East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 23, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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    rcs ten
I'lrxt .spring ImlM
Itearti Itinland
From Orefron Journal.)
There were nix loads of livestock re-
Ported In for the m hour nt North
I'oflland, out scarcely enough cm to
firmly cslabllKh prlres In any lino.
Holts mere considered about steady,
entile steady to firm and sheep still
First spring- lamb of th season
made their apesrance in North Port
land Tuesday morninK, the Initial
transaction belnir at $1. A year ago
the first sprtnjr lambs arrived at Port
land March 27 and sold at :0 per
hundred pound.
Market for sheep did not show more
than a, nominal run for the Tuesday
trade at North Portland, tit there was
little demand in stfrtit. A sale of a
lond of extra pood lamb from east 01
the mountains sold at a lute hour Mon
day at IK. 75. but the frcneral top was
not above $s.!5, and trade was slow
nd bedraggled at that.
Genera! sheep and lamb market:
Fast of mountain lambs) 12.00 $f 12.25
Willamette valley lambs... t.007.0
Heavy Iambs ... t.O0Sr7.6fl
Feeder lamb S.OOfif.50
Cull lamb 4.00(15.00
LUrht yearlings .. S.S0JT7.00
Heavy yearlings S.OO ii 6.5 J
Wethers -. S.OOttt.OO
tires . 1.505.51
No change wa shown in the cattle
. . C1&J? fWW T)US --t$ I
j. -j I coalissone -:.T- i
i-lJll'' ' lF8
KWl r i ere K.r-l. j
"J! i.iliii."
It I a well-known but not fully appreciated fact,
that the beginner can nearly always find business
men ready to match Two Dollars Jlcrcliamll-xe or
Credit against One Dollar Cash, But It Is. all-important
to liavc Utirt casll dollar to begin with, and
the one sure way to have dollars is to save them.
Work and dig and skimp and open a Savings Account
In this strong bank, and sooner or later you will
have these needed dollars to begin with.
We have a large assortment of many beauti
ful patterns in inlaid, print and felt base.
t We also carry the 12 foot width linoleum. This
enables you to lay your rooms without seams in
the center.
Also large assortment of Congoleum rugs in
all sizes.
' Cruikshank & Hampton
124-128 E. Webb Pendleton, Ore. r
l our Old t'umilure Takes in Eiduuicts as Part rajnncnt on cw. s
Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports
market or price situation at North
Portland Tuesday. There was a small
run reported in the alleys, und while
in spots the market showed fair
strength, the general tone was merely
steady. One lot of extra select cows
sold at Ji.tfl. a premium of '25c over
the regular market. "
General rattle market range:
Choice steers t 8.00 8.50
Medium to good steers .. 7.25 i 8.0b
Fair to good steers .... , S.50W 7.25
Common to fair steers . . 5.50 6.50
Choice cows, heifers S.50$ 7.00
Medium to food cows and
heifers .- 6.00 6.50
Fair to medium cows and .
heifers.. (1.50 M 6.00
Common cows, heifers . . 4.50 4i 5.50
Cannera 2.25 4.50
Choice feeder 6.00- 6.50
Fair to good feeders ... 6.50t 6.00
Bulls 2.500 5.00
Choice dairy calves ..... 12.50 W 13.58
Prime light dairy calves 11.605? 12.50
Med. light ('.airy calves . . s.CQ 9 i 1.50
Heavy dairy calves 6.00 J J.fv
Swino prices were steady at North
Portland for the Tuesday trade, -with
cnly a handful of stuff reported In the
alleys. The trend of the trade was
similar to that shown Monday,
General hog market range:
Prime light . .612.00 12.50
Smooth heavy 11.25 41 11.75
P.ough heavy ..,. 7.0010.
Fat pica Il.00ei2.00
TheAmentWKSioiJtll Bank
Pendleton. Oregon, v
Sank in Castem Oregon
Feeder pigs
Stags ......
11.00 re n.73
Stock Market
Is Irregular '
NEW YORK, (March 23. (A. I
Irregular and uncertain tendencies
vere predominant in the stock market
festerdny, although many losses were
'ancelled at the comparatively firm
Announcement that the senate Is
likely to adopt a resolution providing
or an Investigation of the railway sit
uation Invited fresh offerings of those
issues and passing of the Vanadium
dividend directed renewed attention to
adverse conditions In the steel and al
lied trades.
Prospects of a double holiday lute
in the week served as a check to .bull
ish Initiative.
Motors ond similar Issues, together
with ollp, steels and equipments were
foremost In the final rebound.
Specific features of strength In
cluded Sludebnker, Pierce Arrow, At
lantic Gulf, Paciflo Oil, Mexican Petro.
leum. United Stales Steel, Baldwin
Locomotive and Northern . Pacific.
Many extreme declines of one to two
points were reduced to fractions at the
Sales 600,000 shares.
Call money held at the fixed rate of
$H per cent, while as low as five per
cent was again privately Quoted.
Confusing moments ruled In the
bond market, liberty issues, for ex
ample, declining while some foreign
flotations were appreciably better.
Secondary rails and minor industrials
added to recent declines. Total sales,
par value, $9,750,000. : , ,
Six Otic Show '
liHTcaNcd Sale
SAX FRANCISCO. March 23. (A.
P.) Retail sales in February 1921, In
six cities In the 12th federal reserve
district were 8.1 per cent greater In
value than sales In February of last
year, according to a statement Issues
here today by the federal reserve bank.
The statement was based on reports
submitted by 25 representative depart
ment stores and mail order houses In
Oakland, Los Angeles, Spokane, San
Francisco, Seattle and Salt Lake City.
"In the rural sections," the state
ment said, "largely due to decreased
buying power, coincident with the de
cline in value of farm products, sales
were less In amount that a year ago,
offsetting the increase in the citiea
For the district as a whole, retail sales
were 2.4 per cent less In value than in
February 1920, . . '
"As the dollar will buy more com
modities at present thnn In February
1920, thl figure docs not mean that
the volume of trade has been small
er. Retail prices were approximately
ten to thirty per cent less than a year
ago and it is probable, therefore, that
a greater volume has een turned over
this year than last year." . , .
Steel Trust Famed
IS3.8&.-.3.-, in 1920.
NEW YORK,. March 23" (A. re
publication of the pamphlet report of
the U. 8. Steel Corporation for 192e
disclosed total earnings of $185,895,
359, a gain over 1919 of $32,804,720;
'balance of earnings after payment of
interest on bonds and mortgages of
$176,686,894, a net increase of $33,
097, 855, and net income of $130,002,
534, increased $31,959,3&.
Production of ore mined totaled 27,
021,009 tons, against . 25,423.093 in
1919. Blast furnace production show
ed only a moderate Increase but rolled,
and other finished products rose from
11,997,935 tons to 13,228,502 tons.
The number of . employes was 267,-
245, an increase of slightly more than)
15,000 over 1919 and average dally j
wages per employe rose from $6.12 to i
Export shipments aggregated 1,708,-
100 tons, a decrease of 358,906 tons.
Cattle Price Duwn
Meat Prke l'p
WASHIXGTO.V, March 23. (A. P.I
While the average price of good
beef steers on the Chicago market
from March 5 to March 19 declined
from $9.95 to $9.70 per hundred
pounds, the price of good steer 'beef
at three large eastern markets advanc
ed from $16.47 to $17.63, the bureau of
markets announced today. The bureau
added that the averaee price for med-
' a"'" ' JfRTli!
I i ii JH...1H i. ' 1 g i sum ii in i i
This s A mcirvY , aU, r
J 1 He""sAf NO CAM
i V- " He SAY COOD
1 1S
him belt steers dropped from $9.20 to
$8.93, "While the average wholesale
price of medium steer beef Increas
ed from $15.43 to $16.65.
The announcement said that "the
price of heavy steer hides declined
about two cents .per pound, which
would Justify either a decline or 13c
per hundred pounds on live steers, or
an advance of approximately 25 He per
100 pounds on the dressed meat.".
Cattle Pi-hx- Vp '
In Kansas City "
KAXMAS CITY, March 23. (A: P.)
Cattle Receipts 7,000; beet steers
mostly 25c higher; top 10.00; bulk
8.E0IJ 9.25; fourteen loads 1,030 pound
Tex&na 9.00; she stock 25 40c high
er; best 1,230 pound cows 7.75; ma-ny
cholre lots 7.25 7.50; baby beef helf
ors 9.1099.50; good heifers 8.50; cal
ves mostly 50c higher; best vealers
10.00; canners dull and steady; bulls
and feeders strong to 25c higher;
choice 700 pound Blockers 8.75.
i 'Sseep Receipts 5,500; steady;
lambs steady to 25c higher; 84 pound
lu ml H 10.00; twenty head 60-poundl
Hiring lambs 14.50.
Hum l'p BO cent's '
In Seattle Yards
SBATTLK, March 23. (A. P.)
Hogs Receipts 50. Market 50c high
er. Prime 12.Mf 12.50; medium
heavies 11 1.00 ffl 12. 00;. rough! heavies
9.00S.50; pigs 9.00011.50.
Cattle Receipts none. Market 25 3
50o higher. Prime steers 8.25 8.75;
medium to choice 6.25617.75; common
to good B.OOff .600; 'best cows arid
heifers 7.0O57.50; medium to choice
5.00 & 6.50. ; i
Eg5 Decline .
In Xew York ' i
XT5W YORK, March 23. (A. P.
ESBS declined in price here yesterday.
Fancy Tvhite eggs were quoted at 35c
wholesale, showing a drop of six cents,
Western, firsts declinecT from 34 to23
,and 25c
Woolincn Approve '
Cooperative Selling. ... .
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah., March
23. The principle of cooperative .mar.
keting and selling of wool was approv
ed today by the directors of the Utah
Wool, Growers' association as a por
sible solution to the difficulties faced
by Uie Industry.
May Wheat Lowest
Since 1916.
23. (A. P.)-
May: wheat yesterday touched the
i lie i ug ui yv ar
lowest price since 1916. trained
economic conditions, bearish crop re
ports and slackness of export demand
appeared largely responsible. The
market cloned unsettled at 3'4 net de
cline to' 1 l-4c advance, with March
1.51 3-4 to 1.L2; and May 1.42 3-4 to
1.43. . Corn lost 1-4 to 3-4. Oats fin
ished unchanged to 3-8 up and pro
visions off 2 1-2 to 40c. '
j Heavy liquidation by holders took
place In wheat after the first " hour.
Revival of talk about enactment of a
emergency tariff had temporarily giv
en the bulls a little advantage but pur
chasing' orders came largely from
shorts and with gossip current about
storage and warehouses being clogged
with refused merchandise selling pres
sure broadened, especially as crop re
ports were bearish and foreign Inquiry
reduced la a minimum. . .
At the extreme low point of the day,
however, one big commission ' bouse
turned to the bull. aide and rallies en
sued..' Besides, an elevator , Interest
wua' credited with selling March and
buVIng May at the finish.
, Corn and oats averaged lower In
sympathy with wheat. May ayrn and
May oats as well sold at cheaper prices
than since-1913.
Provisions were weighed down by
the action of grain and by uncertainty
uljorut, labor troubles. . T
PENVEIL Colo., March 23. (A.
P. Joshua Sykes, self-styled "Jeho
van, King of Heaven and Karth, Au
thor of the Bible and Prophet of the
Tu,emacle of David," In this city, left
tonight for San Francisco, from where
ha will go to McNeil's Island, Wash
ington, -lo begin serving an 18
moiiths' service following his convic
tion on a charge of having obstructed
the draft, . ...
'i.v.--;. '-'
, ' , rmci: of kggs drops.
PORTLAND,. March 23. (A. P.)
The -larger buyers offered 18 cents .for
eggs and predicted 15 cents before the
end of the week, owing to the heaviest
supplies of years with no shipping
outlet. The public market is selling
eggs at 26 cents. It la reported that
storage operators cannot get any fi
nancial assistance.
A Few Cases Left
Of Robles Peaches, Pears anC Apricots,
, While they last
2 CANS 45c 6 CANS $1.30
CASE OF 24 CANS $5.00 ,
Better place your order now, as this wili be the
last shipment of these fruits we wil have.
Sanitary Grocery
The Moat
in Value
221 East Court St.
. Phono 871
The beginning of spring yesterday
brought to the Atlantic const region
of the United States the highest tem
peratures ever recorded for March 21-
Washington led nearly a dozen cities
with an official temperature of 89 und
a street level temperature of 99.
New York reported" a record tem
perature of SO; Boston 82 and Balti
more' 88. ', . .
Temperatures were reported last
night, however, to be declining even
faster than they went up, cool wave
having overspread the country cast, of
the Mississippi and even extending be
yond as evidenced by snow In south
west Kansas and greening, weather In
the Texas panhandle. Muorhead.
Minn., last night reported only 18 de
grees above sero. '
The cold weather In the opinion of
weather 'bureau officials, however, will
not endanger fruit trees.
SPOKANE, Wash.. March 23. (A
P.) Appointment of Geo. Vf. Beau
mont of Seattle as IT. a marshal In
Alaska, is believed in Washington, D.
C. circles to be extremely probable, ac
cording to a special despatch to-the
Spokane Chronicle.
Mr. Beaumont, who served as a ma
Jor during the "war, had command of
the toist field teicgrapn oattauon in
France which organization is declared
to have flashed General Pershing's or
der to,. "cease firing" to all American
units the morning of the armistice.
Read Thii If Your
I Kidneys Need Help
men and women past du yean ot
age, sod trea younger, who work
at confining, indoor occupation! in
tuieeptible to weakened, inactive or
iluggiih kidneys that (ail to properly
cleanse and purify the Mood. Symp
totna ol diteaied kidneys are pom
neai nnder the eyes, sallow skin.
Dotting specks, dry mouth, bilioui.
neai, aervoutnem, backache, rheu
matic piini, swollen or tiff joint,,
ore muxlea. Many bed ridden
uffetera owe their condition to their
failure to take heed ot Ihefintwira
io of kidney trouble.
enact trait, ycror kidrwt anmh
for tb wondarfal bfl61 I sava 4riva4
Iran tbair vaa lor ouch a short whil. Ploaiia
Sublish thia atataaBont as 1 vraot tha seopla
of Roller Mount and ororrobora H kaow ol
F.l.r RiaNwr Pilla." Mra. A. C. WtUa.
ft. P. D. 8, Boa ft, Bockj Moual, N. C.
Foley Kidney Puis
invlgorste, etrenttheo and heal in
tctive, wetk end diaeased kidoeyi
sad bladder. They help the kidnoyi
in their work of purifying the blood
ilream end crating out poitoaout
watte. Cleao blood makes pnwible
.od cireotalion, hoolthy norvoa, atrosfl
aek. olaar baof. aetivo brain, aound boart.
aatialactory fuailion and sartoat kaaiib.
i - '. a ... . - 4' - H r ,..... , , . aj
If you are, looking for
Oregon Motor Garage
; ' Dtributort
"! .', Phone 468 .
. .' . w
The Best
in Quality
WArllWNOTON, March 23. (U. P.)y
Major General lycoimrd Wood will
retire from the army when he gets
bask from the Investigation of the
Phlllpplnea situation Secretary ot War
Weeks said. 1 '
'They WORK
while you sleep"
A Dependable) Physic
when Bilious, Headachy,
Constipated and Upset
10, 25, 50c drugstores.
Or any part of the electrlo
system on your car overhauled
and repaired. Satisfaction guar,
Wlllard Service Station,
. Pendelton, Ore.
1 Phono ttt. LETS OOl X
a snap, be sure to see this