East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 21, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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fact, nv:
People Here and There
I. V. Purrlll, Kcho warehouWmnn,
wiw a Pendleton visitor over Sunday.
Mr. and Mr. It. XV. Ilcriliiifton of
BnterprUie ait vimtiiiff In ihu city.
Mr. and Mro.
from Cheyenne,
. J. A. Kunl
, -Wyoming.
hie are here
Mr. and Mrs. t), Sturglll, of fnlon,
nro Pendleton visitor.
A. E. Kberhart, Poriland bridge mun
In here today.
Joe rteynoldi. a student at O. A. C.
wbh a weekend (ruest at the home of
Ilev. and Mrs. Oorue I,. Chirk. Ho
wuh on hi way lo 1m. Grande to visit
hla parent. ' '...
Harry Raffer, of Echo, In In the
city today Mr. Rogers, who grow al
fnltn, la putting on two ton of mil
phur aa a mean of Improving hla
crop. He tried the experiment In at
year on & scale and received Koorl re
sult from the third cutting-.
Pendleton, farmer'; O. V. Hteel. Pen
Dlelon, merchant: M. h. Alters, J'mi-1
(lleton, foumlryinun; L. A. Keliiemaiiii,
! reewotor, farmer; W. H. Oould, Wen
ton, farmer; Hubert ' lli-iikc. I'llot
itiick, farmer; ir. K. Itean, Heimls
ton, farmer;, V. II. Hybee, Pendleton,
inerchunl; Carl Jensen, I'llot , Kock,
fa riiter, ,
Sew' Jiimra An) Kiawn.
Sheriff IloiiHer and Clerk Brown
Mil morning drew the names of the
men who will act a Juror at the nojit
regular terma of court. An usual the
Kicjtter number of men selected are! J. It Haley and PrOKecutihg Attorney
farmer. The following la the Hat ofKeutor. The prosecuting attorney lei
men, together with their poHt office I the discussion In favor of the division,
and occupation; J. II. Hwltzler, t'ma- "avlng that while he had m irtraonal
tllla, merchant; Cecil Curl, Athena, Interest in the matler, a number of lo.
OIhi-uh 'unit, IXHinri, .
Discussion relative to the division
'of the .Pendleton Jusiice dlatrlct were
heard by the county court this morn
ing. Among the attorney who apoke
were Judge Kee. W'm. 'M. Peterson, Cf
IloaiU frohv PoHuhd to Pendleton
are tn good condlllou, aay Hoy miner
and Al Ooddard, who arrived laat night
by nuto from Portland. They left
yesterday morning at ft. m. and ar
, rived here at 7 p. m. and spent two
hours at The Dalle. There la a, Httle
rough road between The Dalles and
Moaler, they at.ite,
farmer; 8. J. Campbell, Freewill tor,
farmer; J. P. McCoy, Freewater! far
mer; J. U linker, Meanham, farmer;
W. J. Dottier, t'mallila; I K. Noord
hoff. Freewater, merchant; C. O.
Itrachen, Pilot Hock, merchant; H.
Homerer, Hormlatoii, farmer; : Frank
Curl, Pendleton, farmer; Herman C.
Rosenberg. ' Pendleton,' farmer;
Thomas Haddox, HermlMton, farmer;
Hartey ltothrock, Adama, farmer; V.
k. Gilliam, Pilot Hock, merchant; M.
E. Hhutrum, Pendleton, merchant; H.
H. l,orenen, Nolln, farmer: - C. It.
Conroy, Pendleton, merchant; Arthur
Sliencer, Milton, farmer; George F.
Carnea, Pilot Hock, farmer; I-ane
Hoon, Freewater, farmer; Grant Hu
chitnan. Echo, farmer; Fled Haseull,
IMIot Hock, farmer; I W. Owen. I
Special for Tuesday
Large bottle, 2Sc, S for $1.15 ;
put up in gyrup
Per.cuv25c; pr cate, 24 cans, $5.50
Peaches and Apricots at the same price. .
Don't forget to order your garden and flower
seeds and onion sets. Do1 it today. Remember, we
carry only quality .seeds.
The Economy Grocery
Phone 409 ;. SM , ; t ,113. )Vefab St.
cal cltlzena wer. demanding? the
change. Judge Parkea, who hua 1jeen
lUHtlce of the peace for nearly a quar
ter of a eintury paked the court to
make an early decialon "us It will be
neceary for him to move hla offlcea
In ciimo the dlatrlct la divided.
Awk Valuation
Mack Hoke, aecretary of the Ore
gon Woolgrowera Aaaoclation and K.
U. Warner, member of the executive
commutes of tha aame .organisation
were cullcra at the office of the county
ameaaor thla morning. The purpoae of
the visit-waa to try to aecure the eatab
IlKhment of a sheep valuation for
nsnewirnent purpoaes more in line iwlth
the'preaent market value of aheep.
The valuation In effect for the paat
few yeara la 6.00 and sheepmen are
trying to get it down to U.00, the
valuation recently decided upon by tho
aaaeHMlng autlmrltii-a of tho atale of
Washington. '
Ttfn. JCIklns Aska IMvorcv.
A uit for divoroe was filed today by
Hemlo Elklna agalnxt James Wesley
IClliliu. Deaertion . ia alleged aa
Igrounda for the divorce. It la atated I
lo the complaint that the couple were
married In. Cripple Creek, Colorado.
In January. 1902, and that the huehand
jdeaerted hie wife and two minor chil
dren in Baker, Oregon, more than 18
month ago. Ilia present addreaa is
not knownv Mr. Elkin now Uvea in
i Pendleton and ha the two minor chil-jdieil.
Declares Ttnlac Enabled Him
to Eat Better, Sleep Better
and Work Better Mat Gairt-
ed Thirty Pound.
"I consider Tanl.'ic the grealVftt
medicine ,in the world, fur I have
actually gained 30 pound In weight
Mince I b-un taking it. Jt has Jiift
iflmply filled nie with' new .life ana
energy and for the firat time In year
t'CKn aif down to the table and n
.!'y three nqnare ' meala of day like
o'lier people. In fact Tanlac haa made
mc eat better, feel better, alcep '''itir
jnd work better.' and I gucsa that's
al' a man ran expect of a medicine.
"Hefore I took Tanlac, I waa off 23
pound In weight and wan Ao badly
ruii down I was hardly able to do my
wtrk. Nothing aeemed to agree -with
me and my food Invariably amircd on
my stomach. I would always have an
uncomfortable bloated up feeling tn
my gtomach, nnd although I tried
many kinilH of medicine, I never ot
relief until I took. Tanlac,
"I aluo guttered confililerably at
time from Itheuroatlsm, but this ha
all disappeared. In fact, thla wonder
fill tnedlclne haa made a new man out
of mo in every way. T feel year
younger and .can do a much work aa j
"Of courseI am only too glad to
give you my tctimonlul because I
want other people who are uff'rlng
a I did to tuke thia medicine and get
relief." .
The above remarkable Htatement
waa made by Hurry M. Allen, resid
ing at 1009 Saint Martin Street. Pitls-bi-rg,
Pa.,- a well known emplnvee of
I v i '
When People Dire
The Better Gifts
Tin-)' Invariably ennw here, lKi-au-w the name can
Mfeljr lie their guld '
But our store is ulo reapleniliil with the amaller
Blfl, and tiiey arc reasonably priccl a to win
your admiration,
XO (illT liACKS I V Jt;'AI(Tt
' We Kii'rairt eah artlolp and we arc wlnn n
frfenda each day with our !llcy of oub price ami
that price In plain Cgnre
Pendleton "A
Tlie I.arscst diamond Ii-nlers In listcrn Oregon.
HA flit V M. AUKX
Of Pittsbdrg, Pa.-
the Oliver Iron & Stcef Company of
that city. Dr. Allen I a well known
member of tho l'ulted Presbyterian
Church anJ ia highly rjfil'ected by all
who know him.
Tanlac Is sold in Pendleton by
Thompson Prother.
A 4
i Suit to Diiide liIK-rty. i
A Milt to divide property left by the
j late Mr. Agnes Nelson waa filed In
the circuit court this morning. It i
1 entitled Jennie Murphy versus Agnea
Klillman and Horace J. Btillman, her
husband, and John Nelson. Aa the
property consists of a house and two
lots which cannot be divided except by
i sale or court order the suit was neces
ury. ' ' i -
At Union Hall.
Music with a kick.
To View Stale I.tne Itoad
Member of the county court will
go til the east end nf the county to
morrow to meet with the commission.
r from Walla Wnlla county and go
over proposed Improvement In the
state line road extending from the
paved road west to the Intersection
with the proposed Umapine marke
road. .
Buy Now for Your
Spring Needs ' '
Regulation Army!Russett Shoes $7.50
Officers Dress Shoes ,. $6.25
Officers Dress Shoes, with rubber heels ,....$6.50
Heavy Munson Last Work Shoes $5.85
Special ! U. S. Navy Shoes $7.50
Del Monte Sliced Hawaiian Pineapple
No 2 1-2 can 40c; caw of 24 cans, $8.25
U. S. Army Roast Beef ' .
.-..2 lb can 35c; 3 for $1.00; cae, $8.00
Del Monte Solid Pack Free Stone Peaches
No. 2 1-2 can, 35c; $3.90 doz.; $7.50 case
U. S. Army Corned, Beef .... 1 1-2 lb. can, 3 for $1.00
Del Monte Tomatoes, solid pack5 1 '.;! j j t
No 2 1-2 can, 20c; $2.45 doz.; $4.20 per cae
' Joy 0' Wheat Breakfast Food ., 10c
Mission Brand Sugar Peas and Minnesota Corn
...T..2 can, 35c; $2.00 dozen, or $3.75 per case
Alaska Salmon 1 lb. can 2 for 25c; case of 48, .$5.75
Army i Navy Sales CO.
Thone 86t
546 Main
Cminty Court VN:tora.
W. It. W;iJpole, pioneer tiUKinen
man of Irrigoii, caljed at the office of
the county assessor today. (Ie brought
with him a libit of the land along the
Columbia river to assist the gaseasor
in getting that land assessed to the
rightful owner.
Mini tin 1 1 her Return.
Ml M. V. (iallher, who haa been
sojourning in California, has returned
and la once more at tho Umatilla In
dian Ageney. Mlas Galther. who for
merly taught In the Indian school. Is
new Inspector of school for the In
dian of thia region. .' -..
Called by nines. ' '
' Mr. Esther Holland, teacher In the
I'matilla Indian school, ha been call
ed from her duties by iilnea in her
family.' Mis Ruth Purdy is substitut
ing tor Mra. Holland.
Xcw Game Laws Itcariy.
Copies of the synopsis of the new
game laws were received at the office
of the county clerk, this morning.
They wre for free distribution and
anyone interested can have one by
calling at the office. ,
Bert Wilson Here Today.
Hcrt Wilson, former deputy sheriff
of Umatilla county but for aeveral
yeara, claim agent for the O-W. H. &
N. la in the city today on business for
his company. ,
Mrs. Ireland Permits as to Publish
this Letter for the Benefit of Others
, WLo Are in Her Condition .
NKW-TORK, March 21 (Harold
D. Jacobs, U; P. Staff Correspondent.)
The male member of the original
Flqradora Sextette will hold a reunion
here next month. .
The girl of that famous musical
comedy chorus have been in the lime
light so long there were thousands, If
the claim of all arc accepted that
their formerpartnera have decided to
attract a little attention to themselves.
. LOS ANGELES, Cal., March 21.
(A. P.) Easter anthem will he suns
in outdoor sunrise services through
out Southern California one week
from tomorrow in accordance with o
custom started thirteen years ago, the
paticlants numbering more than u
hundred thousand, if the record o.
past years are maintained.
Most notable of the services will Iw
on Mount Djbidoux, r.iversldc.
where the first of the aunrwe services
Nobody ever heard of a reunion of j w:aii ned 4t tne suggestion of Jacob A.
chorus men before, so the sextette will j author and (sociologist, of New
have accomplished something starting j York, on Haster Sunday, 190S. Mr.
in theatrical circle by merely, getting j Hiia participated in the first of the
together, . ! Mount Ruidoux services, which now
"We don't -know yet Just what we'll j attract tourist from all over the conn
do it. the reunion, but whatever it Is j try. Last year more than 40,fiu(i gath-'
will be original," Srott Welsh, who Isiered around the cross-surmountedi
promoting the event, told the United) peak while the wrviees were held.
Press. ... j opera singers will lead and eminent'
-Unlike the girl members of the or-j divine will conduct the seryices.
iglnul member of the original sex-1 Mmilar service will ts hem in prac
r.n who iinnfirentlv are as numer-! tlcally every' town of importance in j
ous as the people ho came over in j the southland. One of the most pic
the Mavflower, there ore only a'x ofituresque of the gatherings .will be at
u. So the reunion wont he difficult! Inspiration Point, Mount Lowe, near
i'asadena, wnere a service win oe neia
a mile above aea-lcvel. A a contrast,
another will toe held at Avalon, Santa
Catalina Island, at- the water edge,
23 mile from the mainland.
For Los Angeles, the sunrise will
be held on Eagle Iloc.k, a towering pile
in a valley park, around which wor
shippers will gather' to catch the first
gleam of sunlight on a cross which
will be the signal for the first anthem.
J. C. Penney Co., A Nation-Wide Institution
to plau -
Beside Welsh, who I now playing
with Fred Stone in Tip Top, the male
members of the original aexlette were
Thomas Kiernan, George le Long;
Edward Gore, Joseph Colt and Louis
Hooper. WsJsh gave up a Job a re
porter in Elmlra. N. Y to join the sex
tette. He soon left the snow ror a
part of The Burgomaster, being suc
ceeded by James Kiernan, a brother
of Tom. The later is still playing In
Vaudeville in this country and Eng
land. Hooper I a producer of musi
cal comedy. Gore, a son of May Itob-
son, the actress, la in business in Salt
Lake City. Colt is in the . electrical
supply business In Wilmington, Del.
IJe Long, a banker in San Francisco
believed to be the most wealthy of
ihe six.,
Margaret Walker was Welsh' part
ner in Floradora. The other girls, he
said, were Mary Wilson, Daisy Drcen,
Agnes Wayburn, Marjone Itayiet nqa
Vaughn Texsmith.
In promoting the . reunion, wnicn
will be the first time these men have
LOS ANGELES, -Cal., March 21.-.
(A. P.) Modus of Pio . Pico, last
Mexican governor of California and
his wife. Dona Maria Ygnacio Alva-
rado de Pico, which have rested for
twenty seven years in Old Calvary
cemetery, a few block north of Los
Angeles' business district, were re-
got to gether S-'nce 1901, Welsh hopes j mven rectnuy io a ... a. resin, yia. e
to satisfy a question that has Intrig- " mausoleum on 1.1 Puemo tiancho.
ued theater-goer for yoars-'What eart of the city. The remains were
becomes of chorus men?" su'tlv f""1;
(IVIIdtrU ,1 rtMV. . , (.'1,1 I'll., CUll JL
a Southern California pioneer who
SKI33 SPIRITS WKITIIK I married a member of a prominent
ABOUT J.VZ'i HAXCmS early Spanish ramily.
i hi w.m.'ii i
Warsaw, Missouri. "For five ears
1 was weakly, nervous and in a run-down
conoiuon. i nen i
nad a nervous break
down and doctors
said I would never be
well again.' After I
took seven bottles of
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com
pound I was health
ler.stronger, and felt
better than I ever did
in my life before. I
can't praise tha
Compound enoucb
and will recommend it to all women.
You may publish this letter if you think
it will lielp others." Mrs. Floyd-IRELAND,
R. fi. 1, Warsaw, Missouri. ,
Nervous women are both ailing and
wretched, and with a nervous break
down all joy goes out of a woman's life.
It is said that the ills peculiar to women
act on the nerves like a firebrand. !
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound is so successful in overcoming
ueh conditions, a large number cf
American women who were once great
sufferers from nerve troubles owe, their
present health and com tort to Lydia t
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Write Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co.,
Lynn, Mass., about your health.
CHICAGO, March 21. If couples
who Indulge in modern jax dancing
could see the evil figures of the spirit
world that writhe about the ballroom
in their midst, they would I snockeu,
according to Mrs. Sophia Falrclough
dmlth, English psychic, here on a lec
ture tortr. Mrs. Fairclough-Khitlh rcc-
mmended that the police everywhere
e taught psychic sight, by which they
would be able to detect the evil auras
of suspects."
high School" notes 1
i 'i
5 ,.
Imitations Issued Invitation for
the annual Junior Prom which Is
given in honor of the senior class are
being issued at the school today. The
dance Is the only high school dance
which is given by the school being an
annual event. The Prom this year
will be given In the ball room of the
Klk' Temple on the evening of April
1. Tho junior play will not be. given
until after the prom. The class Is
busily working on the play "Green
Stockings"-which I to lie presented
soon to help defray the expenses of
the dunce, .
O. A. C. Students ' Visit Several
Oregon Agricultural Colics students
who are here for the. vacation .visited
the school this morning. The vaca
tion lasts until next week. Among
the victors are others than former
Mis tiira Jcranl SubsUtnting.
Miss Leura Jerard is substituting at
the school today for Miss Elisabeth
Severeuce. She lias charga of the
When Don Pio died in 1S94, his
body was placed In ah iron tomb,
brought by him around Cape Horn.
His wife had been buried in 1S53 in
this same timb.
Pio l'ico was the first native born
California!! to serve as povernor of
his territory, and also was the last
Mexican governor of California. He
was born in 1S01 at San Gabriel, near
here. He was the grantee of Kancho
Paso de Bartolo, near Whitticr, where
he erected a large adobe home which
ho named El Hanchlto and which is
still preserved as un historic land
mark. The placing of the bodies of Pio
Pico and his wife in the memorial
mausoleum bring a succcs.'ifl end - to
many movements started in the past
twenty years to pay higher tribute to
his memory.
There'd be more'
spring poetry if
more words
with ,
Superior Corn Flakes
Smart' Suits for Easter
.yS' 021:50"'
. Some time ago we caused considerable com
ment and much clothing business with a group
of dependable suits at the above price.
For Easter week shoppers we have another
assortment of suits at the same price but with
quality even better than the first lot
You will find just the fabric and style you
have been looking for, Serges, Cashmeres,
Tweeds and Worsteds. : . ,
There's no need of being without a new suit
for Easter when dependable clothes may be
had at such an attractive price.
Other Good Clothes at S24.75, $27.50
and $34.75
J. C. Penney! Co., A Nation-Wide Institution
Quality PRINTING at.Reasonahle Prices
East Oregonian Printing Department.
PayCash Receive More Pay Less
Despain&Lce Cash Grocery
209 E. Court , Phone 880
We charge are as low as can be, and we are sure you
will be more than pleased with them.
is complete and comprises the best known and purest
quality obtainable.
is cash buying and selling, thus making these low
prices possible. ,
Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less
Despain &Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court Phone 880.
M -