East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 21, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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.......p-.,., , , - , , . , ...J.-.....- I , , , .l -
Special News of Umatilla Co.
- ' - - ' ' - - . .... "Ja: ' j
(Kant Oregontun Special)
WK.VTON Mt., March II. Weston
Mountain la having genuine March
Weather after several days of Kprlng
aunnlllne. Snowed about two Inches
and' piled all up in drifts from M nu
lla y wind then ralncJ steadily 14
At the telephone meeting Eph Tuck
er was re-elocted president, W. I..
Kayborn, vice president. J. W. How
i'f, secretary, Clifford Mela, treasur
er and Chas. Jta.v director, with the
other unpointed as directors.
The Weston Mountain Telephone
Company's 1S20 oTficers turned over
the line to the new with the line all
In first class condition and all dues
and assessments paid up but $12, the
best In several years.
MIm Welty, school teacher In
White Fir district was a week end vis
itor at the Mr. C. M. Ferguson home.
Will Hall has a crew of men work
ing on the road down the mountain
and doing much needed repairs on
whed out culverts and removing
rocks washed Into the roads.
A Tarewell party and , dance was
given at the John Wroe homa Satur
day night liy the neighbors, about
fifty being present. They took In
well rilled baskets of cake, coffee.
'sandwiches and Ice cream. A most
enjoyable and pleasant night was
spent in (rumen, dancing and visiting
until morning. After eating break
fast the merry party departed fo
Surveyors are surveying the nc
road up Weston Mountain and ar
working for a 6 per cent gvade com
mcr.cing at the Caplinger saddle.
Vemie Mars is moving into his nc
home recently purchased, the old
Tucker farm.
riusoxKns ajif iu:ij.
MAIXRID, March 21. (A. P.)
Ramon Subater and a young woman
known as "Carmen Masanell." arrest
ed In Barcelona, are being held here
pending their apeparance before a
magistrate in connection with the as
aassination of Premier Dato.
U.MAHA, March SI. A. P.l Lb
or leaders announced they.would op
pose any reduction In wages ot unskill-
ea workers on the fnlon Pacific Thev
will endeavor to adjust the matter In a
iair manner.
stsrTo0 R,GHT w H,s YAROl
Tlie skip and hop of the happy little girl, tlm sh"f
ling gait of tlie Cliiiianiaii, the straddling Valk oi
. tltc ha I lor, tlie measured Wcp or the trained soldier,
the dragging feet of tlie loafer, csuii shows different
rtmraitcrlsticM, different habits, lie, who walks with
that deliberate st'p has business in hand, lie Is
nuking straight for his object.
Saving with a determination ami with an object in
view. Is like trained, straight walking. Savings Ac
counts are opened In this strong bank every day;
come in and open yours.
Pendleton. Oregon. '
"Strongest Sank in Cast em Oregon"
ihU.' W , .... I fV A
M'.isbS'Ss Us- - tAL IT?VW
. We have a large assortment of many beauti
ful patterns in inlaid, print and felt base.
We also carry the 12 foot width linoleum. This '
enables you to lay your rooms without seams in
the center. ;
Also large assortment of Congoleum rugs in ,
all sizes.
Cruikshank & Hampton
124128 E. Webb ' f Pendleton, Ore.
out Old Furniture Taken in Exchange as Part Payment on New.
0PH0M0RE. ;
(East Oregnnlan Special.)
ATHEXA, March 21. The Bopho
tore class of Athena high school
Iramatiied and presented "Silas Mur
ler" under the direction of Miss Dioko
before a large and appreciative audi
ence, with the following cast of char
tctera; ,
sun Marner , Leon KreUer
tipple, his adopted daughter . . . .
Audra Winshlp
Dustan Cuss Dudley Rogers
nr. aiacey John Pinkerton
Ben W'lnthrop .rr Frank Williams
lem Rodney ..Tom Kirk
Mr. snell, the landlord .........
.Dudley,' Rogers,
airs, mmnrop ......Mildred Stanton
Aaron, as a boy Floyd Bowers
Aaron, as a young man .........
John Pinkerton
Oodfrey Cass Dudley Rogers
Mrs. Godfrey Cass . . . .Sadie Pambrun
Miss Prlcllla Cass . . . .Joyce Johnston
Port Jw.The Dog
Act I, Scene 1j Silas Warner'
house, about 8:00 p. m.
t-ceno 2. Rainboy Tavern a few
minutes later.
Act II Silas' house, six years later.
Act IU suas' house, eight years
Mrs. H. H. Hill and Mrs. B. B.
Rlckards were Pendleton visitors Fri
Mrs. Maurice Frazier of Milton has
been visiting at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Pinkerton.
Richard Thompson was a Pendleton
visitor Friday.
Mrs. Burchill of Pendleton is visit
ing at the home of her daughter Mrs.
C. M. Eager.
Oeorge IJeuallen was a Pendleton
visitor Saturday.
Miss Areta' Barrett is visiting friends
In Spokane.
Mr. and Mrs.' Virgil Zerba and son
taii were Pendleton visitors Wednes
H. I. Watts is spending a few days
in Portland on business. '
Will Ferguson made a business trip
to Pendleton Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bannister were
Athena visitors from Weston Wed
nesday. v
Mn Richard Thompson was a Pen
dleton visitor Tuesday.
Charles Downing of Freewatcr was
an Athena visitor Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Schrlmpf were
Pendleton visitors Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stone are the
parents of a son born March 17.
Dr. and Mrs, Horace Belknap of
-Nam pa, Idaho were in the city Thurs
day' evening visiting at the W. a Fer
guson home. -
Gerald Kilgore was ' a Pendleton
visitor Saturday. ' ,
George Winship who has been with
the -First National Bank has accepted
position as bookkeeper with the
Standard Oil company, and begnn
work Wednesday. Miss Belle Mc-
Intyre has resumed work at the bank.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Thony were in
the city from Weston Wednesday.
Mrs. Ora M. Allen of Seattle is visit
ing Mrs. D. Scott Fisher. -
George Bannister who has spent the
winter cruising with the reserve naval
forces returned from .Bremerton,
Washington Saturday evening.
Mrs. William Rice has returned" from'
Spokane where she visited her Bister
Mrs. York. '
j. rw. iiocKnm ano small aaugnteri Mr. .1 c Knhn. m..i.n.
of Two Rivers, Washington aave been land R, A. Bottcher,' deputy supervisor
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. were here looking over business affairs
at corporation ranger station Saturday.
Marlon Jack and M. U Ryckman of
the fish and game commission were
here Suturd.-iy looking for a location
for a fish hatchery. '
Air. and Mrs. Guy Hays and little
daughter Hiisiol were Pendleton visit
ors Saturday, they recently purchased
the Edd Stotve ranch one mile below
Gibbon station. ,Mr. Stowe and his
bother expect to jeavo about June 1 on
a trip through the Willamette valley;
Mr. S. F. Hyatt and Mr. F. P. Bruce
were Pendleton visitors Saturday.
Ano sr, "Feo, iMCiotsic to tctcv
KS AT5. MCT QOOH Vf (3- i
ing selected by Miss Drake who will
direct the production. The cast will
require five ladies and five men. The
play is a farce' comedy find will be
staged in April under the auspices ot
the Athena Civic. Club,
B. H. Jones, field secretary for the
Chinese and Near East relief was in
Ihe city Wednesday.
(East Oregoniun Special.)
' GIBBON, March 21. Mrs. Robt.
Gray is spending a couple of feeka in
La Grande visiting relatives.
.Mr. W. H. Sayer was a Pendleton
visitor Tuesday.
Mrs.. Dave" Bonlfer spent Tuesday
near Athena visiting her parents Mr.
and Mrs. A. Kirk.' -
Miss Belva Williams has returned
from a two weeks stay in La Grande,
and is now working as third trick ope
rator here during the absence of Roy
Swart who is confined to his home
with sickness.
Mr. James Adams has been confin
ed to his home on account of sickness
for the past week. ; ,
Lewis Bulen of Bingham Springs is
a Pendleton visitor for several days.
Mrs. Hugh Robie and two-children
Royal and Virginia! were Pendleton
visitors Thursday.
Mrs. Ross Jones went to Pendleton
Thursday for a few days visit. ;
Mr. and Mrs, George Capelll are in
La Grande on business for a few days.
Mrs. F. P. Bfcice and daughter
Thelma spent Friday In Pendleton re
turning Saturday morning.
J. E. Jones.
A. B. Steele was in the city Wednes
day. Mr. and Mrs. B. ' B. 'Richards re
turned Wednesday from Corvallis
where they were called by the illness
of Mr. Richards sister.
Claude Sanders has returned from
California where he spent the winter.
Mr. B. H. Jones of Portland spoke
to the high school students, stventn
and eighth grade pupils and teachers
in the assembly hall Wednesday en the
Chinese relief drive.
School will be dismissed next Thurs
day and Friday for Easter vacation.
The teachers will spent one day visit,
ing other BChools. .
Mr. Bennett will spend Easter vaca
tion at his home in Portland.
The cast of characters for the play,
"Whose Little Bride are You V is be-
LONDON, March 21. -(A. P.)
Oxford and Cambridge universities
broken even in the annual dual track
and field games today. Each team
won five first places in the ten event
program. '
(East Orcgonian Special.)
HERM1STON, ' March 21. This
evening theatrical goers will have
treat when Jack London's great nov
el, "The Sea Wolf," will be given in
the Playhouse under the auBpices ot
the library. Novel vaudeville stunts
will also be given which will make It
an entertainment worth seeing. There
will be only one show, commencing at
8 'o'clock. The money will go to the
library. ,
.There .will be a practice game" of
baseball next Sunday at 2:20 between
the rtgulur team and a picked team.
This Is to give the bus's a little prac
tice before the, season games start.
'f X The Parent-Teachers held their
regular meeting last Friday afternoon
in, the high school . assembly room.
The noom was filled with pupils and
patrons to hear the trouts for the
declamatory contest. Pauline Voelkcr
won first place in cluss "C," while
Ruth Bensel won first In the other
class: These girls will represent the
school in the district contest ' which
will be held In 'Echo April 15th.
Mr. and Mrs., J. C. MoNeilly of
Whitefisl, Montana, were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Athey Sunday
and Monday. Mrs. McNeilly is a sis
ter of Mrs. Athey. s
, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Waghorn drove
to Pendleton Monday, returning the
name day. "'...
The Baptist Ladies Aid Society met
at'the home of Mrs. Tim Caither Wed
nesday afternoon. The afternoon was
spent In sewing, after which dainty
refreshments were served by the hos
tess. ;.'.'.'' "J ,,
M. C. Athey, editor of the Hcrmis-
ton Herald, made a business trip to
Enterprise the first of the w.e;!t and
while there purchased a cylinder press
and foldej for the Herald. These will
oe insiiiiiou as soon as tncy arrive.
. Mrs. B. W. Mack returned tho bit
ten part it tho week from Tckoa,
where she has been visiting her son
and family for the past few weeks.
Miss Oolda Muma arrived here on
Thursday morning from Portland
called' by the serious illlncss of her
father. -
Mrs. Peer Bokish returned from
Pendleton Friday where she visited
her mother, Mrs; Mc.Fall. Mrs. Mc-
Fali recently underwent an operation
an at, Anthony's Hospital. ,.-..
air. and Mrs. Ell Wlnsett are the
proud parents of a baby , bov born
March 11th. He weighs 11 pounds.
Miand Mrs. R .B. Stevens of Rich-
A 'Few Cases Left
Of Robles Peaches, Pears anO Apricots,
While they last
2 CANS 45c - 6 CANS $1.30
Case of 24 cans $3.00
Better place your order now, as this will be the
last shipment of these fruits we wil have.
" The
Sanitary Grocery
The Best
in Quality
The Most
in Value
221 East Court St.
Phone 871 .
land, Wash., accompanied by. Mrs. A.
W, Bainbrldge of Boise; Idaho, drove
to llermiston Sunday in eompaity
with Mr. and Mrs. II.' M. ? Schilling
while here they were the guests ot Mr.
and Mrs. C, E. Schilling. ,
EUGENE, Ore., March 21. (A. P.)
University of Oregon's tentative 1921
spring athletic schedule, announced
here recently; includes track and base
ball contests against nil , the North
west Conference and Pacific Coast
Conference teams. ' . :
The schedule follows:""'' "
Ilaacbal! .'
April 16 Willamette University at
Eugene. " :'
April 25-2 S Washington Bute Col
lege at Pullman.
April 27 Whitman College it Walla
Walla. . . .: ; ... 1
April 29-30Universlty oV Wash
ington at Seattle .... ...... ... ...
' May 6-7 University of Washington
at Eugene. " , . r . :
May 11-12 Washington State Col
lege at Eugene. ......... , 4 . ,
May 20-21 Oregon Agricultural
Film Shows Experience is Best Teacher
NX , . ' f jf --
"" 1 ' 1,; "'-- '"
(Am A J mm, mv '
l ; i
; i J . J K k , )
- - ; -- - a J
f . , V
I accompany him. They pass a
i -f
: Mother Graf '
The Medicinal Tea, regulates the sys
tem and gives quick relict to Weak
ness and Lameness of the Back and
Kidneys, Nervousness, and the dull
pains ot the head AHOMATIC-I.KAK is
a simple, pleasant remedy for tht
tired, languid condition which so unfits
one for the dally tasks. Got a pack
age at your druggists or by mail, to
cents. Address, Mother Gray' Co.,, Le
noy. pt, i.
College at Eugene.
fay 27-28 Oregon
College at Corvallis.
, , 1 Track ' " ,
May 7 University of Washington at
Seattle. ;. ' ' . ,
May 12 Oregon Agricultural Col
lege at Eugene. , ,
May 21 'Pacific Coast Conference
meet at Eugene.
June 4 Northwest Conference meet
at Pullman.
liH EI) df
How can you expect io be 100?&
emcient dunnfi the day when
yon lie awake hall the nilht coughing?
You mutt here reliei and forhuutely ilia
available. .
Foley's Honey and Tar
u?plie It. The curative influence of
tna eaty-to-take sod abtoluiely pure
compound baa broughtrelid to thouj oada.
It will do toe same for you, ,
..:' ". Moldnta, W.lir.. wrIUt ttUt
M tw u tkr. aifku. flu .r. r.t imM&
?0"SJ,.f T" rllil a 1 did
at mitli all is.t nicht. la ivtam.. turn
Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee
Chronic and Nervous Diseases and
Diseases of Women. X-Kay Klectric
Therapeutics, ,' ;
femple Bldf, . . Room 11
Phone all
Phone 210-W P. O. Iknt S51
Umatilla Hydraulic Stone
General Contnufor. Building Blocks
IT. A. PRICK, Proprietor.
Physician and Surgeon
Room 21 and 15 Bmlth-Crawfor
Telephone 704 - , ' " Hea. 74(-T
Or any part of the eleetrlo
system on your car overhauled
and repaired. Satisfaction guar
anteed. .;' vi,
Witlap C.n.l.. antnM
Pendelton, Ore.
i uuim oat. ua g.wi A
. Phone 320
Res. Phone 378-R
M' J
In the hands of the skilled
Optometrist play a vital part in
a proper examination of your
eyes for glasses.
Here you will find the moat
Scientific Optical Instruments,
.and great care is exercised in
making the examinations so
that all who need to wear glass
es may have them accurate to
the last degree.
Thorough training and fif
teen years' experience at your
Charges reasonable as first
class work can be done for.,
Youth and hi mother live in a
quiet valley. Love and Hope are
neighbor!. Ambition calls. In
tha Big World Youth meett Ex
perience who Introduces him to
Pleasure and Excitement.
Youth's mother dlei Love,
ends a message, but Vies, hand
maiden of iPas2lon, does not give
It to Youth. He wears a rlnt
that Love has given him and he
escapes Passion
Youth hit hard luck and lonei .
hi roll. He get a job in a
sordid rathskeller Passion fol
lows him. She silo him tha
message about hi mother's
Youth, seeking forgetfulness, '
meets Crime, who induces him to
accompany him. They pass t
i church. ; Youth hears the eong '
his mother used to sins and turni
from Crime. 4$ 't f
Love meet Youth when he,
returns home. They start anew,
with Ambition sd Experience as
' e
This 1 the allegory "called
"Experience" which George Fiti
maurice is filming from the
stage play by Oeorge Hobart.
Marjorle Daw (left) plays
"Love." Nita Naldl (center) la
"Passion" and Betty Carpenter
"Hope." Richard Barthelraese
bas the leading role, Yotttfc."
True to the Buluk tradition of twenty years, the one feature
Bulck engineers have particularly sou k lit to develop In the new
Nineteen Twenty One lutok Series la high utility value.
You will find, 4n fact,,; when you tnveHtigate these new models,
that Bulck capacity for hard, fast, sure transportation is even
greater than ever before. The high-powered, sure-working
Bulck Valve-ln-Hcad Motor is a feature of each of the new mod
els. Added to their great service value are a beauty of contour
and appointment and comfort of movement and seating ar
rangement that appeal to the most particular.
Bulck primarily, however, is a far of action. Built for busi
ness built to stand up is a well known Buick feature. BubI
nenvmen will find, the. new five passenger touring car a happy
selection, .v , 1 ., ; -
Oregon Motor Garage
V DatrQratton
: Thome 468 '
- f