East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 23, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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aster Is Just Days . . Away---
It will pay you to do your last minute shopping hero where you'll find the greatest stocks, the choicest assortments of the season's newest, most wanted styles. ;
The best values and the most courteous and efficient service- ' 'v-'
., '. - "
t -
Wc have just rece'ired a choice as
sortmcnt of the popular Jersey Sport
Jackets in red, brown, tan, grey, navy
, and black, sizes 16 to 44, in two quali
ties. Priced at S9.85 and 812.50
PLAID AND striped
We also offer, a large assortment of
the new and wanted plaid and striped
skirts for sport wear. The qualities
. are exceptionally good, the styles the
best ' '
HanUbajrs. jovbr, valines, faandkm-hirfs, gloves, hosjory and bcautj
fl iiet-kwrar wore never "niore lovrty or more la keeping with Uc spirit
of the snrinff tlm ,,,- are this mso. T!h abmai.1 fa, novel shapes,
rtjlr eulur and drcoratUe omes ami rrrn'tliongli they contribute a
w.kl ot distinction to EasU coumes, they are all temptingly mtMlerl
ate In price.
Are cool and practical for spring
and summer wear.
Little Gents' Brown Elk,
size 9 to 13 1-2, price. . . . $3.00
Youth's Brown Elk,
size 1 to 2, price ... $3.25
Boys' Brown Elk,'
size 2 1-2 to G, price, .
' DVe kir" 5fie
All QUmt PpAiU cu rz.
Sliced to Your Order
Swift's Vienna Sausage. Ih
Swift's Premium l ruukfoit, lb. . .
Swift's Ijhik liologiia. lb. .......
Swift's AslUaiul Specialty, lb. . . .
Swift's Com Ik-ef Uurf. lb
Swift's Baked Lmirliion Loaf, lb.
Swift's Cooked Mams, lb
Swift's Dried f!eer, lb. . ,
Swift's Premium llacou. J!i, ....
Seeds, Onion Sets, Sctnl Potatoes.
25c 20c
pho.nf. i s voi r nni:its
We'll Rive you the best of wrviuc.
it ... :
It is fairly brimming over with beautiful silken
materials, ideal for dresses, suits, blouses, sports
skirts and a hundred and one other interesting uses."
Tricolcttes and crepe silks are in the foreground,
but satins, charmeuses, taffetas and any number of
silks of novelty weave also invites farorable atten
tion and selection with-their gorgeous new colorings
and fascinatingly original spring patterns. '
? Our Low Prices Will Save You Money.
Fancy Crepe de Chines and Georgettes,
Vejy Special, a Yard $1.98 .
40 inches wide and a beautiful quality in handsome
new. spring patterns. Just the material for your
new-spring blouses, etc., regular values $2.50 to $2.75.
Very Special, a yard $1.98
- ' . .
New Smart Lace Hose for Spring. and; ::
Easter Wear..
Charming are these new lace silk hosiery, made ,
from finest Italian glove silk. The,, .beauty of
such weaves emphasized by unusual designs, are
sure gaining favor with the well dressed worn-
A new assortment of navy, greys, blacks,
heathers and whites received yesterday and
such fine qualities priced reasonably low. A
pair . $2.4? to $7.50
Phoenix and other well known brands of Silk
Hosiery for the Particular Woman. . : '
Late express shipments have brought some
beautiful things in hosiery, bought specially for
Easter. A splendid assortment of browns,
blacks, greys, navy and whites.
They are priced very. iuw, i vv w
et the idea M Our Bargain: Basement Advertisements
rrUr..r . .i . .. . . : - ........
- When we insert this item
it doesn't mean that this is the only hose bar
gain that we are offering it's merely a men
tion of one of the good bargains. t
They are insertedto give you but an inkling of the Hundreds of Good Things to be found in this Shop of Economy.
When we insert this item
don't get the idea that this is the only bargain
that we have to offer you. It is but one of the
many good tnings in Women's Keady-to-Wear
' When we insert this item
you can, rest assured that. we have hundreds
of other good shoe bargains for everybody. It
is just a reminder.
When we insert this item
I hen we myite you 10 visit this gd shP on your pre-Easter shopping trips you may be assured that many good things await you. Slake the very best of our offerings
surely you would not expect us to oiler tnis
one bargain only. It's just a suggestion of the
,r.A orM.nn Knrrrnins fiffpi'Pfl VOU.
Our recent wonderful buys enable us to
of fer you most remarkable savings.
mutinous gvzxiest r.Lp.vimnfr srcnz
mt a H B a m m
This should be your store, it's here to
serve you in every manner possible.
News .'
radays in
43 Hour -COSTLY
The Public Pulse
Each Manager Knows
Spending vs. Earning
Th advertising column in
these days are filled with in
iVrestinB new.
I it-mi ihein.
Count U facts are being
Vtintd which joti'll be glad
to know.
: Advertising pa''e i expen
vive, so it is wd in a careful
Only facts of importttnee
end sell wbich have wide
interwt arv inserti-i. Tbv
remiJts re traced, and adver- .
liwnu-nts which fail tto In
tercut do not long aicar.
A deiartment store, for
luM.inc.'. assigns to vach line
0 ccrtuin ajnuiint of ppacc.
1 lie rost 1 charKvd to the de
nartn.ent and the manager
luww s it h ill 48 hours If
what lie s-ud there was ef
fective. Tims ndveiliMTS are run
riantly fwlinif the public
IhiJs. They Know what in
tircis t n3" t.me and what
4tS not.
o ftvV ortuienients in gen
ual jirrscitt vnly offers to -which
ntniilcrie( peojije re-
, 'ui irnl iteniwmerits ore
especially appealing. Mer
chants and manufacturers In
many lines are establishing
a new price basis. Enormous
sacrifices ar being made in
these readjustments.
And the economic history
of these stirring- times is be
ing largely written in adver
tisements. .
Advertisements are so dis
played that one may pick out
at a glance the subjects of
possible interest.
: - . . . ,
It does not take long to
read all the merchanandn-r
news about things you may
desire. To overlook such
facts, Impressive enough to
state m print, is a vast mis
take. The right spending of
meney is Just as important
as earning it.
People who habitually read
advertisements pick up a
great many bargains. r
They keep- informed on
prices, on styles, on improve
ments and advantages. They
learn of, useful things' and
better things of which others
do not know.
They live better, enjoy
more and buy more wisely
than the less-informed.
-,Xook over the advertise,
ments in this paper today and
see how many items have an
interest for you.
Your aihertlsing appropria
tion nhouid bear fruit a hun
dredfold. 1
It stands to reason that the
it n you sow on the rocks ami
along the waside the more
returns yo uare sure to get.
Scientific space buying is the
need that falls on . good
ground of reputable publica
tion. Audit Bureau Circulation
jtcjJot'1 . careuliy studied,
enable you to forecast where
the pood ground lies.-- More
scientific selection of space
is a solution of many of the
problems confronting ad
vertisers right now.
Net paid Circulation is wnnt
you go after first; but
wouldn't you like to know
how that circulation was
obtained? The kind and
character of people who read
the publication and what it
is worJn to them?f
lfou can dig out all tha't in
formation in a very few inin.
ules from A. H. C. reports
andynery time you Ket addi
tional, authentic information
about a newspaper or a peri
odical you prevent adver
tising dollars from being
thrown on the rocks, or along
the wayside. . '
The East Oreonian
member of the
IXDIAXAI'OLIS, Jnd., Mvch 23.
(1. P.) Tho Board of Directors of the
International Association of Ilotary
Clubs has ordered a nation-ide'sur-vey
of conditions surrounding the care
of disabled veterans, "to prove wheth
er American Legion reports are based
on hysteria or upon actual facts," ac
cording to a letter received 'at Legion
Headquarters today from Chesiey II. professional men to prove to tho Am-
1'orry, Chicago, socrctary-genefal of erican people whether or not the Am
ino -Rotary organization". erican Legion reports are based
Perry said tho Rotary Hoard had hysteria or upon actual facts."
endorsed the Legion's consolidation
have started out to gather the actual
tacts in their resiKcilve communities
with regard to the manner in which
tho C. 8. Government Is handling the
cases of disabled ex-soldiers. The ro
tarians have been shocked by the dis
closure mado by the American Legliui
regarding tho circumstances surround
ing the rchitillltation of Cncle Bum's I er of the City of Pendleton, plans and
dipa'bled ex-service men. liich notary i specifications for an appropriate im
Oregon on March 16th. .1821., the- fol
lowing Resolution was duly adopted;
V.-HEHBAS, the City Surveyor of
the City of Pendleton did on the 8th.
IZ VyZt of The Common "of City on the th day of March
estimates of the probable totaj eawt of
such Improvement, which aaid Cltl
Knglneer's emi mates was made and
prepared by p. 11. Hayes, City Survey
or of said City, in the aunt of $13,.
345.56 and was. filed with- the Jiecord-
Council fjle In the office of the Record-
Club Is appointing a special committee
to investigate conditions -in its com-'
munlty and report to the club. Kverv
club will then report to the Headquar
ters office of Hotary in Chicago. The
result will be that from 800 commun
ities in every part of the I'nlted Mates
Vill come evidence of business and
provement of the following named
street In snld city:
Thompson Strep from the north
right of way lino of the O. W. R. & N.
Co. to the smith line of High Btreet,
together with the estimates 'of the
work to ie done and the probable cost
thereof with a statement of the lots,
Parts of lots and parneU. f land to be
1921, is hereby Included and hereby
referred to particularly; and ti it fur
ther - . . '.
RKrSOLVED thnt the pinna and sne.
clflcntlnns and estimates for each im.
provement as prepared fry (he City
Surveyor and filed with the (to order
of tho City of I'eniUeton on the 91 h.
day of Murch, JSJl, tie and they are.
hereby adopted and APprovod, atld bo
It further
Resolved that the coat ot making
benefited by such Improvement ano i such improvement shall be a charge
program for relieto the disabled asd
would support the L-gion's efforts to
obtain Its enactment into law. His let
ter said in part:
"The 50,000 American hifsincss and
professional men who form the suo
Koiary Clubs of the, 'United States.
Notice of Ktrwt li''ovcmciit
Notice is hereJby given that at a
regular meeting of the Common Coun
cil of The City of Pendleton held at
the Co'indl Chambers in i'endletox
Her "Boy Comes Home ',
I i'
Whirr fjtM ; . !. irr.-Mt;."r
'-it' - 'i"""'!?';
, ' ' S 3 Bf'.-a. ... -J te s. - -
id: i I
m7 --.J r t
.. ... ... '
3KV(te A fWNS
rVT CU D. I0
Private Irvine A
dy was brought ba
long line of flag-draped boxes at Hoboken
hern Just after she had found her son's eoftii
pier beld. y Protestant, Catholic and Jcwj.,
Hlns ot New York vef.ron nfth. T:..i..t- .
H. body was brought back with 107 other aoldier dead. Gold .t.r mVh. -L. ?6 "2 'h5r ,y-
"fc- 'J'nd ' w-Affli ta'tha bground loin, memorlfi t !.
- "-.i.v,MM w tun
on I the percentitge of the total cost of lin-
- (provement, which each, of such lots,
I Parts of lota and parcels of land should
pay on account of the benefits to be
derived from such Improvement, and
WH ERISAS, the Council - !ia ex
n mined such plans and specifications
and estimates and found the same eat
isfactory and the estimates therefor to
be in accordance, with the probable
I cost of such work, and,
I WHhUtKAHi the property recom
j mended by the City Surveyor to be in
eluded within the "boundaries of the
district benefited Is In the Judgment
of the Common Council properly to be
Included within such Improvement
District and no property is excluded
therefrom which should properly iMs
Include! therein, ami
' WHEREAS, the Improvement of the
' hereinabove described portions of
Thompson Street either gravel , Bithu-
llthlc pavement, concrete pavement or
Warrenite lilthulthlc pavemont ' on
crushed rock or crushed gravel foun
dation is at this time necessary, there,
i fore, be It, , -
RKHOLVBD by the Commori Coun
t'cll of the City of Pendleton that it is
(expedient to Improve and It is hereby
! proposed to Improve Thorn peon Btreet
, jtrom the north right of way line of
the O. W. H. N'. Company to the
fsouth line of High Street, by paving
tho same with either gravel Hlthullthlo
'J pavement or concrete pavement or
i Warrenite lilthulithlo pavement on
cruKhed rock or crushed gravel loan
. uauon; sucn pavement to be con
structed and tho surface thereof to bo
finished upon tho established grade of
said street and the street to have curbs
(and gutters nnd all other things in ac
eoraanca with and as shown in tho
plans and specifications for the im-
provement of said portions - of said
Thompson Street from the north right
of way line -of the O. W. R. A N. Com
pany to. the south line of High Street,
prepared by F. n. Hayes, City Survey
or, filed with the Recorder of said
City on tho lh. day of March, 1921.
chlch said plnne and specifications
are hereby particularly referred to
and lie It further '
. HESOJAKU (hat 111? . Engineer's,
and lien upon all lota, pnrts of lets and'
parcels of land to be benefited by sucn
Improvement, and ith& owners f such .
lots, parts of lots and parcels of land so
Parts of lots end parcels vt land so
specially 'benefited by sur-IC Improve
ment shall be llahlo for the payment
of the costs thereof, ami he it further,
P.BSOLVED that an Assessment
District Is hereby created to be known
lis "Assessment District -No, 78'' em
bracing the property enefited and to
bo assessed for the payment of, such
improvements, which Assessment Dte
trict shall Include ull .lots. parts of
lots, am parcels of laud lying ami be.
Intf within the district bounded and
described as follows, to-wlt:
Ih-srrlptlon of Assessment IMMrict
Numls-r fa.
Commencing from the northeatt
corner of lot 12, block 113. Reservation
addition to Pendleton, Oregon, Jhence
1305 ft, 2 3-8 In. in a southcrly'dlrec-.
Hon and parallel with the enst line of
Thompson Street, thence 260 ft In a
westerly direction and paralloJ with
the south line of High Street, thonuo
1305 ft. 2 B-(t In. in a northerly direc
tion and parallel with the wem iin. ef
Thnpson Stret, thence ttO ft. in an
easterly direction and along the south
line of the O. W. Jl. & N. Co. right of
v.uy line to the point of "beginning.
And be It further ,
IlKSOLVKD, that a ropy . of this
resolution together with a notice that
the surveyor's estimate of tho propor
tion Of tile COSt Of Blllll W.irU In ha
charged against enoh lot, ,art f lot
and parcel of land Is om file in the of
flee o the i'iiy Recorder, be publish- -ed
for a period of ten days In the East
t'regonlan, which newspaper la hereby
designated by the Common Coftncll for
the publication thereof, i ft
And notice is further flverf that the
Surveyor's estimate ef the cost of said
Improvement to Nbe assessed against
each Lot, part of. Lot and on reel or
Land on nccounf of aaid itnprovemnnt
Is now on file In the office pi the City
Kocorner, subject to inspection. Done
and dated st Pendleton .Oregon this
17th. "day of March l21.,j .
city mm,