East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 21, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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i ii" B1UJJ.LI. 'I. ... f"i ' . .- r J, "" Tl
M I'M! YUM!" said Jamie at he
yXf rushed Into the house one Satur
day morning. "I smell somcthlr.it
4r good! Whit l 11?"
"fee, fie. fo, fiim laughed tils
mother, taking something brown end
delicious-looking from the oven.
Guess what It Is, eh giant!"
"Cinnamon cake!" shouted Jamie,
Jiimplng up end down tor joy. "Give
me a piece richt iiy, yonnice moth
er," he wheedled, with an arm around
her waist.
"Oh, you'll have to wait until -U jets
cool," replied hi mother.
"I don't believe I can." Jamie said,
eyeing the cake abistfully. "It's
oruelty to animals 10 make a fellow
wait with that good-looking thing
right before hit eyes."
"Let's r Into- Uio- living rwm and
"Clmiaapon Cake, Shonted Jamie,
:nt, then,' ' suggested , his mother.
- Daddy will be home for lunch pretty
fiD, and then we'H all have some of
r. and maybe while we're waiting we
. II do something to make us forget U
awhile." -
' Well," said the little boy, doubt
fiiily, "I'll try but It certainly smells
- ood .' What makes It smell so good,
.i;other?" . -
"I suppose it's the cinnamon," she
"What is cinnamon, anyway?" Jamie
asked as they sat down before- the
"Cinnamon? Oh, It is the bark on
of a kind of tree." ''
to acquire
, a priest
Still and harsh
t . ,:
a story
dry ,
a fruit
a wonderful garden .
A loiter taken from each word will
reveal in each sentence the name of a
Grand Opera -
1. Aunt itiily telephoned Wednes
day, i ' i.
H. Mend that torn curtain Helen,
please. . . '
Z. Each pupil studying languages
requires earnest work to succeed.
4. Professor James lectured this
afternoon. .'
t. Tha French aviator cleverly
manipulated that British plane.
a. - Cheese and macaroni combine
very nicely.
, . Axswena
X A 8 H
1. Aula.
4. Fuusf.
2. ifartha.
3. Hugenoti.
6. Carmen.
5. 3"rat'ffa.
u u
If Sir
Bar J-ou ace Sally. See it J wa can Ond somctliituj she aaw at tbe circus.
"It bT" Jamie's eyes opened wider.
"The bark oil of a tree! Huhl Does
the tree grow around here?"
"No, It grows In very hot countries
like Asia and the West Indies; but the
very best cinnamon comes from Cey
lon." "Ceylon? Where Is that?" Jamie
asked. "I don't think we have studied
about that place at school."
"Perhaps you haven't yet. Ceylon
is an island tn the Indian Ocean, a very
old and wonderful island, green with
pslms and bright with tropical flow
era, set In a sea like a sparkling blue
"Why, mpther, that founds like a
fairy story!" said; Jamie.
"Ceylon has been the scene of many
stonjes. Jamie. Do you remember
I'Serenbtb" In the Arabian Nights? Well.
Jumping Up And Down For Joy
Ceyion Is supposed to be that Seren
bib." "iHuh!" said Jamie. "I wonder .If
cinnamon trees grew there at the time
of the stories In the Arabian Nights?"
"1 suppose so, for cionatuuu nas
been known' a long time, 'i'be Oid
Testament of the Bible mentions it,
and I suspect that It was used many
years before the birth of Christ. Yuu
know the Egyptians embalmed their
dead in spices, and. perhaps they used
cinnamon as one of the spices."
"Oh, yes! Mummies like wesaw at
the museum!" Jamie remembered.
"What does a cinnamon tree look like,
mo'her?" """
"gf Wlili someuouy wou'd tea tue a
story about Easier!" exclaimed Ted
M as be turned with a sigh from the
m pile of boxes be bad been looking
"Easter!" exclaimed his mother,
"why Easter won't be here for several
day yet. What ever made you think
Uf Easter?" '
"These boxes," replied Ted. "Vou
told me I could look at anything I
liked in the whole attic and I like
these things the best." He pointed to
the pile cf Easter things rabbits, col-
orea eggs aoa mm ..rW .l""' ' 'Z !
rould tell me a story about
"Sorry, dear," replied - his mother,
as she picked up a pile of clotmng
and started down stairs, "but I'm too
busy jHst.how. . I shonid fhink a boy
as big ''as you eoold read his own
story! Here's a book, "and she picked
out a book from a pile by the stairs,
"and here's the very story you would
like. NSw sit down over there by
the dormer windowand read."
Ted obediently climbed the three or
four steps that leil Bp to the dormer
window in the corner of the attic bej
and his brothers called the "study.
and sat down and opt-ncd tho book.
Hut somehow the book wasn't to
very fascinating. To be sure it hart
'pretty pictures pictures of rabbiTs ail
5 - 3
"Well, It grows about as large as
our pear trees and has leaves shaped
something Wrethctrs, oval-shape and
about six inches in length. Did you
ever see a sassafras tree?"
"That la the tree that people take
the bark off of and make tea out of
it to drink In the spring, Isn't It?"
"Yes, that Is it. The cinnamon tree
Is a sort of cousin of the sassafras
tree. They .both belong t- Hit Laurel
family." -
"How funny!" laughed tfamle. "Are
the cinnamon trees wjld like the sassa
fras?" "No, Jho cinnamon trees, are very
carefully cultivated, for the tale of
cinnamon amounts to a great deal of
money. Some of the cinnamon groves
that were planted over a . hundred
years ago are still producing cinnamon-,
and 11 is said that their lives' are no!
half over. . Only the bark of the new
branches on a! cinnamon tree Is cut
off; the bark of the trunk is not used."
"Why njt?" Jamie wanted to fcnow'.
' "Because the bark of thajoung
shoots is the best flavored," answered
his mothi'i "especially the shoots that
spring up around the stump after the
Old tree Is cat down. Did you ever
see any bark cinnamon?"
"No, the only kind I have ever seed
was all ground up and put oi some
thin nice. Ilk cinnai..on cake," said
the little boy.
Jamie's mother went out Into the
kitchen and pretty soon she came back
with a little bag In which there were
pieces, of light Itrowivatuff about the
length of your finger. They were
curled up like rolls of paper, and they
broke' off very easily when Jamie
pressed a piece with his finger. ;
"This ts cinnamon bark,'1 hts-Biother
told him. . "It was cut lengthwise from
tine branches' of- thai cinnamon tree,
then loosened carefully and taken oil.
Then- it was pat In; the sun to dry.
which made It curl up this way. Then
it was tied up in bundles, the small
pieces inside the larger onesy and ex
amined by fbmeone who tasted It to
Wti Great Man Who Loved To Play
ANY of you have ne doubt
read and enjoyed- a very fine
book entitled "The Vicar of
Wakefield." ' The author ef
tais book was Dr; Oliver Goldsmtth,
the biff-hearted, homely Irishman who
found his chief delight IH an endeavor
to. make life smiia more hapniry upon
others than Iv had upon lrim. The
story- Is told that Dr. Ootdsmlth was
one day visited by a poor man who
sought medical aid. The doctor was
alnfost as poor as the patient to whom
he listened in silence. When the men
had finished telling his-troubles- Dr.
Goldsmith turned to his desk, wrote
and folded a prescription which he
handod fo the poor: fellow with the
Instructions: "Do not open this until
you reach home." - Otf arriving at his
bumble, dwelling the poor mas
opened the prescription to find es-
dressed up 111 boys' clothes and thjse
interested To! for a few minutes.
Then tha patter of the raia , outside
made him sleepy attics are) awfully
sleepy places on rainy uays as every
one knows.- 'rr i- f
And then; Jost as though they had
been there all the time only he hadn't
seen them,, he saw -four little rabbits.1
two white and two gray playing en
the steps. tn front of him. He kept
very qniet, oh, very Very quiet, for, he
had learned from disappointing experl-
tlC Vhun tin ... - a, t.lo rTn.la T-A.n'l,
farm that rabbits are easily frightcnedl
And evidently he kept plenty still.-
for the rabbits didn't seem to -notice' I more he thought about It, ther more
him at a?l which was Just what he funny It did seem. 1, think I'll' Just
hoped for. They went right along i ask 'em. ' he decided. n
talk'ng and talking and he couldn't So without ever a thought about
help hearing every word they said. frightening the rabbits away, Ted
i "I lust wish Easter would hurry tipu;whisperi?d softly, "why do' yo get
An advertising party ;
ETT was going to give a novel party, AH her friends were looking
i, forward to it with eager expectancy ever since the invitation had been
Eg handed to them by the grinning post-man. You would have grinned, too.
could you have seen It. On a largopiece of cardboard were printed the
, f BETTY GKAY, " . -f
' -,v ' -A- t ' The. Gables.
Party begins at eight o'clock sharp. . '' ' '
And so at eight o'clock the girls assembled In Betty's parlor; One's inside
the door they Stood and gasped. The wall was covered with large signs, each
cce relating to one. of the guests. Beneath each sign was a chulr. and as-the
girts -found the sigh that fitted them they teat upon the Waiting rha,r." After
they were all seated Sirs.- Griiy. placed before each one ' a. smalt tabic, and
handed each girl an envelope containing small and odd shaped pieces of card
board. This-is" a" new kind of a Jig saw pnszle." she explained. "The en
velopes contain ads which yo have all seen every time you ride' tu tho
trolley car. The girl-who pieces her ad- together In- ther shortcut time Will
be the winner. Now, don't begin until 1 give the signal. KeadyT Go!"
t It sureiy was fun to -See the familiar ads grow under their eyes at they
found the different parts and placed them together.' Dorit Walls Unbilled flr4t.
Her ad was of a well known chocolate, and appropriately enough the prut
was a box of candy, g ' ..--,- . . , ;, ...
The next game the girl played required paper and pencil, and Betty saw
that each girl was" well provided- for. Then she passed around the group!
pictures of welt known ads which he and her mother had cut from the
different magazines and had pasted on stiff paper. The nam a of the article
advertised was not mentioned, but the firm "slogan" or "motto" appeared
with the picture. , ,
"Now wo will see how well you remember what you tee, and bow
observant you are." said Mrs.' Gray. "Write the nunibert one to fifteen u'
our paper. ' Each picture Is numbered and as you guess it write jhe answe:
In tha space beside the correct number, I'm goitigjo timo you foPthis ganir
Give out the cards. Betty." And then the l""a begun again. It was tantaliau;
to tee picture well remembered and not be able to lit them to the right wl
Borne of the girls were so confused that hcy declared ihey "simply eouidn i -remember
or think of anything; they had ever known or heard of." But !;
waa Jolly fun and guessing games always
-me reiresnments were tor ine most part appropriate eatables which ha-l'
been sdverfiscd at the party. When it was over the girls declared that tr the
noise and iaughter that had tlMed the parlor ail evening was Indicative of a
good time, Betty had bntcr he'U' e in
all voted tha" advertising nr.y a &!.!
- . MLY TIME - ,
IT LOVE (his season of the year
I ' For Lily Time is nigh,
13 I see the flowers nodding
As I go passing by
The florist's at ihe corner,'
It seems as if they ssy:
"We've come again, old fellow,
And Easter's on the way."
Hike to think of Lily Time
When all the air is still ;
And Easter chimes are ringing
In the old church on the hill.
. i t
When everyone is happy ,
To hear the glad chimes ring.
For Lily Time means Easter, ,
And Eattev Time means Spring.
see how 'good It was."
"I should think that would be a
nice job," said Jaaiie, "to laato cinna
mon all day."
"Indeed It Is not!" said his mother.
"Jo a very short time the mouths of
the people who test cinnamon by tast
ing It get very sore."
'" woner why?"
"Well, besides having a wet, good
taste; tinnamen has what is called 'an
astringent quality'. It kind of puck
ers up your mouth the way green per
simmons do."
"TJgfc-t ' 1 do't believe I'd like the
Job after all! Jamie decided when he
heard that
"There' Is en oil In cinnamon, tow
which is sometimes used for medicine
and also Sa put Into candles to make
them smelt sweet while they are burn
ing." his mother told him.
Just then there was the click of a
".ey in the lock of the hall door, and
Jamie juniK-d up with a whoop of Joy.
"There's daddy!" he shouted. "Now
we can have some of that good cinna
mon calcM" : - ,
closed- two told corns -nV the words:
"Use these as needed.
-The kindly doctor lived in poor
rooms above the abode of a very seri
ous lawyer, and it was over this Pr
man's head that Dr. Goldsmith
romped and froliced with his young
friends:' He loved to play with chil
dren and he often gave parties for
their especial entertainment. On these
occasions the poor lawyer was forced
to stop his ears wit'Wcotton, and often
he feared the ceilings would fall upes
him for the good doctor and his young
friends enjoyed most such irame as
blind man's buff and hide and seek
and the happy laughter and Joyful
shrieks of the players penetrated even
the thick walls of the old building,
Dr.' Goldsmith had not had a very
Jively childhood.--Hls-father had been
.1 rtce. ('wiwt cicrrvT!1!- and- the.
and eome," said the whitest rabbit.
"My coat's getting all spoiled" and I
do need a new one."
"How it does make me laugh," said
the next to the whitest rabbit.
hear folks talk about getting new
things for Easter! Wouldn't It seem
funny to get your new things before
Easter?" And he laughed'- a funiry
little cttaclfle that made hta- face look
like a crooked up hickory nut.
f'Now I'd Just like to know." thought
Ted to himself, "why they get. their
things' after Easter; and why they
think it's funny for OS. to get. ours
before hand; Seems to me they're
awfully" behind-handed!" And- the
prove favorites at parties.
Man, for they turely did enjoy it, and
- ' Easter Chickens
rTC mar ....... n V . i
Cottoh one i ' . ,-
oaciwcirtM I If .. . ' " ' t' ' t ft'
' ' :vV '
" 1W1M v ; ' .
i- ' jcacw wswomt tomoio U - I
mnsr. . ' ' Path Part E
'l. lm, cmfik
W I- i "'! "?
HAT siiall we do with the tit
le fluffy cotton chickens and
lucks we buy for the Utile
folks to- play with on. Easter
Sui.ua-? Why not build an old-fashioned
coop for them? ,
A pine shoe or packing box wlH fur
nish excellent lumber for this toy.
Usually the boards are quite wide aad
If care is esercUed In taking the- bJ
apart no glueing- will be necessary.
Begin work on part B not that
With Children
money that he earned was needed far
to many of the necessities of life to
be spent for parties. Oliver as a child,
we are told, was much like all other
boys. He did not distinguish himself;
at school, or In any particular, way.
But he had a staunch heart and he.
determined to see the world and break
away from the conilnes of his small
village. So he set nut alone with'
empty packets and travelled about
Europe. Mocictimes earning a meal nnd
a njght's lodging by playing his flute
for the country folk. Perhaps It was
the recollection of his early struggles
which- made his heart open to the
needy who came to his door, and pv'
haps the thought of his own meager
chlld'tood prompted him to enliven the
lives of tho children who called him j
f-tnd. .
your clothes afterward won't you tell
me please?"
"Isn't he funny not to know!" tx
claimed the grayest rabbit,, for- with
rabbits Ihe same as with grown folks;
it seems funny when Ihe other fellow
doesn't know as much as you do, you
know!" "We couldn't wear our new
things If we had them now!"
"Why not?'.' asked Ted.
"'Cause we're so busy." replied the
grayest rttbbit. .
"See how busy we"are?" laughed the
next grayest rabbit: He turned around
and showed Ted the front of his suit
and there, all spilled over It, were
spots of 'paint -red paint, green paint,
yellow point and blue -paint to say
nothing of spots of pink and orange
and purple and brown. Tho olliar
rabbits, seeing how surprised Ted WHs,
mintnl to have the- fun of stirprisim:
iliu itobblts, Grabbing Hold Of ICacb
Otiieis l'aws, Wcmnpcrcd Out
- Of Sight '
Mm too, so they turned around and
i-'nowcd -' him their suits and sura
enough.! Theirs were all spotted too
.'iit as badly as the next grayest rab
lit was. -. - '' -i '
"Didn't your mother evec teach you
o b tid"i" U!(ked Ted.
"Yes, she" did," replied the whitest
rabbit, "and we do try you haven't
nit idea how hard wo try! But there's
so munh work to do! Oh. you'd never
giics how' many, many, many egs we
do have to coior. And bv the late
rimer time, . we're Juki that rushed
wa haven't time, to ba tidy." lou
f te P
fV M
Toys Bnd Useful Frt icLts
twit Ft Boy Cm Mrke
there Is a slot cut for the tin wheel
F, and a small hole bored at tht center
for tha screw.- Make parts A and
fasten to B with brads as Indicated by
the drawing. ' .
Now- maks parts D, O, II and the
tin wheel V. Cat the teeth in. F, eftr
they hava been laid out, with tin snips.
Bore-the hole In A for D- and after
fattening F in place slip D throng)!
hole In K and A and then pin O to
it with a brad. When' making the
crank bore the hole through II large
J enough so It will revolve on the screw.
Fasten part E to B tslth brads or
screws. -
Make part C nnd to It wire several
chickens. If fine wire ts not at hand
the feet may be glued to C It might
bo well, however, to wait until tho top
has been made before locating the
-hicks on nnrt C.
Tho screw that
),nMa r Tt flf Into a eronve In
. , nuciiAitn
Wash tha stalks of rhubarb.
Put tha double boiler over the tire
with 1 quart of water in tho lower
While that Is coming to s boll, dice
up the rhubarb (without removing
the plnlf skin).
Put the diced rhubarb, without a
drop of water. Into the upper part of
the doubt boiler and cover tightly.
r,nV for twenty minutes, f
2? GARgg" f!
wouldn't either If you were us!"
"Well, maybe I wouldn't," admitted
fed.. "But how do you -get clean and
where do you get your new suits?"
"Did you ever go out in your yard
oh an Easter morning?" asked-tha
grayest rabbit, asking another ques
tion Instead ot answering tha one Ted
had asked .him, "and Ond a lot uf
lovely eggs and then look and look
and look for thja rabbit who brought
Ted nodded yes.-
"And you couldn't find the fabblta
anywhere?" continued the grayest rab
bit. -,.
"I never even saw one!" exclaimed
'"Of course not!" laughed tha whitest
rabbit, "'cause they run off to get
their new suits! Every Easter wa
start out early oh, way before- It's
light. And we deliver all the eggs
wefte made, every one. And then
qylck as a flash you know how wa
can run" we hurry back home to get
our new suits,"
Heigh ho, and 4sn't It funl" '
Jgm'r t z
D. This scrovr will hold D In plac
to part F will not rub on tha aides ot
the slot cufln B.
The lop part tt mada of tw wfdk
plecs wired together at the top
held In position by slats braded to tha'
back and front of tho top part. Thlr
part Is held In place on B by parts A,
which project above it. Ths top part
should not ba fastened to B or parts'
A smalt enrdboard bog might be fas
tened to the center of part C to b
filled with candy Boater eggs. '' '
If It not necessary to paint thla tor "
as real eoopt of this kind used to pe" "
an old chicken with her brood are tat
dom painted. - i
To operate the toy plaea on a tabla!
and turn the crank, the- little chicks,
wilt follow tha old hen about tha eoopi
the faster you turn tho faster tha
chick" wit! move.
By that time tha rhubarb wilt ba
soft and a beautiful pink color.
Add 1 cupful of sugar. Stir gtattf
and cook for IS minutes. - '
Take up in a glass dish and serve
cold. "
This, you eee, has not had a drop of
water, it Is all pure juice and augaa.
This makes a very wholesome aa2
very delicious spring dish.
Bervs with hot biscuits or bread and
Hello I I'm just the fellow
You are looking for th Rake I
If handled properly, I am
A useful friend to make. i
A garden can't be tidy,
Every gardener long has found .
Unless my willing services
Are given to the ground.
Come, brush my teeth and set ma.;
out, ,
So you will know that 'I'm'
about ! . . i
claimed the rabbits.
"But wait a minute!" exclaimed Ted",
as ho saw tha rabbits looked aa though'
they were going away, "wait a mln-
ute' Where do you get your aults7,Ml
Ted waa so excited that he Jumped''
up and the book clattered down from
hit lap and the rabbits, grabbing hold,
of each others' paws scampered cut of,
sight, '.".'.'. - f;
Ted's mother declared It was all
dream, but Ted doesn't care. Ha means 1
to bo out in the yard bright and early j
Easter morning; and finish hta talk
with tha rabbita then.
Fold backward alona "U" and tn,..A
along "A" , '