wcs.rar tm.rrh.ZT craoNUN, hdleton. csegcji. MONDAY EVENING, LURCH 28, 1021. TEN FACES ski I r . i Special News of Umatilla Co. , . i ADAMS lADiES' CLUB . HAVE SUCCESSFUL DAY (East Orcxnnlnn Special.) ADAM, Or.. March 18 The )W ly district convention of the leboknh lodge was hold In the city of rendit ion Wednrrday. March 23. The dele gate (hat attended from Adams lode No. 4! were lierlha Kembler, Mar garet Hunch, L, T. Hunch, Kebeica Clark unit Kmmett I:iT. The Adams Ladle' club was enter tained Thurwlay at the home of Mrs. Unt Kirby and Mrs. Frank Kreb. Those who attended were SI rs. Charles HupulH, Mrs, Hert Kirby. Mr. Frank Krebs, Mm. Jack Mayberry, lira. 1 L, Ucunllen. Mm. J. T .Lleuallcn, Mrs. J. Wullan. Mm. Pearl Hales, Mrs. Alter, Mr. Hhatx. Mrs. I-esto, Mrs. Revella Llruullcn, Mrs. Jumps Lieuallcn, Mrs. ' J. Spencer, Mrs. Larabec, Mrs, tit Is Lleuallcn. Mrs. Slmonton, Mrs. Alex . McKenxlc and daughter, N'adine, Mrs. Mitrtl nore, Mrs. Debois, Miss Calkin, '. Mrs. L'vurd McCollum and Myrtle Cor , ley, Mrs, Alex McKvnxie sang a solo. . Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Watrua of Pom ' r'ov, yere the guests of Mr. and Mrs, ' Jt. U. Marquis for the week end. tnmcl ljarr motored to rendleton ' today. VAS CALLED OFF IN THE . FIRST HOUR - CAD PL'RDYS PlLC OF SHAVINGS CAUGHT FIRE a 'mm DOLLAR i (th rsr (inU ee V j&ttVOJ( 15, V w uosr ' the mxrcvmtt)?,?-! I - Oim dollar hoarded or a nifflioti dollars hid away is worth notiiuiK to Uw owner, fx does not bring him any comfort. Nor do such dollars turn the wheels of indUHtrr or create anytliii. Only that Dollar which In buiijr at work every day, earning; interest, bringing comfryt. keeping things moving, in the w-orth-a-wbile Dollar. This strong- hanCc Iwraes tnterest-bcarinc; certificates of drpoKit for any amount detsired; H is ait Ideal nay of invexiing sarlus money. TheAmeficKiaiBa Pendleton. Oregon. . sJfw ill o arongesr Phonograph Bargain Only One Left E-2 Model ' Columbia Phonograph i With Cruikshank & Ifampton 124-123 E. Webb Pendleton, Ore. J'our OM Iirollure Taken in Eachange as Part Payment on New. . "QUALITY COUNTS" Mrs. Charley ithatiand sen, Cnarles, motored to Pendleton Tuesday. Mrs. Frank Krebs and mother, Mrs. Slmonlon, motored to the city of Peu- dlclon Tiii-!, day to do some shopping. Fi ankle Lames and .'o Brunt were in Adams Tuenday evening. John Kales and Roll Morrison, mo tored to Adams Tucsdry. U U LteualU n and Itcv. Lmhcr mo tored to tho city of Walla Walla Wed nesday, j .Vr. and Mrs. Charles Dupu.s motor ed to Allan i today, j Mr. and Mrs. Mevors bought the rliv .. . .n ii . i . . .. .. 1 1 by Bert Kirby In Holdman west addi- lion aim will make Adams their future home. Clyde Sands, who has spent th win ter inurtns t home In the eastern states, has returned to Oregon. K.im!a of Spray Indicated, The delayed dormant application is the spray tor control of orchard plant lice, says A. L. Lovett, entomologist at the O. A. C. experiment station. The first spray for apple scab, 3 1-! gallons lime-sulfur to 100 gallons of water, should be applied at this dor mant stage. For the orchard aphic black leaf 4 ( is added to the dilute lime-sulfur at the rate of three-fourths pint to 300 gallons solution. In spraying for the cherry tree aphis fish oil soap. 4 pounds to 100 gallons of water, may be substituted for the lime- sulfur . uanx in basiern uregon k 23 (git few " . , ' ii Regular selling price the . country oyer $120.00. this machine goes 20 records free, of your own selection. A PRICE $75.00 CASH ATHENA BASEBALL TEAM (East Uregontnn Special.) ATHENA. March 2S. The baseball Rrocnds were worked over and leveled ttranraciiiy py the h ch i h..,,1 h.. .... nrip ,rom ine town men. f. shi,rP n Mrs. J. F. Herr I -vio i truuicion visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Griffin Alexander left Saturday me wncre. alie will treatments. take Mr. and Mrs. Charles May and chil. dren Hhrry and &n of Weston mountain spent the week end' in the city visiting friends. , A. R. Coppock was a business visit or in l'endleton Friday. Mrs. J. e. Jones was a Walla Wullu visitor Wednesday. Wlllard Forth was In the city from Weston Mountain Saturday. -, -. . , W. A. Taylor was a Pendleton visltot Saturday. ( Mr. and Mrs. Vernon O Harra and little daughtor came over fm Saturday to spend Easter at the home ot airs. OHarra s parents Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones. Mrs. Hugh Mclntvre nH rt,,i,i. Kathryn were Pendleton viiru-. e.... uruay.. Mlsa Arcta, LlttleJohn who I. t. tending school at Vntversitv of t)r,.n at Eugene Is spending Easter vacation "1B nome or ner parents Jdr. and airs. v. v. utt elohn. Mr. and Mrs. Will Klrir on.i . Harold and Mrs. Frank DeFreeoe and children Roy and Edna were Pendlc- .vii visuors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Iiannlsior nn.i daughter Beulah were Pendleton visit. ors Saturday. Charles Russell tsjh the city from Condon visiting at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Will Russell. Mrs. J. c. Burke was a Pendleton visitor Thursday. John Pierce was in the city from Adams Saturday. .O. C. Hadley and Fay Pamburn wera Weston visitors Tuesday." Clarence Hand was a rendleton visitor Thursday. Mrs. Henry Dell and daughter Lu cinda were Walla Walla visitors Thurs day. Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Smith and chil dren Ernest and Ruth were Pendleton visitors Tuesday. John Bannister was In the city from Weston Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Booher and daughter Thelma of Weston Mountain were Athena, visitors Saturday. " Mrs. George Lattin and small daush-, ter Jean Wfere 'Pendleton visitors Wed nesday. . Mrs. Patterson spent the past week visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Booher in Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cannon were Pendleton visitors Saturday. The Athena teachers spent the East er vacation in the following places: Miss Andrews at her home in Echo. Miss Drake In La Grande, Tilr. Bennett in Portland, Mrs. Belt In Walla Walla. Miss Heldenrich at her home in Mil ton, Miss Chandler in Spokane, Miss Williams In Ferndale and Dayton, Wash., Miss Allen and Mr. and Mrs. nadley remained in Athena. Mrs. Roy Cannon has returned hnmn from the sanitarium at College Place. Jlr- ana Mrs. Charles May and chil dren Harry and Erma were Pendleton visitors Saturday. Mrs. F. Sharp visited her daughter Miss Carrie at College Place Friday. Mrs. Orel McPherson visited at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gould in Weston Wednesday. The cast of characters for the play "Whose Little Bride are You?" to be Riven by the Civio Club has been selected by Miss Drake as follows: Dr. Benjamin, Oscar Cutler; Algernon Clawhammer, Harold Haynie; Augus tus May, Don Moore; Simeon Tobin, W. Edgar Bennett; Florence Bellows, Mrs. Dr. Scott Fisher; Mrs. McEckron, Mrs. Ralph McEwen; Dollv McEckron, Mrs. Robert Proudfit;. Maggy Brady, Mrs. C. M. Eager; Mrs. Amelia Tobin, Mrs. c. H. Smith. Some Ideas for Your New .-tSSv h . 1 m V ' If you haven't decided on yotr ioring hats, yoa may get suggestion from the shove. Th m ; st the top' Is of novelty straw Id coral. It Is colorful and charming with Its feather finsy In itrejav eff'jet sod reaching to th boolder. Th on Sn th lower corner Is of Bstevia cloth-la tan. It cut' la. seml-ctreular pleess, embroidered In freen sod T-t together to torn charming chSMto Peuusnt scsrW ch ernes (one the tr'mmUic. . OUTBURSTS OF SO THIS ,S ITi t KGATt XouK. AT IN THO hfVAPR.S AN t OHMe-D THS lMPR3ION THAT "THIS ArVriC5 (AA. ON5 Ot 26NJIWS. 'MGRlT N! I CAM'S AU. THE WAY PftOM TH3 OTHSfff? CSrsTD Ot TOttKl TO NittT tSUT THIS VVOUCDMIT Ht ToseTHeRvr Tit Vvi i . ,,, mt-t- you (TST HOMe If ! THl IS SUTH5.Si paFoRe .foc ct iOuT TWiS NeKT ETDiTfON I HvVKiT Spri2, CHANiCS MATXS IM MY AT. . I'tc UAVE THf v?OPY C THSR.E trJirS OP , Ve MP O RTC ANT Ul V T t . v ... . 1 I t'l ,m Miss Ada DeFreece spent Sunday at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Tom DeFreece at College Place. Homer I. Watts has returned from a visit to Portland- Will Russell, who cruised with the naVal reserves during the winter re turned home Tuesday from Seattle. ., . ' Mrs. Wm. "Wlnship and daughter Mildred have been visiting ut . La Crosse, Wash. ' The student body of Athena high school voted twenty-five dollars to the Chinese Relief fund. Mr. and Mrs. S. R Hutt and daughter Ruth wero Pendleton visitors Satur day. " ' Union Easter services ' were held Sunday evening at the Christian church. Tho program was as follows: Prelude ". Mrs. T. R. Watts Doxology Chorus ! Song, Christ Arose ....Chorus Prayer .............. , .Rev. Russell Response ..... ..... . ... ..Chorus Anthem, Jesus Is Mine Chorus Mrs. McEwen, Soloist Scripture Rev.' Lowther Solo, Hold Thou My Hand .... Mrs. Eager Octette,' The Christ of tho Marvelous Power . . . .Mesdanies Woodward, Fisher, Emmel, Proudfit, .Watts, McEwan, Taylor and Miss Lowther. Offering . , Duett,' Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee .Mr. and Mrs. Emmel Solo. On the Cross Mrs. atom Quartet, Peace, Perfect Peace .....,..:...". Mrs. Fisher, Miss Ixiwther, Mr. Eager, Mr. Russell Anthem,' Rock of Ages Chorus Verva Gross, Soloist Benedicfl'on. . Maurice' Hill has returned from visit to North Yakima, Wash, PORTLAND. March 28. L'. P.) The safes of two Portland business houses" were rifled last night by what the police say is undoubtedly the same gang of yeggs. Henderson and Brock 'company lost J1000 worth of liberty bonds. Portland Manufactur ing company lost a small amount of bonds and valuable papers. "Soup" was used to blow the safe doors in both instariees. 3g SAFECRACKERS ROB 10 PORTLAND FIRMS -i-jtt' -. y- - I" '' "a, "'' ' ' "" '"'r '" - Hvt- !' -ft , J EVERETT TRUE aA . "TMINQ (East Oregonian Special.) WESTLAND-MINNEHAHA, March jHr--The Minnehaha school, district No-dlo, held its tryout for the orato rical euntest on Saturday evening, March 19. In class C there were si?, contestants. Lois Jackson, reciting "Changing the Ethiopian" from Miss Minerva and William Green Hill, came out first, while Loren Jackson, with "Jlmmle Brown's Sister's Wedding" came out second. In class D, Grace Jackson Von first with James. Whlt comb Riley's "Bear Story, Alec Jes' Made Up His Ownself' and Iris Quick was second, reciting "The Raggedy Man." by the same author. Mr. E. P. Dodd, Mr. W. J. Warner and Mr. Har old Dean of Hermiston acted as judges. Mrs. Dodd and daughter, iBabelle, end Mrs. Warner and daugh ter Jane, motored out with the Judges and spent the evening at the chool house. Alter the program refresh ments were served and games enjoyed by tho children. - Mrs. C. M. Jackson, who was called to Pendleton to attend the funeral of her aunt, returned home Tuesday. : Mrs. F. B. Tennock is seriously ill with mumps. . L, C. Quick, who had the misfortune to liurt ifls leg when his team ran away last week, is better and is able to be around again.- Mrs. J, L. McFalls, who underwent an operation at St. Anthony's hospital is much Improved and Is. expected home soon. ', V. G. Shipley, who has been suffer ing from smallpox, is convalescent and will soon be at work again. Garold Shipley has a very light attack of the samd majady. . . Mumps ore still going the rounds. Th new cases this week Include Ilnali Quick, Leonard Nation and Donald Or;ieii. , School was resumed Monday at Wetit'and ufter having been closed the .past week on account f smallpox.' JJr. Prior Shaw, who resides on the old Mrohm place north of Westland, Is seeding a large acreage to alfalfa this spring. He Is seeding over a hundred acres on the place whore he resides and forty acres that lies Just north of the railway, a part of the Herb Strohm homestead.' He has a large force of men and teams at work levelling and SpringHat ooies : : ; and 2 CANS , 6 CANS . 21 CANS We carry a complete Lilly's garden seeds for The Mot In Value oamraryur 221 East Court St, Phone 871 seeding and Is rushing the work so as to take advantage of the spring irriga tion. The land Is owned by a Port land company and is looked after by Mr. Humfeldt, who formerly resided here. Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Gardiner of Lower Butter creek, are tho proud parents of a little son ' bom Friday, March IS. . . Tim McFalls made a business trip to Pendleton on Tuesday. BODY WILL ME IS KTATE BALTIMORE, March 8. (A. P.) The body ot James. Cardinal Gibbons. jwlll be borne today from the archepls- copal residence to the cathedral where it will lie in state until Thursday morn- '"fr- ., After the final Easter service in the cathedral" last night the catafalque was erected outside the sanctuary at the head of the Central aisle. The catafal que was draped In rich cloths and the cardinal's body clothed in his vest ments will bo placed upon It.. The guard of honor from the catbolio lay men's organisation will be maintained constantly while the body lies In state, the public will be admitted tomorrow. 'CASWFOR Just think! ' A pleasant, harmless Cascaret works while you sleep and has your liver active, head clear, stom ach sweet and bowels moving as regu lar as a clook by morning. No griping or Inconvenience. 10. J5 or 60 cent boxes. Children love this candy cath artic ton. Walt's Welding Works ' Walter Hendricks. Prop. . Phone 71 Frank Neagle Blacksmith Shop I have taken over the entire welding business of the Burns Machine Works, Inc. Former and new custorners' work solicited. , I am located in the same building. No job too large or too small ; come and see. Walt The Welder "Shop for the Dealer As Well as the Auto ... ''....' j ' . . ' If you could got a 10 per cent reduction of the prico of the; car you want by going a block farther down the street,1 you ' would bo inclined to go to that much trouble. , ' Do you know that the actual Intrinsic value of the scr- , vice and responsibility that a good dealer can put into any car he sells Is often worth more than 10 per cent of the' car cost, In the first season? It hm't the price of the car so much, as It Is the perform ance of the car, und that depends much on the man who sells it to you. , ... ' BUICK Oregon Motor Garage BUICK, CADILLAC AND CHEVROLET . , Phone 468 , jreacnes Pears -v ' . 45c $1.30 $5.00 a stock of Ferry's and your spring planting. The- ocery The Best in Quality DUES-STINGS D Apply wet baking soda or ordL ' nary ammonia, followed by V VapoRub Omt UiUhm Jan Um3 Yuriy Tuesday nnd Wednesday between U a. m. and 1 1 p. m. References to the death of Cardinal Gibbons, with tribute to his life and expression of sorrow for his loss were made In many Protestant pulpits yes ter day. Prayer of sympathy for the bereaved were uttered by many minis, tern. U Tea Have Baeh A eke or If you are subject to dull pains In the bead, dlxzins, nervousness, are lan guid and feel tired all over, get a pack age of the old reliable remody. Mother Gray s AKOsAIICLKAC, the pleasant Mtdlclnal Tea. We have muny testi monials. As a gentle laxative It has no equal. Ask for Mother Oray's Aromatic-Leaf at druggists or sent by mall for iO cts. Samole FKEK Aililr.u Mother Gray Co., Le Roy, N. T. n jJHICHESTliR S PULP iiiltg? a" J'larel nnuatf V "WSJ snq MJIK X Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Chronlo and Nervous Diseases an Diseases of Women.- Jf-Itay Electrs, Thsrapeutlcs. Tempi Bldg. . Room it Pbons lit Plume ttn.W p. o. fkix SSI 110 Water St. 7k I T.k m MW. Bar f yimr V u i a 3 ; i iTlt iu hi a p i WL 1 1