East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 22, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Easter- Is Just Four
Days Away;
Are you prqwmtt It will pay you to do your last minute shopping here. Our stocks" are the greatest, the assortment the most attractive, ..the ,. vaIucsUi(
liest, the mtv ice the most courteous and efficient. ' , V
v - if U v-
-. r f . i!
V H; 3.1 ;l
1 . v.
: ft:
--ill . V
V j
,u f f
Easter will he here
in just Four days.
'You'll find choosing here
SO easy! We're splendid
ly supplied with suits of
serge, gabardinje, twills,
oxford eloths, mannish
mixtures and other good
fabrics in the latest styles.
The new straight lines and
ripple effects are the lead
ing fashions although
they've been, carefully
modified to meet the de
mands of our patrons' But
these modifications have
not lessened their beauty
. or correctness at all in
fact they have made them
They're priced from
$38.50 to 95.00 -
It is fairly brimming over
with beautiful silken ma
terials, ideal for dresses,
suits, blouses, sports skirts
and a hundred and one other
interesting uses. Tricolettes
and crepe silks are 'in the
foreground, but satins, char
meuses, taffetas and any
number of , silks of novelty
weave also invites favorable'
attention and selection with
their gorgeous new color
ings and fascinatingly origi
nal spring patterns.
Our, Low (Prices Will Save
- You Money.
Fancy Crepe de Chines and
Georgettes, Very Special, a
Yard $1.98 ,
40 inches wide and a beau
tiful quality, in handsome
new spring , patterns. Just
the material for your new
spring blouses, etc., regular
values $2.50 to $2.75, Very
Special, a yard $1.98
Accessories for Easter
Handbags, Jewelry, veilings, hand
kerchiefs, gloves, hosiery and beauti
ful neckwear were never ir.ore lovely
or more In keeping with the spirit of
the sprins than they are this season.
They abound in novel shapes, styles,
colors and decorative touches, and
even though they contribntc a world
of distinction o Taster costumes, they
are all ft-mptlnRly moderate in price.
" .err -
, Styled by men who know the demandao dis
criminating dressers and built with a precision
to the smallest detail, our shoes meet every re
quirement of the woman who wants, the best in
shoes. ' - .. 't't-y--.;
. , : :
Women's Black Suede Pumps, black kid col
lar, turn sole, strap, French' heel, price: $11.00
Women's Brown Kid Pumps, two straps, flex
ible soles, French heels, price.......",.. $11.00
Woman's White Reinskin Oxfords, Goodyear
welt, military heels, price '.. $7-50
Women's White .Buck Oxfords, flexible .soles,
military heels, price 4 . .;. .... $6.00
If your feet ache and pain, if you have cal
louses, if your feet tire easily, if you have fal
len or broken arches 4call at our shoe depart
: ment, we have graduate specialists to serve you.
t,r VI I II t I
5a '. 11
J I 1 1 1 III , K Ml
, .( 1 H 4
t 1 ' 1.
... .. ' '
'.':- ' . "L'
.-tVi''. 2i
New Smart. Lace Hose for Spring and
J' , , Easter Wear.
rhnrminir'arp these new lace silk hosiery, made
from finest Italian glove silk. The beauty of
such weaves emphasized oy unusual designs are
sure gaining favor with the weir dressed worn-
A new assortment of navy, greys? blacks,
heathers and whites received yesterday ,ahd
such fine qualities priced reasonably low. A
pair $2.49 to $7.50
Phoenix and other well known brands of Silk
Hosiery for the Particular Woman. ;
Late express shipments have brought some
beautiful things in hosiery, bought specially.for
Easter. A splendid assortment '.of ; browns,
blacks, greys, navy and whites. v
' IThcy are priced very low, 4 pair GOe td $3.75
Red Mot Bargains For Pre-Easter Shopping from Our Bargain Basement
Make your dollar work overtime,
Fancy Silk Dresses
We "are offering a big lot of beau
tiful silk dresses at prices Tar below
their real worth dresses of the
finer materials and trimmings
dresses of which you can justly be
proud. ' I
B. B. Prices . Start at.
. 812.87
Make your dollar work overtime.
Beautiful Silk Waists
" One big rack completely fiiled with
waists whoso original values ran as
high as $26.50. Sizes 34 to 46.
Reason it this way: if you are go-
lng to pay a low price for an article
it Is best to get something whose
real value was far above the price
asked than to act r.omething that
never was worth any more tnan
" the price asked.
These Waists Start $2.98
Make your dollars work overtime.
$1.65 Silk Hose 69c
Here Is a real bargain not fibre
silk hose at 9e, but good, pure
thread silk at this price. Sounds
unreasonably low, doesn't it? But
then the-Bargain Basement is un
" reasonably low any way so this Item
is not an exception after all. You
can dress up with an ease of mind
ir you keep in close touch with the
Bargain liascment.
Remember the Price 69c
Make Your Dollar Work Overtime.
Silk and Wool Skirts
U would sound silly if we should
say, "At Your Own Price." but
that is practically what we say
when we tell you that the prices
start at $3.98. There Is "a trifle
over 1800 worth of Skirts from
which lo maka your choice, so get
busy and outfit yourself economU
cally fox Easter, .
They Start at $3.98
Make Your Dollar Look Bi
Women's Pumps and
Are priced low In this .Economy
Shop. You'll find ninny- styles,
sixes and widths awaiting you.
Make Your Dollar LooK llljr
Men's Slides at f 198
We are. continuing this sale
anil have divided that we will clean
,up the enlire lot at this prtca.
Make Your Dollar Look Bltf
Children's Shoes for
There Is a sale price marked on
every pair. One line of our ahoiis
It, tx no superior In all Pendleton.
f '"TY : "i IaT.' ' ! I";-:' :v-:
nereoDies warenous
ABOUT . . .
The A. A. C. ;
A Test in Little
It Pays You
Millioas of People
To Trace an Ad
Sfost national advertisers
test their, ads in small com
munities before usinp them
in a large and costly way.
They learn how the thous
ands ' respond before ap
proaching the millions.
Ads which fail to impress
people in a large way arc dis
carded. ; i
Most advertisements there
fore, contain facts of proved
Interest to many people.
Kvery large newspaper, every
dar. prints many advertise
ments which would inter
est you.
If you fail to read them you
are losing money or missing
facts you should know.
Statements made in adver
tisements are usually de
pendable.' Jteliable adver
tisers' never misrepresent or
" exaggerate.
That would be fatal to suc
cess. Mot large newKpa
pers carefully guard their"
advertising columns. All
advertisements are censored.
Anything apparently untrue
or misleading, anything un
fair or opposed to public in
terest will cause an ad to
be rejected.
The Associated Advertising'
flubs of the" World also
maintain, at great expense,
a vigilance committee. This
is supported by'the adver
tisers and the publishers to
maintain and foster public
confidence. In. advertising-.
This committee is constant
ly occupied in watching for
and Investigating untrue
statements In advertisements.
Complaints made by com- .
petitors are sifted to the bot
tom. Questioned statements
must be proved, else altered -or
omitted. If 'not, hun
dreds of newspapers will re
fuse tho advertising.
An flagrant cases legal ac
tion is taken agalnBt the
advertiser., , , , ,'
i -
Thus advertisements are
interesting. Important and
true. They could not other
' wise Je profitable.
It will pay'' you well to'
scan them dally and to read
the facts about things you
buy or that you hilgnt need
or enjoy.
Included ' within uch Improvement! Resolved ttmt 4h rmt"f mahinir
District and no property is excluded xuch Improvement tdiall (be a ohargw
therefrom which should "properly boland lien upon all lots, purls of lou and
included therein, and parcels of land to"bp1)eftefltd by uet.
improvement, and the owners of, such
flome f the highest-paid
nm and mmro i America
are employed in writing of
advertiseme nts. The reason .
is thai the ' requires
rare skill-' and knowledge,
lad and valeonmnxhip.
The huh1 advertisement
reaches million of people,
:.ii 1 a great dial depends on
t lie interest and inipremion
: it (TUUCJ.
Aaltertwn gwerally fig
ure rxt and result very
"tloselj. Th rwulU of
Mure advertising show im
mediately in sales of the
Items offered. Mull, order
ndvertidiiK is easily traced.
Many Individual ads are
rrcd by a coupon, showing
!i. w one ad compares wiih
n.i her in bringing Inulriea
for 3iiip!es, etc.
V,: fed vrrtu' r,B to be ron
ilnu"l. mUMt j.c'if' Hwlf by
iwuii. . ..
I ft. V
Love Honor and Behave." V
A Mack Sennett Comedy
Mb ,
fliit 4Utv 4V!'1 ....... .
. Notice of Street Improvement
Notice in hereby given that at I
regular meeting of the Common Coun
cil of The City of I'endieton held at
the Council- Chambers In Pendleton
Oregon on March lflth. 1921, the fol-
owing Itcsolution was duly adopted
VHKRHAS, the City Surveyor ft
the City of I'endieton did on the 8th.
day of March, 1921, under direction
and by requirement of the Common
Council file in the office of the Record
er of tho City of T'endieton, plans and
specifications for an appropriate im
provement of the following named
street in said city:
Thompson Stres-t from the north
rlsht of way line of the O. W. R. & N.
Co. to the south line of High Street,
together" with the estimates of the
work to be done and the probable cost
thereof with a statement of the lots.
i parts of lots and puree Ik f land to be
benefited by such improvement ana
iho percentage of the total cost of Im
provement, which each of such lots,
Parts of lots and parcels of land should
pay on account of the benefits to be
derived from such Improvement; and
has ex
and estimates and found the same sat
isfactory and the estimates therefor to
be In accordance with the probable
cost tit such work, and.
WHKltKASv the property recom
mended by the-CHy Surveyor to be In.:
eluded within the boundaries of the
district benefited I" In the Judgment!
o( the Common CotmciJ properly to be
iVHER,HAS, the CouncU S
h mined such plans and ?Vcil
WHERKA3, the Improvement nf the
hereinabove described portions of
Thompson Street either gravel Bithu-,
lithic pavement, concrete pavement or
Warrenite llUhnllhlc pavement on
crushed rock or crushed gravel foun
dation is at this time necessary, there
fore, be it, , '
RKSOIA'ED by the Common Coun
cil of the City of Pendleton that it Is
expedient to Improre and It Is hereby
proposed to improve Thompson Street
from the north right 'of wuyHlne of
the O. W. It- & K. Company to the
south line of High Street, by paving
the same with either gravel Blthulithlc
pavement er concrete pavement or
Warrenlte llithulithie pavement . on
crushed rock or crushed gravel foun
dation; such pavement to be on-,
structed and the surface thereof to be
finished upon the estahlished grado of
said street and the street to have curbs
and gutters and all other things in ac
cordance with and as shown In the
plans and specifications fur the im
provement of said portion of said
Thompson Street from tho north right
of way line of the O. W. R. & N. Com
pany to the south Iftie of High Street,
prepared by F. B. Hayes, City Survey
or, filed "with the Recorder ot said
City on the nth day of March. 1981,
which said plans and specifications
are hereby particularly referred to,
and be It further ' ' I
lUCSOLA'F.D that the engineer's
lots, parts of lout imd port-els ef land so-
Parts of hue and pa roe Is of land1 mi
specially benefited by such Improve.'
ment shall be liable for the payment,
of the cou thereof, and be It further,
KBSOLVKD tljut, an ' Assessment
District is hereby created to be known
as "Assessment District N 78" em.
bracing the property beaefltcd and ti
bo -BssoHKed, for the "payment of mien
improvements, which Assessment Dls.
trlct Shall lrirhliU nil Inla l,nrl. nf
lots, and parcels f lund'Iyrny and be.
Ing within the district bounded and
described us follows, to-wlt;
Description "of ' AsMNMnwut DIMrkf
..N'nmltcr 78. '
Comrncnolnjr from, . the . northeast'
Corner of In 12, block 113, r.WH-rwitloiv
addition to Pendleton; 'Oregon, thence
1305 ft. 2 3- In. in a southerly direc
tion and parallel with the east line of
Thompson Street, thnp 2o ft. In a
westerly direction and parallel with
the south line of High' Sireet, thenca
1305 ft. 2 C-8 In. In a northerly dlroo
tlon and parallel with the west line of
Thompson 8trec, thence '280 ft In an
easterly direction and along tho south
line of the O. W. It. & N. Co. right ot
way line to tho point of beginning..
And be it further , .,
IllCSOLVKD, tkat copy of this
resolution together with a notice, that
the surveyor's estimate of the propor.
tlon iof the cost of said wru-k in Iw.
estimates of the probable total cost ot cnerged agnlnst each hit, part of lbt
such "Improvement, which said Citl nd parcel of land Is on file In the of.
Engineer's, estimates was made and
prepared by F. B. Hayes, City Survey
tir of said City, In the sum of $13.-
31S.B8 and was filed with the Record
er of said City on the 9th day of Murcli
921, Is hereby Included nd hereby
referred to particularly; and be It fur
ther .
KKSOLVED that the plans and spe
cifications and estimate for such im
provement as , prepared fcy the City
Surveyor and filed with the Recorder
of the City of Pendleton on tho 9th.
day of March, 1921, be and they are
hereby adopted and approved, nnd be
further- ;
flee ot lhe City Recorder, lr nnbllnh.
d for a period of to dnyin the Rant
DmgonlHii, which liewsp tor Js hereby
designated by the Omrtitm t'ortnetl for
the puliiicutlon thereof. ,;i.-,h(i
And notice tet further glVeg-that the
Surveyor.'s estimate ,f the -en or said
Improvement to be1 assessed,, agalnxt
each Lot, part of Tllifc and parcel" of
Land on account of aald Improvement
Is now on file in the -office of the City
Recorder, subject to Thsnfetlon. Dona
and dated at Pendleton Oregon this
nth. day of March 1921.
. - 1 .City rSecorrjeV, ;