East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 21, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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"'" " ipi.iiA , , :
m WKmmmmmmmmmuf,a
j( ttxxni nYlWj - ." ,.W ' 1
PtiblUhed Dally and Prml-Weekly,
Pendleton, Oregon, v the
Kntered at tha post office At Pendle
ton, Crgin. as accoad class mail mat
.Imperial Uotel News Stand, Portland,
' 41J Kll.K AT
4ThlPiro Bureau, SS Security nullding.
sMngun. I). C, Kareau 601 Four
teenth Street, N. V.
Mmtoe 4f tfc. AHM-fllrd PrtM,
Th. Aatorfatrd pre, la eacluaively
ntHIrd to th. use for rrputihcgiion of
U news 4,Uatchea credited to it or
mot otherwis. credited in thia paper
nd al0 tn. local sews published here
in. .
Dally, one year, by mall . ...tl!.ifl
Oailv, en months, by mail ..... 3.00
Daily, three montha by mail. l.fiO
Daily, one month by mail .50
Oaily, one year by carrier'. 7.."
Daily, aix montha by carrier .. i.'i
LMilv. three montha by carrier....- 1.S
Daily, one month, by carrier ..... .5
Semi-Weekly, one year by mail S.00
Soml-Wecttly. aix montha by mail l.Oi;
Semi-Weekly three months by nail .!0
Does "Carmen', in Pantomime
(Telephone ,
I XTII. SI1K iii:
Vntil she died w never knew
' The eauty iif our faith in Ood.
We'd seen the lun mer roses nod
And wither as the tempests Ide-jv,
. ThroitKh many a spring we'd livel
to jwe
The buds returning to the tree.
We hd not felt the touch of woe.
What cares had come, had lightly
Our burdens we had borne alone
The need of Goel we did not know.'
. It seemed sufficient through the
To think and act in worldly ways.
And then she cWieed her eye In sleep.
She left us for a little while.
No more our lives would know her
And oh, the hurt of it went deep!
It seemed to us that we must all
Dcfore the anguish of. it all.
Our faith, which had not known the
Then blossomed with its oomfort
Promised that some day we should
An whwiwred to us: "He knows
And when our bitter tears were
We found our faith was glorified.
(Copyright, 1921, By Kdgtir A. Guest.)
(By Dr. William E. Barton)
THE age in which we live has great faith in legislation.
There was a time when we sought to save men from drunk
ard's graves by moral suasion ; now we have a prohibitory
amendment For that amendment I thank God I do not see how
any sane man can know the curse of strong drink and not be a
fanatic in his opposition to it. I'm not a fanatic ; I am almost sin
fully reasonable about it I believe in all laws that will make it
easy to do right and difficult to do wrong.
But I know very well that no such law will in tself solve our
problems. The only effectual and permanent way to make men
msber is to strengthen their moral nature. That is the only way
to make anybody good;
All the legislation since Hammurabi and Moses will not
make a man good ; it can only make it a little harder for him to
be bad, and a little safer for his neighbor.
When we have passed our good laws, we have only begun
our duty. We have still to educate and strengthen and help to
create a moral purpose and a righteous standard of living.
There is an odd arable in the New Testament about an un
clean spirit cast -out which wanders about homeless for a while,
and then comes back and brings seven worse spirits to live in the
sweat and earaished house. .
That is the storv of moral reactions the world over. It has
happened a million times in the social life of the race. Reforms
io not etay reformed unless they get a righteous sentiment be
hind them.
We need to fill up human life with so much that is good that
there shall be less room for the spirits of evil purposes and
Casting out evil spirits is well enough in its way, and sweep
ing the house is good ; but after the housecleaning there is some
thing to be done to make iife positive, strong and sweet.
MOST people are strongly of the impression that the public
service commission did not get to the bottom of the facts
in the investigation made prior to the granting of the big
rate increase in Oregon. A point involved pertains to the re
lationship f the Pacific States company to the parent organiza
tion, the Bell system, and the justice of charges imposed by the
larger company upon its western subsidiary.
In an editorial yesterday the Oregon Journal discussed the
. subject at length. Following is a significant extract from the
Journal article: -
The parent company dots not permit local companies to own certain devices,
tut compels them to pay rentals on their use. Here is a statement from the
compan) 12 report: '
According to the terms of the contract, the American Telephone & Tele
graph company provides f4jr each of the licensee associated companies:
1 Telephone transmitters and receivers, with (nduction coils', including a
surplus supply to cover current demands.
2 Jiisnts under all patents owned or controlled by the American Tele-
.l.-one & Telegraph company, covering use of telephonic devices, apparatus,
methods and systems. -
1 Advice and assistance in the financing necessary in order to develop
and enlarge its plant ' '
That M to say, the parent company permits no outside ownership of certain
devices or patents or appliances, even by its own subsidiary companies. It
gathers In and holds fast to every instrument that can aid in giving it com
plete control of the phone service of a nation. It has one-subsidiary company
engaged in manufacturing telephonic appliances and from that company, the
"Western Electric, the parent company and its subsidiaries bought during 1920,
aooordlng to the report, 1 H.0t0,u0 worth of telephone supplies. Through
this subsidiary, of hose stock it own 7 per cent, the parent company made
a profit on the manufacture, on the sale and on the purchase of every elec-;
tiioal device and, in addition, makes a profit on the rental of such devices as
It refuses to permit it subsidiary companies to own, and on the use of which
It exact a rental charge. ' ; '
Under such an arrangement it is not Surprising the Pacific
states company was able to make a plea of poverty. It could
make such a plea most any time, no matter how high its rates
might be. The opportunity for juggling is unlimitet.
To get at the full truth regarding the telephone situation
vould require a national rather than a state investigation. But
common sense indicates that it was unnecessary to advance
rates at this time. Prices for material and labor are on the de
cline and the Bell system, according to its own published report,
made a wonderful financial showing in 1920. The system
teamed over fifty million dollars net and set aside a tremendous
eum for depreciation. The boast is made that telephone securi
ties occupy a remarkably high position in the market.
In view of these facts it is scarcely necessary to have a
'Philadelphia lawyer" to know that it is unjust to allow the
company to increase its Oregon rates from 30 per cent and in
some instances as Wgh as 200 per cent.
If we are to bet back to "normalcy" let the Bell system fol
low the trend of the time's.
In their campaign for the Columbia basin project the peo
ple of Washington have used a total of $ib7,vuu. ui mis am
ount the legislature several years ago voted $100,000 for a sur
-v and this Year the legislature voted $50,000 which is largely
roinjr for promotion purposes. In addition a private fund of
f 17.000 was raided to assist the campaign. The Washington
people have faith in their state and believe in developing its re-
luturces. j,, ' '
With Frank Branch Riley as the speaker for Tuesday even
ng, thtre in likely to be Ftantliiie? room only t the Commercial
ifsuviHtion banquet, w ' ..
Razor Blades
The Face of the Map
Chinese Revolution
A Great Opera Singer
Don't Shut Your Eyes
What woultl make the
ffreatenit impression on a
nun who had 'been away
from human beings und ' de
ntl the use of newspaiwrs
for twenty years--Avhat
woufd most forcibly attract
his attention on regaining
the society of his fellow men?
"Well," you say, 'he U
fairly certain to oo Interest
ed in learning what sort of
government we have down
In Washington."
True, and prdbably he will
show mild excitement if you
can teU him there's been a
big war in Europe. ,
Hut It won't bo until you
get down to a recital of
things that come closer to
him personally that you'll
bring him to his Tect with
eager Questioning.
Tell him a mighty empire
has fallen, and so long as
it isn't HIS empire a drop
curtain of highly embroider
ed Indifference will mask his
But tell him that the au
tomobile has been so sim
plified that he can now buy
one for the pric of a horse
and buggy and he'll prob
ably bombard you with questions.
A revolution in China may
be a world event,, but it
would not mean as much to
him as the perfecting .of a
shaving apparatus that
would do away with the ne
cessity of purchasing new
blades or honing old one.
If YOL had been a hermit
for the past 20 years the
news of a big flood wouldn't
really mean so much to you
as the information that you
can now hear any famous
opera singer in your own
home at a cost of a few
cents per hour.
( 'W0a' j " w- ;v--",.:.i,,;-'" s-"'0"""-, .''!i'';y '''v.v.v,.A;Av.'i..'-v, ----4fc.-:sv.w' ' .V ' ' :
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r . . , ;
" It' . f!
.":.' t
. v' $
! .
Which is only another way
of saying that the phbno
graph is of more personal in
terest than a flcoa.
Yon see how it Is: News
papers carry a "news of
merchandise" that is just as
interesting, just as vital, , as
the "news of events" which
the editors gather for Us.
And since this "news of
merchandise" finds its only
expression in the form of
Advertising, we must admit
that the advertising columns .
are quite worthy of our seri
ous attention as the largest
news heading or the . most
ponderous editorial. ,
Advertising has changed
the face of the map. Adver
tising has revolutionised the
methods of doing business.
Advertising has magnified
the possibilities of business
far beyond anything our most '
optorniHtic forefathers ever
dreamed of. '
Advertising has brought to
the hnmblest home comforts
and conveniences that were
' unknown te kings In former
i generations. ; ' ; t
r Advertising ' brings the
world's . markrts to your
home an1 tells you where
your needs can be best sup
Hea, ;, w..,j. u. 1
Every day that you fail to
read advertising you miss
something that will con
tribute more comfort and
pleasure to life. Just now the
Advertising columns are filled
with mukwUo:i . ror the
wise buying of necessities
and luxuries seasonahie
things of all kinds that it'
would be advantageous to
have. I4ail the advertis
ing and learn how econo
mically joa can jmwstsi
Jbern. i ,,,,,, . ,
Eysry Med v. -
Tha, music of "Carmen" it to be Interpreted In mm by th
rhythm of Pola Negri's bodj . Pola Negri la a master of pantomime
She was premier .danseua of the Imperial Ruattf n Ballet during the
teslme of the late ciar. Then she appeared fl a concert vioUuiat.
'Thus dancing and music form the haaia of her screen training.
(East Oregoniuu Special.)
COLUMBIA, March 21 Mrs. Frank
Reddow assisted by Miss Minnie
Thompson was 'hostess Wednesday
afternoon at her home in the eavt
side, in honor of Mr. Susie Boyes re-
:enny ;irom the cast and who la a
Sliest of her sister Mrs. August Under,
Columbia resident
A guessing . contest In which Mrs.
Boyes and Miss Thompson w,on prites
was one of the amusements of the'aft-
ternoon. Shamrocks appropriate for
the occasion and ferns decorated the
dining room, the c4jlor scheme being
also effectiv(ly carried out in the
menu. The guests included close
neighbors of the hostess.
. Hay Fisher returned last week from
California where he spent the winter
with his brother Roscoe. On his way
home he stopped off in Portland and
visited his sister Mrs. Harold Sullivan
who is living there.'
He.nry Klock former resident of Co
lumbia is here looking after farm prop
erty. He day locate permanently.
The 7th. grade' base hall boys of
Hermiston are coming to play the liys
of the Columbia school Friday. The
boys are very enthusiastic over the
pamfe and are spending all their spare
time practicing. ' -
The bst of the 1&20 hay crop m fhe
vicinity is being baled and hauled out
to the cars for shipping. Tom Haddox
who had in the -neigh liorhood of BOO
tons, is having his baled and trucks are
busy moving the products
The pruning of fruit trees is going
on, many are spring-toothing alfalfa
land, considerable pipe ts, being laid
here and there, gardens are being
made ready for planting and spring
work in general is in evidence on all
Henry Rellscamper is at -work re
levelling the west end of eCohinibia
Park preparatory to I finishing the
building of the woven wire fenee aty.
that side. .
In the farm bureau membership
goal Columbia has won the distinction
of .being the first community in the
county "over the top" with its tiuota.
It was also the first farm bureau or
ganization in the county.
This community has three boys anil
girls clubs. The boys ativ in the
county clubs ane as follows: Francis
Donaldson, Lowell Stockard, Leon
N'orquist, Wesley fham and Carl Had-
dox. Girls In the clifbs are Wilms
Wangaman. Gertrude Hall, ' Melba
Callahan and Helen Bennett.' .
James Tabor and Jean Scovbo at
tended the bee1 keepers convention held
at Portland Wednesday and Thursday
of this week. This is the first organi
zation of this kind to be perfected In
the state. ... . .
1 1. HMD
(From the Dally East . Oregonlan,
. March 21. !.-'. '
The Parish Aid of the Church of the
Redeemer will mett on Wednesday al
the home of MrB. F. W. Vincent. ,
The weather, It is reported, is not
the best for lanVbtng. Theseason hus
uot yet begun in earnest. ,
. The Athena band Is to spend 4300
for uniforms.
Excavation is in progress for the
foundation of the new building at the
electric light plant. ,
James Taylor is her from Echo.
Mpse Taylor is here from "Weston
today. -
S. F-Temple returned on Monday
from Walla Walla where he purchas
ed -over ISO trees to set out on his
place along the river. .
(Mast Oregonlan Special.)
BOARU.MAX, March 21. The
Bourdman base ball club gave a dance
and supper Saturday night, realizing
$i5 for tho purchase of supplies for
the team. On the same evening the
Federal .Farm Loan Association was
re-organlxed with the election of a new
board of directors W. . King, Ira
A. Bergcr, and H. H. Crawford of
lioardman and Charles W. Powell and
M. K. Dublo of Irrlgon. The new
board met at onue and elected W. o.
King president, M. B. Doble vice presl
oent and H. H. Crawford, secretary
and treasurer. It is understood that
new apllcation forma are to be used
and it now seems that the work done
a year ago must be repeated. Xcw
appraisals must bo made and It Is ex
pected that it will be some weeks be
fore tho organiiiatlon cay accomplish
much in the placing of loans.
Thomas Hedger, recently from Los
Angeles, is visiting his father A. J.
Hedger, manual training teacher in
the local schools. i
"Gordon McNeill. Junior in Washing
ton h.gh, at Portland is vBiting his
risler. Miss Myrtle McNeill,' teacher on
the Roardman schools and other rela
tives in Roardman. N
Mrs. F. F. KliU is seriously- ill at
the Tendleton hospital and it will 'be
necessary that eho undergo an .opora
tion as soon as the hospital -treatment
renders her sufficiently strong to stand
the shock,
The P. T. A. of the local schools met
Friday afternoon. The main bushiest
was going over reports of various
phases of school work and the appoint
ment of a commute of five ladies to
meet with the school board to discuss
the purchase ISf a motion picture ma.
chine and a committee of three for
school visitation. It has been the
practice of the- organization to keen
alive on school matters through a reg
ular visitation -committee, the person
nel changing each month. The seed-
brig of the terraces north of the school
house is in progress and a hedge Is
being set out in front of the building.
The annual business meeting of the
local community church was held
Thursday nisht, at which time the 4r--ganizatlon
was perfected under tho di
rection of the pastor J. W. Hood and
Rev. W. E. Amos, of Portland. Fol.
lowing reports of the various depart
ments of the work the following offi
cers were elected: Elder, three year
term, J. R. Johnson; two year term.
A. P. Ayers. Trustees, Mrs. O. II.
"Warner, Mrs. C. G. Ulayden, A. T. Her-
lem, Mrs. S. H. Boardman and J. R.
Johnson. "Treasurer, A, T. Wcrlem;
Supt. P. j 8., Mis. Finnell; Asst., E.
T. Messt'nger; Clerk, M. B. Signs;
Organist, Miss 'aomI Runner.
.1 HI!
1 ?crr,r
rrr-- : . .
-e- flff
i -III! I
1) t'Tivfl
Still 5c
WRICLCVS fcas steadily
bzvt to the pre-war price.
And to the same hU3 stssd
ard of quality. '
..No other fioody lasts so
Icaa-costs so linleor does
so modi f or voa. r
. Hasdy to rry-Heoefic.3l ,
la effect-full of flavor-a
solace and comfort for
VCuaa and old. - '
XflSTS v e
hv .JI t' '
MEXICO CITY, March 21. (V. V.)
--James Linn Rogers, who has been In
conference with President Obregon, is
believed to bo Hardings confidential
agent ' to Mexico. Rogers Is said to
have taken up with Obregon the oil
question, and matter of the foreign
claims against Mexico, the settlement
of which is believed to form the tiasls
for Amerlcnnreeognltjon of the Mexi
can government.
(East Oregonian Special.)'
PILOT ROCK, March 21. Uncle
Perry Knotts who makes his home
with his son Kniory Knotts, at Hermis
ton, is visiting relatives In Pilot Dock
this week. '
Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Carnes motored
to Pendleton Thursday. '
Mr. and Mrs. James Wolfe nre the
parents of an S pound son, born Tues
day, Muroh 15. at the borne of Mrs.
H. H. McReynolda
Grandma Gilliam returned home
from Portland last week.
Mr. and Mrs William Belby spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Belts.
Virgil Peterson of Ukiah was a bus
iness visitor here Friday.
Harry Sch!(;rlo was here from Pen
dleton Thursday evening to attend
the hard times dance.
At a meeting of the directors of the
local telephone .company held here
Tuesday afferuoon, the resignation of
Carl fltuart as manager was accepted
and J. M. Gillutt was -elected to fill
the vacancy. Mr. Gilbert will take
charge April 1st. . ..
Roy Marcttm was out from Pendle
ton Sunday visiting with his wife and
b'uhy at the Frank Jones ranch.
Mrs. Bert Westgate was a week-end
visitor at the Fred Wilson ranch.
Mrs. James Truman was shopping
In Pendleton Thursday.
A ten pound son was horn Wednes
day, March 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Wallace of this city, .
Harry Belby has leased . the Work
shop of the Pilot Rock company and
will take charge Monday, March 21.
Mrs. Anna Eerngess vxpects to leave
soon for a visit to her old home in
Iowa. .,
Saturday, March 2i is the date of
the local teachers' Institute which will
be held in Pilot Rock.
Mrs. JoHa Sohock has accepted a
position Bt the Perry Houser ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Uolin of Albee
nre now in charge of the kitchen at the
Bailey restaurant.
Mr. and Mrs; George Roork and
daughter, Velda,.were in Pilot Rock
Mrs. Jewel Rnorlt and children left
last week for Brattle to join Mr. Roork
Who Is working on the state highway
Just out of the city.
The high school boys finished work
on the baseball grounds Tuesday sft-
crnoon. A game was schi-duled for
f liursday. afternoon bclW4cn the high
school' and town teams but owing to
: e ralivBtufm the game was not finish
ed. The BC4re was 3 to 2 In favor of
the town boys at the end of the third
Inning wtun the game was called off.
- i
An S 1-2 pound H4n was lorn Tues
day, March 15, to Mr..4ind Jlrs. Will
Harris at the home of Mrs. Marvin
homing riGicoss !ritcii.Nfcr
. EDMONTON', Alberta, March 2!.
tA. I'. Twenty four homing pigeons
have been, purchased from Edmonton,
people by tbe Imperial Oil Co. to be
used Invcommtinication work between
the cointMiny's far northern Fort Nor
man oil properties und the outside
town of Peace River. Two relays,
each of CM) miles, will be established -hctwecu
the oil fluids and the town.
i -.. -
Name "Bayer" on Genuine
Warning! , I'hloss you see the name
"Buyer" on package or on tablets you
are not geitlng genuine Aspirin pre-
rscrlbed by physicians for twenty-one ,
years and proved safe by. millions.
Take Aspirin only as told In the Baytr
package for Colds, Hcacbiehe, J'eurnl-
Kin, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache,
Lumbago -and for Pain. Handy tin
boxes of twelve Raycr Tablets of Aspi
rin 'C4st few cents. Druggists also tH
larger packages. Aspirin Is the trade
mark of Bayer Manufacture of Mono-
aceticacidester of Knllcylicacid. ,
.... '.u.. j .oLJ'i i mas
Walla Walla Pendleton
Auto Freight Service
' lA-aves IVmlU ton 3 p. m,
" Pendleton Plume 225-W.
f! " 4-ra ' M)ic.moxAi, - ' tow ft talk ' , NO,
Just think! A pleasant, harmless
fasvaret works while you sleep and
I as your livi r active, head clear, stom
ach sweet and biwcls moving as regu
lar as a c.lork by morning. No griping
or Inronveniem-e. ln. 25 or SO cent
iKixe Children love this candy cath
artic too,
..- k t
Artificial Glory
In the achievement of false teeth making is the re
sult of thousands of dentists and scientists working to
gether for the past peventy-five yearsdeveloping some
twenty different kinds of plates.
' Til serve you in this capacity with a reliable satis-'
faction in price and terms to suit your conditions. No
one need be without modern dentistry.
: ' '; - Consult " i .
Phone 507
The Hub ,
Li u
HOURS 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Appointment. t Suil You
' r Taylor '
Hardware BIdg.
Pendleton, Or,"