East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 23, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Image 7

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TEN PAGES 1 ' S I ' - ZF' - .. ' : TEN PACES
PAGES 7 T0 10 . JjjiSy -: ; PGES7T10
llhk IIIMIIIIIIW I kkbv HI HI E il t til I! r : I II II II
mowiEi uffflmulluw
. Carl Walters, Once With Tri
State Team, is Right Hand
; for Williams; the Line-up.
1 Nick Wllliami, and about 20 of hla
WoobcJuw iiluyc.ru will he here on April
10 to stay for three weeks playing with
country team. Anion thow brought
Tiere will he Carl "Junk" Walter, Pen
dleton boy and favorite In the old Tri
utato days. Walter ) a fixture with
Mopncjuw, being cuptitin of the teum
and considered about the. bent firm
nar.ker In the Canadian league. Oth-i-rH.wlth
Wllllums are Kurfler, Infleld
cr; Murk Koenln, an Infielder from this
lota of Ban Franctocoi Rimer O'Hhang
ncnc:, infielder ulno from Han Kran
cIbco; Klmer Loifer, a holdover out
fielder from lut year; Hill Lciiher, a
left handed pitcher from law years
leaoi; Merrle Ault. pitcher from Spo
kane, who played luxt year with Crmi
broak, H. C.; Leo Taylor.' Inflelder
from Kellogfri Idaho; Walner, pitcher
frorh ttyukane; Johnson, an outfielder
who played there hint year; Klmer,i
land, an outfielder from Monteray,
Calif.; Dutch WalRnmat, catcher who
Played lout year with Kdmnntor; Al
Hornier, pitcher who won with Kdmon
tor ulno last your. Honner Ih well
known to moat of the local Iwll funs,
having played neveral year with the
trl-itate; JUi libit ' Oarrlly, shortstop
whii hux been playing In the Northwwt
league for the hint three or four yearn
Nick William the manager la now In
California looking- over any mirplu
material of any the hlKher league and
will bring here flv or nix tried players,
onie who will be almont mire to make
oo(l in the Canadian league.
'In the Infield Walter and Oarrlly
are sure of their place whlk Knowlg
and' Taylor look llko uro belli for the
othjr two place. ,
KiiiHror' Anniverwiry Ceh-lH-utt-tl.
TOKIO. March 23. (A. P.) Prens
advice from Panopo ay that the an
nlvrmry of the accotwlon of Japan's
flri Kmperor,, Jlmmu. which Japan
eei history fixe na having occureil
2a2l year ago, wa celebrated In all
the principal South Sea island which
hav awarded the .native, children In
gamer and the celebration concluded
wltn the Ringing ot t'lo Japanese na
tional anthem.
MANTUA, V. I., March 23. (A. P.)
llrltlsh shlis curried nearly one half
of all the export of the Philippine Is.
lands during the month of December,
1 ! 2 6 as shown ty the report of the cus
tom bureau. The. export during the
last month of the year amounted to
approximately f x.uoii.ooo fn value, and
out of this 3, DUO. 000 worth of pro
ducts left tho Islands In UrUlsh bot
toms. . (
Hhips under the I'nlled Slates flag
curried away product valued at $2.
240,000 and Japanese vessel were
third with truffle amounting to $1,
S28.000 In value.
Miti; rmrnt'H ;.mi:s
t anlliiiils (I. Id :u moot ,
BKAUMOXT, Tex., March 22. In
an exhibition game today the 81. Loul
National defeated Beaumont. The
, R. H. E.
St. Lr.u 6 13 1
Beaumont 1 9 6
Mitterles Pierrot and Ollham. Ev
rreinan Jucokun and Kelly.
I'.raws 12. ;nlvirtui 2.
OAUVESTON, Tex., March 22. In
an exhibition game today, the Hoston
Nationals defeated Galveston. Score:
It. H. K
Hoston ..."". ...12 U 2
GulvcMnn , J 4 2
Batteries Townsend, U Townsend
and O'Neill, Oowdy; S'ouchmnn, Lee.
Cernlglia and Brien, Lnimn Wiley.
Ili-owim , Mobile 2.
MOBILE. Ala.. March 23. In an ex.
hlbltlon game today the Ht. Louis Am
ericans defeated Mobile. Score:'
H. H. E.
St. Lrul s!, .13 14, 2
Mobile 2 6 5
Butteries Boster, Cullop, De Berry
anil Collins: Itoberts. Creel, Chlng and
Ponds, Bnilth.
Olants 10, llollMon 1.
HOrWO.V, Tex, March 22. In an
exhibition game today the New York
National defeuted Houston. Score:
K. H. E
New York . .10 11 2
Houston " !
Batteries Douglas. Barnes and
Smith. Snyder; Busch,-Whitwortr unci
rsriffllh. Wright.
Easter Breakfast
There's nothing that, will make a
finer breakfast on Easter morning
than a sliee or two or our choice hams,
together with a couple of strictly fresh
(Track Coach I'rilve.rsliy of Oregon)
The UNO-Yard llun
W'liuf lit.u Wn Knld nf ihr inlartei.
mllo I ml;:ht say of the short! of the
distiinco runs; the reiUlrenieiils uro
speed, enduiMiicu and Judgment. 1 will
also iIIsciih the slrldo and form. It
wus not necessary to remind the
sprinter thut It was Important that h"
should run up on his toes; ho acquires
that hubit naturully in an effort to
make speed, but men who run lunger
distances may occasionally be seen
running flat-footed. By running on
the toes I do not mean to keep on the
extreme as sprinters do, but more on
the ball of the fool, nor do 1 mean to
kr th'.t tutMlllon Tha lies! hllif-
inllers In the country run flat-footed at
times, generally when restlnir. No
harm comes from this unless he runs
this way all the time. The object of
running on the balls of the feet Is to
lessen the shock to tne nervous sys
tem. More spring Into the stride elim
inates the shock to muscles and less
Ii ml f... i '
T u-luh In m-urn ti?:itiKt Tilill n ill Off fllld I
utxttsi.. 11. n Iral. iin.lDPUMUrilv .hllM. I
This develops what is known as "skin j
splints and lame hips, which are Uiir.
cult to cure. The runner should by all
means develon a free, easv Htvle slid
not try to run on the toe too o.iickly.
i ne arms snouia oe cnrrivu in n ew
swinging position and n"t held high
ai In the sprint,!. The 'breathing
should be natural, practically all dis
tance men breathe through the nose
and month loitetlier. Cure should be
taken of the feet and never allow them
to become raw and sore. Be sure that
the shoes flu A great iV-.ll of the trou-
It- 1.. 1 t... ......fit &lu-.lVH
Veur chamois pushers and keep them
The ones that are most successful al
this distance arc the quarter-rollers
that have the stremrth to go farther. A
man must be able to run a fast quar
ter to be u good hnlf-.niicr. For in-
tunce. Huupnslntr a t'.vo-rn!ntite half is
to be run, the first quarter should e
between 57 and 69 seconds, and in
r,r,tir tt H.i tlilu the runner should be
able to do r. 2 or 5J seconds so when the
fairly stiff workout, wi'n no in eneeis
nnil with plenty of strenmh left to fin
ish. A ureat deal of 6-y:'id wori
should tie taken; occasionally a mile
at throe-quarter speed for endurance
and a lot of puce wvtM at the quar
ter. A half-mller must a goou j j4
indiro ,.f nace so 'as to know at anyj.-i?
nart of the race" Just how fast he l
Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are
not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for
21 years, 'and proved safe by millions. Say "Bayer"!
SAFETY FIRST! Accept only an "unbroken package" of
genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains proper direc
tions for Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheu
matism, Neuritis, Lumbago, and pain generally. Strictly American !
Handy tin boxe of 12 tablets cost but a few cents--Larger packsgei.
AiDlrln ! ih trsd mark of Brr MsnuoKtur. of MonosMtlcscldcsior of BilldrtlcacP'
Father is Keeping; Sharp Eye
on Him to See That He Does
Not Eun Away to Woods.
LONDON, March 23. (A. P.) A
wild bov resembling in some respects
Kipling's character, "Mowgli.'' who
was suckled by a she-wolf and grew
up to be leader of the puck, has been
found in a remote section of India, ac
cording to a story told In the Times.
In this case, however, the boy is re
puted to have been kidnapped by a
leopard. He has been recaptured anil
I his father Is now keeping a snarp eje
on him to see that he does not run
I away to the ;jods. ; -
The Times credits the tale to Stew
I art Baker, who was recently in the
undeveloped country round tne jacsei
iiuia ..n the northeast frontier of In
dia where ho Was in Ohnrge. of road
. it. m i, Ik iisiomnrv in that re
running. Careful attention timet ' cl"im for ,hB villagers to mend road
paid to stride arid arm motion.
develop an easy style
sti.'! Milt IS OVKUIH'I'
ktfATTLK. March 23.- l l No.
i. ..,.! f nnvino- taxes. Sir. uaae:
asked a villager why he did not do
his share of road memlins.
The man replied tnat ne was airaiu
Trading Co.
Phone 455 At the Sign or a Service
-If It's on the Market We Have It"
. ..! ..' 11.. iriu nifn hiivins
. ... 1 in onvn nix linage ...v -
word has been received from the. sail- ()e(1 a jjiort Uwe previ0,iHiy, he had
ina schooner Uetsy Ttoss, n Seattle and f hja llle ..,vU(J
Tacoma vessel reported to be. 6 days q n hlg a,lsFncei mlght run
overdue from Sinsapore. The schoon- - , t ,ost Wr Ba.
r left Singapore In ballast December , '' "'.Vthe villager a visit nnd found
and has not been heard irom sin... geyen ,arg o
iiKe. with numerable white scars of
tiny cuts and scratches all over lit
Tin. child's father told him that.
;. nro iw.f,,rn the villagers ol
Ciu-hurl hail killed' two leopard cubs
The mother leopard nail prom leu
about the junsle borderim; on the vil
lage. A few days later the mother o;
the child left it lying on a cloth while
she went away to reap rice. In het
absence the mother leopard carried
the child off. The villagers searched
tor it L-.it could find no trace of it.
Some three year later a sportsman
rd in the iunnle. He top
! the villagers tlmt the leopard had twr
cubs. They searched tne jungie onu
found the two cubs and with them tin
nUssinK child.
It ran on all fours quite fast, d oil Red
and hid in bushes with great aRllltv
and skill and bit and fought,, with
everyono who tried to lay hold of it.
It toi eo p'eces and ate witn-extraor-dinary
quickness any villaye fowl tha'
came Its way.
Mr. Ford Owner
. Do you know that our shop is "equip
ped to do your Repair Work. That we
nave the most modern machinery
money can buy to handle each and every
job efficiently and quickly. That our
mechanics are trained the Ford way
and are experts in their line. That we
carry a complete stock of genuine Ford
parts amounting to $12,000.00. That
our motto is service" first, last and al- 1
ways. ; .
Let us do your Ford work, it will
satisfy you. v - . '
The Home of the Ford. '
Simpson Auto Co.
Phone 408 Water and Johnson Sts,
I ! : :
Hi Ms
f . -NET SHOES '
II )
1. ! - J
i Vi - L
m a -ii X
HI W - 1 L-a. J
I Vv
I - v. f
J .
Only 3 More Days
to Easter
Come to this Busy Store for your white Ox
fords or Pumps. We have a complete line for
your selection. ,
. Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords, high or
low heels 2Ao t0 iAj
Ladies' White Canvas 1 or 2 strap
Pumps . ..' . ?2.4oto?4AO
Ladies' White Sea Island Canvas Pumps,
high or low heels
Misses' and Children's White Canvas Oxfords
and Pumps 5Lba t0
40 Cash Stores
745 Main St
-. rkilJ h Ih Slrkl T
.. . . .... .... : . . ihj. .mm mm-
fort sad the welfare of their children.
' should never be. without a box or
, Mother Gray's Vveet Powders for
Phildren. for use throughout the a-1
l son. They Break up Colds. Believe
Feverishness. i'onsiioauun. rn j
Disorders. Headache and Stoma, h ,
Troubles, fsd by mothers for over S8 ,
years. THKS1S iwuubi
8 ACTION. All urns o -seceDt
sny substitute.
Tl?l Afnrrh 2S. U. I'.) It IS
... .' j ...... VVev. I
oinciany ueiu-u rjxr..i.. .
gand had been sent jo nni.
was oriiflnally reported that . the
FYench general was sent to confer ,
with the Polish military leaders of the j
vva of meetinir the allesed bohhe- i
vik plan for a renewed offensive. j
QCEBE-, Canada. March 23. The ;
honey crop for 1S20 was about 2 941,-
421 pounds, and 27.373 pounds of wax,'
) hrln-liiff .he tnt.il value to Jl.ntl.ti .,
I accordiiiK to figures issued by the Pee
and Maple Sugar division of the pro
I vincial department of agriculture.
One ctreak of color saves tha
Phillies from being a drab-anpear-ng
ball club. Outfielder D. W Le
ilourveau furnishes the bright
Int! Ho runs like a deer, hit
Ike a Ruth and is 100 per cent
ep lit the training camp hero,
lere he l doing some leg, work
t th9 Phillio' camp at Galna.
llle, Fla.
i:mv.j;is is uin;i:ii:
PAN FltANCl.CO, March 23 tX'
p.) That James Edwards, one of th
members of the amateur crew of tin
whiskey-runner I.loyd C. was allege
the ringleader, is indicated in United
States (.oinmlssioner Krule's court b
Ashtstant fniled Slates Attorney Hard
in iio.il . inncd airaiiist the niotbiii
to reduce the bail of the prisoners held
for the action of the federal grand
(From the East Oregonian, March 23,
The outlook is very favorable for a
lucccssful meeting of the state en
campment of the G. A. R. in Pendle
ton. Will Atchlnson has returned from a
visit to New York.
J. M. Btfntley is In Portland on business
iiou.-Asontntive vinuirlas lielts anii
Mrs. Kelts are here from tiirch creek
oday. ' ,
The Church ofsthe Redeemer Is to
have a new church which will be at
ractive and comfortable. It will cost
ess than $QA0. Most of the windows
vill be memorials. The building calls
or a pleasing combination of wood
md stone and the seating capacity
will bo 400.
f i
A C. Koeppen & Bros.
Tims Drug Store That Senrea
You Ilest.
Umatilla Hydraulic Stone
General Co.itra.-tor. ItuUUlng Blocks
H. A. FKIt'K. PropHeUir.
I . TH F
--'KLy '- x - -frit171' . . IM, ,BJ
DFTHI'-IT March 23. -(A. P.) In
in IS. 2 balk line billiard exhibition
natch yesterdcy with Charles Peterson
of St. Louis, W. M. lloppe ran 267
mints .to lomulete a SUO point block
continued the run until he had accum-;
ulatcd SOU points and then quit with ;
the halls In perfect positron.
4 You Save Money
says the Goo3 Judge
KB at
-I i
1 1
Bathroom, bedroom, every
room. Attach any where
to light circuit
Phone ISt
tot E. Ooart
. Mrs. Calvin Coolidge (above l
n.a been presented with thews
hree paira of hand-made shoes,
tade by the workers In a Una.'
;ass tactory. Every girt Jn the
plnt worked on them. Mrs
Coolidge'a name Is printed In uld
oa the lining ot each shoe..
And get more genuine chew
ing satisfaction, when you use
this class of tobacco.
This is because the full, rich,
real tobacco taste lasts so
. long, you don't need a fresh
- chew nearly as often.
And a small chew gives more
real satisfaction than a big chew
of the ordinary kind ever did.
Any man who uses the Real
.Tobacco Chew will tell you
' Put up in two styles
1 '
W-B CUT-is a long fine-cut tobacco
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
i , m r-m." Jii .lull ' i ii im ., .WW 'M,t. 4 ) 'I'By-.W'"1 y
' - " ' -, ,.,1 - " , - a hnV-r - -... -,. ..mm,..-w-.y
Butter, pound 50c
Tomatoes, No. 2'i tins, 2 for 25c
Red Mexican Beans, pound 6c
Bob White Soap, 4 for '. . 23c
Coffee, Hills Blue, 1 pound 35c
Coffee, Hills Blue, 3 pounds 9c
Folgers Ensign Coffee, package 30c
GmoltMHN 4 lbs. 81,05, 8 lbs. 82.00
La,d No. 5, $1.25, No. 10, $2.25
Quaker Corn Flakes, 2 for '. 25c
llugro Brooms, special, each 25c