East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 21, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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News Notes of Pendleton
May 6 County school Orato
rical and Declamatory Contest,
at hitch school auditorlumy
May 7 County school truck
and field meet at Jtound-Up
May 11 to 14 State Tarent
Teacher Association convention.
May 81, June 1 and 2 Btata
convention of Oregon Federation
of Women' clubs. .
Morch 31. University of Ore
gon Women' Olee Club, at high,
school auditorium under man
agement of 1'endleton alumni.
September 22, 23, '24 Annual
Pendloton Round-Up.
Rooms Are Renovated.
Office room In the Bond building
have been in the hands of the reno
vator for several day. Among- those
room being treated to new coats of
kalcomlne and paint are the one to
be occupied by. Dr. C. O. Walnscott,
by the Cunningham Sheep Company
and those occupied by the liisur.inr
and real estate firm o( Coutts
Klogan KUinwr J Oil. nummary of the appointment situation
jivupuiiRivs iu m uiitr vi tin Kir vvatson places Senator Htar.flcld a
backing Thomson and Senator McNary
the boat slogan for Pendleton, a sin
Kim shower Is now on at the Commer
cial Association headquarter. With
every mall new suggestion for a lo
Kiin rouch Secretary Jiurr but in spite
of all this the officials of the club are
not yet satisfied wan what they have
incelved. They want a slogan with a
punch In every word and which will
fit the local Hltuutlon.
Dr. Walnscott Arrives,
Dr. C. O. Walnscott, who be for-) tho
war wua a practicing physician . of
llormiston, ban urrlved In lViilln'.on
and I Installing hli office equipment
In the Bond building today. Follow
ing his resignation from the army Fr.
Walnscott took a post graduate couc
In the use of the X-Kuy and wl'.l upe-
vialize in that line of work here. He
la making his home at the Hotel I'en
dleton. , ,
Claim Tlutt (Senator Differ.
That the appointment of a new
United State marshal for Oregon rests
between Asa B. Thomson of Echo and
Frank 8. Uramwell of Grant Pasa Is
claimed by Ralph Watson, political
writer of the Oregon Journal. In a
J, -101101-
-101-101 101 101 101 101 101-
WANTED 6 ft. American Beauty Candy Case
and a Flat Top Office Deck.
A School Boys' Own
Says he wants HOLSUM BREAD because it's
fine for his lunch.
You who have never tried Holsum, order a trial
loaf in the morning and you will understand why
the children want Holsum in their Iunche3.
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc.
301 East Court Street
PHONES "101"
Private Kxchaiigc Connect lioth Departments.
as a supporter of Uramwell. Senator
Ktnnfield is credited with favoring Pat
Gallagher of Malheur county as Unit
ed Ktate district atorney and . Jack
Peartf u,f La Grande as collector of in
ternal revenue, l'eare Is being oppos
ed for the collectorshlp by Clyde G.
Huntley of Oregon City.
Boy Seoul to Meet.
Boy Scouts of Pendleton are to meet
tonight at the city hall under the di
rection of Rev. J. M. Cornellson, Plans
for the organization of the second
troop will be made.
33 Aro Confirmed.
The claas of 22 people confirmed a
member of the Church of the Re
deemer yesterday was one of the larg
est in the history of the church. Bish
op Robert L. Paddock officiated. Of
the total in the class, thirteen were
men and boya and nine were women
and girls.
Insurance Money Paid.
Losses, caused by the fire at the
Smythe-Lonergan plant have been ad
Justed and today the first Insurance
money was paid. The company which
was the first to pay the money was
the Central National Fire Insurance
Co., for which Coutts & Averlll of this
city are agent.
-101 1Q1 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 7
Well I Drilled.
Charles E. Lewis, farmer of Stan
field, ha gone Into the well drilling
business. Mr. Lewi started drilling
a new hole In Horse Heaven recently
and during the first six day he drilled
171 feet, and also put in the casing.
He ha contracted to go 1000 feet un
less he strikes water before that
depth. , .
Soon Day Services Held.
. The first of the "Noon Day" erv
lees, held under the auspice of . the
Pendleton Ministerial Association,
took place today at the Arcade the
ater. The service begin promptly at
12:10 p. m. and close promptly at
12:34 p. m. All men and women of
Pendleton have been asked to attend
the services which will be held each
day during Holy Week.
Were you the lucky one Saturday evening at 8 o'clock.
The numbers were drawn by a little girl who was blind
folded and before a large crowd who gathered in our
store, eager to see the outcome of the great prizes. The
first number drawn being 412, second 2122, third 982,
fourth 2152, fifth 4097, sixth 2391, seventh 2878, eighth
3862, ninth 2860, tenth 2496. '
Were you lucky to have one of these numbers. If so
call at our store and get your gift
We are still going to continue for a short time the great
reduction sale. Don't fail to visit our store before buying
and get our prices. Every article carries our guarantee.
Hancom's Jewelry Store
Phone 82M
Hold Pendleton Block
Cars Have Collision
A Wlnton sedan owned by Mr. and
Mrs. Elvin Blusher was damaged yes
terday morning when the car, driven
by Mrs. Blusher, and a car driven by
Al Harding, collided at the corner of
Main and Water streets, near the Pen
dleton Hotel. Mr. Slnsher, on Water
street, was crossing Main street and
Mr. Harding was coming down Main
street. Mr. Harding' car was not
greatly damaged but a door of the
sedan was smashed and a rear fender
and the running board broken.
Use the Phones
Grocery, Two Phones
i Other Depts.
78 and 79
Use the Phones
Grocery, Two Phones
Olh&r Depts.
78 and 79
Easter Fashions Sounding a New Price Note
Easter is symbolical of awakening. Interest has awakened anew in the store's
goods with the reappearance of good looking merchandise of recognized quality and
authoritative style at prices strikingly mod erate. There is no reason why any one
should forego the pleasures of a charming Easter outfit with prices sounding this
welcome new note.
are here. Patrons having
subscription cards please
call and get yours. Do net
miss this number. It's a
good one.
New Spring Woolens for
Home Sewing
Irrlgon to Have Ferry.
Irrlgon people are rejoicing over
news from Patterson, Wash., that Gor
don Holmes ha closed a deal for a
ferry boat to operate between Holmes
landing on the Washington side and a
point suitable for a landing place
about two. miles west of Irrlgon. , The
boat 1 known as the Snake river fer
ry, practically new, 52 feet long, IS
feet beam, 60 horsepower ,a stern
wheeler capable of carrying five large
or seven small automobiles. It will be
put Into operation within 30 days. This
will give direct connection with Cen
tral and Northern Washington with
the Columbia river highway on the
Oregon side ahd with the Irrlgon-
Heppner road south, saving tourists
hundred of miles of rough roads.
Frocks, suits
wraps for women
children in Just
fabric, the , color
the st)Ic you desire aro
possible by selecting
material from the new
Spring Woolens now
being shown. Half the
pleasure of new Spring
garments comes from
hating these three
points feature largely.
Ily selecting your own
materials you are as
Kured of getting Just
what you liavc planned.
Lowered prices enable
one to make great sav
ings by taking advan
tage of Uiese offerings'.
In Woolens. Prices to
suit you.
Ginghams for
Tub Frocks
This promises ity make this
to be another year's .collec
Gingham sea-tion ?ne.xof un"
'son and .small usual not,e- . '
wonder when i
one sees the' I r
gay and subtle
color combina
tions where
plaids, checks
and stripes
beautify this
service able
fabric. Because
of its firm,
close weave
G i n g h a m is
parti cularly
suited to the
first Spring
frocks. Color.
price and qual-
25c, 50c, 79c
y e Ji
- A''A
'.I o T
o M
New Ribbons in Gala
V Colors
New Spring Ribbons offer a
host, of uses. The smart new
vestees and gilets for frocks and
suits owe their charm in many
cases to Ribbon, likewise the
bodices and sashes of evening
gowns, bags and table runners.
And for little girls there are de
lightful ribbons in innumerable
shades, weights and widths to
make the pretty butterfly bows
they wear atilt their curls.
50c and up.
Spring Silks Are Radi
antly Lovely,
Thoughts turn to the loveliest ' of
Spring things at the sight of the new
Silks. In themselves they are so decor
ative and colorful that they require little
trimming, wliile this season's penchant
for simplicity encourages further the
making of garments in the home. Can
ton crepes, crepe dc chine, taffeta, crepe
meteor and satin are favored fabrics for
linings, frocks. Mouses and hats.
1.B3 TO M.50. r
Universal Coal and Wood
; Range
wtchtco urr key run Xm .
J I 1
n iox
ewrr i pokei door
frraYAtu 0unn nun
1 !- i
w ' AW
MO 000 ft
I r
Unireml Stores &Fhmaces
Iferefortl Hulls nought.
Twenty-two head of purebred Here
ford bulls arrived In Pendleton yes
terday morning and left this morning
for their new home on the inidai.i
fork of the John Day river. They
were purchased recently by Hert
Whitman and are from the Blockland
herd in the Grand Itonde valley. Half
of them are to he used 'on the ranch
owned by J. It. Italey. Hert Whltmun'
and Lyle Iteeney while the others are
to be used by Emll Muller. Stock
men who Inspected the ctttle whil-
here yesterday and this morning say
they are among the best animals of
the breed ever brought to lids section
of the state and the importation is
In lino with Mr. Whitman's policy of
bringing in better sires In order to
build up the cattlo of this part of the
HiikscI AUey With Glee Club
When the Whitman college glee club
makes Its appearance here Wednesday
evenlng at the high school, at least one
Pendleton man will appear qvith it
Hussel Akey, son of J. K. Akey, man
ager of the J. C. Penney store, being
a baritone in the Garden City club.
Akey, who is a graduate of the local
high school with the class of 1919, is
now a sophomore at Whitman and has
identified himself prominently with
Journalistic and musical circles. Be
sides singing, in the baritone section
of the dub, Akey is second cornetlNl
with the Campus Orchestra, which
renders a mixed program of classical
and the latest juzx number at the con
cert. The local man won his position
in both groups In the annual UTputs
for tha glee club la.t fall, in which
nearly SO men contested. -'
Rain In ITcdiclcd.
Showers of rain fell today and more
precipitation is predicted by Major
Lee Mporhousa. official weather ob
server. ; The maximum today la 64
and tha minimum 44.V The barometer
registers 29.60.
English classes.
Former ptudent Is Manager J.
Mussel Akey, a former Pendleton!
high school student who is attending
Whitman rf'ollege, is manager of the
Whitman Ploneera paper which - is
adited by the Students of Whitman-
college. This Is Akey's second year
at. the institution.
Scliooni Are titlqtvss.
The millinery schools held by Mrs.
Edith, G. Vait Deusen, home demon
stration BEent, have been very suc
cessful. ' A school closed at Athena
yesterday; and this was preceded by
one held in P.endle.tot). Mrs. Van
Deusen will go to Milton tomorrow for
a two-day School and on Thursday
and Friday will hold a school at Wes
ton. On Saturday she will hold a pa.
per dress forrrf demonstration here at
the office in the, federal building at i
p. m. , :
political associations. The measure
which was supported by members ot
all parties in the House is regarded as
an Important step in the emancipation
of Japanese women. '.
"Socialism and women's suffrage,"
continued Representative Ichlnomiya,
who belongs to the governmental Sei-
yukai party, "constitute the two great
streams of the world-wide social move
ment. The women of Japan are com
int, into contact, with the broad cur
rent of international thought. It is
quite natural and right that the fair
sex should, under these circumstances,
aspire to share with men, political
"The women are now allowed to dis
cuss and read Journals and books deal
ing with political problems, and yet
they are denied the right to attend
political meetings. This is at "once
absurd and unwise, and if the- govern
ment does not make way for thi
natural claim of the women the time
may come when the authorities may
find themselves forced to do so
through the ever-growing pressure ot
the progressive times."
Representative Matsumoto, Indepen
dent, was another warm advocate of
the proposed change. "In giving the
30.000,000 women of Japan," he said,
"a chance of acquiring political knowl
edge the government will take a broad
stride towards real, national develop
ment Women should not only be ad
mitted Into public meetings of political
significance, but should also be entitled
o the right' of organizing political
bodies of their own if occasion re
quires The self-awakening of the fair
sex is a fact that cannot be gainsaid.
Society has attained such a marked
advancement that, without political
knowledge and comprehension, no
women can be competent wives ana
mothers In the future."
Not only should the objectionable
regulation be abolished In the opinion
of Representative Koyama . of tha
Kenseikai opposition party, but the
law forbidding laborer to organize
unions should b done away with.
"The time has passed.' Emphasize
the speaker, "Hi hen women and labor
ers can be pressed down with Impun
ity." A committee is now considering the
women's bill.
Keep Your. Blood Pure
Nature Will Do the Rest
Did you know that ninety per l
cent of ail human ailments depend
upon the condition of ybur blood?
. Nature gives her warnings in va
rious unmistakable ways, so that
when the appetite fails, and you
become weak and listless and a gen
eral run-down condition seems to
take possession of the whole body,
it is an unfailing sign that impuri
ties will steadily accumulate until
your general health will be seri
ously affected. You should recog
nize the importance, therefore, of
very promptly cleansing out the
system, and keeping the blood sup
ply pure and robust.
Get & bottle of S. S. S. at your
drugstore to day, and note now
promptly it builds tip the appetite
and gives new. strength and vi
tality. Write for free literature
and medical advice to Chief Med
cal Adviser, 153 Swift Laboratory,
Atlanta, Ga.
' -
vvvuw it
- a -
Its toasted
Delegates to. Spokane.
S. It. Thompson, of Pendleton and
Sim Culley. of Weston, both promi
nent wheat growers, were chosen at a
meeting of the executive board of the
Vmatilla County Farm Bureau to rep
resent the bureau at a district Farm
Bureau meeting In Spokane March 23
and 24. They will leave tomorrow
night. P. It. Howard, president of
the national Farm Bureau federation,
will speak at the Farm Bureau meet
ing ''on Wednesday and this will be
followed on Thursday by a wheat
marketing meeting.
.Sheepmen lHenscd. , ' i .
Ioral sheepmen are well pleased
with the appointment of Frank Hacen-
barlh of Salt Laice as. a member of the
Interstate Commerce Commission.
Ilagenharth Is president of the Nation
al Woolgrowers' Association, and also
of tin American National livestock
Association. r . '
Iiomos Valuable Cow. '
V. Vlrich, a resident of the Byers
Grove addition. Is mourning the loss
of a valuable Jersey cow. Death oc
curred last evening and was due to
TOKIO. March 21. (A. P.) "Jap
anese women are beginning to awake
to their real posltlon,' declared Rep
resentative Ichlnomiya. In the Diet
while favoring the bill to abolish the
low which prevents women from at
tending political meetings or joining
3 ,
can be effected ty a patronage of this establish
ment. Our business policy Is one founded on the
desire to deliver the MOST; VALVE FOR THE
LEAST MONEY. That our effort is successful is
fully evidenced by our constantly Increasing trade
and the recognized fact that we are headquarters
for the best of eveijything In our line. We shall
endeavor to meritthls leadership by continuing
to servo jour wants on the basis of
Highest Quality
Lowest Prices
Best Service
The Bee Hive
Lace Collars, new designs, best of qual
ity, prices at .......65c each
Lace Collars and Vestee sets at. ....$1.50
The" above articles have been selling
very fast. To assure yourself a good
choice, better come early.
Boxed stationery, best of tints, newest
designs and the quality will surprise you.
Special at 59c
Children's trimmed hats.. $1.75 to $3.25
The new shot Chain Bracelet, finished in
silver. Ask for the Myra-Belle Brace
Jet. , ' Special at 65c
Purses and Hand Bags at one half price
Give our new line of Beads the once over,
the styles and prices will please you.
When You Find '
,Mctvlianll! Murkrd
Lower titan You See
Here I.oox fUvly at
the Quality.
Get that thrifty habit of buying your
hose for the family here. We guarantee
to save you money on every purchase.
Children's Hose, priced from.. 15c to 35c
Ladies Hose, priced from 15c to 50c
for lils ami
lint trimming
of I lie
' iM'tuyr kind.