- 'r KEEP ABREAST OF DOINGS IN THE WORLD OF SPORT DAILY IN ARTICLES BY STAFF WRITERS AND TWO NEWS SERVICES ON THIS PAGE ' TEN PAGES ' 1 . J-11 PZ f . TEN PAGES SECTION TWO ; YWBMMi(GWM&m SECTION TWO j paces 7 to ,0 zS:Jy PAGES7TO1 . . , T' T DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 21, 1921. - ' ' . ' . . ; ' " DAPC DAfl OTAI1Q , ,f " V ' II PENDLETON SHOOTERS SCORED 71 YESTERDAY BEATING WALLACE, IDA. McNurlin and Dcspain High Men at Collins Park Traps Yesterday; Many Were Out. BI'OKANK, WuhIi.. March 21. (A. P.) A double header shoot wan tun durtcd Sunday In the Inland Um pire telegraphic trapHhootlng tourna ment. Following ro Ktorm: , Ht. Johli-Oarfleld it: lidenwi 7'. . WaltHburir 71; Yakima 7S. Hrrraffue 74; Coulee City fln. t Kclloifif T4; Walla Wullu 71. Wenatchee 74; Walluee 70. '. Cheney 3; Kllenlurfr Tl. .Orovllle T3; I'alouno-l'olfax mlnslnif. i Hpokane 75; LewlHton-I'orncroy 75. , Hecond half; l St. John-Barflcld 75; Walla. Wulla 74. , WaltHburir 73; Spokane "S. Rprngue 74; miouse-Colfiix mlwi'.ns ; Yuklma 75; Orovlllo 72. I'endleton 71; Wallace 70. Odessa 76; Wenatchee 74. 1 Kellogg 74; Lewlxton-romeroy 5 a. j Cheney 6; Coulee 69. F. V. Lumpkin ... .. ... 17 Karl. Sawyer 18 Oeo. Hiut .15 1 15 15 ir, 14 12 1.4 liy llKMiy 1.. KAKHELL." (United l'resn Muff Correspondent) Tex Artohurn f 15 Jack Uolph 12 Oeo. Kin . . . .' II Werterson .'. . . 6 J., H. Knlnht 18 .. 16 Lyman Klco .14 . , 14 Iterae 17 . . II 1'rofeHHlonal. s Mm. (icings lJaer tried her luck at the trapH yesterday for the flnit time and made a very creditable showing. Hiith iieorcji by the Pendleton team In the Kpokeamon-ltevlew telegraphic shoot yomcrday were uh follow: Me Nnrlln 24. Donpaln 24. Kpanvle 23, Matlock 23; total for the three high men 71. ' Thirty shooters participated In the match at the Collins Paris traps and some, very ood score were v made. Hera are thotse who shot at 50 target: i 1 i OTTRlillFM I jj Ul UIVI UULLLIIMU I Jl Hlin HI-KIN ;01,F COXTENt, DEL MONTK, CaU March "1. (A. V.) Hpcctatoi-8 and pluyera armed with hornit, bulla, whistles and other nol.se making devices attempted to unnerve the golfers In the third an nual bletherln contest today. Despite the nolae, excellent golf waa played, the bent ball being one over- par. George A. Harris of New York City won, eliminating nine other player in nine holes. Among' those competing were Oeorgo It. Carpcntler, Portland. Oregon, Charles K. Ktraub, president of the San Francisco club of the Pa cific roust' League, qualified, but did not' pluy. Ha said lie could stand noise on the diamond but not on the links. , , .-, t- Total John McNurlln 24 23 47 Guy. Matlock 23 , 24 47 Dan, bowman 21 25 4 Tracy Baker 22 24 4' Hay HiwiKle 23 23 46 J Finis Klrkputrlck 23 23 45 AI .Dvrfpftln 14 21 45 !u Perct 22 23 45 Daley ,. i 22 2 J 44 L. A. Bmlth 23 21 44 Bill Miller , . .. 1 25 44 Peterson ....21 23' 44 Hoi Haum i .. 22 21 i Lea Matlock ...11 22 43 Flnley Greybeal 23 i 42 It. 0. Frlcf 1 23 41 Chan. HoaglanU ....... 23 It. -41 C. W. Adairuj ..,...,,..23 17 40 ..J. K. Kwtee , '...'tl IS 40 Prooke IXrkmn 17 1 S SHOT 1201 1'IXS. BUFFALO. N. Y., March 21. (A. P.) New leaders were established In the two-man event of the American howling congress tournament Hun day when Charles Norton and S. Knocho of Madison, Wis., shot 1.294 pins. im.NI)OX TF.AM WOn W1NNIPKG. Man., March 21. (A. P.) The ltrandon hockey team gain ed the advantage In the finals for possession of the Allan cup. emblem atic of the Canadian hockey cham pionship Hatuixlay night,' when they defeated the University of Toronto team, two to nothing. 35 j NKW YOltK, March 21. They used 33 !to say uncomplimentary things about 3(1 j New York because the big town fell 3njfor a six-day bike race. Things have changed though. New 23 j Yorker's don't fall' for one six-day race now they fall for four of 'em. Three of the long grinds have al ready been staged this winter and a fourto is In the making. As It Is a puzzle to the. population of those "slow districts" outside of the "world's greatest city," so it Is to a great many foreigners who wonder what there Is In the American to; make such ajtport popular. . . Victor Breyer, prominent French sport authority, writing in "Sporting Life" (London) recently commented ion tills particularity and also gave some Interesting "Inside stuff" about j a six-day race In Brussels, which ap- parently was not a six-day affair. i "Evef since the' Americans origi- i nnted the six-day crane," he writes, ', "with their famous Mudlion rUiuurc i cycle race, the success of these events 1 not only acrors the herring pond,' but In most European countries has been a source of wonder to the avcraue sporting .mind. As one who has wit nessed many of these so-called com petitions, I am utterly unable to un derstand why crowds flock to attend them whether In New. York, Paris, Brussels or Berlin. "lie that as It may, six-day races had sd far been free of that sort of complaints which marked the event Just concluded a week ago In Brussels, and tyhtch arc nothing short of scan dalous. "Every morning at about seven the hall was cleared of spectators fn or? rder to have the , building cleaned. Only a few privileged persons were al lowed to remain, outside of the com petitors. "It turns out that wjien the crowd had gone, tho riders follower! suit. The race waa stopped each morning for a period varying between one hour and two hours, during which the contest ants did as they pleased. Some left the building to go Into Jown and make visits. "In the meantime Paris Is in turn 'threatened' with n six-day affair which Is advertised to take place at the winter cycle track the last week of March. It renm'ns to, be seen Whether the disclosures" iV-portcd In connection with the Brussels -even I Arcade Children, 10c Today Adults, 35c Buster Keaton COMEDY - NEIGHBORS i EE SURE AND SEE IT Katherine MacDonald f IN. "MyLady's Latchkey" A First National Attraction J girl" type In which Mire Daniels is to be presented by ltcalart. The supporting cast shows a. realty remarkable array of acting ability. Jack Mulhall is good-looking and thoroughly likeable as leading man. while others who play excelently in cluded N'eely Edwards, Edward Mar tindel. Helen Dunbar, Harold Good win. Iep White and Mrs. Harry L. Davenport. Careful direction la evidenced, for which praise is due Chester Franklin, Tom Gerashty and Helinar Bergman wrote the scenario from two Saturday Evening Post stories by Grace Lovell Bryan. AltCADIJ SUNDAY AND MONDAY ' "HOW COME?" There -was only one Smith in the ,orld of Annesley Grayle. It was nothing to her that the City Di rectum was populated and overcrowd- with Smiths from whom sne mm " cd She all will affect the tremendous gate which Uit pi ect-u-iiis imu 111c J ill :.-ih fiu motors to expect." r ' wl m Hi QUALITY SERVICE -SANITATION Finest Butter and Freshest Eggs '.-. Butter and eggs have a highly nutritive val ue and should have a prominent place on every table. . . Riph, delicious butter adds greatly to the tastinesa of the meal, and we always have plen ty, both creamery and country made. Our ggs come in fresh most every day ' right from the farms and we charge no more than you would pay elsewhere for inferior quality. Pendleton Trading Co. Phone 435 ' ,GUKSTS 'AIL AT WHITE HOUSE ij .nit 1 .m.i 1 " r.A, marcn j . I! For the first time since the U. S. .entered the war, the white house today was the scene of a reception to the 'diplomatic corps. The president and j.Mrs. Harding received their guests, j numbering about 250, in the fduc ' room. ,,,.!, n miHonaU e cnoice. .iw. had to marry Nelson Smith and he was i rrck of- nuch a. violent, deviation from "straight" that he had the police of two continents iryini? w Ith him and give htm ooara ana luue- g for life. t. .,. In a world full or gcnim , wealthy Smiths, Smnn orome.s kind Smiths, poor Innocem .caiei u, guarded Annesley Grayle found her self bound at the matrimonial alta,to t,.htif.Kt crook cdest, smoothest. "darinffest" and "darlingesf that ever wrote his name on blotter. BETTERTHAN CAU Thousands Have Discovered Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Are a Harmless Substitute Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are the result of Dr. Edwards" determination cot to treat liver and bowel complaints with calomel. For 17 years be used these tablets te. vegetable compound mixed with olive oil) in his private craciice with great success. ' They do all the good that calomel NJoes but have no bad after eflects. No rains, no griping, no injury to tts pirns or danger from acid foods yet they stimulate the liver and bowels. Take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Then vou feel "logy" and "heavy. Kote how they clear clouded brain and perk up the spirits. 13c and 30c a box. NOW It is not what may come to us tomorrow, but what we make of it today. Today is the time to begin to save money by doing your trading at this store. Children's White Canvas Oxfords and Pumps, pair $1.85 to $2.4a Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords and Pumps, pair 2Ato4- Ladies' Sport Oxfords ;-,': ' liz'l Ladies' White Canvas Shoes.... ua to Ladies' Wrhite Kid Shoes J 6.50 Boys' Tennis Shoes 98c to ?1.4o THE HUB 40 Cash Stores 745 Main St PASTIME Children, 5c Today AdulU, 20c matie imderstanding. Her current fe n:re "Keautifully Trimmed," on view (it the lHsfirne'Theatre. may safely be declared to be her most jjronounced success. Smith a ponce TONSILITIS I Apply thickly over throat" ' cover with hot flannel Vapc Rub 7 Million Jan Vud Yearly V Fome Btars arc in the ascendant, while others are gradually -losing their brilliance. Carmel Myers. Universal s bright luminary, is fortunate enouRU to be in the former new beauty of fact, charm of manner and deeper dra- 10 A1.TA SUNDAY AXI MONDAY XEW STAR SKKX IX S.MAKT tXKMKIlY At the Sinn of a Service "If It's on the Market We Have It" Mr. Ford flier , , Do you know 'that our shop is equip-' ped to, do your Repair Work. That we have , the most modern machinery money can buy to handle each and every job efficiently and quickly. That our mechanics are trained the Ford way and are experts in their line. That we , . carry a complete stock of genuine Ford parts amounting : to $12,000.00. That our motto is service first, last and al ways. '.' - - ' . , " , Let us do your Ford work, it will satisfy you. The Home of the Ford. Simpson Auto Co. Phone 408 Water and Johnson Sis. Alta playKoers will witness the firsl starring effort of one of the newrst of film twlnklers Sunday. "You Never Caji Tell," the Initial Ilcbe Daniels pro duction for Kealart. It is needless to say that Miss Pan lels scored a real hit. This was a fore gone conclusion with those who have watched her rise throush comedies with Harold Lloyd to leading 'Woman .roles In Paramount productions. ! Starring, however, Is &i different 'matter and tests a player to the limit. IMiua Daniels meets the test in a man ner that thoroughly satisfied a large audience last night. .Hie is delightful ly amusing as the ambitious little check-room girl whose love for beau tiful things leads her almost into trouble before nhe meets and loves a "Prince (.'harming whom she tninKP a tuxl chaurfenr but who really is a young mUliunulrp. It Is a clever and amusing story of the "good little 'bad YOUR REA (assures you that there is no substitute for Scott's Emulsion An old saying, but nonethe less true: A bottle ot Scott's Emulsion taken in time, helps tha doctor away. Scott A Bowne, Bloomfild. N. J. ALSO MAKERS OF piffle; (Tablets or Granules) INDiSlSTIUN 1 1 KOEPPEN'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE I FOR ! f A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Die Drug Store That. Serves You Itvst. IW'f J'; Amif 11 f OWE led i it 9 O the oils Starring - UNIVERSAL SPECIAL ATTRACTION i i little uroutj of swindler in oi'j ; i that ooze from painters' tubei and the oil that gushes from wells end she too a fiendish delight in trimming the smug pirate i who had ruined her good old dad -until one 1 cams to be flee.-cd and stayed to be leved ' then the little orchid of Washington Square stopp d being bad and tried her httle tiest to be good. Was it too latet You'd better come and see. Good pirl or bad girl, Carmel Myers makes y ju love tm both. Now playing. CARMEL MYERS COMEDY SIMPLE AND SWEET SECRET SERVICE? v Today Adults, 35c Alta Children. 10c BEBE DANIELS QuaUty PRINTENG at Reasonable Prices East Oregonian Printing Department. i3t r-'i WILLIAM J. BURNS Reports from Washington feny tbat President Harding may ma'.o Detect Its William J. Burns of I New York, head of tbo Burns De tective Agency, chief (it the U S Secret SerTlca. . 1 lA .v ti I -I !i . .W V;-. , 1 ff. IN yN.. v'Cj -'V i st-v -? A. v: h. .i.... . ih-v. ;.H,J 1 t v, - - .1 , YOU NEVER, CAN TELL rgOM THE SATURDAY EVENING- POST MOKXCK Tht SAME NAME BY GRACE. LOVELL BRYAN. do teres v j CHESTER FViANKUN !'.. J TOM &ERAGHTV ''. HELMAR WALTON BtRCrMAN PARAMOUNT MAGAZINE INTERNATIONAL NEWS i CONROY'S CASH GROCERY 50c 25c Butter, pound Tomatoes, No. 2' J tins, 2 for Red Mexican Beans, pound 6c Bob White Soap, 4 for 23c Coffee, Hills Blue," 1 pound 33c Coffee, Hills Blue, 3 pounds 95c Folgers Ensign Coffee, package 30c Ctolcno, 1 11. 81.05, 8 lbs. 32.00 Lal(j No. 5, $1.23, No. 10, $2.23 Quaker Corn Flakes, 2 for Hugro Brooms, special, each 23c