tp. a. It. 33. First National Hank I'endlcton to R, Gelst Jsooo. 8 1-2 SW 1-4 Sec. 25, TP. 4. X. ftv3. . '., K. E. Gelst to.V. U Marf $3000. 8 -2, w, 1-4 Sec. 25 Tp. 4. N. K. 3. v J. T. Urown to J. Hestln $40Q. Lots . p, 3,' 4, i, 13, 14, I K and 18 Block T,t "lleservatlon Addition, Pendleton, Mrs. James A. Ktlllman (at left) filed a coiintet'-ietlii,t -ngAlnst. the divprie suit f Jrirnes A. Sllllman (lower right), president of the National City Rank of New York, naming Mrs. Florence Leeds (r:stit), Htillnian in his court p-pcrs named Fred Tteaiivsls (eenler). French-fahadian Ktil'l. charging thn Beauvglg Is the father of Mrs, Htillman'g youngest sonGuy (ItJWfi Jcf), ?.'r htillnian accUscs her hushantt of being tho father t'f Mrs. 1red' child, UlLDIIt'G TOIilC Tp those of delicate con- I stitution, young or old, I Scott's Emulsion! is nourishment and t tonic thftj builds up Vf) the whole body. 41 Im, IknfltU, N. X . -At0 MAKERS OF- IIK3QIQS (Tsh!eU er Cranuj, FelNDIfiCSTION tmmmmm