'.''.,' ' News Notes of Pendleton CALENDAR Or EVENT! March it. IJnlverilty of Ore gon Women's Olee Club, at high, school auditorium under man Moment of Pendleton alumni. April 7 to 15 Annual Clean' Up week. May t County itchool Orato rical and Declamatory Contest, at high echool auditorium. May 7 County echool track and field meet . at i Hound-Up l'ark. May 11 to 14 Stata Parent Teacher Association convention. May II, June 1 and 2 State convention of Oregon Federation of Women' olubs. Beptember tZ, 21. 24 Annual Pendleton. Kound-Up. vaudeville open at the Alia tonight. The vaudeville Is from the Hippo drome circuit and promisee to be de cldecty ciittrtalning. Wlllard Bond l convalescing. In Portland after having hie tonsils re moved. Mr. and Mm. Bond are ex pected to return to Pendleton on Mon day. . Vaudeville at Alt. The spring and etimmer season Hun ToiikUk Removed. Uoyal Snwtelle, formerly of this city. Is convalescing at the iHye, Eat Nose a'nd Throat hospital in Portland after having his tonsils removed. Mrs. 8awt-lle and. children are visiting In Portland at the hon:e of her mother. Mrs. McQlun. . . . 1 Store I!o!,!ig ItemoaVled. The floor space In the old Sayres lo. cation, to be occupied April 2 by the new Crescent store, is being inoreast i one-half by the removal of the down stair cabinets to the balcony. - The balcony itself Is being extended. The entire store building la undergoing complete renovation and remodeling. of Eggs, Buttrr, flour Down. Eggs in the pre-Easter market are selling at 25 cents a doaen In Pendle ton, retail price, and there Is a chance that they will go still lower, say gro cers, unless the Portland market strengthens considerably. The price Is lower than for .several years. But ter is also cheaper, as two pound rolls f .1,-101 101-101 101-101 101101101-101 X ORDER . olsum Bread FOR OVER SUNDAY KEEPS' FRESH LONGER, TASTES BETTER Please place your Meat and Grocdry orders EARLY SATURDAY "YOUCAN DEPEND ON '101' " Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. 301 East Court Street t PHOXKS "10I" ' Private Exchange Connects Both Departments. now sell for 11.03, while flour is 20 cvnis a sack cheaper than formerly. Bigar alone shows an Increase in prk, having recently advanced n cents a sack. Most local stores, how ever, are still selling at iu a sacs because of having bought at the old rrlce. When the old slock is ex hausted, however, the new price will tocome effective. ' Jenwn Forfeits Ball. Leon Jensen forfeited his bail of $5 by his non-appearance before Police Judge Fitz Gerald this morning. Jen sen was charged with running his car without a tail light. 'Icier Window Display. Over 600 dozen eggs are used In a clever Easter window display at Gray Prolhers' grocery. Many of the eggs aie, prettily colored and the entire sbi wing Is very effective. - Mlm WaL-h Write. Miss Stasia 1'. Walsh, Pendlnton nure who Is serving as a Hed Cross nurse overseas,' Is now with the Am er.c an Commission to Serbia. Hhe has her headquarters at ,18 Kusanska, Ulha, Belgrade, Bervla. -loi loi loi loi loi ioi loi ioi loi V Were you the lucky one Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. .The number swere drawn by a little girl who was blind folded and before a large crowd who gathered in our store, eager to see the outcome of the great prizes. The first number drawn being 412, second 2122, third 982, fourth 2152, fifth 4097, sixth 2391, seventh 2878, eighth 8862, ninth 2860, tenth 2496. , Were you lucky to have one of these numbers, If so, call at our store and get your gift. We are still going to continue for a short time the great . reduction sale. Don't fail to visit our store before buying and get our prices. Every article carries our guarantee. If the first above numbers which were drawn are not in by Saturday the prizes will be given to the next closest - Hanscom's Jewelry Store ' . Phone S2M Hotel Pendleton Block , Universal Coal and Wood Range BIG VALUE AT RIGHT PRICE WHrrtPOfaum A MTENTC9 sOJUSTAUI SUBIM 0W tVlrtrtl, 'jTtMTrOUrTYPUTt $0110 CAST ItfT INS WIBt It SHALLOW nut iox' BOOH- f MFTirOKtl movsucmnritUTts ; MACHINE FACIO tWSTH DAMPIR tANITAIntUtlAtl KOMBINAIMI SMOtt f J fi pc X If- 1 L AT.. k- TB!BUTtUNIVERSAL dodoo tCHCCR 0AM PER KEY PUT! TOP iWirOVOI BACI PMCOANI UKD P0KEUIN BOW ftOIT P0RCEIAIN riuc UNM4 EAVY ASBESTOS MILL BOARD HEAVY POMSHtOu SHEIB0DY INSIBE rOKfUIN OVEN tOMLMINC' rosciumnuE bottom CUAN OUT BOOP A FULL LINE OF COMBINATION RANGES BURNING GAS, COAL OR WOOD Universal r Stoves &Fumaces Clifc Warns Again. Fire Chief R'ngold has again issued a warning to all those who burn brush and rubbish during these windy days and after night. 'Tell them I'll come and get them If they don't obey these regulations," he said today. The chief laid' emphasis that there should be no fires after dark, none burning when the wind blows and all fires should be cnrefi'lly extinguished when unat tended. Klrby Is Rrout Master H, J. Klrby, an employe of Hamley Ac Co. has been chosen as scout master for the second Boy rtcout company he Ing formed here and will meet with the Boys of the company at the city nan on Monday evening. There are 2ft boys already enrolled In the second company and more will be admitted at the coming meeting. During the war Mr. Kirby, who Is a man with a family, was a sergeant In a home guard company here. He also had experi ence as a national guardsmen before the war so understands military routine. Will Arrlv Tonight. Prank TJIrlch will return tonight from Portland and will make arrange ments for the burial of his son, the late Eheldon Ulricb, killed In battle In the Sedan sector. News of the MpmeiU of the body reached Pendle ton recently and the arrival of the re mains Is expected this week or early next week. The Pendleton Post of the American Lglon will be In charge of tho funeral and the war hero will be Accorded full military honors. The body will be the first to arrive In Pendleton from overseas for burial. Young Ulrich was serving in the U. 8. Marines and met his death November 10. 1?1S. Wants Ferry at Board man A. B. Strait, of Boardman, who is In Pendleton today, has applied to the Morrow county court and to the county court of Benton county Washington for a franchise to operate a ferry o cross the Columbia at Boardman. The application will foe acted on by the Morrow county officials at their April term and by the Benton county court In May. Mr. Strait says that through establishment of a ferry at Boardman travel between the two states may be greatly benefitted. There is a plan afoot for an auto stage ser vice between Heppner and Prosser, Wash, over the Boardman ferry when it Is installed. Indian Team Seeks Games The young men of the Tutuilla In dian Congregation have gotten out their "fan" sticks and mils and have organised In such a way hs to throw their hats, so to speak. Into the ring of the "Twilight Baseball League" of the different churches in Pendleton. They wish to be admitted into the series, and through their captain, James Crane, or the Missionary J. M. Cornelison, they will make such arrangements. Their lineup, Is something like this with several good "subs' at hand: James Crane, c; Alvln Clark, 1st. b.; Loos Van Pelt, 2nd b.; Gus G-artese, s. s.; Arthur Motantc, 3dr. t.; Sam Luton, r, f.; Howard Luton, c. f.; Paul Jones 1. f.i Philip Wildbill, p. They are also prepared to play out a aeries of basket ball or tennis with any other church bringing out a team. ASPIRIN Najjie "Bayer" on Genuine Beware 1- Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting genuine Aspirin pre scribed by physicians for twenty-one years and proved safe by millions. Take Aspirin only as told In the Bayer package for Colds, Headache, Neural gia, Rheumatism. Earache, Toothache, Lumbago, and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of Aspirin cost few cents. ' Druggists also II larger packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacldester of Sallcyllcacld. Umatilla Hydraulic Stone Manufacturer General Contractor. Building Blocks a Specially. H. A. KRICK. Proprietor. Walla Walla Pendleton Auto Freight Service . ROUND TRIPS DAILY Iieve Pendleton t p. in. IWtataa llMtt ftlt-W. v Use the Phones Grocery, Two Phones 525 ;. Other Depts. 78 and 79 OIIAIjITY sebvich PEXDLETOV8 LFADI7IO "TORK ' Use the i'honcs Grocery, Two Phones 525 Othar Depts. 78 and 79 i, Easter Is at Hand. Are You Ready? WE HAVE SPECIAL DISPLAYS SO AS TO MAKE SHOPPING EASY FOR YOU. COME TOMORROW BLOUSE STYLES OF REAL ORIGINALITY Quality materials of full bodied texture, daintily embroidered and trimmed. Colors that harmonize with every costume requirement, workmanship of distinct superiority, and as an added attraction prices that mean utmost in economy,'. . $4.50 to $7.50 Imported Pongee $1.00 to $1.50 YD. Just received several pieces fine Imported DUSTLESS PONGEE for Dresses, Blonses, Children's Coats and the like. It is of finest quality all silk longee, 32 hiclics wide. Launders fine and wears welL Buy your needs now, while our stock is complete. . THERE IS NO OTHER CORSET LIKE MODART A trial fitting is the proof and your first step toward a better figure. Supreme lasting comfort from the moment you leave the fitting room. x ; Economy is assured. Modart "wearing qualities will please you. Your Modart will keep its shape un til entirely worn out Laundering wont hurt it in the least Consider style, comfort wrear. Most of all con sider your figure. ? , Do you want any but the best corset? ; , PRICE $5.00 TO $15.00. ssssWssSisi,1''"MW ,(f ',. vs.; ' v . I - - -a-- Til -nirh is ill at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. James Welch. The boy has been ail ing for several days and Is confined to his bed. ' . ' - Case Tinier Advlfenn-nt. ... -.t-.. D..b.. hna iikn decision in J mi". - the cose of Charles J. Kothwell charg d with non-support under advisement. There were li wunpr proceedings yesterday. . Barometer IB Falling - The barometer Is .fallings steadily. , t nn TnnrhoiiRc. weather savs . observer, and continued stormy weath er Is expected. The maximum today Is 68 and the minimum was 43. A high wind blew losi nigni mm iccompanled Dy miermuiem. of rain. ' j Malabon Anniversary. This date, 2! years ago, the second Oregon went over the top at Malabon In what was. trie hardest battle which that organisation engaged in during the Spanish-American war. There were a large number of casualties on this day, 22 years ago, and today sur viving "members of Company "D" are re-telllne the story oi ine oay s iusm ing. Legion wni Itance. The date for the dance to be given tor the county library by the Ameri n t .slnn was set last night for April 6 by the committee in charge of ,h nfrnlr. The dance will be given at Happy Canyon and that structure will be taken care oi jn sucn a .v, declare local legioners, that patrons t ih.i nil will never recoenUe so good will te the floor and decorations. STARTED IN FUN 3? 4 i 4EASLES f I may be followed by serioaa I cold troubles; nse nightly V VAPORUB Over 17 Million Jon Uted Yearly There will be a number of' novelty stunts pulled off by the boys during Ihe evening. The committee In charge of the affair' is composed of Rudolph Mollner, Leslie Glbbs, Harry Kuck, Haroid Warner and Charles C. Vlnler. Other News of This Department on Page 5 For Sour Stomach Bioating, Gas, Coated Tongue, Sick Heedacbe, Bad Breath, Biliow mem. Indigestion or Constipation lake FOUTOITHJUmCTASinS They cleanse the bowels, tweelea tho stomach and tavigotatc the liver. V Bot gripe or sicken. t. S. Mcebo. tin St.. Hucock. Mlekt 1 kav ito Foley CMhanic Tablet s tkofauk tri' and ess pgaMTClr lUts UHK tses at) tia boat auative. Log Cabin Syrup, large size ......... $15 Log Cabin Syrup, medium size 70c . Aunt Jemima Buckwheat Flour, 4 lb. package- 50c Strictly Fresh Eggs, per dozen ............ v 25c Tree Tea, in English Breakfast, Ceylon, Oriental ; Blend and Japan. . . 1 lb. pkg. 60c; 1-2 lb. pkg. 30c : Salted Peanut 3 pounds for .......... .. . . ... 50c Pulk Sweet Pickles, pint .... .. . . 35c t . Bulk. Sour Pickles, pint . . . i'.i.'.V : r 30c.' Marshmallow Cream, per jar .......... .. . - 50c Fresh Green Peas, Fresh Asparagus, Fresh Toma toes. " ' ' ' 1VV HONEY" GRADY It all started In tun. bnt the result Is that "TConey" Orsdy is now right halfback ot a girls' football team at Twin Falls, Idaho. They staged an Indoor game as part of an athletic car nival for the high school. Now they plan to train during ummtr tor tin tootuy ismojv IMPORTANT ECONOMIES can he effected ty a patronage of this establish ment. Our business policy is one founded on the desire to deliver the MOST VALUE FOR THE LEAST MONEY. That our effort Is successful Is fully evidenced by our constantly increasing trade and the recognised fact that we are headquarters for the best of everything In our line. We shall endeavor to merit this leadership by continuing to serve your wants on the basis ot Highest .Quality Lowest Price Best Service What The Bee Hive SELLS CHEAP THIS WEEK Lace Collars, new designs, best of qual- . ity, prices at 5 Lace Collars and Vestee sets at $1.50 The above articles haye been selling very fast. To assure yourself a good choice, better come early. Boxed stationery, best of tints, newest designs and the quality will surprise you. Special at 59c Children's trimmed hat.. $1.75 to $3.25 The new shot Chain Bracelet, finished in silver. Ask for the Myra-Belle Brace let. . Special at 65c Purses and Hand Bags at om half price Give our new line of Beads the once over, the styles and prices will please you. - When You Find Merchandise Marked Lower tliaa You See Here Ixx tioMCiy at the quality. Get that thrifty habit of buying your hose Sor the family here. We guarantee to save you money on every purchase. Children's Hose, priced from.. 15c to 35c Ladies Hose, priced from 15c to 50c lleadqnarteva tor hate and bat trimming of the better kind. THE BEE HIVE 'MORE FOR LESS" PENDLETON OREGON