East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 22, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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U. J--J t
i .g
.... i
People Here and There
Representative Frank Klouit of Htun
Hold been enjoying the beautiful
fcprlnK weather In I'etidleton today.
P. a. Lucas of Weston has been In
(own toduy Attending to business affairs.
A. C. Woodruff mid If. I". Peterson
are In the city today from Hormlslon.
Mr., and Mrs. 1L' Kerry of Grant
1'ubh are registered at a local hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. El M. Griffith are horo
today from their home at I'usco.
F. 8. Hull, of Freowater wild it visit
or In rendletun yesterday.
Ityron Giimm will' leave on Friday
for Portland for a (hurt business trl.
Vpon bin return to Pendleton he will
leuve on an extended trip through the
Northwest In the interests of "the Ten
dleton Woolen Mill, for which firm
he In a, salesman. .
school, Jwhtch is the 13th In the county
to 'become standardized.- 'Die ele
mentary grudes of tho school arc ula
SuiMTliitenilitit Visit Adams.
School Muerlntindout W. V. Oreen
vlHlted tho school at Adams thin
morning, lie report (he condition of
the schools an most satisfactory.
When Oliver Dickinson Ik nut vlslt
liur his holdings In the aouthcrn end
of the county he is running one of the
best farm In tho county, tie 1 the
owner well an manager and It I lo
fated on the highway between Adami
and Athena.
tOcorgo fames, the pioneer I'llot
Itoclo merchant, who la classified as a
farmer for Jury service purposes In In
Pendleton today. George, woe drawn
for duty for the April term, of court,
yesterday, but he ways he will not he
able to serve an thai will Intvrferc with '
the proper opening olf tho, falling ien
Sulk'rliitenihiits JtMloc-tcl
Tho superintendents of schools at
1'mallllu, Hermivlon, Kcho and1 Athena
have all been relocted. according to
advices received at tho office of the
county superintendent, ,.' ,i
Ctitiirjr, School lro;3fstdiiic
A grout mMny'i of the one-room
schools of the- county are reporting
that they ar reudy for standardisation
and Superintendent Ureeir says that
by the clone -ot the year pwtctlcally all
of the town school In tho county will
have been, staiKiardlzed. . , ,
In Anti-Narcotic Drive Large
Number of. Arrests Made,
Quantities of Drugs Seized.
Court' Crrartolt 1'ndwltli' '
The county court went to Walla
Walla thin mornlnR without having an
uounced any decision with 'reference to
the propomtd iHvbilerf of the Pendle
ton Justice court district. 1 11 Ik prot
able that as the member view the
Mnfe line rond they will mnRe up their
minds and announce a decision tomor
row. J ' '" '
' AdUe Iklc-gMtr lo Vm I'atlcnco
( - - . .........
I TOKIO, March 12. (A. P.) Bane
on Information frem a reliable 'iteiirce
In Btiropeati Russia, wye the Kokusei
,cw Agency, a ncml-offu'tai messHBB
rt-ached her atalea that the ropreseu.
tn lives of the Russian Fur listcrn
Republic expressed a slnc'ere denlre at
the recent general conference of the
Soviet elements, held by . Chita, for
the amalgamation of the republic
with the ttovlet government. The lat
ter advised the republican delegated
to eicerelse patience. In consideration
of the republic'! relations with the Ja
pnncxo RovTTnnient,' -
I iiiHlllla s Ii.h.Im rts Standard '
tfliperliilendent Harold- llenjamin ot
tho L'malllla schools ha adviHed the
county auperlntendent that, thai ele
mentary grades are all ready for stan
dardisation In accordance with the
tulea promulgated, fcy the Mate boara.
The high school wa standardised last
fall ho that the entire echool system
of the went end town will be standard.
All High Kclioola Am Standard
The county Reboot' superintendent
w advised this morning that Adam
high M'hool had been admitted to
standardization by the state board,
thereby), maWng- every high school in
the 'county a atandard one. Arnold
f'.rnlapp la principal of the Adams
Special for Tomorrow
Large bottle, 25c, 5 for $1.15
' put up in syrup
Per can, 25c; per cae, 24 cn, $5.50
Peaches and Apricots at the same price.
Don't forget to order your garden and flower
seeds and onion seta. Do it today. Remember, we
carry only quality seeds.
The Economy Grocery
Phone 409 ; " ; Jll3 W.Webb St
Waif 's Welding Works
Walter Hendricks. Prop.
Phone 71
110 Water St.
Frank Neagle Blrcksmtlh Shop
I have taken over the entire welding business of the
Burns Machine Works, Inc; Former and new customers'
work solicited. I am located in the same building.
No job too large or too' small ; come and see. ,
Walt The Welder
NWW YllK, Marc h 22. Clalm:iE
virtually to hino brorfen tlic bae'j f.f
Hie illicit dri, - tnt le In New Yori
City, in four month's drive, Fpeclal
lA'puty i'ommlaijloner Carleton Miixoi
today ileclareii wur on an Interna
tional ring which he charge la respon
sible for llleiial distribution Of done
throuirhout the t' nlted States.
In the antlnarcotlc drive he'ro more
than 1,000 arreata have been made
and millions ot dollar worth of dTus
Retard. .
AlthotiRh the iilegral drug trade has
been broken IJr. Kimon uiwerted the
worli of bin laireau la not only to con
tinue here but la to 'be enlarged frj
meet the problems in other big cities
in America and abroad.
lly mcaiiH of on Ititeriiatioiml bur
eau of cniiiln.il recorda nliw belnu
eatiibllahed, all data concerning dniK
crooka la to be ready for citle where
"leada" pointiiiir to New York mlKht
be uncovered, the cominiaiiliiner said.
fUcently he added, .Antwerp police
had requested Information concerning
an alleged leader of tho International
ring. It hna" shown by means of In
formation furnlnhed by New York that.
the man had police records in Lou
don. Paris, Brussels and New Orleans
and bad served prlnon sentences at
furious placen affjfrogatlns 2 years.
We made more arrests these pant
flw months than In any 2 months
heretofore," said Dr. Bluion, who was
selected to direct the drive because of
his medical truinlntc. . Every rlnir of
thd metropolitan polioe department
was coordinated, workltifc In conjunc
tion -with the Federal agents. In con-
eipieiice, "the fear" has Iwen spread
through the army of .vendors.
Before he assumed his Job, Dr. Si
mon said traffic In drugs In Now York
had reached un amazing stage. His
first' move was- to seek to clean up
New York then aid In solving the drug
vending prohlcmi In other cities a
resultant evil of the situation here.
Riuads of special men were spread
to all parts of the greater city, expert!
men being picked lo patrol me wwei
K.ist Hide where venders were even
using school children as 'go-betweens"
to supply addicts.
Constant watch was kept on incom
ing ships where alleged Bmugglera
tvere resorting to all manner of tricks
to "sneak" the narcotics " into this
country. Arrests of persons n the
docks revealed drusa hidden In artifi
cal aims and limbs; in sausages una
clothing. Once the antl-narcotie for
ces were working eysteftiatically and
arrests became frequent, the sttuatio
soon gave evidence of being cleared
up. . " '
The almost dally raids In the city
reached a climax recently In Brooklyn
"hen agents entered an. apartment,
arrested several persona and seined
drugs worth . thousands tit dollars.
Tho great majority ; arretted, were
"tfiirbstorte" vendors. ' . -
Kill That Cold With
Coldi, Coufb "OMVV
La Grippe'
I Jeglected Cold3 are Dangerous
Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first aneeie.
Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieves
Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headache
Quinine in this form does not affect the head Cascara is best Tonic
Laxative No Opiate in H.'il's.
Marble for Building Arrives, '
Two carloads' of marble, to bo "used
for the additjon to the Pendleton
Maunoleum, have arrived In Pendle
ton. The addition will double the Hlze
ut the structure and bring the total
number of crypts, "Bp to 8, one of the
largest muusulounu on tho .Pacific
coast, j .
Trip Is KiKYt'tifitl
After a buying trip characterised' as
on of the most succetui in ine His
tory of The Peoples' Warehouse, John
Benson, head of the dry goods deport.
ment of the firm, returnen to Pendle
ton yesterday. He visited St. LouiH,
tit. Joe and Kansas City ahd'every-
v.'hcre, he stutes, he found opportunity
to take advantage of low prices. Mr.
Benson says that there has been a
ffreat reduction in . wiioresale prices
and that the drop will in turn lie ot
benefit to the thoppcr who buys at the
retail price. t ,
Shut Are SoiiKbt.
parents of WHHan Alyers. who
served In Company" M. 2H, Iiifanlr',
aro seeking their son, according" to a
letter received toduy by Perriy riile
man. commander of ' the Pendleton
iiuh Americnn ueuion. flyers is
thought to have been in Pendleton for
a lime. Fred Farley, who served In
the army, Is sought also. Mr. Idle
man asks that anyone having infor
mation regarding either of the men no
tify him at the American National
WARPAW, Ind., March 22. A. P.r
Efforts of authorities to obtain a
complete statement from Virgil Deck
er, who Saturday confessed to havirr?
murdered Leroy Lovett, regarding his
knowledge of the crime, failed today
when he announced he would answer
no more questions. He ald that fol
lowing a'dvico by his v. attorney, ho
would say nothing; further ' until tho
trials - . ... .-. . .i -ft f '
The exception
ally fine flavor of
Hilvilla ndver
varies It's
altuays good, and
, still better, it
aliuays pleases ,
t'aiiimlUti t BkIm This " afternoon
marked the beginning of the campaign
between the classes to decide wbiuh
class would be the first to sell 100
tickets to the Whitman College Men's
Glee Club concert which wilt be given
in this city tomurow evening. Mr. Aus
tin Landreth made the announcement
that five dollars would be given to the
class who was the first to sell 100
tickets. 'The campaign will lest until
tomorrow. The freshman have al
leady disposed of several of their tick
ets and expect to take the reward.
The glee club will arrive, in the city
tomorrow morning and will go to the
school where they will give a sample
of what they will give the public in the
14111111 Out Yesterday The Lant
erns were off the press yesterday and
were delivered to subscribers. The
issue this time has a laire cut on the
front p"e of the girls' basketball
team. Of special note of this Issue is
tho editorial column. The problem of
the high school as a community center
is well discussed from the student
point of view.
Mb Sovornuce lU'turns to School
Miss Rlinubeth Severance, head of the
English department has returned to
school nfter beiug absent yesterday due
to a severe cold. 'IVor place Was filled
by Miss Leura Jerard.
Says 'France Lives, Every
where I Have Experienced
It;' Wriuld Not Talk Politics.
TOt 'f. ON, March 2'.'. (A. P.)
Georges ('lemenceau, France's war
premier, radiant with health, return
ed today from India, whltlyer he went
:itK. months ago. He walked down the
gang plank of the Ormomio with a
step like a young hum, although he is
iu-ariiijr his Hpth birthday.
Exchanging greetings with the pre
fect, Admiral .Sagot, Andre Tardieu
and his family, M. t'b'menceau said.
"I am happy. All I nave to say is
embodied in this single sentence
'France lives: everywhere I have ex
perienced it.' " '
He showed a touch of emotion when
be sp'c, but was soon the Irrepres
sible old stutesnian, for almost Imme
diately he resumed his customary
bantering tone and In replying to a
question as to "whether be bun tod
tigers while away remarked: "I didn't
know thtre were any left in India."
Oho correspondent made mention Jt
the L'pper Kilesian plebiscite and M.
Olemeneeau gave him a withering
look. "Don't talk to me about poli
tics or 1 sbull go right back to In
dia." be snapped.
The former premier enjoyed fine
weather during the voyage, except last
night when a gale was encountered
whi'.'h tho ship weathered gallantly.
"She's a. great ship," he-, said. I
shall take her again when I go to
.There is a, strong movement among
many newspapers urging M. t'lfcmen
ccau to go to the United States before
Australia, but he declared he was
first going to bis native Vendee to
celebrate his SOth birthday and then
would probably proceed to .Australia.
He will arrive in Paris Wednesday.
The Custom is Crowing
. , . '
of giving at Easter a "gift that
. lasts."-, Pearls are the favor
ite gift of this season, because
"their beauty is a kin to that of
the lily which is symbolic of
. Easter-tide.
Tho Largest iamoixl lK-ak rs lu Eastern Oregon.
BRUSSELS. Starch" 22. (A. P.)-'-The
council of ministers today decided !
(o send Burgomaster" Max of Brussels!
to the 1'nited' Stales to tender con-1
gratuiations of the Rclginn govern-J
ment to President Harding on his
P.) A seven year old boy who fell
150 feet down a steep cliff while
playing today on Telegraph Hill here
anil became stranded on a ledge, was
rescued from his precarious position
by a fireman, who was lowered down
the side of a cliff on a rope by fel
low firemen. The boy suffered a frac
tured arm.
"Queen of the Oil Fields"
V f
, i if .
1 B. L. BURRQUGHS-He Has It!
Dr. David Bennett Hill
Johns Blug.
" Tehdleton, Oregon
1 -
J. C. Penney Co. A Nation-Wide Institation
Your Boys Easter Suit
$6.90; $9.90, $11.90 '
Our new low prices makes it unnecessary
to put off longer the buying of that needed
' suit for your son.
People who have bought clothes for
hrws at this store know how well they
always held their shape even after the
husky Oregon
tinuous grilling service that
youngsters put them to.
The new spring styles show more than or
dinary smartness of fashion, which coupled
with their ability to hold that style for con
tinuous service and our low cash prices makes
this the logical place to buy your boys' clothes.
Bring your boy in and see how he'll look in
one of the new suits. .
Boys' Long Pant Student Suits
- $19.73, $24.75. ,
Alterations Free
J. C. Penney Con A JSation-yide institution
Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Prices-
East Oregonian Printing Department
Th best oil lease salesmen In Kentucky," is what oil men call
Miss Virginia Daltuu ot Bewltug Crecn.Tbi picture Iiqt'3 Iter uiuk- -,
tn5! .- - -' - " .1 , . t
Pay Cash Receive More - Pay Lesa
Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court
Phone 8S0
Why This Grocery
Saves You Money
because we buy for cash. 1
because we sell for cash.
because we have no bookkeepers.
because we lose no bad accounts.
- because our large sales make quick turn over
of stocks.
because our goods are all guaranteed. .
-because our service is first class. , ' ,
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Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
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Phone 880
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